Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Twi'lek and a Phantom Walk Into a Bar...


Well-Known Member

One thing you can always count on in a spaceport: a seedy bar.

Getting to Kessel had been one hell of a ride. I had no idea how much fuel that shuttle had had when I nabbed it. I honestly hadn't even truly believed I would actually make it out of atmo, even. My heart had been in my throat the whole time, and instead of thinking or breathing, I was just acting, reacting. But by the gods it had been exhilarating. Even now, sitting in the back of this dark little hole-in-the-wall, I can feel the adrenaline still flooding my system. I unwrapped one hand from the drink in front of me and lifted it, holding it out. Long, elegant blue fingers trembled quite noticeably. I snickered, and lowered my hand again.

My heart was still lodged firmly in my throat, my head still spinning wildly. My entire body seemed to buzz with energy. Despite the drab and dreary atmosphere of the bar in which I sat, I was grinning. It almost didn't matter what happened next. I had done it. I had escaped. I had slipped the noose. I leaned back in my seat, sinking down into the old, faded leather and closed my eyes. I could just picture the look my my master's face, screwed into a look of shock and disbelief... dissolving into a scowl of rage.

Fencing the jewels I had been wearing had been an... interesting task. Especially in the hurry I was in. Eventually I had used Kessel's thriving slave-trade, blending in with some incoming... 'cargo', and I use that word with incredible distaste, until I could get close enough to a change of clothes. In the end it had surprised me how easy it was to fence the jewellery, but perhaps it should not have. With the imports and exports Kessel had, it should have been obvious that smugglers abounded here.

Not that it mattered. I had what I needed: a change of clothes and more credits than I knew what to do with. The temptation to run off and flaunt it was oh so strong. Even now, the thought still slithers across my mind. But I had to play it smart. No doubt there'd be a bounty out by now. I had to lay low, I had to pick my next move carefully. I had to be smart.

But concerns aside, I was free. I was riding the greatest high in the galaxy, and nothing could bring me down.

The Last Son
Some people never really knew how to run.

Recently I have been having to take up smaller jobs of capturing people rather than outright killing Jedi or working with the Sith Empire or even just having the larger bounty on someone's head. This was below me. Hunting down some escaped slave because she happened to steal a very nice shuttle and quite a bit of jewelry. If I had the mind too, I might take a little bit off of what they guy was paying me with some of those jewels. Just blame it on the slag and her wanting to spend it on new clothes or something like a ride somewhere else. Landing down in my ship, an AT-360 that had been modified for my use, I started to look around.

I knew for a fact that this woman wasn't going to be going anywhere Rich people were. Likely somewhere she could feel somewhat at home, yet also somewhere she could escape rather easily should the need arise. I had been told she was rather a little cunning, or how she could lure me with her sexual woes. However, I doubted that. I found no sexual pleasure. I found pleasure in killing and causing pain. My rage was my drug. My lust. I could feel all of it all the time. I was a being of pure rage and hatred.

How could my thoughts be so calm? because I was trying my damnest to get this bounty done and over-with so I could go and actually do something fun. Like skin some animal or near-human alive.

Kessel was the place to be. Looking around, I decided that going to the Slave pens might be best. Looking around, I saw a few Twi'leks. Their Lekku were well known for their colored skin and some had various tattoos or birth marks. Whatever they were. Having fought a Jedi Twi'lek a bit ago, I knew exactly what I was looking for. Even had her image hovering in my Hud. Looking around, I found what I needed. Slowly reaching over to the woman, I grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. Using my off hand to clamp her mouth shut.

This was not the woman I was looking for, but she was close enough for me to get information from.

Slowly I took led her towards the ally. Being rather forceful as I just seemed to take her in broad daylight. The thing was, I held her against me as though she were going to be my "play toy." I mean, its not like they weren't used for that anyways. Might as well use her for it. Once we were out of sight and ear shot. I released her and allowed her to fall to the ground. She clutched her knee as she scrapped it. I reached down and drew my dagger. Gingerly letting the point hover over her blue skin. I can remember her face year from now if I so desired. The fear of what was coming made me so invigorated.

"I have a few questions for you darling."


It was only a few minutes later that I was walking out of the alley. Wiping the blade clean from what I had done. The woman's blood was still warm as I cleaned it off and sheathed it. However, soon her body would be losing that warmth. Her body would become colder than ice as she lay there. Mangled and beaten, cut and tortured. A sly smile telling me that the woman had headed further into the city.

