Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Strange Encounter of the Cultist Variety

Location: Yavin IV
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Rumours surrounding the moon of Yavin were circulating and Lily had taken measures to ensure that she wasn't jumping into a situation without using a moment of caution. Especially given the seriousness of the rumours and risks that it posed her life if she was rash surrounding the problem. Lily had informed her Master, Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren and Master Valery Noble Valery Noble of the cultist activity that she had learned of that was occurring on Yavin IV and had requested to take the mission on to investigate and if able, dismantle the cult gathering there. She had also made sure to be certain that there was not chance of her encountering the leader of the cult since she knew that her chances of survival were dire if he turned up. She refused to make an error by heading into danger without alerting anyone else, she wasn't going to make a mistake like she had with the Mandalorian Enclave.

Kainites and Carnifex were a dangerous bunch, the cultists were parading ideals and beliefs in a Sith god and Carnifex was just a dangerous person all together. Lily had seen the records of the fights he had been in as well as the fighting styles he used. There was much he could do that she had not even thought about nor did she think she would achieve such feats till much older.

However, Yavin IV was not a large cult operation, it was not Sith Order territory either so the cultists there were going to be lower in number than if she had tried taking down operations on Korriban or any other Sith world. Lily was also hoping to use this mission as a way to demonstrate she was on the path of her Knighthood, many of her fellow Padawans who joined around the same time as her were being promoted and while she did not wish to rush the training with Briana. Lily did want to prove she was heading in that direction and that her chances of being promoted were pretty close. At least, she hoped they would be, with the recent invasion of the Sith Order, things were going to be getting dangerous and there was going to be a lot of fighting happening. Lily wanted to be ready for it and she wanted to demonstrate she could handle challenges that she needed to face in order to keep those she cared about safe.

As her ship came out of Hyperspace, she sent a final message to her Master, stating she was arriving at her destination and that if Briana didn't hear back within a day or so, that she was either captured again or worse. The worse was something Lily didn't even wish to think about, it made her shudder but she thought back to her meditation and used it to centre herself once again. She had to be in control of her emotions here, she couldn't go floundering around recklessly without any forethought or being in a blind panic, especially around the Kainites.

Lowering the ship to the surface of the moon, she thought about the fact that Yavin IV was a moon that had strong history connected to both the Light and the Dark Side. With temples constructed by Sith and those devoted to the Sith, however, it had also been the base of operation for the Rebel Alliance to strike down the First Galactic Empire. It was definitely a place that Lily should have considered visiting before today to learn more about and attempt to understand the history of. However, she had just allowed herself to be caught up in her Jedi training that adventures and visiting other worlds hadn't really been at the forefront of her mind. Stepping onto the moon's surface, she could feel the darkness, the tension of Sith activity and decided to head in the direction of the cult, or at least the direction that the Force was guiding her towards.

"So, Lily, what's the plan here? Storm in, Lightsaber swinging and cutting down all the cultists? Attempt to talk them down?" Lily thought aloud to herself, not too sure that she could figure out how she was going to be the best approach for this mission. "Perhaps scout the place, figure out the surrounding and numbers I could be facing then go in and give them a chance to stand down... Yeah, sure." She nodded her head since she knew it was important to assess the situation before any attacks were down.

Which was what led Lily, crouched and sneaking into the main hall where the cultists were gathered. Listening to what they were saying and what was potentially being plotted here.


The camp had been erected over a large ravine, one that had up until recently been hidden beneath dirt and rock. Lift shafts dove down into the darkness, where beams of light only barely illuminated the remains of ancient structures long since abandoned to the entropy of time. Above ground, the camp was arranged not too dissimilar from typical military encampments found across the galaxy. The perimeter was electrified with a large twenty foot wall of scintillating energy, maintained by a series of generators and their requisite redundancies equally placed throughout the main camp. Large watchtowers cornered the camp, well-defended and patrolled by cybernetically augmented snipers.

Most of the structures within the camp's walls were prefabricated, although there were some existing structures that had been converted by the Kainites for their own use. It was the largest of these structures that Lily Decoria found herself infiltrating, it's spaceous chambers and ancient design facilitating an easier path than what would be afforded by the more modern structures around it. Below were a myriad of technicians and officers, ostensibly Imperial officials but clearly members of the pervasive cult that surrounded Carnifex and all His endeavors.

