Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Teller of Tales

Hello there everyone in a Galaxy Far, Far Away!

I guess the polite thing to do would be to, first of all, introduce myself. I am Shard, as you may know me, and it's a pleasure to meet every single one of you!

I am, or at least claim to be I suppose, a storyteller and have loved the setting of Star Wars since I was a kid and am very happy to have finally found a place I can merge my love for the written word, role-playing, and Star Wars into one activity. I am, for all intents and purposes, an open book when it comes to getting to know me so if you wish to talk or know something about me, just ask! I'll answer as best I can. ^-^

So then, I look forward to meeting you all and creating full, engaging characters to explore this world you've created with. For now, at least, my intention is to create a Jedi (most likely a Padawan) and go from there until I feel comfortable enough to branch out. But, hey, plans change as do characters themselves so... who knows? Anyways! Thank you very much for reading this rambling mess of an intro. I truly appreciate it.

Fiolette Fortan

[member="Shard the Storyteller"]

Hey! ^_^ Welcome to Chaos, if you have any questions feel free to ask and enjoy your stay!
[member="Shard the Storyteller"]

I'm very similar to you, I feel. Star Wars was my first love, literally. The moment I learned to read, I began to read some of the children's novels, and by the age of ten I was reading every novel I could get my hands on. Shortly after, I learned to write, and role play, and I've been hooked ever since. Star Wars is amazing, a universe for story telling unlike any other I feel. We are blessed to have you here.

I love creating characters, stories, and ideas. And I love discussing them. If you ever want to talk about ideas, to have a sounding board, or someone to help fill in blanks, please, give me a PM. I would love to help.

Also, [member="Darth Tacitus"] you left out one important detail. Join the hyper active bubbly, teenage Dark Side! We have cookies, cake we stole from Jedi Master meetings, chocolate taken from mystical chocolate factories, and beach parties!

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