[member="Willow Ike"]
Thomas Garon had grown accustomed to sleeping with his girlfriend willow. He enjoyed keeping her warm, and considered it his job to. While he did not outright say it, he loved her with all his heart. The Shorak was dreaming of what training would be like, and had distant thought about having his own set of beskaram. He so desperately wanted to be a full member of his people, he wanted to learn more about the tenants a mandalorian followed. As an outlaw currently , the two had to be very careful until then, how far they traveled,and where they stopped. His dreams floated throughout time, this luxury he had experienced was new. In his younger days when Thomas was orphaned without a father, he had no ship, no food, nothing.
The Shorak was forced to steal ship after ship, in order to get closer to home, but as a ship thief this only made things worse. The young outlaw was constantly running into problems that forced him off course.
Many times Thomas had wondered how in the seven hells he got in this situation. Not ll was lost however, Thomas had his girlfriend who would help him get home.The two had only met two days ago, and they had fallen in love, and would be together for a long time. Commitment, and loyalty was everything to the mandalorian. Because thats all one had is this galaxy, the importance of loyalty to ones loved ones was the most important thing to a mandalorian. Because without it, there was no love, and his people fought together to face their enemies. As constant aggressors and defenders of war, it was a religion, in war there was ether defeat , or victory. With family on the line, the mandalorian knew that his loved ones would have to protect him as much as he fought for them.
After a short time, the sleeping being woke up for his slumber. Peering to his right his blue eyes saw his prized ginger was gone, the being wore nothing but white sweatpants. The lean, mean, athletic machine , walked out of the bedroom moving towards the navigation charts. The two of them had been dodging bounty hunters who had been pursuing them all day.
After finally losing them , due to the combat pilot's training, and his women's intellect . The couple was in the clear for the night, both of them needed to rest. The ship thief would still be asleep on the AT series ship if she had stayed with him. Did he do something wrong? After reading where they were, which was in the middle of fething nowhere.
The sneaky rogue , tip toed his way silently to the cockpit, where he saw his love was located. She was in a warm sweatshirt , shivering, wearing nothing else but panties. Her amber eyes looking at the great vacuum of space, her back turned toward him. It was time to be playful, the sneaky Shorak, would attempt to poke her ticklish spot when he finally got close enough bear hugging the tiny babe. "I got you !" , the mandalorian if successful would continue tickling her, in an attempt to get her to smile .