Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A storm in the sky

The Aurora Hawk
Nar Shaddaa

The rain hammered down on the hull of the ship. Trextan quite enjoyed the sound it made. He stepped through a light waterfall of rainwater and into the shelter of the sleek, silver hull.

He had gone for a small walk whilst the ship was refuelling and Chloe made some calls. Trextan had never been a people person, but he enjoyed walking through the crowds.

He stood there, sheltered by the ship and looked out across the tower block the cut towards the sky like knives.

There was going to be a meeting of Wardens. He might have gone his own way like Kyra, but he had decided to tag along with Chloe to see why it had been called. They did not normally assemble as a group in person for trivial reasons.

Back to the sky then, he thought to himself. He turned and strode with purpose up the ramo.

Chloe Blake Chloe Blake
Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker would catch Chloe coming towards him, slipping her well-worn Warden clock over her head before adjusting the hood up over her blonde hair.

"Alright. Gee-Tee and the boys will hold down the fort." The Corellian began, explaining what was coming up ahead. "More than welcome to go grab your payload, but odds are you ain't gonna need everythin' you brought in that back of yours," her blue eyes twinkled with distinct mirth regarding the amount of firepower she had Trextan secure in the echanni graphic pill barrels for safety.

"You ever been to one of these round ups? Wasn't sure how far you've gone on your own 'fore since the last time you ran with me for a spell," She inquired, the Corellian checking over her own QQ-Sidearm and her lightknife. Picking up her wrist, the Warden got set into the motions of activating security feeds and alarms round the Aurora.

"Might see a few familiar faces you ain't seen a while," she added, glancing up at Trextan to catch his expression, adding with mild concern, "Last one I went to with this many keen on showin' up, I was out by the Scar Worlds with Choli, helping her with the refugee situation over there."

That had been a doozy of a run. The devastation left by the crusade had almost decimated entire species. She could only hope that wasn’t the case now. While she met with Jorus and Corey since then for efforts in the Tingle, nothing significant for another large collection such as this. Wardens tended to keep to themselves unless needed to coordinate in larger efforts — or in case something stirred the lanes so bad they needed volunteers to step up.
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Trextan opened and closed his fist as a reflex. He had come to accept that the strength of his artificial right arm was almost nothing compared to the strength of the Force that flowed more easily down his left. Still, lightsaber contained in his artificial forearm had a habit of preventing some fights when it was displayed.

He did quite like how people paused at the sight of his oversized handcannon but he left it on the ship. Chloe didn't like the guns.

"Might see a few familiar faces you ain't seen a while,"

Trextan gave a sharp nod. Wardens barely crossed each other by accident. The Galaxy was a large place. A few months ago he has crossed...

with Choli, helping her with the refugee situation over there."

He was well known for being quite difficult to read, but there was certainly a reaction to Choli's name. At least a reaction to the idea he might come face to face with her for the first time in a long while. It was a slight stiffening to his gait, a slight flutter through the Force.

"Uh-huh," he want, offered a small nod as they headed out.

He didn't know how much Chloe knew about how things had played out. Trextan had barely even spoken to Jacen about it.
It was the subtle tension in Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker 's stride and the faint disturbance in the Force that caught Chloe's attention as she observed the younger Voidstalker. It wasn't the first time he had reacted in such a manner at the mention of Choli's name. There was always a struggle evident in him, as if he battled internally whether to seek more information or to simply brush it aside, though it clearly affected him.

Chloe, however, was not one to pry into the details of what had transpired between Trextan and Choli. Both had endured trials and hardships far beyond their years. Trextan's past with the Sith Academy and the turmoil of his familial relations, juxtaposed with Choli's abrupt immersion into the wider galaxy from her Tuskan Raider origins, painted a picture of lives marked by strife and conflict. Their paths had led them through the chaos of the Alliance war, with Choli's capture by the First Order adding another layer of darkness to her experiences.

In many ways, they were wise beyond their years, navigating the complexities of adolescence alongside the weight of their shared history. Yet, despite their maturity, they remained somewhat naive, particularly when it came to matters of the heart. It had become evident to Chloe that their relationship had evolved beyond mere friendship, especially after Choli had introduced Trextan to Chloe to see if the life of a Warden suited the younger Voidstalker beyond the Jedi Order. However, after Choli's departure to the Kathol Drift for further training, their interactions had dwindled.