And that is where I will go.



Well-Known Member
So what does a girl do with newly found freedom and almost a million creds?

Apparently, hang out in a stingy bar.

A part of me, a big part, was itching to get out of here. There was an entire planet out there, hell, there was an entire galaxy out there that was just aching to be explored and discovered. I had slipped my collar, I was no longer under the omniscient gaze of my master. I could go wherever I wanted, do whatever I wanted.

And yet, here I sat.

I let a frustrated sigh pass through my lips. I could sit here and internally groan about it all I wanted, but there were two things it would not change: the first, I was out. I was free. Sure, I could go out there and explore. Or I could just sit here and not have any jobs I needed to do, anyone I needed to please. And by the gods no more karking dancing. The second, was that I wasn't just killing time for the sake of it, I was being smart. I knew there was a man coming in here soon that had a ship with, shall we say, services for discreet passengers. From what I had heard, he was a sleazy little man who charged triple the standard transport rates. But it didn't matter, because he did not care who paid the ticket, as long as it was paid. A few more hours and I would be tucked away in whatever hole in his ship I was to be crammed into, and safely on my way towards my new life.

I was pulled from my thoughts as a man staggered over. He reeked of booze and the force of the burp that served as his greeting seemed to almost topple him backwards. Definitely not the man I was waiting for. I felt my muscles tense, but I stayed where I was, leaning back in the seat, gazing up at him.

"Can I help you?" I asked, smiling sweetly.

"Pretty young thing aren't ya, need a ride, beautiful?" He slurred in reply, practically falling into the seat beside me.

I couldn't help but snicker, despite the assault on my nostrils of his presence. As he leaned towards me, I shuffled around a little. He was human, but beyond that I couldn't tell what planet he called home. Not that I cared, he smelled as if he hadn't left the bar in days. I shook my head,

"No thanks, honey." I replied, struggling to keep myself from gagging.

He seemed disappointed in my reply, turning wide, sad eyes up towards mine. What a pathetic little man. I shifted around in my seat, so I was facing him slightly, and leaned as close as I dared. I lowered my voice, allowing the energy from the adrenaline still in my system to come out as nervous warning,

"Listen, if my master comes back and sees me talking to someone else, he'll kill you. It took me a week to get the blood out of my clothes. Trust me, it's not worth it."

I leaned back, meeting his gaze. The man seemed to stare back for a moment, a myriad of emotions passing across his heavily inebriated face. Eventually, and much to my relief, he let out a sigh, another burp and hauled himself up and left.

Great. Now my booth reeked of booze and body odour.

I let out a sigh and turned my eyes to the door. Where was that contact? I didn't know how much more waiting I could take.

The Last Son
I licked my lips as I moved through the city. I could still taste her flesh. She had been force sensitive. Keyword of had. She was clearly not attuned to it, or was unaware of her potential. Good for me. Means I didn't have to fight all that hard to get somewhat of a meal. I could just recall the agony that the woman was in. The pain she felt as my knife flayed her skin. Oh it felt so good to feel and experience that. It had been quite a bit since I had been last able to release my demon upon someone.

However now, it was back to work. Using the information I had gained, the most reasonable place was a bar. Nice place to stay, meet, and hear about any places that might be able to take you in, or take you somewhere. A nice place to blend in. As such, I went to the one named what I was given. Opening the door, It wasn't unusual for someone in armor to walk in. Even more so with the bone appearance as some bounty hunters were also in generally, animal or creature hunters. Literally wearing their trophies.

It only took a few seconds of looking around to find the right slag. Blue with black tats all over her lekku. Even from here, I wanted to take a bite out of her as well. Feast upon her flesh. Even if she wasn't force sensitive, she did look pretty and would only become beautiful with the screaming and the flailing as I plucked her flesh from her bones alive. However, she was the target, and was to be kept alive. Maybe a little nibble wouldn't hurt right?

I was very tempted to just let her sit there and slowly follow her. Let her fester with my eyes ever so watchful. That changed though. The man she had been talking to walked away. Very drunk like, he was likely hitting on her. I shrugged my shoulders and prepared myself for what to do.

