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Private A Very Alchemical Life Day || Sithspawn Sanctorium + Friends

will you sink down to me?

~ . ~ Qabbrat, the Reef;
Level xXx, Coruscant ~ . ~
~ . ~ Lookin' festive ~ . ~

Take two.

The Reef's qabbrat bullpen was decorated for a holiday this evening rather than a pop-up comedy night. There was enough plant-derived garland about to probably drive Claudia into lividity rather than merriment under usual circumstances, but Damsy hoped the spirit of the season would sway her. Everyone had pitched in their specialties for tonight's festivities. Arisso had jury-rigged more strings of lights than Damsy thought she had even seen in Netra'yaim at this time of year. It was probably just her, but for what the Sanctorium lacked in quantity they made up for ten times over in quaintness. Motina had once again outdone herself with the menu spread of food and drinks.

Damsy herself had done her best to outfit the residents. Though she knew how to sew, the prospect of taking on a project for the entire growing population herself was a little to daunting. She enlisted the help of a newcomer Spinner named Charlotte who wanted to be a seamstress rather than an alchemist. Instead of breaking down biomatter, Charlotte recycled the old fabrics Damsy brought her, and they worked together to reform them into new attire for everyone. The new clothes were distributed to bunkrooms and private quarters before the gathering so their recipients could come dressed up if they so chose. It was a big job, but Damsy had the time to play Life Day elf since she had relatively recently left the New Jedi Order.

She hoped that all the ceremony that her departure had lacked would come out tonight, here, for the occasion. She wanted so badly to say she cared more about the Sanctorium than she had ever about the Jedi, but anger was really not in the spirit of the Day. Neither was lying. Both kinda went against the whole celebration of compassion thing. The kicker? She really still felt that for the Order—compassion, not anger—for its entire ideal rather than just a select few of its people. It all went back to her first days up at the Temple when she had met Kai and they had bonded over their dream to become a Jedi and bask in the Light as more than they had been created to be. They had both grown to fill out their goals since then, but at least for Damsy it wasn't that simple.

She knew that most Sithspawn, including her, would always have a scuff in their mirrors they could never polish out.

When it came high time she stopped feeling bad for it, the obvious answer was to surround herself more regularly with mirror that looked more like hers.

The decision was more practical than personal. She needed her sanity more than she needed the few relationships she had made topside, especially with Syreni still occasionally rattling the bars in their shared mind.

"'Ey 'ey 'ey, errbody!!" Damsy tapped two of her almond fingernails against the slightly cloudy glass of her champagne flute in rhythm until the sound radiated the crowded hall. She stood at the same makeshift podium that she had erected from stand-up. With her free hand she took the mic again. "Look, I 'member last time I was up 'ere I was real underwhelmin', but I hope tonight can be a do-over." She hadn't given a speech in ages, but hoped she could still flex the muscle as she had during her special forces days. "Some of y'all might be aware that Life Day is traditionally a Wookiee holiday. I've visited Kashyyyk like all of once, about a year 'go, as part of an NJO padawaan swap with their cousins, the Silver Jedi. I met a nice young lady there." The thought of what had become of Artemis Lu Artemis Lu came and passed. "They have a real lovely home, prettier planet.

"Now, in comparison, dull grey durasteel doesn't seem to put up competition with lush green earth. And it don't. But..." Damsy paused to set her glass down on the podium's wooden lip, and place her freed palm over her heart. "I can swear to you on the Fennessan graves of my former squadmates that I wouldn't trade it all for where I am right now. With all of you." She took her time to look over the crowd, looking for the more familiar faces. "I know these last months have been hard. So hard. Hell, we live in a literal sewer teetering on the edges of food security and actual, physical security. We're at risk of rouge Underlevel wildlife, locals, police officers, the Jedi—and, of late, ourselves too.

"Now we can't worry about any of that 'cept the last, the only aspect we really do control. We've come too far, from Kamino," she motioned at herself once more, then to the crowd, "to Korriban to Lao-mon to Cophrigin V, to add ourselves to the pile of odds stacked 'gainst us.

"The Reef's not this factory, y'all. It's this community, whenever it might be; it just happens to be here right now. When I was a Confederate and my General forced me to take vacation leave, I normally found myself on Rishi. It's a paradise both on land and off. In those shallow seas right off the coasts is where I first saw a coral reef 'long with all the wonderful life that lived thereabouts. I was so taken that I kept going back whenever I was up for some RnR, about a weekend every few months. It took me a lot of weekends to realize that the hodgepodge of organisms that called that reef home sweet home wasn't just living there all together coincidentally. Y'know what it was instead?

