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A Trip To Bardoona(Where nothing can go wrong) @Kalia

22 years ago
John couldn't believe it.. he had got the time off. and all the stuff he though he needed, his tools his clothes, his gear. It was insane but here he was going on the trip of a life time with his girlfriend Kalia. She was beautiful.. and well he was lucky, he had called her often since their first date.

John loved talking to her, it was so normal.. and he seemed to be able to talk about anything. So as the small cargo speeder dropped off his stuff, he ran up to the ship an hit the button on it, which was an equivalent to an knock.

After all their talking and planing.. and acquiring of supplies.. it was going to happen. He just hoped she wasn't as nervous as he was behind his calm facade. " Kalia, I am here!" he yelled through the door.
Bustling around her ship she tried to make it as presentable as possible before John arrived. She wanted everything to be perfect for their first trip together. It had been just about two weeks since their first date so she was super excited to see him again. Kalia had even gone ahead and made some snickerdoodle cookies for him to have when he arrived.

Even though she didn't get to see him often didn't mean they didn't talk. He called her a lot just to chat with her about their days. She spent many a nights up on the phone with him. Kalia could talk to him for hours about anything and no matter how silly it was he seemed to care and actual listen. It was nice to have someone to talk and laugh with even if it was just mostly over the comm.

Hearing the knock at the door and ramp she quickly went over to lower it for him. She was really excited to be getting to spend all this time together but at the same time she was a little worried as to how it would all turn out. They never spent this much actual face to face time together and they were going exploring something he had never done before.

"John!" she smiled practically running down the ramp to greet him and give him a big hug. She also wanted to see if he needed any help with his stuff. After a light kiss as well to compliment the hug she let go and picked up one of his bags. "Ready for this?"
John smiled and kissed her back giving her a hug. " I am ready, I can't believe it. " He said, noting his several bags and boxes.. he needed help it was obvious.. "sorry I just wanted to make sure I had everything we needed.. plus some of it is gear from the navy. " He dragged his bags up... that had in his hands, he couldn't wait.
John had be anticipating this the whole time.. His superiors were happy for him as well and lent him some equpiment for his trip, he thought it was nice of them. It was funny how much he had seemed to bond with Kalia. " So I hope I wasn't late... I didn't realize I had so much stuff" he said as he ploped it down in her cargo area, and went for more. after he snuck a kiss on Kalia that is.
"Really? That's awesome! What did you bring?" She asked grabbing another box to bring to the cargo hold. It seemed as if he had brought everything and the kitchen sink with them on this little trip of theirs which was supposed to only last about a week and half. He had enough gear to last them a couple months which was fine she didn't mind being prepared.

Stealing another kiss from him she went to grab another box. "Nope, your right on time as the cookies just came out of the oven. I have them cooling now." She really had missed him these past weeks. It was going to be really fun to get the chance to hang out together again. His kisses were just as sweet as she remembered them being. "Once we get everything on board we can take off. I imagine it taking a day to actually get planet side."
John smiled.. he was so glad.. and every kiss reminded him of her sweet lips.. and perfect self. " Ok, " he said as he loaded the last box, it was fun they had a whole ship to themselves and a day of flying. He could think of some ways he wanted to spend it. but he had heard about cookies.. so he snuck towards the kitchen and grabbed one, taking a bite of it. It was amazing.. Kalia could cook there was no doubt about it. It was incredible. He made his way to the cockpit to see if she needed any help, cookie in hand. " Everything ok up here? "
While he finished up and than got comfortable she headed to the cockpit to start her preboarding routing. Once they were in the air she could put it on auto pilot to get them to the planet. All she ever really needed to do was take off and land. Kalia wouldn't consider herself a great flier well not like him or anything. If he was up here Kalia would have let him take the wheel but her guess was that he was too busy scooping out those cookies. Which when he joined her she found out was most definitely true. "All systems are set to go now we just have to get clearance to take off," she smiled turning in her seat a little and glancing up to him for a second before going back to inputting the destination coordinates. "Sit. You have been upgraded to co-pilot. Are the cookies good?" Her guess was yes since he was carrying it around with him the answer was yes. She had pre made lazayna and garlic bread for dinner tonight since it was her speciality and as a bonus his favorite.

Picking up the comm she held it to her mouth as she called Ground Control this time. "Ground control this is Firefly requesting permission to take off."A few long seconds passed before she received a response. "Firefly your all clear for lift off. Have a great trip." With that she maneuvered the ship out of the hanger and into the sky heading out of the atmosphere at great speeds. Once they did exit the atmosphere she was able to blast them into hyperspeed and put this puppy in autopilot.