Trextan's demeanor had grown more sullen and moody, while Choli had withdrawn into herself, focusing on her training with a sense of grim determination. Something had transpired between them, causing them to drift apart, but the specifics remained a mystery. Chloe refrained from probing Trextan for answers, sensing his reluctance to discuss Choli, even as he grappled with his curiosity about her well-being.

However, it had been over three years. Would they continue like this? A slight frown drew over Chloe's brow, walking alongside Trextan as the rain continued to fall. "Most of these types of convocations are also good methods of meeting other Wardens and how they monitor their hyperlane, what their focus is on. Some might want to make sure to keep the area clear of pirates, make sure to assist travelers when necessary, or others might be more prone to focus on exploring new routes."

Chloe cast another glance at Trextan, her expression a mix of thoughtfulness and curiosity, her eyes narrowing slightly as she gauged his reaction. "Being a Warden don't mean we're tethered to one trail," she mused, her voice carrying the undertones of someone well-versed in the ways of flying in the black, "Even though I'm partial to the methods of old, I ain't blind to the value of mixin' it up a bit and gettin' a different perspective." Jorus taught her that.

"So it would be good for you to poke about and see if there is anyone you'd want to learn more from. Choli found a good connection with the Guardians of the Breath during her refugee work because of it."
No one had ever taken the time to teach Trextan to be more emotionally honest with himself. His childhood had swung from crisis to crisis without a father figure. Even after the time since they had agreed to call time on them he still hadn't processed it all.

"I can do that," he said.

He had the confidence now to go and introduce himself to other wardens. It would depend a great deal on the tone of the meeting. If there had been a death or some danger they needed to root out then it wouldn't be appropriate to go asking for training.

Chloe had met Choli years before meeting Trextan. His time travelling with her was brief compared to hers. He didn't know everything about Choli's history, but he knew a lot. Save for that one painful month which even she couldn't remember.

"You got any good recent sayings and proverbs ready to go then?" he asked, venturing a little humour.

"Never heard of the Guardians of the Breath."
Chloe chuckled at the question about recent sayings or proverbs. "Most of what I know comes from Olys Corellesi and spacer sayings," she admitted. "Reckon they’ll be familiar with those already."

However, she couldn't ignore the tension in Trextan's stride. There was something on his mind, and Chloe intended to address it. "Guardians of the Breath, also known as the Kashi Mer Mystics, are much like us—legends rather than reality," she explained, offering insight into the enigmatic group. "Their home world was destroyed by a supernova, but a few Wardens assisted in Savin’ what they could. Now scattered, they use 'the Breath,' or the Force, to aid in growing’ crops and healings’ the sick and injured. Some have even journeyed to the Scar Worlds to lend a hand."

Glancing back at Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker , Chloe added, "I should have contacted Choli to see if she'll be here. Maybe she made it this far out if they are gettin’ as many wardens together.”

They neared the door, and Chloe commented, “Might be good to catch up,”
"I should have contacted Choli to see if she'll be here. Maybe she made it this far out if they are gettin’ as many wardens together.”

They neared the door, and Chloe commented, “Might be good to catch up,”

He hadn't mentally prepared himself for that. He told himself that he shouldn't have needed to. After all, they were adults now.

Trextan immediately started playing out potential conversations at high speed in his own head.

Was a hug appropriate? Would he feel bad if she didn't care enough about what he'd been doing? What if she cared too much?

Trextan realised that Chloe was watching him and that he had fallen into brooding silence instead of replying.

"Yeah, yeah that'd be good," Trextan said and he decided it would be.

Chloe opened the door to reveal a storage room. Trextan saw the Wardens were as organised and militaristic as ever. By which he saw they were spread haphazardly around the room in their own conversations. A few barrels had been rolled up to make a circle for playing cards.

Xi Pav was standing on a crate so that he could hold a conversation with Garrysk, a Barabel with a friendly smile that still unnerved everyone around him.
Chloe wasn't a Lorrdian so she coudn't pick up on the nuances of Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker 's emotions, but even then, it was clear he wasn't quite so sure regarding the matter with seeing Choli again. She decided to ask up front in a casual manner, "You don't seem too sure of that..."

