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Private A Touch of Grey

A Touch of Grey

Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

Moon of Selun
City of Moonstone

It was a start, the first steps towards the road of recovery and revitalization had been taken, though the path was rough and the night long before the City of Moonstone would be a shimmering golden city on a hill. There had been others that she had known personal, come into contact with, or otherwise had known of from her time in the Confederacy prior to its collapse. Even now as she slowly found her way back to the Galaxy from the brink, there were still those that she thought to speak with or at the least reach out to and hope that they would in turn have a similar sentiment. It had taken discovering the Moon of Selun to bring her back from the brink, the void that she had found herself in at the very edge of Wild Space where so many others had fled. For a moment she sought to serve herself, to turn her back on all others, to forsake them for personal gain; however, she had overcome these thoughts and it was Selun that ensured that she would refocus her efforts to serve those that still needed aid, to provide a shield in their darkest times and lift them up to prosperity.

The Citadel was ancient by many standards, though only just, as it had been constructed in the millenia prior to the Battle of Yavin. The architecture and asethetics shown a mixture of the two sects that had a hand in its construction or reconstruction and expansion, each providing their own unique designs and features prior to it coming into the hands of its current residents. Constructed first by the Unorthodox Jedi Sect of the Ordu Aspectu, it had many similarities to other Jedi Temples and Structures; having served as both a place of learning and one of training though ultimately failing due to the Sect's practice of sacrificing their Padawans in an attempt to gain Immortality. Those that came after had their own hand in turning the Citadel into their own liking, the Sorcerers of Tund, a Dark Side Sect that claimed the area for a limited time after the fall of Palpatine's Galactic Empire when many Warlords, Force Sects, and Fledling Governments sought to carve out their own holds and territories in the power vaccuum that remained behind. Their hold on the region was short lived, though enough to provide the Citadel with its Dark Side aesthetic. Now, it had fallen into the possession of The Grey Hand.

Force Sects and Knowledge were not her place, and she understood very little if any beyond the capabilities and powers that others had displayed. There were many within the former Confedracy that she had known to be proficient with such talents, though there was only one name that came to her mind in that moment. The Grey Hand was established to assist in removing the remnants of the Bryn'adul, to scoure them from their nests and claims on those worlds that had once fallen within their Empire of Hunger. Its members were drawn from the best of the Selunite Watch and the Selunite Guard, and among them was a cadre of Force Users that needed a leader.

She hoped that he could be that leader, and if not, she at least hoped that he would be willing to hear her out. With the message sent, she stood silently in the Great Hall, the massive pillars of the Citadel of the Hand disappearing into the darkness of the vaulted cieling above. The black marble floors seemed to absorb what little light shown, though for her own eyes it was perfect as it provided some comfort as she slowly paced the length of the hall at the entrance. She was never one that had gotten accustomed to waiting for individuals.

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

TAG: Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn

Time away had been something Gerwald had leaned into. Some would say the wolf needed to find himself and others would say he was a coward that ran from his post. Neither were true. The Lupo had been drawn away to help his own kind, and his own curiosity had to discover the truth of his origins. It had been highly educational. His people were Sithspawn. They had become more than what they had been intended. Perhaps they were a mistake, or perhaps it was simply what the force willed. Even so, Gerwald finally knew the truth, and it had sent him into exile from his kind once again.

The missive from an old Confederacy acquaintance had reached the wolf upon his return to Stewjon. It was interesting enough that he made the trip to see what it was she wanted to discuss. Maybe it was something as simple as tea and crumpets, or perhaps something murderous and bloody was on the agenda. In truth Gerwald did not know her as well as he should, and it was due time to fix that. Even if he could grant the woman whatever it was she sought, he could at least give her his attention.

His ship landed at her estate in the city of Moonstone. This was the first time he had visited the planet or its magnificent cities. He could appreciate the invitation for the beauty of the planet itself, and it was enough to make him glad he had chosen to venture into this part of the galaxy.

It was a beautiful gem in an otherwise well of sorrow. Gerwald knew the history of the region, and he knew what this place had once been. A sacrifice and last stand had been made, and they would bring peace and stability in their time.

“I am here to see your mistress,” he spoke to the attendant as he stepped off the boarding ramp of his ship. “She is expecting me forthwith.”

A nod followed by a motion had led Gerwald to where they would meet.

His steps were deliberate as he found his way. The palace itself was grand, and fitting. He would never claim such an opulent abode for himself, but it seemed right for the illustrious von Soren. He bowed out of respect as he came into view.

“It has been too long.”

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