Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply A time gone by (Sith controlled Garos IV)


Garos IV,Ariana
A rush of air swiftly entered into the dropship as the ramp slowly lowered to the floor, revealing a lonely figure leaned up against the wall of the dropship. A boy, returning to his home planet to solve unanswered questions that had riddled him for years. Once it was safe to do so he made his way down the ramp and gazed at the ever recognisable city in front of him, almost as if he was taking it in all over again. Although, heavy footsteps came up behind him and stopped a paces beside him "Now get out of here kid, I didn't see you..." the pilot grunted to him while counting his credits, a small smirk spread across his face. Catching a regular shuttle to Garos was now a no go, especially when a faction like the Sith were controlling it. They were unpredictable and unforgiving from what he had heard from small talk, so there was no harm in taking the back door for these kind of occasions. Cartri looked over to the captain with a small sigh before making his way off the launch pad, adventuring back into the city he called home.

It was mid day on the planet yet the tropical rain that pounded the area made it look like evening, mainly contributed to how dark everything was. Although, the familiar fowl smell and array of bright lights were still the same. He slowly put his hood up and wondered through the streets alone, making his goal not to draw any attention to himself as he walked past the odd person looking for cover from the heavy downpour. Something seemed odd, maybe it was because of the weather but not of people were spread across the streets like before. It almost seemed ghostly compared to his last visit, which seemed to send a wave of unease through his body as he drew closer to his destination.

Eventually, after navigating the streets without hassle he stood before the orphanage in all its run down glory. Even after leaving for two months it somehow did a good job in looking worse than before, maybe the staff who worked there suffered the same treatment too. Although, just from looking at it there was obviously something out of place. The front door was wide open, almost as if someone had forced their way in with a purpose. Cartri cautiously walked up the door and stood at the doorway, trying to listen to the normal chattering of children that never seemed to come "Hello?!" he shouted inside, his voice echoing around the empty walls of the building. There was no telling what happened to them, but his guess part of it was to do with the Sith running things now. The best hope was that they evacuated while they could, but knowing the people who ran the orphanage they probably just threw them out onto the street and left themselves.

Cartri took his first few steps into the building and made his way down the corridor, his eyes seemingly darting in every direction to cover every angle. Most of the rooms were a mess, with some succumbing to the elements while most were looted by the countless scavengers that roamed the city. Out of everything, he hoped the record room was still intact, but that was obviously going to be a big doubt considering the state of everything else. The room in question was on the second floor and probably one of the biggest rooms in the building, so it wasn't going to be very hard to miss. The only bad thing was the crooked stairs leading up to it. From clear observation it was totally not fit for use, like how it always had been. His mouth let out a small groan as he held onto the banister tightly and lightly treaded step by step to the top. However, after going through creaking hell he put his foot on the last step and almost fell through. The only thing that saved him was the fact he was at the very end, else he probably would fell into the deep abyss of the stairway. Cartri pulled himself up and dusted himself off, his head shaking in annoyance from what he just did "They never fail to disappoint me do they?" he said to himself with a smirk as he wondered over to the file room.

The room was just as expected, a hellhole. Everything was scattered all over the place, with furniture upside down pieces of broken objects buried under countless layers of rubble. Yet, the one thing he needed was somehow still intact. A terminal was laying face down on the table, its screen still on and monitor operational. He rushed over and lifted the terminals monitor, using his hand to wipe off any muck that was attached. The screen itself was shattered and cracked, but it still seemed to be readable. Cartri smiled from the fortunate find and leaned over the table, trying to figure out how to work such a machine "Okay... how do you work" he said outloud, before a robotic voice from the machine answered "-Please state what you want to search-" unexpectedly. The boy looked at the screen confused for a few seconds, before hesitantly replying "Cartri?" with a small tilt of his head

A few seconds passed before a result flashed across the screen, it was him. The area seemed to show his history at the orphanage as well as other important information like the date he arrived, and even how he arrived. He hesitated for a few seconds as he stared at the screen, taking a deep breath when he made the screen go down. On the section named "Arrival" it gave a detailed account of how they found him. To his surprise he was found at the front door in a box, with nothing more than a warm blanket and a strange note. Although, when he went down down to see what the contents of the letter nothing was specified, almost as if they didn't bother to record it. Cartri looked over the contents again and again, yet nothing there seemed to get him any closer as to who his real parents were. All that Cartri could do was stare at the bright terminal blankly, knowing he had come all the way back home to run into a brick wall. That was it, within a matter of seconds his hopes had all but diminished. The question was, what was he going to do now?
[[ Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll ]]

Being half-alien wasn't quite an ideal situation in Sith controlled space. In fact, if his Pa knew he was out on Garos IV it would be the last of his travels for some time. Yet here he was in the tropical rain on a Sith controlled planet. In reality he was playing the long game - hoping the Sith stranglehold would collapse and trade could easily flow through the region. For now his time was spent buying property sight unseen in hopes of an excellent return on investment. Makai knew the building was useless, basically he was buying up the city block itself in order to build bigger and better - a gleaming tower of progress once it was safe to.

Hood was pulled up as he entered what he assumed was an abandoned building. Makai was a bit nervous to even step inside, it appeared to him a good wind would go and knock the structure to the ground. Flashlight was turned out, bouncing around the space. His footsteps echoed loudly in the space, mixing in with the sounds of dripping water and the scuttling of rodents.

"Might tear this down sooner rather than later."
Silence filled the building as Cartri just stared at the terminal, almost trying to find an emotion to deal with this sort of news. Suddenly, he grabbed hold of the screen and threw it to the floor in fury, his eyes slowly beginning to tear up as he repeatedly stomped on the only thing that provided the truth "ARGHHH!" he yelled at the top of his lungs before picking up what was left of the broken terminal and throwing it against the wall. With his breathing heavy, the boy slowly dragged himself over to the wall and slow slid down into a sitting position, his hands coming up to his face as he began to let it all out. Tears rolled down his cheeks when the boy began to quietly whimper to himself, almost as if he was opening a bottle of sealed emotions.

All he wanted was closure, yet all it did was provide more questions than answers. All it did was fuel his worries of not being able to find out, and as time got on that only got worse. However, while he wiped his red eyes his ears picked up a constant noise from the stairs. He listened closely as it got nearer to the door, forcing him to carefully get back up and shuffle over to the doorway in the hopes the person would simply walk past. But, it was pretty obvious whoever was down there had heard all the commotion coming from the room. Cartri wiped any tears away from his eyes once more before getting ready to tackle the person to the floor and question their business. There was no hurt in being careful with the people around here, especially if you were alone in a abandoned building

As soon as the person came through the doorway he quickly lunged at his legs and attempted to take him to the floor, before using his speed to jump onto his chest and grab a hold of his top "What are you doing here?!" he questioned with a raised fist, his expression still as sad as before. From the looks of him he didn't seem homeless or a scavenger, but that was yet to be said about him being a possible thief "I-I bet you're one of those thief's picking on the small guy ain't you..." the boy grunted through gritted teeth as his fist began to shake, emotions beginning to boil over once more

[[ Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll ]]

One minute you're debating tearing down an older building the next you're being tackled at the legs and knocked the ground. Makai had suspected there would be resistance from potential squatters but from zero to physical violence seemed a bit extreme. Not that he was owed anything - especially considering the building block was bought unseen at an auction. Someone could have some real emotional connection to the crumbling structure.

Hand went up in a defensive position.

"Just thinkin' of tearing this place down...apparently its producing an emotional reaction." Brows knit together. "Wouldn't consider myself a thief."

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