Sauntering over, I easily sat down next to her. There was plenty of space around the bar, so sitting down next to her was a sign that I was here for her. Even more so when I leaned in towards her. As though we had some secretive meeting. My knife was ready. In my off hand and slowly eased towards her stomach. Coming to her side and gently tapping her rather clean clothing for a slave. With a hushed tone,

"You really should try harder to be inconspicuous. The tats give you away."

Should she try to move, I was prepared to lash out and snag her back down into her seat for us to talk if you will.

I do like to play with my food.



Well-Known Member
The drunk staggered off, I watched him go. Poor slob, I felt a pang of guilt in my core as he left. He was a slave to the drink, I knew quite a bit about slavery.

But my attention was pulled from him towards the door as another figure entered. Could this be my contact? No, I was told to expect a suave-looking human in a leather duster. This... well, I wasn't even sure if there was a human under there. He was completely armoured, head to toe. The helmet was relatively normal sized, likely not big enough to hide lekku or montrals, not a twi'lek or a togruta, then. I became aware that I was chewing my bottom lip as I studied him, and pointedly looked to my drink instead. He looked like a hunter. Bones and the like dangling from his armour? He was probably a bastard, too. Someone who hunted trophies.

Keeping my eyes on my drink, doing my best to look casual and disinterested, I shuddered. I couldn't look like I was hiding out, like I was nervous of anyone who even remotely looked like a bounty hunter. Selling the lie to others was only half the battle. I had to sell it to myself.

Then he slid down into the seat beside me.

Instantly I felt my heart leap into my throat. Unlike the drunken stumbling of my first friend, this man moved deliberately and gracefully, with ease and power. He knew exactly what he was doing. A shudder gripped my shoulders before I could stop it, my breath catching in my throat. Something shifted near my stomach. I glanced down without moving my head, and gasped. He had a knife pointed at me.

I could feel my palms begin to sweat. My mind was spinning. I'd made note when I sat down that the only viable exit to this place was the door this man had just entered through. Another across the bar went presumably to the kitchen, but it was far away and on the other side of a tall bar. No, the front door was my only option. He tapped my clothing, speaking in a hushed tone. I let out a sigh. Making a run for the door would likely attract attention, but we were on Kessel. One of its major trade items was slaves. Hells, I had even told that drunk that I still had a master. No, I couldn't try to flee, not yet. I had to rely on my tongue for now. I took a moment to draw in a breath and release it, easing my heart from my throat back into my chest.

"The tats, huh?" I replied, cringing at the fear that laced my tone. I bit my lip and tried again, burying the terror that tried to bubble up from my core, "I'll have to try and get them covered up, then. Look, I don't want to go back. How much is the bounty? I can probably match it, and make the exchange... memorable, to boot."

Right, memorable. If I could snag that knife in his hands I would give him a few scars I'm sure he would not soon forget.

The Last Son
The woman was a little jumpy when I first came over. Her reaction to my knife almost in her stomach was delectable. The nervousness and fear I could see on her face. Only if she could see mine crack a smile with my toothy grin. However, the comment about her tats being a give away for her was just to break the ice. She knew how to make deals. She would try to make one if necessary. And right about now would be a good time. As she did bring up the idea to sway me and pay me to let her go, she just had to throw in that she would make the transaction more desirable. Was she talking about fornication? Meh. Never really been a being for that. However, I wanted to play with my food. I went along.

"Memorable? Maybe. I doubt you could do better than others I have had."

There was a little bit of truth to that. Not in a sexual way, but in a tortuous way. I don't think she could last very long. Her soft smooth skin. Pretty face, and rather toned body would hardly last against what I would do to her. What I could do to her. Oh how I could infect her mind, soul, and body if I pushed just hard enough. I chuckled at my words as soon as they were spoken.

"You may try to retaliate. You may try to fight me, but I will always find you, and always catch you. I was born for that specific job. It's only a matter of time until you slip up."

Just to prove my point, I flipped the knife over and caught the blade. Proceeding to hand her the weapon if she so dared to take it. I almost wanted her to take it. To try and stab me. While she could maybe injure me if she attempted to stab at the joints in my armor, the plating was too thick, and I wouldn't be taking it off for any "memorable" actions to take place. She would have to deal with seeing just this much of me.

"Here. Try and see how far you go."

Oh do I so want her to take the knife and try. Oh do I so want to beat her pretty little face in.

Oh do I.



Well-Known Member
The man beside me just exuded confidence.

That meant he was cocky.

That was something I could use.

