Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A small favor

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The crystal mountains of Nam Chorios were beautiful to say least, the crystalline images reflected an image of a small figure wearing a hazmat suit. Ahead of the little suited figure were miles upon miles of crystal mountains that reached forward into the sky, they radiated and ejected millions of prisms into the air coating it like a laser light show at a rave. If you were to die this was what heaven would look like, the sheer colors the little suit was watching was indescribable.

Behind the hazmat suit two humanoid shaped droids stood carrying various gear on their back and large nets and bags to collect things in. They were prepared to get a job done and they came dressed to play.

"Let's get this done." The hazmat suit said in a soft famine voice.

The suit stepped forward and moved through the prisms of light like an angel parting the seas of light and color. Ahead of her was a small crystal path that would lead her to the destination she needed to be.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The hazmat suit took her first steps down the crystal path body guards slash collectors still staying by her side, one flanked on each side. On her back she had a small pack and in her hand was a small device that would come into play soon. Above head the sun beaded down and the ocean of light and color swayed through the air with the little hazmat suit moving through it down the path.

"I want you two to move fast, make sure you keep me safe but capture your targets at the same time. We need enough for him." The little hazmat said again in that small soft female voice that sounded distant and cold.

The suit kept moving through the light and down the path. They were getting closer and closer with each step, it was important that the little suit got the job done. She needed what was ahead of her, they would kill a lot of people in the hands of who she gave them too. But they would make billions of others live, and that was good right? She was doing the right thing right? The hazmat shook it's head and got back on track. Moving down the path they saw something ahead of them. The cave

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The suit looked forward a good hundred yards away, what she gazed past the angelic light sent a shiver down her spine. Through all gnat beautiful light was a cold dark presence, a black hole in the earth that seemed to swallow the light around it. It was hideous to say the least, among all that beauty there was that festering darkness that took in that beauty and twisted it Into darkness. This was the place, what the little hazmat suit wanted was inside that cave.

"Stay frosty boys, and I will get you both an oil bath when this is over." The little voice said to the droids then took it's first step forward.

Walking towards the cave a shiver crawled down have hazmats spine and she looked towards the droids she kept in her company. They began to unload their nets and bags and prepared themselves, their durasteel bodies didn't show any fear or emotion. They were just droids that obeyed their masters wishes and wanted nothing more than to please her. The droids pushed up next to the hazmat suit and the three of them walked side by side until they stood at the mouth of the cave looking into all that blackness inside. It was dark and unholy compared to the beauty radiated outside.

"Here goes nothing" the hazmat said

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Looking down the hazmat looked at her device and sighed, she really didn't want to go into the dark spooky cave that had a sickening feeling to it. Just standing next to it made her gut twist and wrench, it felt unholy and dark, it felt purely evil. And what was worse was it felt like something was moving in there. She was there for whatever was living, to collect and extract. It was a simple job but these creatures were known to kill people.

"I hate Mondays." The little hazmat said and stepped into the darkness with her droids.

"Turn on your headlights kids." She said and the droids complied. Turning on the high beam lights on the droids heads they scanned the dark area to see nothing. The hazmat suit did the same thing and turned her light on to see what was going on. All she saw was dark damp and drippy cave.

"Really?" She sighed again and knew she was going to have to push deeper into the cave. It wasn't going to be difficult she just didn't like getting all too dirty

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The little hazmat suit stepped forward and the wet smush of a rubber boot hit something slimy and covered in ichor, the suit froze as the sound traveled through the cave and she wanted to scream at what was bellow her. It was the reason why she was here, it was the large dead sticky body of a Dorch. A beetle type creature native to these caves, they liked dark damp places and they bred like rats. And by the looks of things this one was fresh.

"So freaking gross." The woman said in the hazmat suit and wiped the disgusting slimy ichor off her boot on the rough plot of crystal earth bellow her.

Walking forward a few random beetles skittered past her and further in the cave. The droids made a move to catch one but she quickly held up
A hand to stop them. They were small fish, they wanted the whole school. They needed a bunch of these creatures to make him happy.

"No. We keep pushing until we find the main nesting ground."

The woman kept the droids by her side with their combined light illuminating the crystal caves somewhat. There was still a heavy moss covered mirk around them but they were getting through.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Post 5

The sounds of ichor squishing bellow the rubber boots grew more and more as the small suit walked deeper into the cave, it was gross and it made the woman in the suit want to puke. If there was anything she hated it was insects, they were creepy and disguising. Taking a look on her right the lights on her head illuminated the dead body of a human and she shuttered looking at the ravaged bare skeleton. They had eaten everything and left nothing behind, the Dorch were hungry little critters apparently and that only made the hazmat hate them more.

