Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Rough Time

Gillan's footsteps echoed through the vaulted hallways, unnaturally loud in the almost empty part of the Temple. His path took him along the tunnel that led through the aquatic levels of the Temple, where the Jedi and Padawans from waterworlds lived and trained. While he had arrived more than a week ago, there was still so much Gillan hadn't discovered about the Temple. He barely knew how to get to the Archives from his master's quarters, let alone the Padawans' dojo.

And the Padawans' dojo was exactly where he was supposed to be right now.​

Gillan was already running late, and he knew it. Even the blue ripples that illuminated the arched, translucent ceiling of the tunnel couldn't instil him with a sense of calm. Was this even the right level? Should he ask someone? For a minute he considered consulting the Force for directions. Not that it would guide him of course, but desperate situations often called for mediocre solutions - which happened to be his talent.

The Padawan turned right at the end of the tunnel, and found himself in a much more familiar hallway. "Well look at that." He said to himself. "Maybe you do know where you're going." He wondered if Lyra would be mad if he told her he had been late to his first assignment. It didn't seem too complicated. Pair up with an initiate, and run through some tasks to demonstrate the responsibility and maturity of a Jedi. That wouldn't have been an issue, had their gathering place not been the Padawans' dojo.

He finally reached the ornate door of the dojo, which slid open as he approached. A quick glance wasn't enough to determine if he was the last arrival. Although the sizeable group of teenagers and young adults made it reasonable to assume he was.

"I'm sorry..." He muttered. "I uhhh got lost."

Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Jem frowned, her eye brows arching excessively as she looked her 'tutor' over. A hiss twirled through the air as she rolled her training saber around her palm and snapped it off.

The room was full of partnered off sparing squads, the padawans taking the initiative to help the initiates through drills. Jem was only one to stand off to the side, not participating in the self directed session.

She stepped forward, emerging from the chaos of slashing weapons and cleared her throat, loud and with intention.

"You're late." The apology clearly hadn't cut it. She had grown up in these halls. She couldn't recall a time when they had appeared disorienting or looming. She couldn't relate.

She sighed, then gave him a polite bow befitting his position. Would she have to start doing that with her brother now? "Padawan Eru. ... Did you at least bring a training saber?"

Gillan Eru Gillan Eru
His apology fell on deaf ears. It almost made him want to apologize again. "Yeah. I thought the aquatic levels were less of a maze." It probably wasn't the fastest route he could've taken. But how could he have known?

Although it wasn't necessary, Gillan bowed in return. It felt almost awkward not too - while he couldn't accurately guess her age, he was certain she was older. "Yeah, I brought one." Lyra had lend him hers, a simple weapon that mimicked her own hilt's design. He had yet to find a training saber with a weight and shape similar to his own hilt. When he powered the borrowed training saber up, it glowed a sedated blue. "Are there any particular Forms or sequences you wish to study?" He asked as he adjusted his training tunic. It was made of a material sensitive to heat, and a direct his would show on the snowy material like an angry scorch. "If not, we could go over the basic cadences." He offered, intending to move the conversation away from his own shortcomings and equipment.

Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Jem let out another lackluster sigh, appeased by the presence of his training saber if nothing else. She had not yet been brought out to build her own. That was something you did with your Master.

She frowned.

basic cadences?

She made a face.

"Can't we just... Spar?" That lack of energy carried through her words, making it clear that it wasn't his lateness that was bothering her. Here she was stuck in this room full of kids she was sure she could one up any day. Possibly with her hands even tied.

It wasn't a challenge. She didn't expect much out of this one either. She gestured for him to follow her, her head nudging lazily as her feet scuffed at the ground. Her saber flashed on as they entered the practice ring. She turned on him, imploring pointlessly. "Treat me like your master would."

She bowed, then raised her saber between them in a basic an Ataru opening.
He almost winced when she made a face. First he came too late. Now he asked the wrong questions. How else could he embarrass himself?

And was it just him, or was she intimidating?

"Oh, okay. Yeah we can do that too." She knew her way around the dojo better than he did. So he just silently followed her to one of the hexagonal sparring grounds. Dueling wasn't his favorite pastime, but he was no pushover either. After all, he had received private instructions from some of Silver Rest's battlemasters, like Master Vanagor.

