Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Stranger Appears(open)

It wasn't everyday one such as Eldoc actually came to somewhere that wasn't a bar. He chuckled at the idea of him being a Templar. His 600 year old Imperial Knight Armor was distinct as was the man wearing it, under a cloak. His green lightsaber from his days at the jedi temple on his belt. If one observed him would note his smell, he reeked of alcohol. Eldoc sighed as he waited at the entrance for someone to notice him. He took out a flask and took a swig of what was Menkaroo Whiskey. Yep today was going to be a long day he thought. But he needed a paycheck, working for Ashen at her request wasn't paying the bills and he really didn't feel like being a merc again. That hadn't ended well.
Surely someone here would talk to him heck he would take an apprentice to get someone to aknowledge him. It seemed strange but Eldoc wanted to make a new home. A place to call his own. After wasting who knows how much time drinking and doing jobs others wouldn't do. Eldoc wanted to become someone again. Finally getting over waking up alone without any of his old friends, and then serving the sith to only be hunted and exiled. No he would make this his home and be damned if he let anything stop him. After all the templars seemed an decent bunch.

That was when he spotted someone else. One @Seanna Vel. He approached her, the first face he had seen here that seemed approachable. "Hello there" He said hoping she wasn't put off by his appearance. The fact was that he wore ancient Imperial Knight armor under a robe, and had a lightsaber on his hip. He most likely smelt of booze as after all he did have a flask of it in his hand.
It had been a while since she could find herself a bit of time to take a good long drink. Finding it harder for her to drink, being sore as heck after a long day lessons. Letting herself bring her fingers up to her hips, only to look at her black beauty of eyes. Giving him a cold hard stare. It wasn't nothing personal until she smell, "Boy, sweet cake you smell worse then Hutt on bath day." shaking her head at him.

Waving to a waiter, "HEY SWEET PEA, GIVE ME a CORILLA ALE OVER ROCKS, Make it SNAP< SWEETHEART" turning her head back towards [member="Eldoc Quasat"] rolling her neck to one side to pop it then the other way. Giving him a long hard look before putting her hands on both lips. "So, your tempar are you, sugar, I guess.." putting her hand out to shake it. "Seanna" once could see by her markings on her face that she was a Kiffar. "You ,, come here offen it seem like my kind of stomping ground, after a hard day work of sweat out at the farm with the farm hands...ehhh..."
"Well for some reason I can't seem to ditch the smell" He smiled and pulled out his flask and put it back. " I will have a Menkaroo Whiskey.. the whole bottle. " He said looking her over, she wasn't quite human, he searched his memory and recalled Kiffar's a interesting group. they had a rare trait, and it just seemed he met all the rare ones. " I am indeed a Templar, Eldoc, pleasure to meet you. " He said shaking her hand firmly. " I find that no matter how much time passes a drink is always a welcome diversion. " He looked her over, she seemed like she was able to handle her self and well what guy didn't eye the female form however he only took that in briefly returning to her eyes. He waited to hear what she said next after all she intrigued him. It wasn't everyday he met someone that managed to do that.

@Seanna Vel
"Menkaroo Whiskey, sweet cake that not for the faint, are you, sure..sweet pea able to stand after whole blasted bottle down, heck, I be on the floor stone cold out like a jawa in a junk yard" shaking her head with a eye brow being raised. Smirking at how firm his hand shake. This wasn't something she ran into everyday.

Coming into her hand was her Ale. Nodding to the sweetie that brought it to her. "Thank, sugar" taking a long drink after which she just wiped her mouth with her arm. Keeping and eye on this one in front of her.After which she let her own eyes go over him, what harm would it be,"So, what's with get up of yours..." Looking over to where some placing bet on a speeder race on a holocron then back to him. " .still up right and speaking...that good sweet pea, that armor looks older then my grandparents put together, trust me its older cotton picking hills on Kiffex." [member="Eldoc Quasat"]
Eldoc chuckled at her as he took a swig of the bottle. Feeling the familiar burn as it went down his throat. " I received it over 400 years ago, and it is the one thing that I have left of my life then. Being frozen twice... and losing everyone is not something I wish on my worst enemy. So I keep it to remember where I am from. It still works just as good, as anything you can find today. " He signed taking another swig letting the burning liquid go down his throat.