As they stepped in, Chloe's face brightened, the Warden happy to see familiar faces. There were some old and some new. Sei Vas and his wife Tai Vas, a Pantoran old timer spacer couple who typically the Quence Sector near the Kathol Outback. They were uncomfortably close to Sith Order Territory, so more than one occasion saw them having to deal with Sith kidnappings or refugees. Myua Bayt, a Firrerreo from a drifter colony near Mandalorian Space. Xi Pav and Garrysk were another familiar faces, along with what appeared to be new apprentices from the younger faces. Among the new was a Zeltron female with , a Fosh, a Bothan female and Selonian, a Sullstan male, a Squib near a tall older man.

A tall, gangly Wookie stood to the side, next to a redhead with a toothpick between her teeth. Coming up from behind them, was a young woman, long black hair, slanted eyes. One would almost mistake them for Choli for the first few seconds, until the series of tattoo's along her arm and the white streak of hair over her bangs identified her as someone else. Another redhead joined behind Chloe and Trextan, cybernetic arm coming up to tip in a gesture of greetings before moving on in.

It was an entirely packed house. What could have caused so many Wardens to meet up?

"Well... this is a first." Chloe murmured, eyes widening. "Reckon this ain't a trainin' exercise at all."
Trextan took his time looking across the assembled Wardens. He hadn't seen this many in one place before. He passed over everyone once - twice for the Zeltron in the low cut top - before moving aside for the girl with the cybernetic.

His eyebrows went up when he thought he saw Choli step out from behind a wookie. He realised it wasn't her almost immediately, but that was too late for the flutter of excitement he felt. She wasn't here, but he'd been given a small taste of how he would feel. He needed to get back in touch, even if it was to just find out how she was doing.

"No, no I don't think it is."

Trextan led them towards Xi. He took a knee to get his attention.

"This is, er, a lot of Wardens."

Xi Pav looked at Trextan and then up at Chloe, offering a nod.

"Yes it is. But we take it seriously when one of our own gets captured."

Hearing that prompted Chloe to thin her lips. "Droyk!" she cursed in Olys Corellisi, her expression hardening. The blonde took a deep breath. "Who is it?" she asked, trying to think of who might have been the one to get captured.

Typically, the first name that would have come up would have been, hilariously, Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill , followed by Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser . Not because they managed to get themselves captured doing a run. Oh, no, the odds were that if either of those two were captured, it was likely because they wanted to be captured - for some tomfoolery or another. Either some heist, breaking someone else out of captivity, or just for shits and giggles.

"Sue, it is. Knight of Ren, captured a week ago." Xi Pav explained, his large ears twitching as the weathered and wrinkled visage of the diminutive Warden gave a slow nod.

The surprise on Chloe's face was evident, "Tiny?"

Xi confirmed with a slow nod.

"No wonder. If Tiny was captured...this could get serious." Chloe glanced up at Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker , then explained, "Tiny is the Warden assigned to travel along the section of space Knights of Ren were being sighted."

Xi glanced up to Trextan, "Access to routes, hidden he has. Rescue him, we must."

Trextan's focus narrowed. It was in the set of his jaw, the stillness of his hand. He had never mastered the patience of a Jedi, but he had come to control the Sith desire to meet every challenge head on.

"Sue or Tiny?"

Trextan paused before speaking again.

"Is he..."

"Like me?" Xi asked. Even in the situation, the diminutive Warden could not help but shoe some amusement.

"Er..." Trextan looked towards Chloe.

"No. Not like me," Xi said with a shake of his head.

Trextan grimaced at Chloe.

"Well... I'll help if I can," Trextan confirmed. He shouldn't have felt embarrassed about a mistep when one of their Wardens was in true danger and the Ren were active again, but he did.

There was no hiding the smirk that danced across Chloe's lips in response to Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker 's question. Xi, too, seemed to find some amusement in it. At least Tiny didn't have to worry about anyone misunderstanding his nickname; it had been the source of many crude jokes, much to Tiny's annoyance.

"So, what's the status?" Chloe asked, shifting her stance with a wide stance and crossing her arms over her chest.

"The last known location was in the Roil. Sith territory," came the reply. Now Chloe understood why they needed so many volunteers. Finding someone brave enough to rescue Tiny was one thing, but finding someone with a ship and the know-how to navigate the Roil was another challenge altogether.