He entered the ring right after her, and took a standard three meters distance.

"Treat me like your master would."

Gillan grinned. "Really? So do you want to go buy new clothes?" Lyra had commented on his clothes, and kept bringing it up on occasion. True, with his preference for the traditional robes he stood out among the New Jedi Order, but it was one of the few things that actually still reminded him of the Silver Jedi Order. The place he considered home.

He took a deep breath, recognising the Ataru-stance and responding with the similar but simplified Jedi Ready stance. He half-expected her to attack first, defensive manoeuvres and techniques already flashing through his mind.



Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
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"Clothes?" She echoed, her brow raising.

Despite the aggressive form she had chosen, she did not lunge forward. At his mark she side stepped, shifting lazily in a circle that he would have to mirror to keep his side protected.

"You don't look like you shop." Not that she judged. Being temple raised and masterless, she never had cause to leave. She wore what was provided, nothing more and nothing less. In truth, she didn't look so different from him. Maybe a little less billowy...

She took a quick half step forward, testing his reflexes, all the while she continued to walk around the hexagon. Cool as a cucumber. She flicked her saber his way as she questioned, "Who is your Master?"

Her leg shoot out in a sudden lunge, three rapid hits trying to bap across his body from his torso, to thigh, and ending at his head. Like a viper.

Gillan Eru Gillan Eru
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His first comment just slipped out. But the response he received, the raised brow in particular, gave him a boost in confidence. His grind broadened as he began to mirror her movement.

"Well that's not nice." He considered switching up his stance for a moment, but decided against it. It was best to keep one or two tricks up his sleeve for now. "And no offense, but so do you."

She shifted forward, his attention immediately drawn to the foundation of his stance. He reacted, his dominant foot sliding back to maintain the distance between them. He instantly shifted his stance to a Shii-Cho low guard, tip of his saber facing down in front of him. "Lyra. Lyra Ozu." Although he had yet to figure out who was the master in their relationship. She was smart, sure. And capable too, but she lacked a certain maturity that he had expected from a Jedi Knight.

"Do you know h-"

His eyes widened as she struck. Adrenaline welled up in his stomach as he shifted his weight to his back foot, bringing his saber up with a flick of his wrist. With it, he parried the first of her rapid strikes. The second became a glancing blow - appearing as a red mark on his hip. And largely in a stroke of luck, he managed to bat her blade aside before it struck his head.

The confident grin transformed into a painful smile. "Great. She's faster than you. He couldn't allow her to recover. He pressed forward on his good leg and swiftly brought his own blade down in a diagonal arc, intending to cut her open from shoulder to hip.

Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Jem was ready for him. The moment her final blow reverberated across his block, she shifted her weight onto her back heel and pulled back out of her lunge. The distance she had crested with her lunge reappeared between them, leaving him to slash at open air.

She grinned.

"Initiates do not get allowances," she reminded. Though if she did it certainly wouldn't be spent on something as frivolous as clothes. Saber parts were where her interests laid. She twirled her saber in a showy flourish and resumed walking easily around the hexagon. The grin only grew as she watched him realize she was beyond simple cadences.

Well beyond.

"Haven't heard of her" And Coruscant was a hub for travel. She siked another step forward, her eyes on his muscles as they responded. She did not care about the location of his weapon.

HIs body told a more compelling story.

"Out of towners?"

She siked another lunge, her heel stomping down before she straightened. Ok maybe she was playing with him.

Just a little.
Jem was ready for him. The moment her final blow reverberated across his block, she shifted her weight onto her back heel and pulled back out of her lunge. The distance she had crested with her lunge reappeared between them, leaving him to slash at open air.

She grinned.

"Initiates do not get allowances," she reminded. Though if she did it certainly wouldn't be spent on something as frivolous as clothes. Saber parts were where her interests laid. She twirled her saber in a showy flourish and resumed walking easily around the hexagon. The grin only grew as she watched him realize she was beyond simple cadences.

Well beyond.

"Haven't heard of her" And Coruscant was a hub for travel. She siked another step forward, her eyes on his muscles as they responded. She did not care about the location of his weapon.

HIs body told a more compelling story.