He looked her over. " Sorry to dump my story on you but you asked." Eldoc sighed and took another swig. It was good stuff and his favorite currently. It is what he drank to try to chase away the memories. Since he didn't have much to live for but to live, this is what he did.
@Seanna Vel
"Sweet hutt brain, " whistling long a high. Taking another long drink before sitting it down again. This time her dark large black eyes. Upon which time she just had still a puzzle look to him. "Shouldn't you be like a old man, with a stiff back, white hair or something, if your that old, sweet pie shut me mouth." as she just put her hip back up her hips. Only to find herself raising another hand towards the waiters that she would need another one sooner then later. Giving him a way as if don't worry about it. "Oh, sugar your fine, I do find some of it a bit will, heck it just seem will peacock business. "

[member="Eldoc Quasat"]
" My body was frozen so it didn't age and thus why my body is not ancient. " He smiled " So what is a fine lady like your self doing all alone? Where are you from, " He asked curious more than anything. " You don't have to share of course. " Eldoc took a smaller swig than normal as he waited to hear her story. After all it was always interesting to learn about someone else. You never knew what they had or hadn't been through.

@Seanna Vel
It was her lips that form the circle before the "O...OOOOOO " came out. "Bet your breeches you are glad to be unfrozen. " Taking another long drink before looking at him again. "First off I do not see myself as a lady, never have. I'm a hard work down to salt of Kiffex dirt farm girl, sweet pie." letting herself take another long drag of ale. "Yea, I grew up in a farm out side of one of the only small town called Rayville, it seem the sun was good to the land around, rain wasn't always the best. I guess that why our farm was turn into a ranch as my grandfather got more of the grass land around, turn it into a bantha ranch along with other animal with good meat like Nerf Steaks, with good marbling." as she took another long drink.

"Oh, poodoo frog, look here I'm boring you to death, sorry, sugar." thinking long and hard to what she would speak next to him."I just came here not to long ago it seem this is the only place to get good ale, I grew up on some strong ale, we had our own small family brewery. "

"So how long have you been here with these Tempars"

[member="Eldoc Quasat"]
He smiled listening to her. what it would be like to have such a normal life and live on a farm with animals and a brewery even. The smile he gave was a true one, one that to an observer would note was a full smile. Not his normal one that he gave when amused. " I actually just joined up if you believe it, I was woke up by the sith, spent some time with them. Then they hunted me down and I hid in a couple other groups. I joined the Protectorate for a while and even the fringe. This is my attempt at trying to build something. I tire of wondering. So I am here to try to set down roots and maybe make something of my self again. I was the Hand of the Empress at some point, I am sure I can work my way up here. "
"Wow, by gosh you gotten around, like last week wash, been in the ringer I say a few town." giving her little chuckle that some found either cute or just right down annoying. "Well, then it seem we are both in the same darn place right now, I was just recurtied, I have this sense of tracking. I don't know if your very much up to your heck no not things...I mean those power stuff ..psychometry... Oh shoot I could see stuff from object since I was maybe mm...let see it was before we put up that last hay shed ...maybe four or five...., "

Taking another long drink from her glass of ale, wanting to have another go around with. At the same time just maybe giving this one a little more of a look down then she should. It was hard to read this one. Cheeking make sure her own stone cold wall was still up around her. Came the other part where her personal space was being request, by darn it that was a lot.

[member="Eldoc Quasat"]
@Seanna Vel
"Ahh, yes I wondered if you had that gift. I was training a fellow who had that gift but he vanished on me. It is an interesting one. If you ever want to see a shock I will let you try it on something of mine. " He said with a chuckle knowing that his would take her most likely back to far beyond this time. Eldoc took another swig and smiled, she was fun to talk to and seemed nice. " Need someone to train you if not, I am always available for a drink or if you want to learn something I will see what I can do.
"A gift don't know I would go that far to say it is, sweetie." thinking over what he had told about training. After which time she had a lot to think over. Finding herself just looking at this one a cross from her, before speaking once more. After all very much wanting to listen more to what he had to say. "You, bet your breeches that I want someone to training me, just what kind of training do you have to offer, if I may ask, sweet pea. "

[member="Eldoc Quasat"]
"Sure it is, it allows you do to do a host of things others can't. Of course it does not come without it's consequences. I train in ways of the force, saber combat and try to help out in any way I can. " He said with a smile. "Of course I wouldn't want to take you away from someone else so if you already have some training arranged, don't let me get in the way. " Eldoc for sure didn't want to be an inconvenience.