"A lil' theory called evolution. And that understands necessity. 'Cause if it didn't, there would be no way those tides could sway in which those critters would survive. See, I have it on good authority that the open ocean is a mean place: cold, dangerous, not all that much food the further you swim out into it. Things can exist in a reef that can't in the abyss, and on that virtue alone it's a pretty magical place.

"If you haven't drawn the parallel yet, lemme help you out. It's the same here, on dry ass land, somewhere below the Senate buildin'. But we're surviving together even in the dark. Right now, especially in the dark. Lowercase d rather than upper. Most Jedi don't seem to understand that yet, but I don't really blame 'em because I ain't too sure we always do either. That's a'ight, though. I have hope that in time we'll all come 'round.

"We just gotta push through. That's what tonight is about, keeping up our morale. So, please, enjoy." Damsy walked back to the podium, as she had wandered a ways from it. She picked up her glass and rose it up and out at the crowd. "Kia wonosa, ir kia xauti drajunas*!" she exclaimed before redocking the microphone and returning to her seat in an alcove of cushions nearby.

Arisso, leaning against the wall, straightened up on her approach. He smiled and said as if he had told her so, "See, that wasn't too bad," which he had. It had been his idea as always to add in the toast in Old Tongue. Even if not many understood, he had promised, it'd hammer the point home.

"I just said the words," Damsy admitted light-heartedly before taking a sip of her drink. "I don't remember what that meant." Then, when he rose his organic brow at her: "What? I'm still learning. That chit's too advanced for me."

@Sithspawn Sanctorium + friends
* = for freedom, and for found family
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So this was her Home.

From what little the Sith knew about the Sanctorium, this was a refuge for those who were born of darkness. Molded, they were, by the whims of others - until at last they had a chance for freedom. Liberation took many forms, but the first fledgling steps were seldom glamorous. But to be able to breathe easy, even if it meant sleeping in a sewer? That was something one just couldn't put a price tag on.

Admittedly, Isley felt wholly out of place - but the budding "progress" between he and his daughter had allowed him to pop in. She had but one request, don't make noise. That wasn't to say that he had to keep duct tape over his lips for the night's festivities - but rather, not shine a light over his head. Given that they were deep inside the Alliance capital and all, Isley had no problem agreeing.

The last thing he needed was a bad run in with the New Jedi Order. Turning orphans into a new pair of boots wasn't exactly something he'd consider "holiday cheer." So, he arrived just like any other Sithspawn who'd made their way. Dressed in civvies - specifically a hoodie, t-shirt, and jeans - he took a seat towards the end of the room. He swirled his murky champagne glass about as he watched the young woman make her toast.

And couldn't help but smile.

She had found her own way. Made her own home. Stood on her own two feet - and had been for quite some time. Sure, things were far from glamorous - and she could ask him, or anyone, to bankroll something better. But instead, she rolled up her sleeves and made it happen. If that wasn't something to be proud of, Isley didn't know what was.

"Here here." he said, raising his glass.

Kai stood in the qabbrat, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He listened to Damsy’s speech all the way through. Some people applauded or cheered at the end. He wasn’t one of them.

It was a few weeks since comedy night, a few weeks since Andromache’s arrival. A wedge had been driven between them since, a conflict of interests and philosophies regarding not just the Reef, but the entire concept of the Sanctorium and what it stood for. Kai had to defer to Damsy, because she was the leader… but what did people do when they disagreed with their leaders?

He pushed these thoughts down. This was supposed to be a celebration.

Leaving his perch, he went in search of something to eat and quickly found a table laden with food. Surveying the items, he tried to calculate how much he could take without putting a sizable dent in the offerings.

“Great party, huh?”

He looked up. Claudia was sitting at the far corner of the table, a plate balanced on her lap. Charlotte had spun a black sequin dress for her which had black and blue feathers sewn around the collar. She’d done her own hair in what was supposed to be Princess Leia-style side buns, but the style had collapsed either due to her lack of expertise or the weakness of the scavenged pins that were supposed to hold it together. Either way, she’d run out of time to redo it, made a few quick adjustments, and in typical Claudia fashion dubbed it her own unique creation.

<Yes,> he replied. <It is nice.>

Her gaze swept over Kai from top to bottom, eyes widening and lips parting slightly. “Have I told you lately how much I love those Gucci Jedi robes?”

