Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Touch of Heat

Zesiro had taken to wearing clothes to bed in the past few weeks when she was sleeping alone. She did this on the chance there was a need for her go on a mission with her master where there wasn't time for her get dressed. The only items she didn't wear in bed were her shoes, socks and lightsaber. It took just seconds to put those on and they were at hand nearby. This being one of those night, she wore her clothes.

As she slept though, some droids came in at the command of her master and ever so easily removed her from the castle without waking her and proceeded to administer a drug that kept her asleep for a few addition hours. They took out across the burning lava fields of Mustafar and laid her down gently on the ground. Far enough away from any lava to burn her until she woke up and had to travel back on her own and unarmed. The area they picked was uninhabited as far as they could tell. They dropped her off and returned to the castle. Leaving her to fend for herself.

Upon waking up, Zesiro had to rub her eyes a few times and stretch a little before coming fully awake to the situation she was in. Sitting up and rolling her eyes, she let out a few colorful words and looked around her. For the moment, she was safe from getting burned and looked up at the sky to try and get an idea of the direction to head when finding her way back to the castle.

A few nights ago, she had asked for training. This wasn't what she had in mind and would give Kyrel a piece of her mind when she got back. After about fifteen minutes she had figured out which direction she needed to go and stood up stretching again. Letting out a sigh, she looked to what would be the safest passage back.

Her first few minutes, she went smoothly just due to where the droids had dropped her off. After that it got more tricky and she had to be more careful. As she got closer to one of the many lava flows, she discovered a creature there. Her feet were sore by now and probably covered in cuts.

Whatever the creature was, it watched as she approached, but didn't scamper away. It must be used to people or being around them at least. Zesiro carefully approached it and held out a hand. It did jump away at that point, but didn't run. She stopped her walking and waited while it got a feel for her and visibly relaxed. Reaching out with the Force this time, Zesiro connected with it and bent it to her will. After doing that, she climbed on its back and made it travel in the direction she was headed originally. Whatever this animal was, it was able to travel the fields of lava safely. She wasn't wearing proper protection though and with the flying embers, her clothes were soon covered with holes and a few burns on her skin. Every time one of them made it through to her flesh, she let out a sharp hiss, curse and rubbed the pain away.

When she made an estimate that she was about an hour away from the castle by foot, she guided the creature to a stop, climbed off and released it. Letting go of the hold she had on it mind, she watched as it ran away from her. Turning back to the castle, she could make it out in front of her and headed in its direction, taking great care of where she placed her feet.

By the time she reached the doors, her clothes were almost nothing but tatters and her feet were blistered and bleeding. The heat of the planet had warmed her and her face was bright pink to almost red from the exercise of the walk for the last hour. Waking into the castle, she made her was through the now familiar halls to the quarters she shared with Kyrel.

[member="Darth Interitus"]
Kyrel had waited to see what his apprentice would do, after the recent night they shared, he decided to have the servant droids transport her to the lava fields of Mustafar. From what he had studied the Sith Lord Darth Sidious did this to his apprentice Darth Maul, as some form of a test when he was a child. Kyrel wanted to apply the same basic technique, and from what he assumed this would be a test for his young apprentice, something to test her both physically and mentally.

After the droids informed him that the deed was done, he had left her room, and began walking the halls, he had taken the turbolift down to the level that housed the Sith Archives. He began to scour the rows of holobooks and ancient tomes, on more secrets to learn of the dark side. He had sought to learn more knowledge, and his duty as a Master was to hold strength and power, and the role of his apprentice would be one of loyalty in exchange for the power he had held. Slowly he spent hours on reading the ones regarding the technique of Force Lightning. He had hoped to wield such awesome power.

He then heard news of his Apprentice's arrival, and was both impressed, and displeased, he had hoped for at least to make this a challenge for her, no matter he had matters to discuss with her anyhow. He had stopped his studies and walked back to the turbolift. He could sense his apprentice within the castle, and knew she was waiting for him within her quarters. After almost ten minutes he appeared before her, he tapped her shoulder and said in a greeting filled with quiet venom. "Hello Apprentice." He then punched her in the gut as hard as his cybernetics would let him and then spoke more sounding more than displeased. "I heard of your outing to Serenno. That is most displeasing apprentice."

Zesiro had not been in her room for long when her master entered it. She was actually in the refresher washing off the ash from her face when he came in. Her back was to the door and she didn't hear him come in. He tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around.