Turning in her chair she looked to him for a moment. "So, we have the whole day in here. What do you want to do? I have board games, cards, holovids,music,books and there is always sitting on the couch with cookies talking?"
John thought about it, a whole day with her... What did he want to do.. besides be close to her.. nothing. " I like the last option!" He said running off towards the cookies.. which he put in a container and sat on the couch pretending to hog them. John smirked towards Kalia when he saw her again.. she had beat him to the couch. He handed her the container and sat next to her, glad to be there with her again. " So! how has training been? Was your master ok with this trip? " He asked, with a smile. He figured he had as she was here.

It was funny but the woman in front of him.. well he had never felt this way about anyone... it was strange being with her... He really liked her.. and he loved talking to her. " I also think your a great cook yet again!, I mean I wish I could eat your food all day... everyday, Don't tell my mom but it is better than her's" He said blushing a bit.. he hadn't meant to say that last bit out loud. but he had and it was delicous. He was lucky to have a girlfriend that could cook so well and enjoyed doing it.. he could get used to that.
Hoping he didn't mind she scooted herself closer to him on the couch as he sat down so they could snuggle up. Kalia enjoyed sitting close to him and snuggling. It was nice being here with him again she had kind of missed his company. "It's been going well you know studying hard and learning all I can. Lots of trial and error with learning what abilities I do have. I found these huge book of all these different Force abilities. I'm slowly paging through it. It's nice though to get a break from all that and relax with you," she smiled taking a cookie from the container and taking a bite before continuing.

"He doesn't seem too pleased that I have a boyfriend and that we were going away together. He thinks your a distraction from my duties and training. Something about Jedi not getting emotionally involved with others. He let me go though probably cause he knew I would do it anyway. He's totally wrong though I am focused on my studies and he even told me I was his best student. I can't focus on training all the time," she sighed leaning her head on his shoulder for the moment. Her Master could think what he wanted because that didn't change what she was going to do. Kalia would show him that she could have both. "He plans to start taking me on missions with him when I get back. How are things going with you? What do your Superiors think about you actually taking time off?"

Kalia could only smile as he once again complimented her cooking. If he did ever get the chance to meet his mother she would not be telling her that he though Kalia was a better cook. It was better that not be repeated. Since he enjoyed her cooking so much she would need to start sending him little packages of goodies every once in a while. First though she was going to need to check and make sure he could accept packages and she couldn't ask him as that would run the surprise. "I'm glad. I think you'll like what I have planned for dinner."
John was glad she had gotten so close to him. he liked just sitting there with her leaning against him. He laughed at her comments about the jedi. " I am sure you will no doubt prove him wrong. and I cannot wait for dinner then. my superiors said some things i rather not repeat in the presence of a lady but were glad i was finally taking time off. we come from different work environments it seems that our bosses have different opinions." john laughed. he still couldn't believe it all but here they were.
He slipped his arm around her neck, casually, knowing that she wouldn't care. " I am sorry I brought so much stuff.. I just wanted to make sure we were set incase the ship needs any work. and of course.. the navy survival gear was a gift. " He said smiling.. He was here with Kalia.. and it had been much too long since he had felt her so close to him. It was different that last time.. He didn't so much want her sexually, but more just to be here with her, seemed to make him content. " Remember you need to be careful " He said, the worrier in him said. " I mean, you can't be too safe on those missions."
She could only imagine what they had said about him going alone with a pretty girl on a trip. A few thoughts danced in her head but she kept them to herself. "Hey, it's better to have too much stuff than get stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing. What is this navy survival gear you brought?" She was curious as to what he had brought with him. They obviously wouldn't be able to take everything they both brought with them when they headed out. Her guess really was they would just need the navy survival gear unless it happened to be some joke gift from his friends or something.

Kalia was perfectly content sitting here with him all snuggled up. It was nice being close to him and she didn't realize until now that she had missed him these past weeks. The crazy lustful emotions of before while still kind of there were in the background now. She was happy in his arms, talking and stealing kisses every once in a while. "I know John, I'll keep as safe as I can. In order to get things done sometimes you have to run right in the middle of danger." She smiled tilting her head a little to lightly kiss him on the neck this time. "If I get the chance I'll shoot you a message just to let you know I'm ok." As excited as she was to get to go on these missions she knew they were long. It wasn't like a week long this something she heard missions could last for months. The thought of not being able to see him for months was not something she liked. She rather not think about work all together and instead focus on the time they did get to spend together right here and now.