That got him to crack a smile. <Many times.>

When Charlotte had first offered to make everyone a new outfit for the party, Kai had specifically asked for new robes, wanting to show his solidarity with the Jedi in light of Damsy’s departure from the Order—a recent development he was still coming to terms with. What he got was fancy Jedi robes sewn from a dark blue velvet-like material.

“Um,” Claudia mumbled, biting her lip. She looked around, then met his eyes again, slipping into the privacy of telepathy. <Listen, I know we have our differences, but…>

<Yes.> He could practically read her mind. <I’m sorry.>

<I love you.>

<I know.> He loved her too, but perhaps not in the way she loved him. He’d discovered that when he dove into her mind to save her. After all, you can’t enter a simulation of someone else’s heart’s desires and fail to notice that they were in love with you. Or infatuated, at the very least. Two children lisping in a garden wasn’t love, as far as he knew.

She stared at him. <Will it be okay, then?>

In answer, he stooped to kiss her cheek. She gasped a little, her nose wrinkling and eyes narrowing like she was about to cry, but then she sniffed and blinked her tears away. “Okay good, okay fine,” she murmured, a faint smile curling her lips.

It did not belong here.

Not in the Sithspawn Sanctorium, that in plain description seemed to be an apt location to store the conduit but rather in the qabbrat, amongst the thrum of life and festivities. A floating void of personality and incessant curiosity was not, perhaps, the greatest of company.

Which explained why It lurked in a corner like a legless omen, albeit a well-dressed legless omen. Despite being a wretched physical monstrosity that transcended sentient behaviours it had not taken much work to convince the conduit to dress up. It provided a sense of purpose for the evening; it existed to be present and to be dressed.

A levitating withered torso in a white shirt and beige waistcoat.

It attempted to channel focus so that it could listen to Damsy's speech, relying on the man-made helm to dim the relentless chatter of life that danced all around them. A symphony of thoughts and emotions, always shifting, sifting, swirling all at different tempos, frequencies and volumes. Yet even with the helm, it was so very loud, such a stark contrast to the peaceful void amongst the stars.

From what It could gather there was a sense of turbulence, were such celebrations designed to quell them?

Perhaps the conduit would make an inquiry at a later date.

Not possessing the correct physiology for food or drink, however, meant that the Sithspawn floated and observed by himself, fulfilling a temporary purpose by simply being there. It wasn't exactly the type to talk about the weather.
Interacting tags: Open
Worrarg looked about, his large and abnormal form made him hard to miss. Not that abnormality was anything uncommon here. He watched the others with interest, he saw through the force, and so, he saw more of what they were than just their colors. The way the force flowed to them. And from them. The crisp and clean or the fogged, the dark and the light, those were his colors to see.

And he smelled them, and the food. The white hairs on his skin moved in response to the motions of the room. Possibly the most unnecessary of his senses, due to the alchemic force sight. Yet present nevertheless. He sat down listening to Damsy as she gave her speech. Speeches were not exactly something he fully could get into as a listener but hey at least it was someone he knew, so he listened.

When she finished he simply held up a hand in approval, before finding a glass to raise and sniffing it before drinking it very easily. It wasn't exactly his size. He'd wander around the room mostly in thought, now, what to do, what to do.
Claudia drifted away to her own corner of the qabbrat, wanting to be left alone for a little while. Kai found that his appetite had vanished.

Looking around, he observed the people at the party. He knew most of the Reef’s residents and could put names to nearly every face. It looked like Forerunner had returned after spending some time away, or at the very least out of the limelight.

<Forerunner! Where have you been?> Kai asked the big bird. Then, spotting Kiber levitating in half a tux, he realized the Conduit and Forerunner hadn’t met each other yet. <This is Kiber Dorn. We found him floating around in space a couple weeks ago. Kiber, this is Forerunner, also known as Worrarg.>

Hopefully the two of them wouldn’t kill and/or eat each other now that he’d put them in close proximity.

There was one other person here whom Kai did not know, a man in a hoodie and jeans. Very casual, but dressing up wasn’t a requirement at this party. There was something about him that seemed familiar, though Kai couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

In a show of his telepathic skill, Kai projected outwards to Isley Verd even as he stood with Forerunner and Kiber. After all, what’s the use of telepathy if you can’t carry on multiple conversations at once?

<Hello. I’ve never seen you before. Who are you?>

For the most part, the sable-skinned man planned to keep to himself.

