Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Strange Call


King of Pumpkins
Location: Seltos​
Currently waiting on: [member="Kaden Drex"]​
With: [member="Varashaal"]​
Tom had never been to CIS space officially. Unofficially he had been to several sectors for reasons which he would never disclose with anyone let alone let anyone within CIS space after all everyone needed their secrets. But currently he had come officially to meet with a viceroy. He wasn't quite sure why he had been called to see them but he never refused a summons to anyone. Perhaps it was business or perhaps they knew something about when his father [member="Rex Taff"] had supposedly been the minister of science for the CIS.

Whatever the case when he arrived he ran into a rather striking man heading the same way and had stuck somewhat of a conversation with him to learn he was a scavenger of sorts which was always an interesting job. Especially since they weren't generally seen on planets now days without a heavy assortment of guards with all the new influx of money into their business with all the wars going on. Tom arrived at the Viceroy's office and where he was asked to wait by a very polite young lady.

As he was waiting he would continue asking the man some questions. "So your business must take you around the galaxy? Have you ever been to silver space? Also would you be interested in retrieving materials for my company as a contractor? We could always use more materials for our droid and weapon projects."
Seltos was definitely a planet Varashaal hadn't been to before and even weirder was along the way that he got aquatinted with [member="Tom Taff"]. Who asked him questions about what Var did, which who of course didn't mind.

Within time they reached the Viceroy's office. Varashaal had never actually been to an official government office. The two were asked to take a seat, a little while after they did, Vara was asked another couple questions. His face would perk up.

The man would study[member="Tom Taff"] for a minute before answering.

"Yeah it sure does, but I rarely land on planets. If I do it's to offload excess scrap and tech, or to repair my rustbucket of a many elecrical issues." Var said as he shook his head.

"I actually may have passed through once or twice. Possibly, I'm not familiar with the for getting Salvage for you. Of course it'd be my pleasure." Var gave a bright smile.

"So why exactly are you here if I may ask?"
[member="Kaden Drex"]
[member="Tom Taff"] [member="Varashaal"]

Ornate wooden doors opened to her Lady Drex's office and a small old school pod racing pit droid would shamble out and make its way over to the two men........ If you'll both follow me Lady Drex will see you now Meatbags....I mean Gentlemen His tiny robotic tone nearly hateful as he turned away from the two men and led them to her office.....


King of Pumpkins
Location: Seltos​
Walking to: [member="Kaden Drex"]​
With: [member="Varashaal"]​

Tom would look Varashaal up and down listening to his answers nodding along as he asked one back why was he here. "That is something I don't particularly know myself it could be any number of thing that I could be here for as the Invitation I got was quite vague unfortunately. So your guess is as good as mine." He would finish off saying as a older pit droid came towards them calling them over.

He could tell it hadn't had it software updated in a while if it was calling them meatbags or perhaps it was the woman who had invited him here enjoyed the idea of a pit droid using the meatbag slur he was sure to find out as he walked towards the rather ornate wooden doors that the pit droid had just come from as he followed the particularly hateful pit droid not worried in the slightest.
Varashaal's mind raced. This would be interesting. Soon a pod racing pit droid would appear, telling the two to follow it to [member="Kaden Drex"].

Var's eyes lit up with excitement noticing the out of date droid. "Woah no way! A pit droid?!? I havent seen one of you in ages!" Var let out an amused laugh. The Salvager eagerly followed along with [member="Tom Taff"].

"Hey little guy, do you need a tune up?" Var asked eyeing the droid.
[member="Tom Taff"] [member="Varashaal"]

she used the few moments it would take for the droid to return with her guests to quickly save her game that she'd been playing on her Holoboy which she would then stuff into the drawer of her desk. Just before her guests entered she would spit her gum into the nearby wastebin in a very unlady like manner and then quickly steeling herself and letting out a calming breath.

Dont make me shoot you Meatbag.... Came the crass tone of the droid in response to the scavengers quips about him needing a tune up.... He reallt could probably use a good tune up though to be honest.... .....It would be such a pain to get whats left of you out of the rug. with that the tiny droid left the two men standing before Lady Drex as he stumbled off.

Please forgive JunkJunk for his rudeness..... He's a bit upset cause I accidently knocked him off the balcony yesterday. Came the sweet yet almost dominating tone of Lady Kaden Drex as she stood and made her way around to the front of her desk to introduce herself. Welcome to Seltos and to my home Gentleman.... I am Lady Drax and its a pleasure to make your acquaintance.


King of Pumpkins
Location: Seltos​
With: [member="Kaden Drex"] l [member="Varashaal"]​
Tom smiled suppressing a laugh at the pit droids response to the salvager. He knew he personally had an AI that would have probably responded in a similar way to this except offering to take the man to bed that sassy flirty AI still got her work done and gave him a reason to smile most of the time but it was funny to watch others react to her whenever they had to. Tom honestly couldn't help himself "I have always wondered what do you use to get blood out of the carpets cause I personally cut out the part and replace it if it was to happen." He joked.

Tom finally saw who he had been called here to see and nodded with a smile. "Please my lady it was a pleasure to meet a droid with a personality that made me laugh. Especially one who knows its own mind very well." He would take a seat across from her nodding again. "A pleasure to meet you although I would love to know what I was called in for?"
[member="Tom Taff"]

She hated dresses. But unfortunately such formal meetings called for certain attire, Causing her to currently be clad in a somewhat plain grey dress.... Hidden under her desk however her dainty feet sat wearing CDF issue combat boots. They helped her to feel a bit more and comfortable.