From what Lily could overhear, the Kainate had been hard at work excavating the ancient ruins following the Alliance's withdrawal during the battle that had taken place here. What they were searching for was still a mystery to her, for the cultists spoke in riddles and archaic verbose. All that mattered to her was that it was considered of paramount importance to the Dark Lord, whatever it was. Enough that He'd dedicated a large portion of resources into finding it, putting some of His most cunning minds to work at this site. Holograms of the elusive Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah could be seen relaying cryptic orders to his subordinates, the Lord of Shadow Mind showing just as much interest in the dig-site as his Lord and Master.

At the far end of the great hall was another lift shaft, one that was exclusive to the higher ranking officers of the dig-site project. A pair of these officers, flanked by the Dark Lord's very own Blackblade Guards, entered the lift and began their long descent into the abyss. Although it was evident that clearance codes and special access rods were required to use the lift, the shaft through which it traveled could be accessed once the lift had departed. The shaft dug straight through the rock for several hundred meters before opening up to the air, continuing along a lattice-work of steel struts and anchor points before reaching another camp nestled within the ruins itself.

The atmosphere of the cultists down here was different from those on the service, for in the intervening minutes it took to traverse the upper reaches of the shaft down to the subterranean ruins, they'd received a coded transmission from off-world. Though the exact contents were not discussed, one phrase freely passed from one cultists to another.

He was coming.

Location: Yavin IV
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

It was both impressive and terrifying seeing the modern structures that had been built on Yavin IV. Impressive since they had built a lot and very detailed structures in a short time span, terrifying since it was hinting towards the dedication of these cultists and the unawareness that the Galactic Alliance had that this was not caught sooner. Or at least they were getting too lax, Lily feared that allow something like this to continue and expand would cause the Sith to become too big of a threat to manage. If people were worshipping someone they saw in a similar light to a god, how were the Jedi meant to end the Sith threat?

Suppressing her Force presence, Lily was able to sneak around carefully without being detected. She had spent years suppressing her abilities in the Force since she had initially been terrified of it, she knew how to hide her presence in a more controlled and positive manner. Using the ability to only sneak around undetected in case any of the cultists were attuned to the Force. She wasn't sure what the make up of the cultists were, if they were purely non-Force Users, if there was a mix or if it was exclusively Force Users.

Hearing that the cultists were digging around the location in search for something, while she had no clue on what it was exactly, she knew that it was likely some sort of Sith artefact. Something powerful and could even be a weapon long forgotten. It was what tended to be the thing that Sith hunted for from what she heard. Whatever it was, she knew one thing for certain, she couldn't let them succeed in finding it since it could not reach the hands of Carnifex. Either she would need to steal it and bring it back to the Galactic Alliance or she would need to destroy it before she left. Whichever was more practical, that was her mission now.

Following a high ranking officer as she snuck around the base, she noted the powerful Blackblade Guards. This presence made her more concerned since it was clear that whatever this excavation was, it was a priority of Carnifex's and she was starting to worry that she would need to report back to her ship to request for more support in case Carnifex turned up himself. While Lily prided herself on being an excellent fighter, especially with a Lightsaber and considered herself on par with many Knights, her abilities in the Force and even her combat prowess was not high enough to keep up with the Sith Lord's.

Seeing the shaft was open for her to go deeper into the base, Lily hesitated for a moment then cursed under her breath, leaping forward and gracefully sliding down. Ensuring that her landing was softened as she used the Force to cushion the fall and rolled to avoid any damage to her joints. Lily then swiftly moved into a new hiding spot. Hoping that she had not been caught.

As she strained her ears to make out conversational points about the ongoing excavation, there was not much she could make out besides one thing. Carnifex was on his way. "Chit," Lily cursed in a whisper to herself, she needed to get out of area and get back to her ship. However, the climb up the shaft was going to be a lot tougher than the descent. Additionally, this was her best shot at taking out whatever was here. Weighing her options, there had been no timeframe on when the Sith Lord would be arriving, so Lily decided to move forward and take the risk that she could obtain whatever was being hunted for and get out in time.

Moving deep into the underground operation, Lily kept her eyes and ears strained to perceive anything that could indicate where the dig was being done. Still sneaking as carefully as she could and making her presence as small as possible while moving around the base.


