The OOC One
853 ABY
Kei hadn't been home in a long time.He missed his home, all of them from Commenor to Corellia and then Keth and Vjun. He missed his actual bed, one of his many beds. The one on The Flying Dutchman was good but it wasn't as good as a bed that was in one of homes, comfortable and warm. His bed on The Dutchman was designed to purely provide him six hours of sleep, it didn't need to be comfortable. It just needed holes cut out to provide the suit spikes to poke through, otherwise it was the cheapest matress possible. Kei didn't need luxury on his ship.
Kei twisted a dial on his holoprojector belt, his armour appearing to be replaced by a regular business suit. Today he wasn't a Sith in the employ of Ra'a'mah, today he was a businessman looking to invest in the war torn planet of Balmorra. The Sith Empire had torn through the planet while Kei was defending Alderaan from the onslaught that they threw towards the city of New Alderaa.
Balmorra was once a large factory planet, sometimes referred too as one big factory. Many companies had died out, others were on the brink of death. A large number of factories lay broken, the income of the companies who owned them was gone. The factory planet was on the brink of death, the war raged by The Sith Empire had ensured the death of the factory planet.
Some of the dying companies could prove useful.
There was a small company crying out for help, a technological company simply known as "Industrial Weapons". Kei had chosen to investigate the company, a company without any marketed product. However, they had the ability to produce some amazing technology should they have the funds to rebuild and fix their machines. They needed to fix their management and then they'd be fine.
Kei could easily fix them. He had the funds for it and he could reap the rewards from it. He had plans to seat himself at the head of the company, to reap the rewards in monetary funds as well as fancy technology. He could grow the company, expand it beyond just Balmorra. They could produce useful technology that would be brought up by those fighting in the galaxy, who need them to fight their wars.
Kei had plans. He just needed a signature.