He is quite a character.... I need to get him a good tune up and maybe a flashy new paint job....... But but that's not why youre here Mr. Taff... Her words trailed into a sigh as she straightened her dress and sat down into her chair. She really was terribly awkward when it came to political matters having spent her adult life thus far treating combat injuries on the battlefields.... But she was slowly getting used to the life of a Viceroy. No Mr. Taff ive invited you here today to discuss a large scale project..... As you might know Seltos deals primarily in timber..... And we'll to be blunt. Trees cant protect us if we get invaded Mr. Taff... However a formidible droid army could....... And I hear youre the best.


King of Pumpkins

Location: Seltos​
With: [member="Kaden Drex"] l [member="Varashaal"]​
"Indeed he is although I am sure there are reasons you chose to allow that personality" Tom said with a smile. He listened as she spoke about the planet and it's defences. Timber he mused. He was sure there was more the Seltos than that but it mattered very little. She was asking for his expertise on the matter of defences and droids. He gave her a quizzical look before nodding. "Interesting I figured the confederates supplied their own droids to their planets but I guess it is more up to the viceroy themselves then?" He would think for a while and then decided on something.

"I can sell you the droids on the addition that mirdirmorut gains a facility on your planet. We will aid in your defences and allow you access to all our stocks and supplies of droids that you should require at half price as well as add our own protective forces to the planet. You can choose not to and I can still sell it to you at full price with the condition as always that your minister for science is not allowed to touch my droids. I will not have my designs nor my fathers designs stolen by anyone." He would sit back slightly looking her in the eye the whole time.

"And please next time don't be so formal I can tell a soldier when I see one and you are very uncomfortable in the formal wear. If you want to do further dealings with me I wish you to be most comfortable. Makes everyone so much easier to deal with when they are comfortable." He said smiling and waiting to see what she would say.

[member="Tom Taff"]

Oh yes of course the Confederacy provides ample protection for its constituents of this I can assure you Mister Taff..... But in times of war and galactic instability it is always wise to have that little bit of extra.... Wouldnt you agree? She responded as she sat back and somewhat relaxed in her chair and thought about his proposition for a moment... I dont see any reason not to allow it so yes you may put a facility on Seltos if you wish

She was taken aback at his knowing that she was a soldier... Was it that obvious? Had he seen the combat styled boots beneath her dress? Were her scars showing? Not that any of that mattered... She was glad he knew cause this meant she could be herself..

Ex soldier actually... Cant be on the battlefield and the diplomatic meetings at the same time you know what I mean? Her statement followed by a relaxed sigh as she fully relaxed into her chair and kicked her booted feet up onto her desk with a smile


King of Pumpkins
Location: Seltos​
With: [member="Kaden Drex"] l [member="Varashaal"]​
Tom smiled seeing her boots get kicked up on the table. "Much better and if you are wondering how I knew I am an old hand at war myself. I might look young but one doesn't be a mandalorian for a long time without more than a few scrapes under their belt. Plus I tend to hire old soldiers who want to continue protecting something but are deemed unfit by their military for various reasons." He smiled more nodding as she agreed to allow him to build a facility here.

He nodded graciously "Thank you for allowing a facility here, you will understandably be able to access most of the facility however there will be some that will be inaccessible unless something terrible has occurred. Due to the sensitive nature of our research along with some of the droids we still have plans to make are less than desirable to be in someone else's hands. Who doesn't want a bit of extra protection." He then nodded some more. "Anything else you require at this point in time? Otherwise I will see you when I return to open the facility."
I would still be seving as a combat medic if it had not been for my parents deaths.....But alas now I am the Viceroy of Seltos and have to wear these silly dresses and attend severely boring diplomatic sessions with people who look at me like a child playing politics.... Its rather annoying and I believe I prefer the battlefield my friend... She stated with a sigh as she entertwined her slender digits behind her head. I can understand certain areas of the facility being off limits.. That is your right obviously..... But one more stipulation I have is that if your factory is not run completely by droids I ask that you hire crews from Seltos.... We are hard workers by nature.

With all things said and done Kaden stood from her chair and extended her hand towards [member="Tom Taff"] with a smile. Yes Mister Taff that will be all for now and I will await your return to Seltos


King of Pumpkins

Location: Seltos​
With: [member="Kaden Drex"]​
Tom listened smiling. "Much the same if my father hadn't passed I would still try being on the battlefield more but sometimes someone has to do the deals with people. I personally use an AI who gives me tricks and hints as to how to best get under some of the more annoying people that I work with skins. But honestly I think we will get along fine." Tom would pull out a data pad for a moment looking over something before looking back up as she responded again.

He would look up putting the pad away again looking right into her eyes as she asked. "Always. The only offshore people I will be bringing will be those who will have to teach people how to run certain things as well as some of the researchers in my other facilities that should have a higher position giving their dedication and some of their designs." He would nod. "Always a pleasure Viceroy. Should you ever be in Silver space feel free to drop by the Silver rest or Noverskaa. They are my two homes." He would then get up and leave the room.


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