"Almost there. Just a bit further." She said and turned a nob on her headlights to brighten their path through the mirk.

The hazmat suit couldn't go a single step without hearing a sick wet crunch. It seemed all these creatures did was eat, sleep, breed repeat. And by the looks of the bodies they didn't like to leave a lot behind. They consumed their victims. The three of them pushed forward into the further and soon rounded a corner that would take them into where they needed to be. This was it do or die, billions of lives depended on her and she needed to do this.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The little hazmat suited figure turned the corner to see something that made her want to lose control of her gut right then and there and puke into the suit. In front of her for as far as she could see, which wasn't very far due to the thick mirk that was the air. Were millions of the little and large Dorchs, all of them breeding, eating, and laying their eggs. A few corpses spattered the ground, they looked mummified like they had had the life force sucked out of them.

"Oh good gods!" She yelled and dry heaved then everything went silent.

The bugs stopped what they were doing and focused their eyes on the hazmat suit flanked by the two droid guards she kept on hand. It was quiet for a good five seconds then a chorus of hisses began to radiate at once from thousands of hungry little mouths. They looked at the rubber hazmat suit and decided a snack was in order. The woman audibly gulped and it was time to see if this thing worked

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The Dorch hissed at her and came up at the little hazmat suit in a swarm that rivaled a tsunami about to crash into a beach. The woman beneath the suit gave an audible scream then pulled the droids close to her. In her hand she held a sonic field emitter that was made for this situation. To keep flesh eating bugs from killing you and making you their next meal, she desperately did not want to end up like the corpses on the floor.

"Now!!" She yelled out to her droids

The droids dipped down and using her yellow gloved hands she activated the field emitter and the Dorch simply parted like the Red Sea. They ran over her in a dome and all around her sides creating a six meter bubble that the Dorch dare not cross. The woman took a sigh of relief. It was time to get to work on gathering what they came here for. Some Dorch and their eggs.

"Alright let's get started"

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The bubble held up and the woman in the yellow hazmat suit began to instruct her droids what to do, they had to move fast and quick. She needed to get out of here, the Dorch could evolve into sentient beings with the more life they stole from their victims. It was possible one such was among them and could find a way to get around her field emitter. So time was very much of the essence. She was in no mood to become a late night munchy meal for a group of creepy insects. It was not on her list of top priorities at all even.

"You get to work on gathering the Dorch in the sacks." She pointed a finger to the swarms of Dorch around her and the droid made it so.

"And you, get the eggs and place them in the jar, hurry we need to keep them alive and in stasis." The woman turned and began to activate a computer around her wrist. A Browncoat data logger.

She eyed it and began to type up a report of current actions while the robots went to work. To her right the first guard was quickly rounding up the beetles into a secure rip proof sack that they could get some air flow through, but for the most part it was just to get large quantities of the ugly beasts into the bag. They were still insects but they had to be careful with them.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The droid on the left began the delicate process of slowly scrapping the eggs off the rocks of the cave, the slimy plasmids dripping off the tool he used, the razor sharp programming of the droids caused them to move with skill that organics could not. They kept filling the jar until it was full, that bounded from rock to rock making sure they could gather what they could. They did not want to step out of the bubble or their goose would be cooked.

"Hurry up, we have to go." the woman was growing impatient, she hated it here. She wanted to go home and stay the hell away from these gross creatures.

The droid on the right finished filling the two large sacks with hundreds of the bugs, he would have to stay back barely within the bubble to keep from hurting the specimens. That and the woman didn't want them anywhere near her.

"Alright we got what we came for let's get out of here." She said in a commanding tone to her droids. It really was time to get to stepping, they had a lot of stuff to give to him.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
That was it! They were done and they had everything they needed. The three of them began to power walk out of the cave the bubble still holding up. The hisses and screams of the beetles behind them were horrifying, she silently hoped that these beetles were worth the effort. They were the key to helping billions of lives, but at what cost? It was too late now, they had them and it was time to leave. The three of them kept moving through the mirk just wanting to get out of there. The little hazmat kept walking over squished entrails until they made it back to the light.

"Finally!" She deactivated the bubble and let out a long sigh. She had to get out of there.

She looked to her droids and sighed again. She could only hope this was going to work, looking down at her data logger she pressed a few buttons and soon a ship was flying over head in a few minutes. Reaching back to get hood she peaked it back to slow blonde hair, after that she removed the gas mask to show her slender and cute face. It was Patricia Susan Garter, what was she doing here collecting Dorch? The women sighed again and soon her and her comrades found their way back on the ship.

"Let's get him his demands." Walking over to the consul she punched in a few coordinates where the merchandise would be hand delivered to [member="Darth Metus"] himself, ending their journey and starting the next phase in the plan

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