I doubt very much that he had his guard up around a little ex-slave like me: a twi'lek, a female one, to boot; a picture of femininity and weakness. I drew in a deep breath, as subtly as I could Even still, my chest shuddered a little as I did. Fear was still coursing through me. The adrenaline high I'd been riding from my escape had suddenly been renewed, running through my veins as nervous energy, preparing me to bolt. He pushed back against my offer. I kept my eyes on his helmet, forcibly hiding my relief at the the answer. I mean, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, but I'd like to enjoy my first 24 hours of freedom, if I can.

I shrugged casually, leaning back against the seat a little as I forced myself to keep my tone even;

"If that's what you believe, your loss." I replied.

But maintaining an easy-going facade was becoming increasingly difficult. Even though his helmet covered his face, I could practically feel his eyes burning into me. I was used to being stared at, after all, I'd escaped my master wearing all the jewellery and little else, being mentally undressed had been part of daily life. But this was... different. There was something decidedly malicious about it, something I was not used to. I shuddered again, I couldn't help it. He made my skin crawl.

Then he spoke again, arrogance exuding from him as he did.

"What is it they say about pride and falling?"

I had to be careful, it was easy to dismiss arrogance, to expect it to blind the person. But there was always that chance that such self-confidence had been earned. I couldn't let myself believe he was blinded by his hubris, or I might be blinded by my own. I kept my eyes on him, focusing solely on keeping my expressions off my face. Then he did something I didn't expect.

I flinched as he moved the hand holding the knife, but rather than try to cut me with it, he flipped it over, holding it out to me. That caused my brow to raise, I didn't even care if he saw the surprise on my face, I hadn't been expecting that. I drew in a deep breath, saying nothing for a few moments. Staring at the blade.

Slowly, I reached out my dominant hand and wrapped my fingers around the handle, with a little luck he wouldn't see how tightly I was gripping it. My heart was beating so hard in my chest it was beginning to hurt. But I ignored it. My head was spinning, but I ignored that too. I lifted the blade slowly towards myself, holding it up in front of my face. Moving my free hand, I pricked my finger on the tip, a drop of blood immediately beading at the point I had pierced my skin. It was a sharp knife. I glanced from the blade back to the man that had handed it over, his armour looked thick, too thick for the knife? Or was he truly arrogant enough...?

Time had run out. I had to make a decision, for better or worse.

"We'll see about that."

The moment those words left my lips, I spun the knife around so the blade rested against my forearm, and heaved my elbow back, intending to strike the point of the knife into the elbow of the hunter's armour. I may not be the strongest person in any given room, but I'm quick. I was counting on this, I had to be quicker than him if I had any chance of escaping. My intention was to use the momentum of my strike colliding with his inner elbow to push myself up off the seat so I could race for the door. I didn't even care if the blade pierced that armour or not. Now it was time to see which of us were quicker, the dancer... or the hunter.

The Last Son
The woman was a little confused. My handing her the blade seemed to send her a little into the mind. Trying to think about my actions. Arrogance? An Ego? Quite so. But I had the stones to back it up. I had faced Jedi and lived, and won. I was built to kill. Not protect, or to serve, or to be in servitude. I fully expected either one of two reactions. Either she would take the knife and attack me, attempting to flee through the door that was behind me, or to not take the knife, and accept her defeat. I so hoped she would attack. I liked prey that fought back. I liked it when they squirmed and shifted under my gaze. I knew she felt it from the shifting.

Slowly, she took the knife. Testing it out. Seeing the welling up of her blood on her finger made me on edge. I so badly wanted to ravage her now. To pin her to the ground and flay her skin open. Maybe even use it for a cloak, or even a nice pair of underware. However, As the woman spoke the very simple words of having to see if she really was as good as she said, I just had to know she was going to fight back. Those words alone told me she was going to try. Even if she did fail.

As she attempted to stab at me, She aimed at my arm. It was the closest join to her, and wouldn't overextend herself all that much to hit. However, arms moved quite easily. Even more so when they could match the reactions of force enhanced beings. I simply shifted my elbow back into my side, and quite literally caught the knife into my armored hand. The blade cut a bit of the material on the outside, but nothing to write home about. At the same time, she attempted to stand up and run. A simple kick of my leg out into her path to trip her up, with my off hand reaching out to attempt to grab her from the back of her collar.

The full scale would be that I would have tripped her up enough to teach her a lesson, and then catching her clothing to prevent her from running very far, while also having the knife back in my possession.

