Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A stroll in the den of thieves

Mission 1: A stroll in the den of thieves
Objective: Infiltrate the smugglers base, apprehend criminals, and confiscate heritage tapestries (one depicts the life of Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi, the other of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker)
Location: Shulstine V
[member="Veino Garn"] - in charge of operation
[member="Axo Mend"]
[member="Kyle Arcaina"]
[member="Dair Cotarin"]

[[Encrypted message]]
Recipient: Veino Garn
Subject: Your eyes only

Master Garn, it has been too long. I have to say you were a harder individual to track down than most! I have recently become aware of several stolen Jedi Relics on the planet of Shulstine V. I've spoken with the local authorities and while they will not interfere, they also will not aid us in their recovery. Shulstine isn't the most reputable of places.

I'm uploading the mission file to you now. Right now the relics are being housed in a smugglers base, but they plan to move them soon. I've discharged several padawans to the planet, but they need someone with experience of the underworld to aid them. They will reindezous with you at the local cantina.

Keep them safe Veino and may the force be with you.


[[end encryption]]
Veino studied the message, leaning back in his captain's seat near Nal Haaska, finger resting on his chin. Well, this would be an interesting mission, that was for sure. A small detour from what his mission at the moment, but they did need some help. Padawans on Shulstine V? They'd get cut to pieces and never be found again. Or they might wander around for a very long time while the relics disappeared.

He sent a short, encrypted reply in return.

Being hard to track down has been my intention for the past year. And I'll meet them there, although I'll look... differently than what they'll expect. Contact phrase to identify me is "Have you seen the fountain?"

That was that. He leaned forward in his seat and pulled up the controls. he punched in the coordinates and and held his breath as the stars seemed to hang for a second, turn into streaks of light, and then vanish altogether in a swirl of blue clouds.

[member="Kian Karr"]
Now this was more like it. Jacen took a long swing from his glass, narrowed his eyes and slid another credit chit into the pile. It had been a long time since he'd been allowed a beer, and of course he had to have one - or three - to fit in. The shady characters at his table all took their time, but ultimately matched his bet.

Voidstalker was hardly a practised lier, but then no one here asked too many questions. He kept to facts as much as possible: he'd been part of a private military company, he'd seen action but had left for a more interesting life. Most assumed he was some kind of gun for hire, but there'd been no probing questions.

Concentrating on the Force, he felt it shift. The Padawan was still working out how to truly silence his mind and listen to the Force. An interesting exercise that he doubted would be approved by his Masters. Jacen upped the ante, and watched as his opponent's folded one by one.

There was a mild grumbling as he took the winnings, signalling the bar staff for another ale. He decided to lose on the next hand, no need to draw attention to himself.

[member="Veino Garn"] - in charge of operation
[member="Axo Mend"]
[member="Kyle Arcaina"]
[member="Dair Cotarin"]
[member="Veino Garn"] - in charge of operation
[member="Axo Mend"]
[member="Kyle Arcaina"]
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

Dair had some trouble fitting in. He was comfortable with himself to be dressed in any clothing and not feel much shame, but he tended to always act like himself. Rarely had this been an issue for him, but in a den of scum and villainy such as this, being the shiny 'Knight in Shining Armor' would get him killed and he knew that. Because of that, he dug deep into his memories, and took on the mindset he imagined the people who had enslaved him as a child would have. He changed it slightly, sure that he wouldn't be able to convince anyone that he was truly that despicable, but the crude bantering and lascivious smiles went a long way with people who were drinking. Dair stuck to the non-alcoholic stuff, if anyone asked he'd say that his sister was at a party nearby and he was the designated driver. Variably that got him respect and disdain, a few went to look for the supposed sister of this obnoxiously tall, broad shouldered warrior. He was dressed in some worn light armor and carried a blaster pistol at his waist. Unlike a lot of people in the bar, however, his hand never strayed to that weapon. Having his saber hidden in his left gauntlet, he felt fairly secure. He watched as Jacen did a much better job of fitting in with the crowd, sipping the equivalent of root beer as he watched for their contact.
On his first mission he had to admit this was rather exciting after all he was still a padawan but this was to be his first mission for the Order and with the location it was an ugly little cantina. Still the places to drink on Raxus Prime had been ugly little spots so in a sad way he felt right at home. The first thing to do was to not stick out and glancing about he realized just how new he was as he lost his fellow padawans shortly after entering and looking about he spots some of the tougher looking guys comparing scars and having arm wrestling matches. Most ending with a powerful thunk as a arm met table. Walking over he moved his shirt some to expose the wicked scars leading to what had been his right arm. Of course getting their interest and he spun a story of a battle with a ferocious beast mouth full of fangs that had wanted him for dinner and that he fought it off losing only his arm for it.

His story telling skills needed some work but for his efforts one of the goons got him a drink and of course he got into the challenges of strength planting his cybernetic arm on the table to battle them. Arguments erupted for a moment accusing him of cheating for using that and Kyle adopted the dialect rapidly swearing and cussing right back calling them cowards and a variety of insults that he was very grateful his mother wasn't around to hear before they burst out laughing and he joins in their games. Sometimes letting a man win but more often letting the motors within his arm win him the contests. With the arm wrestle being focused on the strength of his forearm the power of his right arm was actually coming in handy.
[member="Veino Garn"]
[member="Kyle Arcaina"]
[member="Dair Cotarin"]

“Right lads, I think that’s me done!” he announced to the group. He’d deliberately lost a pile of chits on the last hand, to ensure there wouldn’t be any particularly hard feelings as he left the table. There was no need to leave a lasting impression after all. The response was little more than a series of grunts, and someone filled the chair before it could begin to cool.

Jacen meandered over to the bar, noticing a couple of familiar faces. The problem was, in his mind, that he only had a vague description of their contact. Have you seen the fountain? Jacen certainly hadn’t seen a fountain in the shadow port, it’d be a bit hard to brush that one off if he asked the wrong person. He wasn’t even sure what the response was supposed to be.

“I’d like another one of the Red Star!” Jacen said loudly, pointing at the non-alcoholic beer. He leaned over the bar and whispered in a conspiratorial voice: “Corellian ale please, and if anyone asks I’ve been on the soft stuff all night,” before sliding over a couple of chits from his winnings.

Noticing an odd look he whispered to the Rodian next to him: “Missus has me on a diet,” and winked. The Rodian gave a half-hearted throaty laugh and then resumed ignoring him. Jacen stayed at the bar, sipping his drink. He was, afterall, on a mission. Being a soldier who had been dry for months, of course he wanted to have more than a few beers, but they also had a mission on hand. His hand subconsciously reached for the empty blaster gas cylinder on his belt. He was still proud of that. With a quick turn of the cap, he could have his saber in his hands within moments.

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