"Out of towners?"

She siked another lunge, her heel stomping down before she straightened. Ok maybe she was playing with him.

Just a little.

Gillan Eru Gillan Eru
His blade caught nothing but air, and he cursed under his breath. This wasn't going to cut it. Literally. Gillan raised his blade again, adopting a high-guard position, blade angled upward behind him in typical Shien fashion. Perhaps he had a better shot at stalemating her - Gillan already gave up winning - by contesting her bladework with kinetic blows instead. "Yeah well, you probably wouldn't use it to buy clothing anyway." He knew the type, or so he thought. There was probably more to her than he could discern at first glance, but for now he was content with just thinking of her as "the mean initiate".

His shoulders were relaxed, and his breath steady. He was focused now. Determined to not completely lose face here. "I am. She's not" He kept his answer curt this time around. "It's the first time I left the Concord." She lunged. He froze immediately, barely catching on to her feint, a heartbeat away from bringing down his blade and opening his position again.

His eyes met hers, blue against green. "Not funny." He muttered, his brow furrowed in annoyance.

Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
It was totally funny. Her eyes practically gleamed with this knowledge.

"If you focused a less on me and more on your senses, it wouldn't happen." She didn't mean to be cruel, she just didn't have much else going for her. Her once dour expression had come to life, her gold skin gaining a luster.

She changed direction, content to let him stall as she distracted him with more words.

"Concord?" She pulled another face. "Why would they station you there?" The dots hadn't been connected, but the billowing quality of him now made a little more sense. Wasn't it cold there? Or dirty. Didn't want the outer rim grime to reach your skin. Not that she'd know, she's never been. Anything that wasn't core was outer rim to her. No wonder he was so slow.

She lunged, feigning a hit towards his shins.

It was followed immediately up by a very real slash towards his wrist. Can't fight if you don't have a hand.
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"Or you could just stop being so distracting" He fired back. It was difficult to focus with her as his opponent. First and foremost because she kept asking questions that made him divide his focus. Secondly, he still hadn't really slept well since his arrival. And finally, well, she was a girl. They always made him either nervous or uncomfortable.

She changed direction. This time, he stood his ground. "Why wouldn't they?" He replied, equally as confused. "After all, it's the duty of the Silver Jedi Order to protect Concord space." He had somewhat begrudgingly taken her advice, prioritising his senses over his opponent.

He felt embarrassed to admit that she was right. Patience and focus helped connect to the Force. And the ever-present Force nudged him in the right direction.

Gillan brought his blade down in an overhead falling-avalanche slash as she performed yet another feint. Although it felt more like a lucky prediction than his own actual skill, he retracted his blade ever so slightly to catch hers near his emitter. They locked with a sizzle, but this time he wouldn't let her break away.

He advanced, pressing his blade down against hers to keep it in place. "So, how come you're still an initiate?" He didn't like getting schooled by her. But her tactics worked. So maybe it was time to throw them back at her.

Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
She yanked at her hilt, trying to disengaging even as he advanced. She never really liked being caught in place. Up close, far away, she could fight it all as long as she kept moving. He pinned her hilt down.

Her nostrils flared as she looked up. He would get the satisfaction of seeing his question hit home, the playful gleam dying as her lip pulled back. One might think they almost heard a growl.

She shoved off him, her foot embedding into the soft spot of his stomach as she kicked him back. The reprieve barely lasted a breath. Her body seized with energy as she charged at him. She swung for an opening, her movements no longer measured as she moved like water threw a sudden flurry of forms. Every one contained brute force, meticulously seeking to keep him on his back foot and shove past his defenses.

Each tap of the saber would sting, then stun.

Screw formalities, he could count her to not stop at the first.

Or the second.

Or at all.
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Gillan had instant regrets. The plan was to distract her. Not enrage her. Was what he had said really that offensive? Or was she deep, deep down actually a sensitive person? He couldn't imagine it. But then again, he had been wrong many times before.

He let out a loud "Oomph" as her unfriendly foot met his stomach. Kicking? Really? That was low.