He imagined that he'd be able to mingle with Damsy before the evening was done - but beyond that didn't have illusions of walking away with a handful of newfound friends. This was her shindig and he was present to show support. And sample the liquor cabinet.

He thought that his rather mundane appearance would be enough not to draw attention, but as he indulged in a fresh sip of his swill, a foreign presence brushed his psyche. His eyebrow raised. Years of practice allowed him to follow the "voice" back to its source.

You can call me Dar'jetii. he began, making sure to add a guttural edge to his thinking voice. "I am kin of the host."

Isley wasn't exactly lying either. Back when he was a plucky teenager throwing around force ligntning, he had taken the nickname Dar'jetti. He hadn't pulled that card out of his wallet in decades - and that fact alone caused him to smirk in his drink.

"Who are you?"

The man in the hoodie, Dar’jetii, was funny. He actually bothered to add vocal fry to his telepathic “voice”.

<I am Kai,> Kai replied. <I guess I’m kin to the host, too. Damsy lets me call her Mom.>

Kai felt a slight pang of guilt almost immediately afterwards, but disagreeing with Damsy didn’t make him love her any less.

<She never mentioned you before, Dar’jetii, but if you’re here she must trust you. Where are you from?>

The Sith damn near choked on his drink.

Isley sputtered, unceremoniously, as the response from this "Kai" rang in his mind. Damsy? A mother? Well, she was a grown ass woman and could do what she wanted. But damn, this was one heck of a surprise. Composing himself, Isley replied.

We'll have to pry your mother away for proper introductions then. he began.

Mandalore originally. Been living in the South for the better part of thirty years though. You?

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru | Kal Kal | Kiber Dorn Kiber Dorn | Ylla Caeli'runa | Worrarg Worrarg
will you sink down to me?
"In any case," Arisso replied, "you can't just hold out here."

"No," agreed Damsy, one more sip on. "Guess not." Before lowering her glass entirely, she glanced through the rim around the room. Her gaze easily caught to the trio of Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri , Worrarg Worrarg , and Kiber Dorn Kiber Dorn , but it proved difficult to look away. She moved her flute down anyway, even as she fixed her eyes to the one that was in everything but court documentation her adopted son. The longer she looked, the more morphed her countenance became. Her brows knit; lips pressing together; long, bittersweet seafoam pulled over the oceans in her eyes. She only refocused her attention when she thought someone thereabouts was about to—or did—catch her staring.

"I know," came from somewhere off to her side.


"That it's tough."

The Siren nodded instead of spouting offense. Arisso didn't have children, but he was only being sympathetic. "Maybe the Dark Side made me sterile for a reason," she almost whispered.

Her mechanical companion was able to pick up at least the sentiments. A cold, cybernetic hand slid onto one of her forearms folded against her chest. "Don't be like that, Damsy."

She shook her head this time, but relented. "Fine. But then it cursed me. With one just like me." Not that her relationship with Kai was just like hers with Darth Metus Darth Metus —more specifically on the trajectory it had been on up until about a month ago—but the similarities seemed to her blooming. Perhaps he loved her no less today, but what of tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year? A storm was brewing even within the Reef, only Damsy couldn't place the prediction.

Neither when nor how intense.

She had a horrible feeling that she would have to wait for it to come and sweep her house away.

Speaking of the Sith, Damsy spotted him being obediently quiet in the back. Immediately, she was grateful—all she had bade him was that—but she was also nervous. She had left a crucial instruction out: don't tell anyone you know Alchemy and made me. But even if she knew her father to be almost everything else besides daft, there was still always a little to be worried about, wasn't there? For starters, Kai wouldn't much enjoy knowing Damsy had made peace with her Creator.

With a sigh, the Siren took to walking the floor. She hadn't realized that her feet had chosen the path to Dar'jetii until she had come nearly within arm's reach. Evidently, she felt comfortable enough around him already since their unexpected reunion on Krant to seek out his advice.

Ylla Caeli'runa | Darth Metus Darth Metus | Kal Kal | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru
<I was born on a planet called Chaldea. The Jedi brought me to Coruscant.>

He had returned to Chaldea a few times since then, though with gradually less frequency as his life became busier and fuller. There was an innate connection between him and his birthworld, something that made it feel almost like home, even if he hadn’t lived there in years. He suspected that he would feel compelled to return home when it was time for him to die, though that was a long way off.

Before the conversation could go any further, Damsy walked over to Dar’jetii. Kai waved goodbye to the others he had been standing with, then headed over to join them.

