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A Tarisian meet-up Redux

[member="Keturah X"]

Salvor Arnex was pacing in a tight circle as he looked over the shoulder of his top tech guy, at the screen in front of him not understanding a single thing he saw. The young golden skinned Zabraki was less than twenty and had already seen much more of the galaxy than most. He fought for and was knighted by the sith, he was a council member to the failed shadow dynasty and he for a short time lead his own empire. That was the past, he was now barely more than a common mercenary, just with a larger contingency of men behind him. Romeo Sin however promised to once again give him and his men purpose.

"Tell me how it works again." He asked for what must of been the twelth time in the last hour. To his credit his tech man, Garron, answered just as patiently as he had the first time. Garron was a good man. Young, blonde and a strong soldier. He also happened to have an incredible mind for technology and that came in handy more times than he could count these last few months.

"From the intel our employer gave us, it would seem that this slicer, this, X, targets specific accounts. It looked random to his guys, but his guys aren't me." Garron said, a little too confident for Salvor's liking. "So, What I did was set up a dummy account, made it look super juicy, not too juicy to make it look like a trap but juicy enough that eventually he will bite."

"Once he does, we trace the location get our mobiles on it and boom we get paid and add to the mistique of Romeo Sin's army."

"What if they are untraceable?" asked Charisma Renaii. she was the captain of his personal guard and the sheer definition of beautiful. Salvor did not notice but he heard his men say so. He supossed they were right, she was tall, with an athletic build, and long flowing brown hair that stopped at the small of her back, and her face was compared to and actress from the holovids by the other men. It was not her looks however that Salvor found intriguing. It was her devotion not only to him but to the men she was in charge of. She always did all she could to prove she was the best soldier, and she did not refuse or argue orders. She was a good captain.

"Untraceable is a word cooked up by the holovids. There is no such thing as un traceable, only bad techies."
Garron's confidence was normally infectious, but Salvor had spent three days waiting for his fool proof plan to bare seeds and his patience was running out, he needed something to happen and he needed it soon.
Taris was beautiful this time of year. Clear skies, soft breezes, and flowers blooming in the parks. The ice cream parlors and bakeries were selling seasonal specials, and the candy shops were introducing new sweets. People were investing in pod races and vacations and putting a lot of their hard-earned credits into their bank accounts.​
The banks, in turn, assured that the credits were in the most secure place in the Galaxy. But what the banks hadn't realized was that a certain slicer was needing to replenish their current credit pool.​
"The X" sat in her favorite booth at Icy Day's Ice Cream, happily working on a large strawberry cone. She was dressed in all black, with a puffed thigh-length skirt and striped tights. Her silky black hair was tied back in a loose ponytail, lightly curling at the end. She typed away on a small datapad. When she was doing bigger things, she used her portable holo-computer. But when she was pulling off small thefts, like this one, she used a datapad that she could depose of after covering her tracks. This was what made her so difficult to track. Well, that and the fact that if anyone tried digging any deeper than the letter "X" on the screen, they'd be bombarded with millions of viruses.​
"The X" was browsing through the many accounts in Taris Optimal Bank when a few caught her eye. "Orsen", "Povela", and "Hodgepodge". "Hodgepodge"? She had to feel a little sorry for someone with a name like that. Imagine the teasing! She opened the accounts and carefully removed 100,000 credits from each. She didn't need to completely drain things today. After leaving her trademark "X" for anyone who might come snooping, she slipped the datapad in her teddy bear backpack and walked out of the parlor.​
[member="Salvor Arnex"]​
[member="Keturah X"]

Salvor's eyes snapped open as he was jerked from his meditative state by a victorious whoop coming from the other end of the room.

"Bait was taken, Warden!" Garron exclaimed equal parts excited and proud. "We ran into a bit of a firewall, a really good one actually, but I got through enough to tell where the withdrawal came from."

Finally. Finally all this patience had paid off and he was going to hunt. He was going to be free from these walls, out in the open the taste of prey and the conditioned satisfaction he got from taking that prey, alive or dead.

Salvor rose from his place on the floor and before he could say a word of congratulations-which was unlikely-or give an order-much much more likely- his team was already in motion. Garron was on the comm giving the traced local to the team he had out in the city ready to converge.

Charisma was busy getting her gear on and laying out the gear for Garron and Salvor. All three of them put on their bodysuits-black of course-and their light tactical armor-also black. Salvor had chose to suit them up with armor that chose to forgo protection in favor for maneuverability and a less conspicuous look.

Salvor, Charisma, and Garron made there way down from the apartment they commandeered and to the parking ramp where their, transportation waited for them. Salvor swung a leg over the seat of his swoop bike and revved the engine.

"Garron, where are we headed." he asked his technician

"Looks like a building in the market district. Can't tell exactly which one until we get closer." He responded.

It took less than a minute for them to reach the market district, about three or four blocks of small local shops that relied heavily on tourism. most of the shops were small, quaint little things and it turned out one of these shops was where their hacker had performed their latest theft.

"That's it!" Garron said pointing toward Icy Day's Ice Cream parlor.

"Okay then, we park here, and walk down to the parlor." Salvor said to them as he got off his bike and Charisma and Garron exited the speeder they had "acquired" for this stage of the job. "Small arms only, we don't need Tarisian police getting in our way."

"Agreed." Charisma said as she pulled out, three blaster pistols from a compartment made in the back seat of the speeder. "Let's go enquire shall we?"

The three of them clad in black walked down the street toward the ice cream shop, trying to look as inconspicuous as they could, while dressed in black tac armor, and pistols at their hips. They didn't look extremely out of place, Taris had plenty of bounty hunters visit looking for work, Salvor just wasn't sure how many walked into market district and got a cone of ice cream.

As they walked Salvor, so focused on his goal bumped into someone. "Schutta." Salvor swore as he walked past the person he bumped into, a young girl in a black puffy skirt, with raven dark hair pulled in a pony tail with a bear back pack on.

The three of them, walked into the shop with Garron pacing around with his datapad doing force-knows what, trying to scan for something or another. Charisma walked over to the counter and asked the person working if they had seen anyone suspicious come through here the last few days and Salvor, Salvor did what he always did and concentrated. He let the force flow him, to let it guide him, to show him something, some kind of lead.

as he did this Salvor was drawn to a corner booth. he walked over and placed his hand on the table and when he did, he got a feeling, no he got a certainty that this was where their target had sat not more than a few minutes ago.

"Who was the last to sit here?" Salvor asked.

"Some girl. black hair, black clothes, bear back pack. shes come in a couple times a week the last month or so."

"Time for us to go." Salvor said to his men as he turned and headed out the door, hoping to catch up to their target...
Ow! Keturah almost lost her grip on her ice cream cone when someone roughly bumped into her shoulder. She would've forgotten about it. Until she heard a very harsh, cold voice mutter "Shutta" in her direction. She stopped for a moment, turning back to look at whoever had said it. It was a very tall Zabrak in black garbs. She couldn't see his face, but she could see that he had gold skin and tattoos of some kind. The tone he'd used... It was just a tiny insult. It wasn't like she'd never heard one before. But for some reason, this time it made her feel almost... sad.​
Keturah continued on her way, choosing to try and push the little incident from her mind. She rounded the corner, walking up the the edge of the walking platform. She pulled the datapad out of her backpack, releasing it over the side into the seemingly endless drop that were the Tarisian airways.​
She then began making her way toward her favorite park. It was the only one with yellow flowers for several blocks in any direction.​
[member="Salvor Arnex"]​

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