@Seanna Vel
"Yea yea, great gift to have to see where others have been done get loads of information from, damn right scary if you see your mother get stab." taking a long long drink. After which finding the bottom of the glass. Causing her to wave over her hand. "Ya sweet cheeks, something stronger is in order, make it like three second ago...will hop hop to it, No I don't care...what just the give me the highest prof, sweetie." flipping her a few extra credits to show she was good for it.

Turning her attention back, letting out a long drawn out sigh only to find her voice once again."Nope not really, haven't really found one that I mashed up with very good, something about about my darn mouth, kind of like I slip things out hard to say sweet potatoes pie I shut my mouth. " , seeing that bar maid coming with her next glass.

"I know I'm a little tiny bit ruff around the edge, but really I'm..darn blasted hard worker, even got the guns to prove it." giving a chuckle before she took the first slip of this new drink. To find her mouth burn, "Oh mother of all holy cows, it shi..t burns like ones too...have...taste."

[member="Eldoc Quasat"]
Eldoc smiled " I don't think you are bad at all. Well if you want me, I can try to train you. " He said taking another swig of his Menkaroo Whiskey and feeling the familiar burn in his throat. " No thanks I have my own. So what do you think? " Eldoc asked looking her over curious what her thoughts were. After all he didn't care if she did or not. " we would start first thing tomorrow morning. "
@Seanna Vel
"What do I think, mmmm ,,, I think it be a good spanking time, there sweet pea." , giving a smile as she took another small drink. One not burning so much still it burnt. All in all, taking this thought, "We, could just start..right now.." giving a lite hardy chuckle. Only to finding wanting to stand but the seat was just so darn warm and inviting.

"So, what will teach first.", giving a smile as she took a few more sips of the drink that seem to be warming her from the inside out. "Oh boy I do love this stuff, its like good poodoo." as she raised her half full glass. "Hear, Hear to training all that fun, jazz stuff......oh boy do I call you Master or what...sweet pea..." [member="Eldoc Quasat"]
"we could but I don't like it when my apprentices are buzzed. It generally ends badly. Now off to bed you, sleep it off and I will meet with you in the morning." He said with a chuckle. He had to admit she was fun to be around. "You can call me Master sure, I like the sound of that." Eldoc took another swig and felt the burn of the liquid. " Now let us rest I believe they have a barracks somewhere around here."
Eldoc chuckled and stashed the bottle in his cloak and laid out enough credits to pay for both of them. "Well now come on either way I don't see a point to stick around." Eldoc got up and waited for her. He was going to have to find a shower too, get the damn smell off of him. [member="Seanna Vel"]
"Awww, why the heck not, it just means it builds character, oh heck we use to throw a few back on the ranch, then get our, butts back to working.", watching him put his bottle back in his cloak. Raising her eye brow. "Hey sweet pea, do you, drink on the job, Master...rocking.."
Finding that he had a point in not sticking around as she goes to stand up. All that could be done is cause some good old fashion ruckus. Thinking to herself this wasn't a bad idea giving away to a grin upon her lips. Feeling that better not, to make a bad first impression.

Then it hit her like a brick wall, as she sniff at the air a few more times. Feeling it now grabbing onto the first thing she could. "Whoa, baby I think the floor is a little uneven.", It was her face first again, boy was that smell coming from her new Master. "Master, what the heck to shit, was you doing before coming her it smell like you was rolling in Hutt shit." Putting her hands on the hips, "We need to find the river and throw ya in on the way back to the sleep,,, place." giving him a play punch only thing not releasing it harder then she judge it to be. [member="Eldoc Quasat"] I"m waiting :D
"Go ahead and try" He said dryly as he walked off towards the their quarters. His was a single room and he took a long shower, washing the grime and ensuring to watch the few wounds he had that he didn't bother getting healed. He only took healing when it was forced on him. But yet his body slowly healed, they had all closed up but they still hurt a bit. Eldoc let sleep take him and woke up early and waited in the training room for his apprentice. She was interesting that was for sure. He still didn't know what to make of her.
[member="Seanna Vel"]

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