"How are things going with you?"
John thought about it " I brought, tents, blankets, and some coats and standard survival things... like cooking utensils and rations. " He smiled, and looked at her, he was also sure there were some things in there that were of a dirtier nature. He kept sneaking kisses back, it was wonderful to be so close to her. He smiled, " You better send me messages, and I will do the same, whenever I have a chance." He was glad... it was going to be hard dating a jedi... she would live in so much danger.. and they would both be out on assignment. " Things are well, I think I might be promoted next month. Which I am not sure what I will be doing but, I probably will have to say good bye to my fighter, I will probably be stationed on a ship.. so I won't be planetside as much. " He said, knowing that meant he wouldn't see her as much... but he didn't want to think about that. He kissed her again, this time lingering. " I really like you Kalia"
It all sounded like good things that they would need on this trip. Blankets were always good as she knew it got really cold sometimes especially in space. Navy survival gear sounded like a normal survival gear to her not anything special like she originally thought. That was ok it was still good and things that they would need. "Good cause if I didn't I would worry plus I like hearing about your day," she smiled leaning in for another kiss. It was wonderful being close to him, kissing him, and being in his arms. It was going to be hard being away from him on assignments and him being assigned to a ship meant even when she was home she may not get the chance to see him. They wouldn't get to see each other a lot which would make dating hard but she didn't want to think about that. Instead she wanted to cherish the time they did have together.

"A promotion? Really? That's wonderful." She smiled kissing him again. Kalia was happy and proud of him. She knew how hard he worked and how much his career meant to him. Perhaps if she ever was Knighted she could get assigned to his ship as something so they could spend more time together. Would they even place a Jedi on a Navy ship? It was something worth looking into. "What would that make you?" She questioned stealing another kiss from him. "I really like you too John. I love being snuggled up next to you. It's really nice. I'm lucky to have found you," she smiled taking his free hand with her's entwining their fingers together. They could make this work even if it meant resorting to steal kisses in the hallway when he was planet side.

They would figure things out as they went along as right now she really didn't want to think about that. What she wanted to focus on was all the wonderful things they were going to see on their trip. She had a few special things she remembered from her last time there that she wanted to show him.
He liked this.. he was getting more and more kisses... at this rate he didn't know if he just wanted to talk anymore. " I would be a lieutenant if it goes through. " He snuggled closer to her, she was warm.. and it just felt right. He looked at her with a smile as she took his hand in hers. It was wonderful. He kissed her, and laughed..

" I don't know what it is about you Kalia... but I think your wonderful, thanks for stumbling upon me in the hanger." He said besides him self in the way he felt around her. He didn't ever not want to be with her. " I love being next to you too, and I think that perhaps we should learn more about each other so lets see... Whats your most embarrassing moment? "

John had already thought of his.. sure she was going to ask.. He stole a kiss before she could answer as she played with her hand and fingers. It was strange holding a girls hand like this. He had never felt anything like it. John smiled... it was nice sitting here with her.. stealing kisses, each kiss lit his lips aflame with tingling sensations.
She knew that it would go through for him. He was a hard worker and if anyone deserved it he did. Kalia of course was bias towards him as she thought that he was wonderful as well. Smiling she kissed him as he told her that she was wonderful. It was nice knowing that her feelings were shared by him. She couldn’t get enough of his sweet kisses and being in his arms just felt right like she belonged there.
“I had spent all day baking a cake for my brother’s birthday. He was turning 21 so it was a big day for him and all his friends were there. Everyone knew about my cooking and was looking forward to the big cake I raved about making. Anyways, I was walking the cake in and everyone was singing when I tripped over myself. I fell to the floor but the cake went flying and went everywhere hitting all the guests. Everyone laughed but I was embarrassed and even today he reminds me of what happened. Needless to say nobody got any cake. I’m not so clutzy anymore but he won’t let me live it down.” Cody wasn’t her real older brother but she considered him one as she had no idea where her real family was. If they ever met John she knew they would like him.
Stealing a few more kisses she posed the same question to him. Kalia couldn’t get enough of him and his kisses. If he would let her she would kiss him all day. No words needed though she really did like talking to him and getting to know him more. “What’s yours?” She smiled planting another kiss on his lips. She couldn’t help but smile around him. He made her really happy.
John listened and laughed as she told her story.. he could only imagine... but he thought it had to of been recently. He blushed as he began. " Well once, I met this girl in a hanger.. you know gorgeous.. and perfect in every way.. well we end up out for dinner and then in her ship.. but then we go out into my fighter... and she is sitting on my lap, when she sits on my 'friend', and I almost crash us.. and still have to stay in the same fighter the whole way down. " he said blushing, it was his most embarassing moment...