Gillan's eyes narrowed, brow furrowing again. It was clear to him that this wasn't a friendly sparring match anymore. Well, if that were the case, he had no qualms about ending it early. He reached into the Force as deep as he could. He freed one hand from his lightsaber as he shaped the energy in a devastating kinetic blow. His aim was to push her out of the ring, but he wasn't going to hold back and test her resilience.

He made the classic 'pushing' gesture, and the Force followed. If she caught on too late or wouldn't attempt to evade it, she would certainly be blown off her feet.

"I'm sorry, I should not have said that." He said immediately after, waiting for the dust to settle.

Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
There was no resistance. Jem flew off him like a an umbrella caught by the wind. She hit the ground hard, sliding to a stop in a pile of bumped limbs and bruised pride. Several stacked mats wobbled, then fell on top of her. It might almost be comical, if not for the sudden hostility that had caused it.

It did however buy him enough time for her cool off.

Mats fell to the side, a disheveled Jem climbing her way out of the cushions. "That's cheating, it doesn't count." She shoved her hair out of her face and tried to rise.

She ignored his apology and called her saber to her. "Again," she demanded, with force of someone with something to prove.
Okay, maybe he should've held back.

Gillan winced when his opponent hit the ground. He had wanted to fling her out of the ring. But he had had no intention of humiliating her. A swift glance through the large dojo told him he might've done just that. In truth, he couldn't tell if they were looking down on him for using the Force...

Or astounded that he had managed to 'beat' Jem Gaelor, the resident playground bully.​

He smiled sheepishly. If he still had his cloak, he would've pulled his hood up. Gillan wasn't one to enjoy being the center of attention. "What do you mean that doesn't count?" He retorted, slightly offended. "You parked your foot in my stomach! That doesn't count either!" He threw back at her, glare fixed on her freckled face.

Then he stopped.

Was he really going to get riled up over something like this? Gillan closed his eyes, and let out a sigh. He had read The 27 Meditations at least ten times over. Surely he could recall some methods that would make him calm down.

"No, let's not." Gillan opened his eyes again. Her tone was demanding. Everything about this girl was demanding. But even as an outsider, he couldn't really let her entirely walk over him. "You're taking this way too serious. Please, let's take a break first." Maybe they could grab something quick to eat too. People were not themselves when they were hungry. Perhaps that was the case for the initiate too.

Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Her nostrils flared, her shoulders rising and falling with a breath of indignation that seized her body. "I am not! Do you think sith don't use their feet? Have you even met a sith?" She hadn't, but that wasn't the point.

Her elbow ached with her humiliation, the girl painfully aware of the eyes that lingered their way. A padawan driven lesson was exactly that, and there were no adults nearby to break up any uncouth behavior if it occurred.

Gillan was entirely her senior. A life time of formalities did not get covered by a moment of heated emotions. When he took control of the moment, she took a visible step back.

Her chest rose and fell as she forced out some breathes. Saan'an Gaelor Saan'an Gaelor would already be chastising her about her temper. Or rather, coaxing her down, which felt a bit the same if you asked her.

All she wanted was to get back on that training mat. She forced out a few more breathes, then grumbled, "Ok I'm calm. Again."
Gillan had to bite his lip when she mentioned Sith. They were just as likely to utilize the Force as he was. And yet, she considered that cheating. He really considered several provocations and a couple of other not-so-nice comments, but with the attention they were already receiving, that seemed like a rather poor approach.

So Gillan Eru just stared her down, hoping that his words would be enough to defuse the situation. It made him realise once again how much he missed his friends. He didn't know Jem's relation to the other initiates and padawans. But at least she knew them. If she were to tear up, surely there would be some who would take her side. Some who would condemn him, the lone padawan from the foreign Order.

That would make his time here nothing short of hellish.​

Perhaps that was why he considered her intimidating. Because he wanted her to like him. Needed validation, acquaintances, and people who would take his side when things took a turn for the worst. Sadly, as was his luck, getting on the freckled initiate's good side seemed difficult.

Gillan sighed. "Alright, fine. If you really want to..." She liked toying with him, and apparently didn't feel like holding back either. Against her, he was bound to get hurt. And he was not looking forward to it. "Would you like to establish some ground rules first?" He asked, as he sauntered back to his side of the ring. "I'd prefer no kicking, but that's entirely up to you."

Jem Fossk Jem Fossk

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