"Darling, You are going to have to try harder than that."



Well-Known Member
My head was spinning. Everything was a blur.

I had expected the blade to suddenly sink into the man's elbow, to feel the sudden force of metal hitting metal, then flesh, then bone. But that didn't happen. Quick as a flash he moved his hand and grabbed the blade, his armour protecting him from its sharp bite. But I couldn't change my course of action now, I had committed. Releasing my grip on the knife, I had already pushed myself up from the seat and attempted to make for the door.

Something shot out in front of my shin. My momentum sent me flying straight into it.

A disgustingly weak-sounding yelp slipped out as my stomach lurched and I went flying. But just as I fell, something grabbed the back of my collar and yanked me back. I winced again, unable to stifle the noise as my escape was ripped out from under me. My head was pounding now, I swallowed hard to try and calm myself down, but it was little use. The hunter's words rang in the air, as if rubbing salt in a wound.

I could feel my gut turning over, recoiling, as I uttered my defeat,

"Alright. I yield." I grumbled. For now, I finished to myself.

Was I done fighting for my freedom? Oh hells, no. But I had to be smart. I had to learn more before I tried again. I shifted back, indicating that I wanted to return to my seat if he would release the collar of my clothes. Unless he was ready to leave. He'd obviously come for me. Why else would he stay? I held my hands up beside my head, showing I had no intention to try another dirty trick... yet.

"Let's get this over with."

A defeated sigh escaped me. It was genuine, but I made sure to play it up as much as I could He had to think I'd given up completely if I was to try again.

The Last Son
Defeated already? I doubted that. With how she so easily gave up with just this one interaction, I knew she would try again. As the bar patrons began to look at us now. I pulled her back slowly towards me while I stood. My frame almost towering over her own. I sheathed the knife away into my belt, and easily grabbed the woman by her wrist. Walking her slowly out of the bar, I opened the doors to let myself out, then had her follow me. Once we were on the street and headed back, I started to talk to her.

"I wish it were that easy. We both know you want your freedom badly."

My iron grip upon her wrist would keep her next to me. However, there was something I had to ask.

"Why do you fight it. Why do you fight for your freedom when you are meant to be in a position of servitude."

I was quite curious of this. As I was also in servitude of a master, but mine was far more... forgiving than that of some slavers I have seen. He allowed me to have my choice of what I wanted to do, but other than that, I only had one task. To find his target. If this woman was given the job, and the task of being a slave, then why would she fight it? To go completely against it and even steal stuff from the person who could easily have her hunted down. Like I have just done.



Well-Known Member

He could see right through me.

The breath of relief that came from the hunter sheathing the knife was cut off in a wince as he suddenly grabbed my wrist. Already much taller than I, the man seemed to tower over me even more as the vice-like grip caused me to crouch a little from the pain. I could feel my cheeks burning as I did. It hurt, forcing me to bow a little to alleviate the pain. I hated it. He shepherded me out of the bar, going through the door first and forcing me to trail after him. I could feel the eyes of the other patrons on us, but this was nothing they hadn't seen before. I had no friends back there. A disobedient slave? As common as the seedy bar I was dragged from.

I winced again as the hunter began to walk, keeping his fingers wrapped rightly around my wrist. The pain was growing, my heart stopped a moment, I was legitimately worried he might snap it if the mood struck him. I let out a sigh at his words.

"More badly than you want those credits, I'd wager." I couldn't help it, the retort slipped out.

Great, now there would be no doubt in his mind that I was planning another escape. Oh well, whatever. I could do it. I had just received a handicap, that's all. I stumbled to keep up with the hunter. Being so much taller, his strides were longer than mine, and I had to walk quickly to keep pace and keep him from pulling my arm out of its socket. As we walked, I let my eyes scan our surroundings, searching for anything that might help, anything that could give me an idea, an ally, a weapon, I didn't care. However, his next question caught me off-guard. I was shocked, the expression likely smeared across my features before the scowl set in. I actually stopped in my tracks, until he pulled me forwards again. What a question! Now, where to begin?

"Firstly," I snapped, unable to quell the anger at his assumption, "I was a slave. I was not, and am not, meant to be one. Crucial difference, there, champ."

I was seething from the observation, I could feel it. My gut churned and boiled. So maybe I'm a little defensive about my kind being labelled as slaves so readily. Bite me.

