As allies of the Primeval the Sith were entitled to often meet with members of their ranks, and vica-versa. They'd shared members within their ranks, especially those devoted to the means of strengthening the union between the two while also gaining what strengths and teachings they could from each other. Great or small both sides had something to offer to the other. And within each group were the small factions of clans that, while still devoted to their order, had their own style that stood out from the others. Such as the Sith Sisterhood of the Covenant of the Black Rose. a sect of Sith females who went about their own missions in an effort to strengthen the power of the One Sith Empire.
A message was sent to [member="Darth Venefica"], the leading member of the clan. A private shuttle of the Primeval was to meet with her at one of the Sisterhood's facilities. The message itself was vague but it mentioned a recently "discovered" member of the Primeval wishing to join the ranks as a means of "procuring the bonds"; as they so put it. Wherever and whenever she wished to meet suited the standards of this unknown guest, a message telling that they would arrive "with the haste of the goddess' wings".
A private shuttle had soon arrived at the coordinates. None of the servants of the Primeval had the nerve or courage to take the member with them on the flight; not alone at least. It didn't matter, the passenger in question allowed for the auto-pilot to bring her to the meeting place. And all the while she kept a content smile on her face as she approached, already feeling the dark powers that had dominion over this place. To her it felt like a home away from home.