The nominal head of the dig-site was a Lord-Artificer, their name and origins stripped from any discoverable record. In their service to the Sith, they had become more machine than flesh, discarding all of the trappings of their prior life to become more closely entwined with the machinery they controlled. There were over a dozen rumors as to the origin of their existence, but none of them could be confirmed. It could not even be said whether they had been a man or a woman before their transformation into a cybernetic fiend.

Stalking forward on mechanical digitigrade legs, a multitude of prehensile arms clutching the ground for stabilization, the Lord-Artificer led a solemn procession of lesser artificers and their half-mechanized soldiers towards the main lift. Other officials and technicians had assembled themselves in neat rows and columns, banners flustering calmly from atop their towering standards. Cultists in priestly vestments moved about the assembled rows, swinging thuribles of sickly incense while chanting words in their heathen dialect, blasphemous to the ear.

A shudder, like distant rumbling thunder, vibrated through the ground. The lift was descending, and with it came the falling shroud of doom. As it came to a rest, a tense silence hung heavy in the air. It was as if all the breath had been stolen, each of the assembled holding it in as their eyes remained transfixed upon the lift door. It opened slowly, the faint light spilling upon the icon of their maddened devotion, causing all present to fall to their knees in total obeisance.

Darth Carnifex, Dark Lord of the Sith, strode forward from the lift with the dark regality characteristic of one feared galaxy-wide as the Butcher King. Two red-robed guards shadowed His every step, their faces concealed behind faceless masks etched with geometric shapes, crackling energy-voluges clutched in their armored hands. Though they said not a word, they exuded such a viciousness that intuitively warded those of weaker will from even approaching them; let alone their Lord.

"It has been found?" The Dark Lord's voice rung out through the chasm, powerfully authoritative and crackling with the Dark Side.

"Yes it has, Eternal Father." Squawked the Lord-Artificer, their voice mechanically modulated. "The lost treasure of Naga Sadow has been identified, it awaits you below."

Location: Yavin IV
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Seeing what was basically a droid powered by humanoid organs and brain was something Lily found horrifying, to sacrifice so much of your body and replace it with inhuman mechanic parts, it seemed beyond comprehension. While her aunt had robotic legs, she still looked and moved like a normal person, this being was far from humanoid in their movements and that was the most disturbing part for Lily. She was unnerved by the appearance when she saw the creature moving towards the lift. As soon as the doors opened, she felt it.

A coldness. The coldness. She was trapped.

Carnifex wasn't just coming to this location, he was here. She had inadvertently doomed herself by coming down the shaft. She didn't realise that the Sith Lord was so close by and she was likely to run into him no matter what. However, she was stuck several miles deep into the earth and there was no swift exit for her. For now, she just had to keep stealthy and pray that he would be here to learn of their progress and then leave. Keeping a low crouch behind crates and listening in, Lily could hear a language she did not recognise initially, something harsh to the voice and cursed herself for not being a linguistic.

However, when Basic was being spoken by Carnifex, Lily felt a shiver trail down her spine. There was such darkness and foreboding in his voice that Lily was petrified. Furthermore, the voice of the mechanical replied something disastrous, the item that he was seeking. Some lost treasure of Naga Sadow had been located and recovered. She needed to find it and she needed to destroy it. Something related to the ancient Sith was never a good sign. She began moving carefully, sneaking around clinging to the shadows of the cave.

Biggest problem on Lily's list of bad stuff, was that she had no clue what the lost treasure looked like. However, she couldn't wait for Carnifex to be touching it or in contact with it since that could lead straight into disaster, especially if he disappeared with a Force power she had no idea on. No, she had to locate it first and she had to destroy it before it touched his hands. Searching around, her eyes scanned furiously for where this treasure was as she slipped her hand to her cross guard Lightsaber, ready to use it to destroy the treasure.

She couldn't hesitate and she needed to be quick. She just hoped that she wasn't caught while hunting for this treasure, there was no chance of her talking her way out of the situation and fighting was not good odds either. It really clawed at her how dangerous this mission had drastically become and she was filled with regret about not contacting either her Master or Master Valery for support earlier on. There was just a lot of hindsight involved, but for now, she needed to focus. She hadn't been caught yet and she needed to complete the mission. If she was caught, then she adjusted. She kept being fluid and adapting to the situation as it progressed.