John managed to think up a question. " What is something you have always wanted but never gotten yourself? " he asked, stealing several kisses. He loved her lips and her in his arms, and he resisted the urge to do more. It was good enough here, just talking to her. She was perfect and plus how often did you get to lay on a couch next to such a beautiful girl. " Can I get a picture of you to send to my parents? They will want to know who I am dating... they already pestered me the moment they found out. "
“That sounds really embarrassing. Whatever happened to that girl? Did you ever see her again?” She grinned at him as she leaned in to kiss him again.
“It’s going to sound really silly but I have always wanted a place of my own. I have lived on a ship most my whole life roaming from planet to planet. I wonder what it’s like to come home to like a real place you know with a backyard and more than just like one room. I don’t know where I would live but I’m still young plenty of time to figure all that out. I’m not even sure if it makes sense to get a place being a Jedi and all of that. Is there something that you want that you haven’t gotten yourself?”
Kalia’s eyes widen a little as she heard he told his parents about her and could feel herself getting a little red. She hadn’t really told anybody about him as of yet. “You told your parents about me? What did you say? What do they think? Oh, yes picture you can have one.” She wanted his family to like him as they were important to him so if this was going to go anywhere they would have to approve. She doubted that he would want to date someone they didn’t like.
He smiled, " no.. she ran away... never saw her again" He laughed, unable to keep a straight face. John did love her kisses and happily kissed back. " It is not silly, well perhaps one day you can have one!" He had to keep a note of that incase they got more serious he thought, He wanted to make sure she was happy. He had always wanted a family but that was hardly an appropiate answer.. What did he want? He laughed... "I have always wanted a space yacht.. nothing too fancy just a really nice ship that I can take people into, and customize to my heart's content. but they are far to expensive for me.. " He laughed at her reaction to his parents.

" They love you.. well what I told them which was that you were perfect, beautiful, a good cook, and a jedi. and they think you should charming and while not happy with our trip, they said to have fun and be safe.. and that they trusted me to make good choices" he said kissing her on the neck, like she had earlier, and then kissing up till he was on her mouth and staring into her eyes again. " I think we are in good hands, we are both capable. "
Being a Jedi she thought it was a little silly to think she would even be on one planet long enough for that to make any sense. Kalia wasn't sure how things totally worked so maybe John was right she could have one someday. It wasn't something she would just toss to the side as of yet.

"A big space yacht you can have fancy parties on and show off to all of your friends," she smiled kissing him again. The way he laughed as he said it made her think that he wasn't too serious about it and there was something else. She wondered what but wouldn't pry as she figured he would tell her all in good time. Kalia could get really used to this snuggling, kissing, and talking to him. She really did love spending time with him.

"They love me and haven't even met me. I'll have a lot to live up to if I ever happen to meet them. I'm sure they are just worried because they are your parents." She was pretty sure that they didn't like the idea of him running off with some girl on some crazy adventure. John was right though they would be careful just because they were young didn't mean they didn't know how to handle themselves. "I have not told anybody about you yet but see I worry the guys would run down here to meet you in an effort to protect me and scare you away. Not that I think they could scary you I just..I don't know." She smiled and kissed him again. When in doubt just kiss it makes everything better. Really she just loved kissing him the sensation she got from it drove her crazy.

"If you were stranded on a desert island all by yourself what three things would you want to have with you and why?"
John smiled " yep something like that, and don't worry if you meet them, you will be fine. " He kissed her, " I could handle my self, but it is just as dangerous putting it off, I would want to protect you as well" He said but then her last question he had no idea... So his plan, distract her. He moved a little bit to have better access as he trailed kisses on her neck to her lips where he didn't pull back now, he was turning this to a makeout session, and he was pretty sure he could get away with it.
The feeling of her lips on his felt magical, and he kept kissing her to ignite it further as he put his arms around her, pulling her to him. It was wonderful, the smell of her the sensation of her being so close, the sensations of her lips meeting his, it was all wonderful and he didn't want it to stop.
Aww, she wished to protect him as well which was why she hadn't said anything. It would be a good idea to though maybe after this trip. Kalia didn't mind one bit when he didn't answer and instead kissed her her eyes closed a bit as he trailed kisses down her neck and she sighed happily. His lips against her skin was a wonderful sensation which she didn't wish to end. She absolutely had no quarrels with turning this into a makeout session as she loved kissing him. Kalia couldn't get enough of him.

As he wrapped his arms around her to pull her in closer Kalia wrapped her arms around his neck returning each and everyone of his passionate kisses with one of her own. By this time she was practically sitting on him again straddling really which from previous experience had a been a bad thing but her mind wasn't on that at all right now. The only thing that she could think of was him it was only him. It was him and her there was nothing else right now. All her troubles seemed so far away as she sat on the couch wrapped up in his arms kissing. She would push for more but she didn't want to scare him as she remembered the last time. She was falling for him and seemingly fast too this was no simple crush.

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