Chloe could already see where this was going.

"Who's stepping up?" she inquired, but before she could finish, the Bothan chimed in. "Arryk and I. I've got connections that can get us the codes we need to slip past the Sith patrols." The massive Selonian behind him folded his muscular arms across his chest.

"But we're missing a pilot and a navigator who can navigate the Roil without getting us lost."

All eyes turned to Chloe. If anyone knew their way around the Roil, especially the treacherous Hard Roil, it was her. She had spent enough time with Clan Rekali and had the contacts to call upon if necessary.

"Well then... looks like we need to round up a crew." blue eyes tossed up towards Trextan. If he wanted to chat up with a handful of Wardens, now was going to be his best chance.

He hadn't quite followed quite why it was so amusing that Tiny was no like Xi Pav. If Trextan got to meet the captured Warden he would find out.

Everyone turned to Chloe and Trextan did - at least - catch up on the fact that she knew how to navigate those regions of space.

He didn't need to step up for this, but he was already in. Trextan had become more decisive following his path as a Warden. He might even have clashed with the Sith more than most here. They safeguarded travellers, but didn't seek out conflict with the Dark Side as he once had.

"Yeah I'm in," Trextan confirmed to Chloe.

He glanced around the room. He chose not to head for the Zeltron, instead walking over towards the wookie and red head. She looked like she had a mean streak.

"You both in?" he asked quietly.

The wookie laughed. It was a lighter sound than Trextan expected. Brassycca was actually young for his species at only thirty five.

The redhead spoke with the pick still between her teeth.

"Voidstalker isn't it? Hell of a name that. We'll be going hunting. Trust me kid. You won't keep up."

With the crew set, it was just a matter of getting the details of what they knew. Of course, it was all up in the air and the Force. Between the intel they had and until they managed to find this Sith Patrol, it could change for the better or worse. If Trextan wanted to get a real taste of what Wardening looked like when dealing with folk in the space lanes, he was going to get it.

It was the best slice of on-the-job training Chloe could give him. He had others pick their brain to get a bit more of a taste of the variation and similarities between Arryk, the Selonian, Biffa, the Bothan, Trix, the redhead, and Brassycca, her apprentice. They each had their own story to tell and more than enough experience on the lanes combined for Trextan to soak up more information hopefully.

Brassycca had a love of blasters, much like Trextan, but he was also a whiz when it came to adapting firearms to be safe for ships. The rest were still up in the air, but it was clear that Arryk and Biffa worked together. Now it was a question of if they should take more than one ship, and if so, which ones. The Aurora Hawk was determined to be the main choice for space, but they needed something just in case a second ship may be needed.

Turning towards Trextan, Chloe asked, "How confident do you feel the Verre can handle needin' to make tight moves around a Sith patrol and its fighters or for breachin' a hanger?"

Trextan took some time walking between the Wardens. He had never been a sparkling conversationalist, but this was more businesslike. Despite the plethora of species and cultures here, they were single minded in their determination to bring one of their own back.

They had the last location of the patrol and the prison frigate they thought they would eventually take Tiny too. For the masters of navigating the stars, that was enough.

"How confident do you feel the Verre can handle needin' to make tight moves around a Sith patrol and its fighters or for breachin' a hanger?"

Trextan gave a small shake of his head.

"She's robust but I wouldn't want to test that against sith star fighters. Not head on."

What he really meant, was not when so many others were relying on the squib welds to hold together.

"I think I should join with anyone on a smaller ship trying to board though."

Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker
"I may be able to be of assistance," A low, gravly voice came from Trextan's right. It was Sosa, the older Sullusatan, whose wrinkled visage and large brown eyes peered at Chloe and the group with purpose.

"I have an Ess-Ess Orbalisk Class boarding shuttle. If I recall correctly, you have the hanger space to keep her." Sosa clarified, coming to a stop before the group.

"I can be your pilot for that."

"I'm Mighty grateful, Sosa. It is good to be flying with you again," Chloe confirmed, the blonde Corellian nodding towards the Sullustan. Sweeping a pan across the handful of Wardens who stepped up to take this mission, Chloe took a deep breath.