For now, her focus was on destroying the treasure, little else mattered.


When Darth Carnifex passed by where Lily was concealed, she would finally catch a full glimpse of the Dark Lord. He cut every inch the conqueror, tall and muscularly built. A long mane of black hair cascaded down from His scalp, tied in an elaborate braid pierced through with jewels and metallic ornamentation. A circlet of hammered silver adorned His brow, runic symbols etched into the metal that seemed to glow with a foreboding presence. He was unarmed, but the Dark Side radiated out from His body so potently that He clearly required none to be viciously lethal.

The Lord-Artificer preceded the Dark Lord as they made their way through the ancient temple. Glow-torches had been anchored into the walls of the temple, illuminating the path through a warped and twisting labyrinth. The bodies of nameless horrors were left upon the wayside, their innards surgically harvested, while the remnants of stone guardians had been swept away sometime prior. Dried blood and soot marked much of the pathway, the echoes of a long and arduous struggle against the temple's defenses, one in which the servants of Carnifex clearly triumphed.

All the while, the Lord-Artificer spoke at length as to the harrowing exploits of the excavation and retrieval of the artifact. They called it the Heart's Desire, a spherical crystalline construct roughly three meters in diameter. It's surface was utterly black, black to the point where it no longer reflected light and appeared to be its total absence instead. The Artificer spoke of experiments involving sacrifices, alluding that the artifact's power was sustained on using organic matter as fuel. The finer details of these sacrifices wasn't mentioned, but to Lily it was obvious enough.

They were feeding people to it.

If she were expedient enough, she could reach the containment chamber before the procession. It was lightly guarded by a handful of soldiers, which were little more than technicians armed with blaster rifles. Down here in the depths of the Yavin moon, the cultists clearly didn't expect to maintain an extensive guard retinue. The sphere itself was locked behind a cage of shimmering opaque glass, which was reinforced against a wide variety of energy sources. A control console near by controlled the entire array, but it was programmed with Kainate coding and encryption -- utterly foreign to any other programming found throughout the galaxy.

It was possible to overload the camp's power generation, which could theoretically knock down the protective barrier. But it was a risky gamble, and the Dark Lord grew ever closer.

Location: Yavin IV
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

As the Sith Lord passed her by, she noticed a lot about him. The most foremost was the intimidating aura and presence that he held, he was a looming muscular demon of a man. It was understandable why so many revered him that were also Sith or leaned into the Dark Side. He was someone who looked physically strong just as much as he felt intimidatingly strong in the Force. Lily knew that Epicanthix were large humanoids, she had met Kahlil who was taller than most and a decent size. He was adorned with jewellery that Lily suspected were as practical as they were appeared to be with the glowing and the careful craftmanship put into them.

Hearing that this Heart's Desire was being fed people, that actual sacrifices were being made to it already, it was a clear message that she had to destroy as quickly as possible. Lily had noted that during all this, Carnifex had remained silent. She was curious as to his thoughts, mostly because she knew that he was planning something with this device and she needed to figure it out. That could be some information that could assist the GA and the Jedi in preventing the Sith from growing and even collapse the Sith Order.

She had been able to get ahead and using minor distractions to draw attention of the guards away from her direction, she was able to sneak into the room where the Heart's Desire was. She was quick with the technicians that were in the room, knocking them out with firm, swift strikes to pressure points. Lily moved them out of the way as she stared at the console. It was all in a foreign language and coding, it was similar throughout the dig site and Lily knew that she was not her aunt who might have been able to use Mechu Deru to talk to the machine into doing her bidding. However, she needed to get through the barrier and destroy this device.

Feeling the presence of the Sith Lord looming in the background, time was not on her side in this situation. She ripped open a panel on the console, while the coding and encryption was all foreign and impossible for her to decipher, she knew there was a quick way in order to overload and get her moving forward. She pulled wires from their place and organised it to send a feedback into the barrier and destroy it. There was a risk that this would destroy the whole system, she wasn't sure how things were organised.

Next step was to destroy the artefact. She ignited her Lightsaber and breathed in deeply, the lives this thing took and she wasn't sure what to expect when she destroyed. Nor did she know what this thing was. All she knew was it was too dangerous and she needed to destroy it.

Holding her Lightsaber up, she stepped towards the Heart's Desire and slashed at it with her Lightsaber, hoping to cut it in half.