His voice held venom and then displeasure which confused the young sith. When he punched her and spoke of her visit with her sister it was clear. How had learned of it?

Barely able to catch her breath, let alone give her a piece of mind about her being dropped off on the lava fields, Zesiro narrowed her eyes at Kyrel.

"What was wrong with me meeting my sister?"

It came out more as a breathless whisper since he had knocked the wind out of her with his punch. In a way, she was surprised that was all it had done and that no bones were broken in her body.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
He raised an eyebrow, as his eyes glistened with fury, as he punched her again, and then another to her chest. He was most displeased with her regarding how she had not informed him of her travels. This was something that was most suspicious to him, and at best must be dealt with severe punishment.

He approached her slowly and then proceeded to answer her question. His voice filled with a harsh layer of ice in its tone. "It is wrong when I am not made aware of your travels, I do not enjoy this, well then again I do in some way, and so you must be dealt with for your disobedience girl."

He then waited for whatever move she would make, for what she might say. It might anger him, please him, or better yet do nothing at all, and what could happen could cause even more punishment to take place. He stood there patiently for his pupil to answer.

His carefully aimed pushes again knocked whatever wind was in her out and the second at chest knocked her back into the sink behind her. Coughing now and trying to catch her breath, she held one hand out to hopefully communicate she needed a moment before she could speak.

Her master gave her the time she needed to recover and she stood up facing him when she was ready. Her clothing still the same as it had been when she walked in and her face only about half clean, Zesiro looked at Kyrel. Even though he voice was as cold as it was hot outside, she didn't actually feel an anger at him.

He was correct she hadn't told him of her visit to her sister, she had a reason for it though. When he said he didn't enjoy punishing her, but a part of him did, she almost laughed. Kyrel might sense the humor within her, but she did her best to keep it buried and maintain a straight face as she thought about what to say.

Looking at the ground between his feet for just a moment and then back into his eyes, Zesiro spoke.

"You were on a mission and left me here when my sister requested I visit her on Serenno, master. She actually asked if I would join her, but I declined and told her I needed more training. That training you're providing for me. If something like that happens when she invites me to her wedding, I will inform you. I didn't think you would let me go either."

She hoped no further punches were coming, but prepared for more anyway. He was her master and would deal with her as he saw fit. A time would come when she would be stronger than him. When she would lash back, but until then, she was his apprentice.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
Kyrel had heard what she had to say, and for a moment yes she was correct, he wouldn't have released her, but in truth if she did told him, he wouldn't let her go, and she wouldn't have to endure this punishment. Then she laughed at what he had said, for him that had set him off, and so did a hard stomp on her, before looking at her once again and speaking. "That is correct apprentice, I wouldn't have let you go, but sneak away like that again, and you will endure more harsh punishment."

He slowly turned and walked from the bathroom, and then turned back speaking once more before making his way out. "If you wish to see me apprentice I will be meditating." He said as he then walked out, not bothering to look at her. He walked along the dark obsidian corridors to his room. When he had reached his quarters, he had allowed the dark side aura to fill him, as he stepped forward to the closed box of his meditation chamber.

As he was lost in the darkness of the box, he became lost to time for a moment, and almost wanted to laugh. He could sense that his apprentice wanted to kill him, the murderous intent, and desire for power clearly seen in her thoughts. He had not said anything, as he knew this was going to happen and would welcome it when his apprentice did try to challenge him. Until then she would be under his thumb, merely a dog at his beck and call. But for now he had let the dark side to fill every fiber of his being, and he became lost to the darkness.

Zesiro winced when Kyrel stomped on, but endured the punishment. As she expected, he wouldn't have let her go to see her sister. When they did finally get married though, she hoped he would give her leave to attend. She had said she would be the maid of honor for Anya and would sneak away...and face the punishment later.

At his words, she just looked at him and nodded. He then turned and started walking away. Before he got far, Kyrel turned around again and said he would be meditating when she was ready to see him again. Letting him go Zesiro wanted to finish getting clean anyway.

Removing her ruined clothes, she threw them away. She climbed into the shower and finished washing her body, hair and face. Taking her time so as not to hurt herself any more than she already was, both from being outside and the punches from her master.

Her thought drifted into her past, from her master to her others. Each one either made her who she was, weaker or stronger. With Kyrel, she felt he would make her stronger, but there would be a price for it. It was a price she was willing to pay.