"Well, I'd have hoped for a different event to get us all together like this, but it is what it is and that is why we do what we do. Get your gear, meet up at the Aurora Hawk within the next hour. We will refuel and get the supplies we need. I thank you all for doing this, as you can be assured Tiny would have done the same if it was our own skin on the line."

With a nod to Xi, Chloe said her good byes, "Take care Xi."

"May the Force be with you, Chloe Blake. Secure the hyper lanes, in your stead, we shall."

The Hawk quite comfortably held the group of seven brave Wardens who would get onto the trail of the sith patrols.

Arryk and Biffa kept themselves to themselves, but they were quite friendly when Trextan approached them to talk. That Trextan found preferable to Trix' dismissive attitude. He didn't know quite what he had done or said, but she was happy to continue highlighting that he wouldn't be an important player in the rescue mission.

He supposed that the Wardens were a diverse group of people. They didn't need the kindest members for this. They needed people who wouldn't hesitate to act when the violence started.

They were all deeply respectful of Chloe's rules on blasters, which surprised him.

The group was playing cards around a table. Sosa was tickering with a drone on another table.

"So...we have codes to dodge the patrols, but we need to find a patrol?" Trextan asked.

"Exactly," the Bothan replied before laying down a card.

Trextan frowned. He was not here to show off his planning genius.

"The patrols are stopping convoys on the hyperlanes. We need to get stopped. Use the code to avoid being boarded and captured ourselves," Biffa repeated. Trix scoffed.

"Then I fly this little guy," Sosa said, flipping the drone back over, "Onto the patrol ship's hull and we track them."

Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker
"Wardens each have their own methods of dealin' with the rift raft that hound our little section of the black." Chloe explained to Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker , the Corellian blonde sitting comfortably in spacer attire as she looked over her hand.

"Some folk deal best with the pirates, others with the forces. It is all a bucket of Giju in the end," the Corellian said with a soft, knowing smile, chuckling over at Trix's direction, who seemed to have something in her mouth perpetually. This time it was another toothpick.

"Sometimes its better to just hit 'em hard and remind 'em that there's folk out there that won't stand for their kriff," the redhead said, while Brassyca gave "Hrraaaagghhh," in approval. It appeared he was her apprentice. How that happened was up in the air, especially with a Wookiee so young.

"Not all Sith are easy to deal with in that manner. If Tiny was captured, this means it isn't a nerf and Wookiee show," the Bothan replied in clipped tones. She was clearly highly educated, her accent and tone of voice almost seemed Imperial. Made one wonder what her background story was. Perhaps the former Confederacy?

Trextan looked down at his hand. For once, he had some good cards. He had never been good at cards. It required a good 'sabacc face', a grasp of probabilities and slight if hand if you were playing with that sort of people. Trextan possessed none of those.

He wanted to agree with Trix, but he'd decided he didn't like her. So he didn't.

He upped the ante just a little. The bothan looked at him with obvious suspicion.

"So we track down the ship and squeeze the sith for information if they're not their?" Trextan asked.

"I like it," Trix agreed.

Damnit, Trextan thought sharply.

"We will probably track them without interference and see if they have a base of operations," the bothan interjected.

She definitely gave Trextan a sense of a military background. The Wardens hadn't exactly established a clear hierarchy, but it was obvious that she wanted to be in charge.

"Not many of us to assault a base or a larger ship," Trextan said, but he smiled from one corner of his mouth. He was comfortable with his potential now and knew when to hold back and when to unleash the full power of the Force.

Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker

Chloe watched the entire interactions mildly amused. While they may all be established or apprentice Wardens, it didn't meant that they would automatically like each other. Just be keen on working together. While the life of a traditional Warden was typically solitary, they still did jobs like this one, especially if it dealt with retrieving one of their own.

"No there ain't. Which is why we gotta think hard and slow regardin' what are steps are. We can't deal with them directly with unknowns. At the very least, we got the advantage of being familiar with the Roil. All the nooks and crannies where we can hide. The last thing we need is the possibility of losing them and risking Tiny's life."

Glancing around the Corellian gave a soft inquisitive smile, "How bout a round of what we are best at. Reckon the younger folk would do best in learnin' how we each Warden our little section of space?"

Plus it would allow Trextan and Brassyca options to ask questions and assist in the overall plan.

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