From the shadow beneath the floating artifact, a hand shot out to catch Lily's blade before it could complete it's swing. Initially, the hand was all shadow, amorphous and inky black, but after a few seconds it rapidly took on shape and form. A face emerged as well, distinctly feminine but disturbingly simplistic in features. It's smile widened from ear to ear, the rest of it's shadowy body rising up from the artifact's own.

"Now, now," emanated a voice from within the shadow, "That wasn't very courteous of you, coming into another's house and wrecking what doesn't belong to you."

The shadow pushed against Lily's blade, to try and force her back. The strength behind it, despite being shadow, was immensely powerful. What was even more evidently powerful was the presence that Lily felt at her back, rolling waves of darkness that struck likes waves cresting the rocky shore. It was Darth Carnifex, His powerful frame filling up the doorway as He entered; none of His entourage followed behind Him, it was only He.

When He spoke, it struck like daggers at the Jedi's resolve. "You should not have come here, Padawan. Your masters would be very cross if they truly knew all that you have subjected yourself to." He studied her, and even at this distance it felt as though she were being subjected to a harsh, burning light; shorn of clothing and left naked before it. It was a terrible sensation, as if no secret could remain safeguarded against it, and it only grew more intense the more the Dark Lord's eyes trained on her.

"Your face is familiar, it conjures forth a name from within a memory. Decoria, I believe they called you. Lily Decoria." A faint smile finally graced the Dark Lord's lips, though it was far more grotesque than any expression of disdain she'd experienced thus far. "The Jedi I have procured over my long life have whispered and moaned many names, Jedi Decoria. It is when they are at their most vulnerable do you discover those whom they consider the most precious above all others. Masters, colleagues, lovers, I have heard their names uttered through cracked and broken lips. Your name has been whispered several times in the last few months, Jedi Decoria. I wonder what these young Jedi saw in you that their final moments were spent expending the energy to whisper your name."

The shadow chortled behind her, clearly deriving pleasure from the Dark Lord's barbarous words. With slow, deliberate action, the Dark Lord withdrew His lightsaber and activated it's long, blood-red energy beam. He held it low-guard, the blade's tip nearly touching the ground at His feet. Even though the beam illuminated their surroundings with a pale red glow, wherever it's light touched seemed to slightly desaturate in color; as though it was being leached away.

"Shall we find out, Jedi?"

Location: Yavin IV
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

As soon as a hand gripped her Lightsaber, Lily knew she was in trouble, that he had gotten here too quickly. She hesitated too much up until this point. If she had been firmer in her decisions, if she had been faster in her movements. If she had been more experienced... There were a lot of ifs surrounding the Padawan but she fell into acceptance of the situation that she was in. Lily was here, facing Carnifex, a Sith Lord with decades of renowned combat prowess.

Even as she fought to press her Lightsaber down, the strength of the shadowy hand was as strong as the real thing. Her feet skidded against the ground as she was forced backwards. Her own strength on display as she was unsettled by the force she faced physically, she was fully aware that the man was going to be stronger brute force to brute force, but Lily held some tricks for that. She spent most of her life fighting people bigger and stronger, she had to adapt to defeating that strength as much as she could.

Feeling the daggers striking at her, attempting to shatter her resolve, her mental fortitude, Lily remained silent as she refused to allow her words, her voice betray her. She was terrified that was impossible not to feel in this moment. She was far from ready for this fight, however, she held her ground and simply twirled her Lightsaber in her hand. Swallowing hard, Lily stared straight at the Sith Lord, her steel gaze betraying nothing of her inner mind. Her inner thoughts were locked away as the combat meditation eclipsed everything. Chanting move by move, her mind was already focusing on the fight that she knew was inevitable.

There was a moment that her eyes flickered surprised. She had not thought herself that popular or familiar among other Jedi, she did not realise that people had taken that much notice of her that their thoughts had informed Carnifex of her name. It was surprising and there was some curiosity she held about who had been thinking of her when they faced the Sith Lord. Having her name, especially her surname known, to the Sith Lord was terrifying. Her family were nobles on Eshan, all she could hope for was that the Alliance would ensure the safety of her mother and grandmother, her aunt was a Jedi and could look after herself, as far as Lily saw.

