Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Rose in the Talon

As allies of the Primeval the Sith were entitled to often meet with members of their ranks, and vica-versa. They'd shared members within their ranks, especially those devoted to the means of strengthening the union between the two while also gaining what strengths and teachings they could from each other. Great or small both sides had something to offer to the other. And within each group were the small factions of clans that, while still devoted to their order, had their own style that stood out from the others. Such as the Sith Sisterhood of the Covenant of the Black Rose. a sect of Sith females who went about their own missions in an effort to strengthen the power of the One Sith Empire.
A message was sent to [member="Darth Venefica"], the leading member of the clan. A private shuttle of the Primeval was to meet with her at one of the Sisterhood's facilities. The message itself was vague but it mentioned a recently "discovered" member of the Primeval wishing to join the ranks as a means of "procuring the bonds"; as they so put it. Wherever and whenever she wished to meet suited the standards of this unknown guest, a message telling that they would arrive "with the haste of the goddess' wings".
A private shuttle had soon arrived at the coordinates. None of the servants of the Primeval had the nerve or courage to take the member with them on the flight; not alone at least. It didn't matter, the passenger in question allowed for the auto-pilot to bring her to the meeting place. And all the while she kept a content smile on her face as she approached, already feeling the dark powers that had dominion over this place. To her it felt like a home away from home.
She had to applaud this 'guest' from the Primeval for meeting her at a destination of her choosing. Many things could be bestowed upon the Sith Lady, Darth Venefica, but none more than the nature of her unpredictability. Where her Order called allies, she called another shadow waiting in the wings to strike a blow at her beloved Sith Order. Fools were never in short supply. However, after repeated lectures from the Dark Lord, she had been forced to play nice with their allies. In his words, "Killing them only shows our weakness to acknowledge their usefulness." So she would play nice for now.
When the shuttle landed safely on the platform of Typhon, the Sith Lady was unarmed, leaving her weapon back at her temporary quarters, with only the Force to call upon as her weapon. Which in foresight, she rarely needed her lightsaber. She had evolved to survive without it. If by chance she needed to call The Dagobah Curse to her hand, then killing was not a necessity but one of pleasure. Still, she had been personally asked to meet this 'guest' which raised a flag of curiosity in her mind. Nobody asked to be in her presence.
So like a well behaved Sith, behaved as much as she could be, she stood with her hands clasped behind her back as the shuttle touched down. Time to see who was foolish, or brave enough, to seek an audience with her.
The ship finally landed upon Tython, a planet familiar to the passenger. If [member="Darth Venefica"] and the Sith had managed to claim it then truly a lot had passed in her time. The landing dock slid open and a small mist left out. A dark presence lifted herself from her seat inside before walking out. Her steps were careful and evolved into something of a stride. The clicking of her heels against metal was the only thing to be heard. As she stepped out her appearance became all the more visible to the Sith Lady. A Miralkua female, as least indicated enough by her covered non-eyes, dressed in a garb of blue and grey. The gloves of this connecting outfit were sharp like claws, or more like talons of a bird. It fit with the uneasy image she carried as her cape was made from feathers of blue, all staying in place despite the breeze. The headdress that covered her eyes also covered her entire upper portion of her head, leaving only her lips and chin to be seen. Finally, after finally reaching Lady Venefica, the woman was silent, looking at her with unseen eyes that almost seemed to calculate without even looking at her. Finally the woman dropped to one knee and knelt before her in a graceful manner.
The woman before her was something she wasn't expecting. A Force user was one thing, but a Miraluka was something different. Most Force users feared or looked down upon this species because they could 'see' through the Force. Something most could not. Darth Venefica on the other hand had the gift of Force Sight, so whatever this girl could see in her; she could simultaneously peer into this girl's soul. However, first impressions was everything.
"Why do you insult me by dropping to a knee and bowing before me?" Her voice ringing with anger. To bow to another was a show of both weakness and the willingness to be subjugated by another. Darth Venefica never bowed to anyone, including the Dark Lord. Granted she had been punished by him for her insolence many times over but in her mind it was nothing more than a battle of wills. And when it came to will, very few, if any, stood in her circle.
"Stand up before you embarrass yourself. Now, what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? Surely it isn't how you can easily fall to a knee and offer up worship to me."
The Miraluka stood when told to by [member="Darth Venefica"] , staying silent as she heard her being called weak for doing so. When asked why she had come and seemed to give worship was when she finally spoke. And when she did her voice was like a loud whisper, breathless yet echoing enough to sound like the normal tone of speech for her.
"I do not give worship, but respect, Lady Venefica. I apologize if it seems low of me. I am, after all, not as familiar with....'today's customs'." After that she answered "But I have come at the beshest of both myself and the Host Lord of the Primeval. Another token of gratitude in the hopes of good faith between us. Including your covenant of powerful women. I have seen such forces at work, and am glad to see tie has not changed everything."
"No need to apologize....some Lords and Ladies demand the bending of the knee to feed their ego. Me....I need no feeding."
The Sith Lady began to walk, causally gesturing the girl to follow her. Old memories had begun to resurface at the mention of Primeval's Host Lord. It had been along time since they had spoken. They had fought together, both respected factions aiding the other, and Darth Venefica respected the woman. Very few could boast they had the respect of the Dagobah Sith. But she was eager to hear more about the Host Lord.
"How does the Host Lord fair these days? Last I heard...she was inflicted with the annoyance of dealing with those pesky Mandos. And what is it that I can do for you....personally?"
Once allowed Salaza began to follow close to [member="Darth Venefica"] , her vision only slighty towards her as they walked. The contious sounds of their clicking shoes against the floor almost echoed louder than when they spoke. When Salaza did, however, she made it all the more prominent to be heard.
"The situation with the Mandolorians has been...vexing. The Host Lord does her best though to maintain power while keeping the peace within the Primeval." As she spoke, her raspy voice still resounding, she gestured with her clawed hands. "As for my business here, I have become highly interested in your 'sisterhood' as it were. I used to be part of a group like this. We'd served the Sith in secret as a pact between the Emperor and the Nightsisters of Dathomir. I had hoped that becoming part of such a sect again would bring some....needed enlightment. To put it more simply, Lady Venefica, I wish to learn from your Sith Sisters."

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