Prefsbelt Commander
Carlyle Rausgeber, or more accurately the droid which now acted upon his posthumous behalf stilled itself in the upsilon-class shuttle, watching the twinkling stars which now surrounded the vessel within the void. The droid turned to his companio and placed a hand on her knee. It was perhaps the droid which now felt more nervous than the young Chiss commander felt.
Rausgeber knew of Grand Admiral Tregessar's status and place. He was head of the navy. And had seen more combat than the whole navy had. Rausgeber's holographic eyes trailed back to Caine Beckett, who starred idly down at his datapad. A lieutenant commander who had soon become an irritant in the eyes of Rausgeber. Appointed by order of Dante Calgar to keep tabs. An FOSB stooge who seemingly took every moment to irritate the Fleet Admiral to no end in the four days since his meeting with the Moff.
"This is shuttle Carnadon, ST-324, requesting permission from Contempt for landing." The pilot began over the comms system. Rausgeber leaned forward, enough to stare out of the cockpit's viewport, enough to see the Dark Blade-class battlecruiser himself.
It was like a giant metal carcass, surrounded by the buzzing of TIE fighters, and the surrounding corvettes. A pause came over the shuttle, "Shuttle ST-324, this is Contempt. You are cleared for landing, proceed to the ventral hangar. Docking bay four."
The droid leaned forward, and watched as a squadron of First Order TIE defenders swooped down, and now began to escort the vessel. Rausgeber's anxiety stemmed from thos whole new experience. He had of course met Tregessar in person a handful of times, and served extensively with him. However, now he was to meet this man, upon his command. Something that was unheard of.
The droids tactical supercomputer began to idly calculate what the Grand Admiral wanted, when the shuttle docked. Rausgeber stood, and clasped Morro's hand, helping her up, "Please," He said, coolly, "We cannot keep Grand Admiral Tregessar waiting."
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Morro"]