”Revel in the mistakes of your shepherd, poor flock. His brandish staff won’t save you from my fangs…”
That was what surrounded him now, in all it’s base clarity and all of the words of ‘revolution’ and ‘revolt' spewed from their mouths like blood from a weeping gash. Hungry eyes, fueled by ambition and the belief that there is something better for them if they reduce themselves to that base instinct of dissatisfaction with violent reprisal. Here, in the shade of the dying woodlands, a relic of a dream of paradise that once might’ve been Dromund Kaas, a flock gathered and desanctified the ground they stepped upon with their sacrilegious intent. At their head was a shepherd who lacked the sight to truly revel in the ideas of ambition and evolution, and lacked the mind to choose a place with more… discretion. Dromund Kaas was not a place where little went beneath Telis’s gaze, and when the word came to him that there existed a congregation within the old temples he used to visit with his master, Darth Abaddon, he simply couldn’t resist.
Amidst them, wolven-garbed and masked with a shroud of gray-black fur, a bearded, yellow-eyed man found his presence amidst the revolutionary voices, nothing but a small smile upon his face at the thought of such hot blood. In the face of passion they had made a mistake to step upon his bastion of Dromund Kaas, and rather than fretting the threat as others would be want to do, Telis, garbed in the cold mindset of Aagenti, let this not be a threat but a hunting ground. Beneath his brother’s name, he joined them, and so for the first time since his death Perin’s name was brandished again, subtle intent with the unceremonious ‘resurrection.’ Now Aagenti walked among the flock of the Gold Aegis, listening to the twisted speech of evolution rail upon his mind like a mockery of his own ideas.
They believed themselves to be evolution? A pity for them to be so mistaken. There is only one font for evolution.
Aagenti assured that with his ambition.
Beneath the verdant canopy, Aagenti kept his head low, bowed within the hood of the fur cloak, each step of his feet upon the old stone a small click, echoing through the corridors. Lurking, waiting, abiding, the wolf kept his voice silent amidst the calamity, and walking bestride knights who thought him some capable warrior to join him. They saw in him perhaps a glimmer for a new change, not seeing through the mask, that Perin was dead and a specter controlled his skin and his name. Under the verdant canopy above, Aagenti moved, shifting with the flow of the crowd, the wolf ever unseen amidst the tide.
He stayed his hand and stayed his tongue, restraint still holding but wearing thin against the promise of the hunt and the feast. All around him the sheep felt comfortable and safe with their treachery and their secrecy, but Aagenti’s will would be done, even if he should let an entire temple of Sith to do so, it was his job to keep the Sith complacent and under the control of the Empire. Change was on the air, as it was with each passing day, but one revolution had passed him by and he would not let another fall through his clutches and bloom into another problem. By his fangs and claws he would once again drive order and stake a memory for all to witness. Evolution does not come through sheer emotion. It’s something that’s weeded and wrought.
To this end, he considered himself the hand at which he would try and test this flock of supporters. He would be the first to let Uriel see the destruction his forced ambition caused, and he would remind those that name themselves Sith that only one bears the title of Lord of Ambition. Complacency, after all, isn’t so much a permanence but a temporal thought. Whispering at a level only the ground could ever know, he made his intent all the more clear for the sake of driving home the point of his haunt:
”By this hand I will make martyrs… prattle all you like, but know there is a wolf that walks among you.”
Uriel Khan
Ellie Mors