Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A trip to Corellia for some Whiskey

Sitting quietly in the back of a shuttle that was running along the Corellian Trade Spine, the young woman let out a heavy sigh as she closed her eyes, trying to keep herself calm. She had been all over the Outer Rim Territories and not once had she a reason to head Coreward, yet there she was, fiddling her fingers and tapping them rapidly against the arm rest as her patience was beginning to wane from the long trip. Her clothing was that of someone that had seen many moons pass on the Outer Rim worlds, and the shuttle she was in seemed to match that, making her a bit more comfortable. She knew though that the moment she stepped onto Corellia that she would be out of place. For that reason she wanted to get the meeting over with as quickly as possible so she could return to the Outer Rim and her home on Praesitlyn.

Feeling the shuttle beginning to shake, she knew that they were cutting through the atmosphere and would soon be landing. The event was more than enough to pull her from her thoughts as she took another breath before looking at her datapad. It had become almost a crutch for her, and she felt that with how much she used it, that it would eventually and possibly fuse to her arm. With a soft laugh to herself she flicked through the information to better acquaint herself with whom she was meeting.

It was to be a simple contract to secure the shipping of the goods that she was there to meet about. Of course there was always that one thing that kept many in the Outer Rim Territories running and often more than not it was alcohol. If she could secure a shipping contract with this Distillery for their Whiskey, it could bring in more profits for the small and budding company that was already beginning to grow quickly as more contracts continued to come in.

Maya was happy, even if her face didn't show it as she stood up and brushed her hands down the old brown jacket. Speaking to herself for a moment, she reassured herself and remembered just how confident that her mother always looked in the coat she wore now. Still the thoughts of her mother and how she wouldn't see just how successful her daughter was to get out of the mines was heavy on her mind. Wiping a tear from her cheek, she grabbed her bag and datapad before stepping off of the shuttle, already beginning to look for a means to get to the distillery.

[member="Chloe Blake"]

Malachi Blake

Outside Coronet
Wheat fields a plenty
Whyren's Distillery
[member="Maya Vixen"]

Ain't much to look at probably. Nothing but fields of gold for several klicks as far as the eye could see. Scattered clouds would paint the skies, and a wind as sweet as a lover's breath would sweep across land.

Tried and true methods along with tradition is what made Whyren's stand apart and survive this long. That and sheer grit and determination. Corellians were a stubborn lot to boot, and ain't none other with that quiet determination as Malachi Tyberius Blake. Patriarch of the Blake family, the former Corellian Naval Officer saw time in more conflicts than he'd likely would have desired, but he loved his home, this land, this farm, and the distillery with as much affection as the woman he buried and created a family with.

Reckon it wouldn't take long for any person of note to find the farm -- there was no Corellian on the planet that didn't now the location of Whyren's -- proud lot that they were of this Corellian Gold.

Word would have it that those looking for Blake would find him out in the fields, tending the crop, with a raggedy old Corellian dune panther at his heels.
The first inquiry as to where the distillery was found the young woman with all the information that she would need, the person had even been nice enough to offer her a ride as they were going in the same direction, something about being a neighbor on a nearby parcel of land. The young woman found herself musing about the many seas of golden grains that they quickly zoomed by on the simple and old land speeder. She had spent much of her life in the Outer Rim Territories and not once had she seen such a farm or fields of gold as the crops that rose from the dirt. Most of her beautiful sights that she had seen were all some form of an astronomical event or otherwise notable marking from some old battle that had scared the world in the years before she had come.

With a nod and a soft thank you, the young woman slipped out of the land speeder, her hand holding a firm grip to her bag as she carefully sighed. Her hand came up to shield her eyes for a moment as she looked up the long drive, her eyes catching sight of the distillery at the far end. With another deep breath, she pushed herself forward, moving slowly at first before settling into a rapid stride, her hand reaching into her bag to pull out the old datapad that had seen better days before.

The wind caught her a bit by surprise, causing her hair to dance for a moment as the small coat tails of her waist length coat pulled back slightly. Taking a moment to stop and run a hand through her hair, she smirked slightly to herself as her fingers danced over the shaved portion of her head. Her mind once more pulling back to her mother, once more finding her confidence before nodding to herself softly. Stepping forward, she approached the distillery, stopping in front of the building to take a moment and admire the large building.

[member="Malachi Blake"]

Malachi Blake

[member="Maya Vixen"]

"Ol'val!," A woman would say just behind [member="Maya Vixen"] in Olys Corellisi, the old tongue of Corellia. She was an older woman, with more silver in her hair than blonde, a bit frazzled here and there. Portly of stature but with a welcoming expression upon her gentle rosy cheek face.

"Khasaan'l al Whyrens." she told the younger woman, her bright rosy cheeked beaming face staring right at her expectantly.

"Aliha sel valle volgoth?"

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