<Proper introductions, Mom,> he said, pointing to Dar’jetii with a mischievous smirk. <He says we’re kin through you.>

He was, at the moment, quite light-hearted in manner and expression, despite anything that might’ve happened between him and Damsy earlier.

Ah, and there was the woman of the hour.

As Dar'jetti and the Siren's Heir silently conversed, Damsy wandered through the crowd to his side. Isley smiled and raised his beverage at her arrival. "Couldn't have raised a better toast myself, well done." he said aloud.

Meanwhile, the one called Kai joined the fun.

Proper introductions were needed, indeed.

Isley would leave the "who and how" to Damsy. If she wanted to reveal everything, he'd follow suit. If she wanted to keep the cards to her chest, he'd play right along.

This was her ocean after all. He was just swimming in it.



Alina kept pretty much to herself, just watching the people go about this party with a faint smile. It was good to see something so.. Lighthearted in a room of what people considered monsters. Though, course. Her gaze would eventually fall to Darth Metus Darth Metus and she nearly chocked on the martini glass of blood she'd been nursing throughout the night. Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri seemed to be having a decent enough conversation with the Sith Lord, and even Damsy Callat Damsy Callat seemed to be wandering his way, so it should be fine, right?

No reason to worry why the former vice lord of the CIS was here. No reason at all.

Clearing her throat, she turned her gaze back towards the others. At least until her gaze settled on Kiber Dorn Kiber Dorn . So he'd actually shown up? She chuckled before heading his way. "Hey mind.. Uh. Huh, don't have a nickname for it yet. Havin' fun hanging around?" Nope, terrible joke. One she immediately regretted but hid said regret behind a long, long drink of her bloodtini.

"You settle in okay?"
will you sink down to me?

Damsy smirked at Isley. "You prolly couldda," she teased.

As Kai journeyed over, a group of musical Spawn began to play and sing and soft background tune. In a split second, she made the decision to make one "proper introduction" in half-truths, the other in entire.

Before she spoke out loud, she picked up on the frequency of her father's mind and asked him silently, <What's your name today?>

"That's right," she confirmed. Regardless of Isley's answer, it would be safer the say the chosen moniker less rather than more. "I used to be a Mandalorian with him. I left our House," Damsy paused to smile at her father, "but he doesn't see me as dar'manda. It's a...blessing." She glanced at Kai. "Not that I left on a bad foot. At least I don't think I did." She knew she had for the Dauntless, but not Verd. She had turned in a proper resignation for the latter at least rather than just up and vanishing for half a year. "I just had to do things my own way.

"This is Kai," she said, gesturing at him. "I met him at the Temple. We were both Sithspawn a Jedi named Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze had saved. I'm not still with them, but he is. I'm very proud." As Damsy said it, she made herself hold her father's gaze, even and especially as the syllables in Jedi got heavy on her tongue. And down her throat into her heart. Only towards the end did she looked at Kai again, but still the subject of her last sentences remained unclear. Maybe she had meant just one or the other young men.

Most likely different parts of her had meant both.

One side of her mouth quirked into an unsure smile. She extended her free hand for one of Kai's.

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Darth Metus Darth Metus
Isley smirked right back. "You know I usually paid someone to write those, right?"

He chuckled before finishing off his beverage. And whilst the liquid raced down his throat, the Siren's voice echoed in his mind. He answered simply: Dar'jetti. Old nickname.

She then set about introducing him to her son. "To be fair, the House was considered dar'manda the whole time. Can't call the kettle black." he added, chuckling at his joke. "And I've got to say, doing things your own way paid off. All this? I'm proud of you."

He meant every word.

The Sith nodded as she introduced the one called Kai. Saved by a Jedi? A Sithspawn working with the Light? Desperate times surely made for strange bedfellows, that was for sure. "Well, I'm glad to meet you Kai. Though she's spread her wings so to speak, Damsy's family. And by extension, you're family. If ever you need anything, you've just to say the word."

If Kai sensed he was being lied to, or at least fed only half-truths, he showed no sign of it. As for what Damsy had to say about the Jedi and her pride, his eyebrows rose slightly.

The sentence had been worded in a way that was open-ended, up to interpretation, but it seemed unlikely she was saying she was proud of Dag. Her admitting she was proud of Kai for continuing to train as a Jedi, though, that was a little surprising.

Or not. Damsy was more laid-back than she probably even knew. Tolerance was her bread and butter. She was the sort of mother who, rather than try to interfere, would assure her child she was proud of them regardless of their path in life, so long as the path wasn’t criminal.