Leaving her single room quarters, Zesiro padded her way to where she would find Kyrel. Grabbing one of the books from the library they shared, she sat down and started reading it. While he meditated, she quietly read and waited for him to finish.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
Kyrel stayed alone within the dark sarcophagus, he was alone, alone with the darkness. It was all who he was, he was born within the darkness, and within it, he was molded by it. He practically became the darkness. Still, it was all he knew and therefore welcomed such things, as, within the chamber, he could find peace, if only for a brief instance in time. No matter such things were not meant to last as he was an enforcer for the Supreme Leader.

After what felt like hours, he emerged from the cube like chamber, and dropped to the floor in a crouch. He then felt more invigorated than ever, and so decided to monitor what had been going on in the wider galaxy. The holoprojectors he had were able to pull up vast sources of information, from a digital version of the Sith Archives to the map of the entire galaxy, and the worlds each faction owned.

For a time he had studied the First Order's territories and came to marvel it. Ever since the fall of the One Sith, the First Order had risen from the depths of nothingness to take its place. Now Kyrel was determined to see it's place rise as the Galaxy's dominant superpower. He kept studying it for a moment, before shutting it off wondering what his apprentice was up to.

Zesiro looked up when Kyrel climbed out his meditation sarcophagus after who knows how long. He didn't appear to notice her somehow and she watched as he dropped to the floor and stood up.

She watched as he pulled what looked like a map of part of the galaxy. She sensed from him what might be thought of as pride, but it wasn't quite that. After a point, it turned to something stronger and determined. What that was for, she had no clue.

After a few minutes, he turned it off and looked around. Sitting in one of the chairs offered, Zesiro set the book down she had been reading and stood up. Walking over to her master, she just looked at him until she got close enough she could touch him.

The clear look in her eyes would show what she wanted, but she knew that too would only be granted with permission. Any anger she had felt at being dropped off outside had faded and no thought of telling how she had felt at the time.

"Feel better, Master?"

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
He for a moment became lost within his thoughts, he had wondered where he would be sent to next. Where he would go to serve his Supreme Leader's will. It was only a matter of time before the next mission, he knew that much.

He then turned from his ponderings to gaze across the room, his apprentice was there with a holobook, she must have gotten from the Archives below the castle. This had pleased him that she was taking advantage of the knowledge and started to learn on her own, she was starting to become a remarkable student, and he knew with time she would become far better then he had ever hoped to be.

She then approached him, and he looked at her curious, not seeming to acknowledge the vicious string of beatings he had given her earlier. No matter not like she would challenge him for such things. He answered her after he asked how he was feeling. "Very well Apprentice. What can I do for you?"

Kyrel watched her as she approached. For the first time in her memory, she didn't actually feel any anger in him, at least none directed at her. He was filled with what she would consider softer emotions, the ones not as powerful as anger, passion, hatred or fear.

He looked curiously at her when she got close. His answer was good and when he asked his question in return, she raised one of her eyebrows at him. He should already know the obvious answer to it.

She rolled her eyes slightly before actually answering him.

"Do you really need to ask that, Master?"

Knowing better than to push herself on him anymore, she tilted her head up slightly and would almost appear to be looking down her nose at him. She gave him half a smile that was entirely full of seduction, but kept herself under control.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
He had watched her, in his mind he knew what she after, like the child she was she was ruled by her desires, and it was locked on him for the moment as they always were every day now for almost a month. Most of the time he had indulged her in her carnal cravings, and in turn, he had also enjoyed it himself, as it was just another way to show his dominance to her.

She rolled her eyes and then tried to give him a seductive smile. He was laughing mentally as he knew she would have to try better than that to get what she wanted, he could deny her whenever he saw fit, and so wanted to see how far this would exactly go. This game was always fun for him, for her, he didn't exactly know what it was.

He looked at her, and merely acted like he hadn't noticed, and then he spoke. "Oh yes now what do you need now Apprentice?" He asked the question a second time, merely shrugging off her attempt at a seductive smile.

In the time since Kyrel had taken her as his apprentice, they had spent most nights together. If he wasn't off on a mission, they were together. Zesiro had opened his eyes to something new. She had also learned from him that he would withhold this from her as he saw fit. Having been beaten by him earlier, she assumed his refusal in this matter to be just more punishment and her look started to fade away. Her blue eyes still glittered though with the hunger.

"Nothing Master. I had just been reading anyway while you meditated. What were you looking at after?"