Taking a defensive stance, Lily needed a way to get her chance to destroy the relic but to do that she needed Carnifex's attention on herself. She could not beat him in a fight, she could not outmatch him in the Force, but she could try destroying the relic and turn this from a fight into a chase. As long as the relic was destroyed, she did not need to linger here. That was her priority now. Destroy the relic, escape best she could. All she could hope for was a chance, all she could do was create an opportunity.

"Fine," was all Lily could allow herself to say in response to the monologue. She was not able to trust her voice, she was not someone who was witty or ready to retort with barbed words. Instead, she focused on the way Carnifex held himself, the way his body moved and understanding the physiology of Epicanthix to know what she needed to prepare herself for.

She was fighting for her life right now but Lily was going to ensure it was not a fight that would end swiftly.


The Dark Lord wasted little time.

His blade struck out, the Sith crossing the distance between them in the span of a heartbeat. The blade crackled and hissed as it sung through the air, as if the very energy bound within was forged from hate made manifest. When their weapons first collided, the resulting impact burst with the detonation of raw, primal power; light and dark slamming together and breaking away in a shower of biting sparks. The Dark Side surged in concert with it's chosen avatar, the powers of darkness flowing freely through the Dark Lord like a torrential flood.

Each movement the Dark Lord took was done so with purpose, nothing about His form or His technique was superfluous or unnecessary. He was a skilled warrior, trained in the crucible of war, and He made that fact known. Had this not been a life or death struggle, perhaps the young Decoria would have found beauty in the vicious grace of His actions, but all she could do now was withstand and survive. Any one of His blows could have spelt her doom, and it would take all that she had learned to keep His blade from her throat, her chest, her limbs, anywhere it sought to bite deep and draw blood.

"You fight well, Jedi," rumbled the tyrannical voice of the Dark Lord, "I see the distinct markings of the Sal-Soren woman in your technique. If you believe her instruction will save you, then you will be sorely mistaken." He struck again, His lightsaber cutting deep into the stone floor. When He pulled it free, slag and flame rushed up to fill the void. Curiously, the Shadow that had stopped her attack on the relic hadn't moved, she could still be seen lurking in the darkness beneath it.

It was clear the Dark Lord's Shadow was running interference, remaining on the sidelines to protect the relic at all costs. But if both the Dark Lord and His Shadow could be waylaid, then perhaps the young Jedi could achieve her mission and escape with her life.

Else she may find this ancient ruin her tomb.

Location: Yavin IV
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

The speed from the Sith Lord was intense. Lily could only have the ability to block and protect her life due to the precognitive ability from the Force. Her blade shifted and collided with the intensity of the Dark Side exuding from Carnifex. It was intense and completely different from simple, casual spars that Lily had been training with. This from the start was very much a duel that was going to be life or death for Lily, she was not leaving here alive unless she was smart enough to cause the Sith to hesitate or provide a moment for her to flee.

Reading the language of combat coming from the Epicanthix was interesting, it was brutal, it was oppressive and it was precise. If Lily wanted to be generous and capable of doing it in the moment, how she could read the combative form from Carnifex, there was a beauty to it, there was a level of impressiveness to it. However, Lily was so focused on her own defences, using Soresu to keep a high defence and letting Carnifex reveal his attacking forms and strategy as she formulated her plan.

Her crossguard Lightsaber was not the weapon she had on her person and Lily needed to use her second blade to destroy the artefact. "To know my Master's style means you have fought her, and given she is still very much alive. I think you overestimate your chances." Lily stated with a stoic tone, as she utilised her Echani martial arts to push back against the aggressive movements of Darth Carnifex. Using her natural strength and flexibility to move fluidly in order to create space.

Back flipping to create space, Lily noted that the Sith Lord's shadow was not something tied to him like it should be and was clearly ready to defend the relic if she attempted to strike it. She hoped the gift from Lucia Naberrie Lucia Naberrie would help in the ways she needed it to. Flipping the skirt of her Jedi clothing, she grabbed the Lightsaber strapped to her thigh and ignited the two blades, causing the Lightsaber to start spinning. Lily threw it towards relic, hoping that the second weapon would be enough surprise to give her a chance to damage the relic.

Holding her main Lightsaber in both hands, Lily charged forward and slashed towards Carnifex. Forcing him to focus on her and not the spinning Lightsaber.

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