She reached for his hand. He let her hold it, at first, then the pressure he exerted increased as he not merely accepted the gesture but returned it.

<What does dar’manda mean?> Kai asked. He was unfamiliar with Mandalorian terms—which might seem odd for one who claimed to be Damsy’s son, but it was true.

The offer of help was acknowledged with a nod, though Kai had no idea how much help this Dar’jetii could provide... at least, until the man's remarks about having people write speeches for him finally clicked in Kai's brain. Up until this point, he hadn't known he was standing before the former Viceroy of the CIS. He just thought the familiarity of the man's features was because he and Damsy were related. But now his thoughts jumped to politics, and from there he began to suspect this man was more important than he appeared.

<Are you famous?> Kai asked, inclining his head slightly. <I mean, would I have seen you on the holonews before?>

will you sink down to me?
<What does dar’manda mean?>

In other ways, it wasn't strange at all that he didn't know. Damsy had only begun to follow the Resol'nare, or the Six Action code of the warrior people, middway into her adult life, so she had found it equally easy to leave it, and its people for the most part, behind. She no longer practiced any of it, so "raising her children as Mandalorians" in adherence to the third to last tenet would cause quite the paradox.

"It's the state of not being Mandalorian," she explained. "Of rejecting the tenets and renouncing your clanship. Traditionally very dishonourable, but I choose to think of it as a worthwhile chance for new beginnings." Indeed, the Sithspawn Sanctorium was well worth the trade-off. The community was surely an upgrade as far as she was concerned, even if its current settings weren't a wholeass castle.

She glanced over at her father. His joke wasn't lost on her. "Huh. I guess two wrongs might make a right after all," she teased.

Then harder questions came from her son:

<Are you famous? I mean, would I have seen you on the holonews before?>

"Maybe," she answered for Dar'jetti. "He's an alor. A leader, a chief. Head of family. And a damn good one at that." She grinned again at him, probably amounting for the most she had since the real him had come to take her from Kamino.

It was a Life Day miracle, her unexpected gift to him as well as to herself.

She continued, "I hope to be as good to our house as he is to his one day. I'm tryin' to manifest it." She laughed, hints of nervousness suddenly on her tongue. She had momentarily thought to ask how she was doing, but immediately imagined Kai's response being less than amicable. Though it might have been perfectly proper, Damsy kept it to herself, fearing any more of his passive aggression.

The more she thought on it, she felt pressure build in her chest.

"Excuse me a moment."

She walked off, not waiting for permission or even acknowledgement. On the winding path she cut through the qabbrat, she leaned down to set her half-finished drink on an end table. She had made it to the exit, slipped out of the room, and backed against a wall facing the downgoing elevators. Her focus on breathing slowly in and out essentially blocked off her reception to telepathy.

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Darth Metus Darth Metus
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"You uh, gonna be alright?"

At some point Alina had slipped away on her own. Trying to talk to someone who could only speak in her head was difficult enough. That, and she just.. Couldn't handle the cheery atmosphere. That, and the stale blood she made her drinks from were just.. Not enough. A much fresher coat of blood stained her lips and cheeks. Her midnight snack, as it were. Still, she didn't expect to see Damsy Callat Damsy Callat outside here. Wasn't that her dad inside? With her.. Kid?

She really wasn't trying to listen in. But it didn't help she could hear a pin drop in a droid manufacturing plant.

"Too much eggnog?" A poor attempt at a joke. Alina's humor tended to stem from her upbringing. Y'know, being a Sith. She was trying at least. "Or was it the gingerbread scented candles? Those get me almost as bad as garlic."
will you sink down to me?
Damsy spooked for the first time in recent memory.

Since Kai had crawled into her Temple quarters under the guise of Dagon.

The memory flashed across her mind, but fresh adrenaline suppressed its emotion. She put a hand over her chest and turned to the vampiress. "Alina!" she exclaimed. "I, um, what...?" The words of her question came back. "Oh, y-yeah. Yeah. I'll be fine.

"How 'bout you? How you doin'?"

That was either being a good host or a bad deflector.

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru


"Uh.. Fine?" Yeah, fine was a good answer. She pretty hastily reached up to wipe off some of the blood that still lingered. Best not go into detail about what she was doing. Wait no, now it was just silent. Alina glanced around, rubbing at the back of her neck. Trying to think of something to say. ".. Uh. Fuck, you wanna talk about something or do ya want me to just uh, go? I don't wanna keep ya or anything."

Damsy Callat Damsy Callat

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