"That difference, is actually the answer to your question. I fight for my freedom because I am meant to be free. I was never made for a cage, or to be chained to another, forced to serve drinks and kiss boots." I had to stop, I could feel the rage boiling up from inside me.

I took in a deep breath, closed my eyes a moment, and let it out. It was a peculiar question, that was for sure. I mean of course, he could have just been riling me up, but there seemed to be a genuine curiosity behind his words, as if he truly wanted to know, as if the concept of this 'born to servitude' ideal was all he knew. It was sad, almost, that I felt almost a pang of understanding. Well, that was swiftly quelled.

"Well," I continued, "may I at least know the name of my executioner?"

Oh there was certainly the chance that my master would let me live. I knew what he liked, I could bargain for my life. But the hunter didn't know that. He seemed immune to my wiles, it was time to see if he had any capacity for guilt.

The Last Son
Wow the little twi'lek slag was loud, and wanting to be in charge. She was making a huge fuss about not being meant in a cage, or stuck in a form of servitude. I just shook my head. Most of the Twi'leks I had seen were in slaves, or slags that were attached to the hip with some rick snob. No matter the way the thing looked. I just shook my head. Coming to a stop as the female asked for my name. Turning around, I used my other hand to open up my helmet. Revealing the disfigured face. Red, and slithering with black ooze that had been caked on the inside of the helmet. I opened my mouth to speak. Revealing a massive set of teeth. two or three rows deep that could bite and chomp down on creatures or even her. However, my tongue slipped out a little to sniff the air around much like a snake. Almost but not quite lashing out to smack the woman with it's length.

"I have many names slag. Rage, Malice, Mentyor"

I then leaned into her face. Getting so close that I could have bit her nose off if I really tried.

"Take. Your. Pick."

Backing up, I put my helmet back on. The whole time of it being a fear tactic. Show her who she was really dealing with. A monster. A creature that had no feelings for her, nor her kind. I got tired of holding her hand. Reaching with my other hand, I pulled out a collar from my belt and slapped it onto her. It was a quick lock that was thrown onto her. My large hands could do it without having to let go of her hand.

Releasing her hand, I then whipped out a little controller. Holding it up for her to see.

"Nasty little shock if you feel like getting aggressive. Oh, and don't try to remove it. Kind of has a detonator on it."

Reaching out, I then grabbed the woman by the back of her head and at the base of her lekku. Pushing her forward ahead of me towards the spaceport.

"Now lets head towards the ship you stole."



Well-Known Member
I could practically feel the disdain radiating from the hunter for me and my kind.

The way he turned his head dismissively, the way he spoke, the snarl I could practically feel emanating from beneath his helmet. This guy was definitely not hugged enough as a child. I bet he was bullied by a twi’lek as a youngster. That would explain why he was so scornful, that or maybe he was secretly jealous.

Then he came to a stop, drawing my attention. He removed the helmet, an awful, monstrous face grinned back at me, completely with a toothy maw like something from a nightmare. I gasped, unable to quell the shock. Thank the gods he didn’t take me up on my offer beforehand. However, as the fear and disgust subsided, I watched. A long, snaking tongue snapped out, tasting the air. It came dangerously close to lashing against my cheek, but I held my ground, holding my breath so I wouldn’t flinch. He gave me his name, a few, in fact. I picked the one I liked the best, narrowing my eyes as his face leaned in close to mine.

“You’ve seen my bounty sheet. Nibsani is not too hard of a name to remember, is it, Mentyor?” I asked.

I didn’t want him to call me a slag again. It made me so angry, irrationally so. Perhaps that’s why I did what I did next. I couldn’t help it. I was vengeful, I was afraid, I was disoriented.

I bit him.

Quick as a flash, I lunged forwards, while his face was nice and close to mine, attempting to sink my teeth into his cheek, his nose, anything I could reach. I didn’t care in that moment if that awful flesh would taste as foul as it looked. I just wanted to hurt him, to conjure something other than dismissive contempt. I just wanted something.

Whether I’d hit my mark or not was irrelevant, it seemed that the collar would be coming out regardless. As soon as I saw it, I shivered. The mere sight of the thing had me frustratingly rooted to the spot, making it easy work for him to slap it around my neck. I winced as it locked into place, immediately raising my fingers to adjust its position as he spoke.

Then he mentioned the detonator.

My hands dropped to my sides.

