One thing you can always count on in a spaceport: a seedy bar.
Getting to Kessel had been one hell of a ride. I had no idea how much fuel that shuttle had had when I nabbed it. I honestly hadn't even truly believed I would actually make it out of atmo, even. My heart had been in my throat the whole time, and instead of thinking or breathing, I was just acting, reacting. But by the gods it had been exhilarating. Even now, sitting in the back of this dark little hole-in-the-wall, I can feel the adrenaline still flooding my system. I unwrapped one hand from the drink in front of me and lifted it, holding it out. Long, elegant blue fingers trembled quite noticeably. I snickered, and lowered my hand again.
My heart was still lodged firmly in my throat, my head still spinning wildly. My entire body seemed to buzz with energy. Despite the drab and dreary atmosphere of the bar in which I sat, I was grinning. It almost didn't matter what happened next. I had done it. I had escaped. I had slipped the noose. I leaned back in my seat, sinking down into the old, faded leather and closed my eyes. I could just picture the look my my master's face, screwed into a look of shock and disbelief... dissolving into a scowl of rage.
Fencing the jewels I had been wearing had been an... interesting task. Especially in the hurry I was in. Eventually I had used Kessel's thriving slave-trade, blending in with some incoming... 'cargo', and I use that word with incredible distaste, until I could get close enough to a change of clothes. In the end it had surprised me how easy it was to fence the jewellery, but perhaps it should not have. With the imports and exports Kessel had, it should have been obvious that smugglers abounded here.
Not that it mattered. I had what I needed: a change of clothes and more credits than I knew what to do with. The temptation to run off and flaunt it was oh so strong. Even now, the thought still slithers across my mind. But I had to play it smart. No doubt there'd be a bounty out by now. I had to lay low, I had to pick my next move carefully. I had to be smart.
But concerns aside, I was free. I was riding the greatest high in the galaxy, and nothing could bring me down.