Moonage Daydream
Coren Starchaser wasn’t the type to sit around and wait. Things happened. They needed to be fixed. Lucky for him? His kid, well his son, because Force knew his daughter wasn’t speaking to him, was able to fill in for a few of his courses at Levantine Astro Academy. That made this a bit easier. He was a man of action, he didn’t sit around and just wait. But that didn’t mean he was going to rush straight into Coruscant with guns blazing aboard a borrowed Levantine Defense Fleet destroyer or the home ship. He could take the Dawn Treader right to Coruscant and begin shelling the world demanding that they turn Sage Bane over.
How well that would work? Well, they were the Sith. Loyalty meant nothing for them. And he was going to hope that stuck true. But it didn’t matter. He put out a bounty and was getting to work. Event Horizon was safe in the Unknown Regions and he was working on not bringing any of this venture back to the Levantines. The Underground? Well, sure. They lost one of their own, any of them wanted to help mount an attack, he’d lead them to Imperial Center.
Or wherever the feth Spark took his captives.
But right now? Coren was in listening mode. Well, not Coren, he grew in his beard a little, changed his hair color to a shade darker, and cut it a bit different. He was now Kyle Topol, a cover name he developed when he first met Kelly. He stole her name, little had he known he’d be making her change to his. But that was a life time ago. Hell, right now? Coren wasn’t even in the Tachyon Rising. His preferred ship was out, doing its thing with the Horizon. Now? He was in a second hand Niathal-Class Shuttle. One that was outfitted with a Nar Shaddaa registration.
It allowed him to keep in contact with the Frontiers Corp and his exploration vessel. He could get back out there soon, but first? He had to find some people. Well, one. And hopefully this track would help him. The man was dressed in a dark out, non descript flight jacket, black pants, white shirt. Simple. Clean, but with an air of murder around him. A blaster, BlasTech, not Merr-Sonn, on his hip, no lightsaber. Right now? He’d strangle people with the Force if they got close.
Stations just outside of the Chiss space were filling up with refugees, even after he had time to evacuate Chiss and pull a ship from the Frontiers Corp. Yeah, the retreat from the Sith got heavy. He was pacing the station, reaching out in the Force and looking. Hunting.
[member="Sayl Bane"]
How well that would work? Well, they were the Sith. Loyalty meant nothing for them. And he was going to hope that stuck true. But it didn’t matter. He put out a bounty and was getting to work. Event Horizon was safe in the Unknown Regions and he was working on not bringing any of this venture back to the Levantines. The Underground? Well, sure. They lost one of their own, any of them wanted to help mount an attack, he’d lead them to Imperial Center.
Or wherever the feth Spark took his captives.
But right now? Coren was in listening mode. Well, not Coren, he grew in his beard a little, changed his hair color to a shade darker, and cut it a bit different. He was now Kyle Topol, a cover name he developed when he first met Kelly. He stole her name, little had he known he’d be making her change to his. But that was a life time ago. Hell, right now? Coren wasn’t even in the Tachyon Rising. His preferred ship was out, doing its thing with the Horizon. Now? He was in a second hand Niathal-Class Shuttle. One that was outfitted with a Nar Shaddaa registration.
It allowed him to keep in contact with the Frontiers Corp and his exploration vessel. He could get back out there soon, but first? He had to find some people. Well, one. And hopefully this track would help him. The man was dressed in a dark out, non descript flight jacket, black pants, white shirt. Simple. Clean, but with an air of murder around him. A blaster, BlasTech, not Merr-Sonn, on his hip, no lightsaber. Right now? He’d strangle people with the Force if they got close.
Stations just outside of the Chiss space were filling up with refugees, even after he had time to evacuate Chiss and pull a ship from the Frontiers Corp. Yeah, the retreat from the Sith got heavy. He was pacing the station, reaching out in the Force and looking. Hunting.
[member="Sayl Bane"]