I grumbled, but my muttering was cut off by a sudden gasp as he grabbed the back of my head. I yelped, flinching as a wave of tingles raced through me.

“Ouch, those are sensitive, nerf herder!” I snapped.

Nevertheless, I began the sombre march forwards towards the spaceport. At least I knew what was there. I visualised the little hangar the shuttle was in, remembering the layout from when I’d arrived. There had to be something there I could use… right?

The Last Son
The girl was really pissing me off. She was biting at me. Fighting every step of the way. She started to walk down the streets. Reaching out with my hand as I did hear that her lekku were sensitive, I pulled her by her clothing by her now. Yanking her into an alley. Tossing her as hard as I could into there so we could be alone.

I then rolled my neck. Getting a couple pops from the bones as I did so. She may think I was going to do some unsavory things to her. However, she was wrong with that I was going to do.

"You see. I am an nerf herder. I am a wrathful son of a queen who doesn't care about your pain, your name, or why you decided to fight against slavery when you belong there."

My fist lashed out against the wall. Slamming hard enough to crack the bricks underneath. Dust came off from the wall as I removed my hand. Looking at the dust, I then let my hand drop. Reaching over to her, I grabbed onto her neck. Pushing her up against the alley wall. I had her by the back of the neck. Pushing her face first into the wall. Gently caressing the side of her face.

"Such soft and delicate skin for a girl. Luckily your queen of a master didn't specify what condition you were to be brought to him in."

I then quickly reached for her Lekku and grabbed a hold of one. Crushing down with an iron grip and yanking back so that she would have to bend her head away from the wall. The hand that had been holding the back of her neck then pulled on the front of her throat. Right over the adam's apple. Pulling her into my body so that she couldn't really move.

"You think I desire pleasures of the flesh. You assume lustful woes will change my mind. You believe me to be swayed by credits? Oh my dear. I do not need such trivial things. I desire something much more personal. Much more gratifying. I desire to see you in pain. Wallowing in anguish and misery."

I lowered my head to be right next to her perfect ears. Gently whispering.

"You thought you were someone's queen before. I have the mind to keep you for myself."

I licked my lips. The sound was so gratifying to me. Even as I yanked once more on her lekku.

"You are my queen now."



Well-Known Member
Okay, maybe the bite had been a mistake.

I yelped as the hunter yanked me into an alley, throwing me against a wall. I gasped in shock, flinching as pain lanced through my body. My head spun, cheek stinging against the cold hard surface of the wall. I could hear him popping his neck as a shudder gripped my shoulders. My heart was racing in my chest, throwing itself rapidly against my ribs like a caged animal. My blood pounded in my ears, every muscle taut and ready to fight against what came next. This wasn’t the first time I’d been in such a predicament.

However, he spoke, his voice slithering into my nearnodes, dripping with malice. I fought hard against letting out a whimper at his words, hoping against hope as I bit my lip that he didn’t hear the tiny squeak that slipped out. He suddenly shoved his fist into the wall beside my head, slamming hard enough into the bricks to crack them. At that, I squealed, flinching almost violently. I had believed my heart to be racing before, but now it felt as if it might actually burst from my chest.

But over my whimpers he spoke again, an indirect if thinly veiled threat. Before I could react, he grabbed one of my lekku. His grip was hard, and the wave of tingles that usually washed over me was drowned out by searing pain. I howled as my head was yanked back, cutting myself off as I felt his other hand on my throat. Instinctively I moved my hands up, wrapping my fingers around his grip on my throat.

“Let… me… go…” I snapped as I struggled.

However, his next words made me go completely still. I’m fairly certain even my heart stopped.

Now I don’t believe in all that mumbo jumbo about the force. However, even I could practically feel the malice dripping from this guy. He was evil, pure and simple. No credits, no pleasurable company, no promises of power would satisfy him. He leaned into my earnode, whispering softly.

I gasped, shuddering at that horrid, raspy whisper,

“You… don’t… own… me.” I gasped in reply, although I grimaced at how weak my quivering voice sounded. There was no conviction behind those words, only fear.

Not that it mattered, he yanked again on my lekku, eliciting another yelp as more pain yet jolted through me. The fear was choking me, but the frustration from being held against him and the rage from the pain were beginning to boil and seethe in my core. Through gritted teeth, I hissed at him,

“I’m no one’s queen, nerf herder. You’ll see.”


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