Doctor Zendu
The Doctor is in

Location: The Office of Doctor Robert Zendu's Private Practice, the planet of Belasco.
Trying to finish up the day's paperwork sometimes felt like an insurmountable task to Doctor Robert Zendu, galactic psychiatrist. So many patients, so little time. The Doctor had a sudden influx of new patients lately, surmising happily that perhaps his name was getting around in the galaxy. This was a good thing. It helped him to afford his luxurious home office which sat atop a glittering Belasco skytower.
The upswing in business also allowed him to keep up with the most cutting-edge and experimental treatments the galaxy could offer. Talk therapy was his specialty, but Doctor Zendu was constantly on the lookout for new and sometimes controversial ways to help his patients.
He let his receptionist leave early and before sitting back down for paperwork, poured himself a glass of whiskey. Even a Doctor needed his vices now and then.
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