Turning the doomed conversation into something else, Zesiro gave up on her current path and would maintain her control. If nothing else, she knew he would come after her when his own need took over. The feeling of passion was addictive and she shared that with him.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
Kyrel was grinning mentally. He knew that her control only lasted for so long, and that was part of why this game was so fun to him. He could test her whenever he liked, and to see how far she went before she finally broke and gave in. Today was like any other day when he played such games. Now all he had to do was wait.

He walked over, and as he walked to the other side of the room to stare at the ash covered skies and the lava fields of Mustafar. He allowed his thumb to slightly brush her bottom lip. He stood there for a moment, staring out into the hellish landscape taking in every sight there was to see.

He stood there for a few minutes not saying anything till hearing what she had said. He had heard that she was reading. That was something he already knew, and so then asked what he was looking after to which he replied. "I was studying the current state of the galaxy, my apprentice."

He was testing her limits again and today Zesiro vowed to herself she would not give him any more reason to punish her again so soon. He enjoyed teasing and tempting her as much as she did him.

He reached out one of his hands and with his thumb caressed her lower lip. Nothing to hurt her and everything to push her closer to the point when she couldn't hold back. Drawing in a breath, she watched Kyrel move away from her and stare out one of the windows outside.

The view was what she had been riding across earlier, but she remained silent until he answered her question. Giving a simple nod, she stayed in place.

"How was it looking?"

She could share what she​ learned from her sister, but kept that to herself. Unless he asked for clarification on what they talked about, she would keep it to herself.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
Kyrel walked around for a bit marveling the wonderful sight of Mustafar's hellish landscape, it was here that Lord Vader was born, and it was here that the Ren finally claimed what was his. He kept watching as the active volcano's kept spewing more and more lava. This was his home, the planet was merely a reflection of himself, cold, dark, full of hatred. These were all things of course that made the Knight of Ren.

He then looked to his apprentice to answer her question. "Fairly well Apprentice, The Territory of the First Order keeps expanding everyday, and the Galactic Alliance no longer seems interested in attacking First Order Space." Some of that, of course, was only half the truth as the Galactic Alliance would always be up to something, however after the catastrophic defeat of the Anoat Sector, then the Galactic Alliance was more than likely to back off from things.

He looked to her again and asked with curiosity. "Now Apprentice what did you like me to do for you?"

Zesiro stood patiently and watched as her master walked across the room looking out at the landscape. She didn't know personally what he found so interesting out there and never asked. It wasn't a great interest to her as much as gaining power was. If she wanted to get stronger, she would need to learn more and wanted that from Kyrel.

He answered her question and she raised her eyebrows in a question before speaking it, "when will I be able to go out on missions, Master?"

It was good they were able to continue to grow and keep attackers from taking any ground.

He stopped pacing and turned to look at her, curiosity in his voice. While technically, she had two answers to that question, she would go with the one that came to mind first and to hell with what her body wanted.

"Teach me."

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
He looked at her with curiosity, she had asked when she would be able to go out on missions, this was something Kyrel had often thought about, but he had deemed her not ready for such daunting tasks. He had thought she was not quite ready to preform his will, at least for the moment.

He looked to her and answered her question coldly. "You are not ready yet."

As to his question, all he had heard from her was teach her, which he would gladly do so, but there was another issue that he wanted to be taken care of and so looked to her as he said. "I will but I have an issue so far that requires your assistance." He said looking at her as his eyes traveled across her body.

Zesiro didn't like the answer given, but held her peace on the matter. A time would come when she had enough training to go on her own or maybe she could go along with him when he went out. That would provide on the field training as opposed to what she learned in the castle. How much longer would it take though before she could go out either alone or with him? Time would tell, but she hoped it would be soon.

As he spoke, that he would train her, but he needed assistance with something. His eyes looked over her body almost appearing to see through her clean clothes. She made no move to approach him and stood her ground. For the moment, she decided to test herself to find out how much more she could hold off her needs. Her blue eyes looked to his hazel ones and she raised an eyebrow.

"What is the issue you need help with, Master?"

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
He looked to her, he had a feeling of the primal nature and wanted to take care of that before he could train her, it had been quite some time since the last time he had taken such things out on her. He kept looking at her hungrily, as the feeling kept getting more and more intense where he wanted to pounce on her, rip her clothing and take her where she stood but he wanted to draw the fun out and see where this would go.

He listened to her as she asked what he needed help with, and he knew in the back of his mind that she was feeling something as well, why she didn't act on them was something that was beyond him, however he perhaps wondered what would come from his next response, as times like these would be most interesting to the both of them.

He answered her. "It is a primal matter, could you slip into something more comfortable." He said looking at her.


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