The ship had been landed, the hangar number had been sent to the client, and Sylvia waited next to the boarding ramp for the droid and its owner to arrive. Another job had been forwarded to her through the Spacer's Guild and she had gladly accepted it. The woman wished she got more jobs like this; tinkering with tech was a way for her to relax and getting paid for it was icing on the cake. It was a nice change of pace from the much more common courier and smuggling work that ended up coming her way. The work was much safer, too. No pirates, border security, or really any hostile parties.
All Sylvia had gotten from her client was a first name, Aradia. According to the details she had recently gotten her hands on a used astromech, and it needed a fresh wipe and some tuning to its personality. Nothing the spacer couldn't handle. She decided to not pick up any other work today, meaning she'd have more than enough free time to work on her end of the project Leliana and herself had picked up again. They were in the planning stage, still, but things were coming along quite well. Speaking of which...
"Hey, Spark!"
A small droid came hovering out of the ship, beeping curiously at her creator.
"Please remind me to hit Lel up after work is done. I've got a few ideas to discuss with her." The droid beeped again, at which Sylvia nodded.
"And no getting hostile with the astromech, okay? Seriously. I don't want a repeat of last time. It was embarrassing." One weird quirk of Spark's programming was that it didn't play nice with other droids for some reason. It was Sylvia's first self-built droid, meaning it had a few oddities here and there. Sylvia more than likely was able to work the kinks out with the experience she'd gained, but it just felt wrong to do so. Spark was Spark. She loved the little rascal.