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A Visit to the Edge of the Empire: New Advora


Well-Known Member
New Advora, Riflor
Location: New Advora

When the Commissioner had seen the memo go out across the empire, he'd done a double take, nearly spilling his mug of coffee. For the last few weeks he'd spent time both on and off the clock, though one could argue that a Commissioner was never off the clock, preparing and seeing to it that New Advora was prepared for the Grand Moff's visit. Strangely enough, the Governor had come down with the flu, or some other sickness. Nathaniel thought it was convenient, whenever anything important happened the Governor could be counted on to be busy or indisposed with either some family matter or his health. There had been rumblings for years about his ineptitude but Commissioner Barrett was always there to take care of it and keep the city from crumbling. To be fair, the Governor did have an entire planet to govern and so Nate had cut him some slack, perhaps too much this time.

As was his usual routine he'd woken up early, before the planet's three suns had risen above the horizon. Riflor was located in a trinary star system, the surface classified as terrestrial and volcanic. Nathaniel's feet pattered along the stone path towards the base of Mount Dervo, the looming volcanic mountain to the North of the city. Any other day he'd run partway up it's slope before returning but today was the day of the Grand Moff's visit to New Advora. Reaching a small wooden map structure outlining the pathways to the sleeping volcano's summit Nathan slowed and then stopped. This morning he had worn a thin pair of running shorts, a light fabric T-Shirt and his rubber soled shoes. Breathing deeply he closed his eyes, taking in the cool morning air. For a few moments he stood like that, catching his breath before looking down at the sports chrono on his wrist.

*Well, looks like I need to cool it on the chocolate marquise.*

Taking a swig of water from the bottle in his hand, he sighed and picked up his feet, heading back into the city. It took him about the same time to return to the villa as it had to reach his turnaround point. By the time he had returned to his small abode the rays of the three suns had begun peaking over the horizon, casting an enchanting light across the city's buildings. Given its proximity to the volcano one might expect the city to be covered in grime and muck but the opposite was in fact the case. Since the First Order had been contributing in the upkeep and expansion of the city it had flourished tenfold. He didn't claim the credit for it but to be fair the Commissioner had done his fair share of helping build up the city, even taking time out of his weekends to volunteer in the local community. Cleaning up the streets, rebuilding dated dwellings. Not only was it good for PR, but it helped him feel better about sitting behind a desk or in front of a camera most of the week.

Quickly undressing and cleaning himself up, he emerged from the small villa, his suit clean and pressed, his shoes shined. The welcome ceremony had been planned for late morning, the location? The central plaza. The plaza itself was located just in front of the main Capitol Building, the beautiful domed architecture on a raised section of stone and earth overlooking the central square. In the center of the square was an iconic well, it had been there long before the First Order had stepped in to raise a hand and as part of the re-building it had been discussed with the locals that the well itself had held significant historical value to them. As part of the cooperation between the First Order and the locals, it had been restored, even brought to working condition, a large underground filter attached to provide clean drinking water to anyone who might happen by it.

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The suns had been up for a few hours now, the cool morning air now gone, replaced by a surprisingly temperate environment given the tectonic activity below the surface of the planet. The cool air from the ocean certainly helped, the light taste of salt on the wind the only reminder at present that there was an ocean within walking distance. Up and down the edges of the stone stairway leading into the Capitol Building were members of the New Advora Police Force, the local law enforcement authority. Their uniforms had been checked over several times, their posture corrected more than once over the past month. Now they looked pristine, a spitting image of model officers. At the base of the stairs stood Nathaniel Barrett, the Commissioner of New Advora. Around the square, blue dividers had been raised, keeping the crowds from pouring into the main area and police had been stationed at the barriers. They didn't expect anything crazy to happen but you could never be too safe. Smiling, the Commissioner checked his chrono, the nearby shuttlecraft standing by. There were several locations the Grand Moff had wanted to visit and shuttlecraft was the safest and quickest way to get about the city. It was a luxury shuttle, one of the nicest at their disposal. Nothing but the best, it was not often the Grand Moff visited these outlying worlds and Nathaniel had every intention of leaving a lasting impression. Checking his chrono once more, he noted the time. The Grand Moff and her entourage should arrive soon, until then, he would wait patiently. He was actually quite impressed at the turnout, the native Advosec particularly interested in showing their adoration and appreciation for the First Order's help in rebuilding one of their most important cities. Banners of course had been hung all over the plaza, the gaping maw of the First Order's Insignia plastered all over the city. Some of it had been put up because it needed to be but all in all, the natives of New Advora had done a majority of the decorating on their own and a fine job of it too.

[member="Natasi Fortan"]
skin, bone, and arrogance
Right on schedule, Concordia and the rest of the fleet dropped out of hyperspace over Riflor. The Advosec were getting their first taste of Imperial pageantry, First Order style. Concordia came in low over the city -- just above the point where gravity would have claimed her -- and blocked the sun. Meanwhile, the First Order's 100th fleet flew over the city, leaving harmless red smoke in its wake, a patriotic flyover if ever there was one. Half an hour later, Natasi was disembarking the Frontrunner at the spaceport. They would take the limousine almost all the way to the new capitol, and then she would climb out of the limousine and walk the rest of the way, showing herself off to the crowd. This was the part that Natasi liked the most, and that her security detail hated the most. But from all the reports, it looked like the Advosec were rather pleased with their new paymasters.

Finally, the glamorous figure of Natasi Fortan reached the steps to the capitol building, and she took the steps up enthusiastically. She was eager to meet the Commissioner, for she had heard good things about the up-and-coming youngster. If he was all he was made out to be, he would be moving up the ranks in short order. Certainly the current Governor of this planet was not impressive to Natasi, so who knew what could happen here?

"Commissioner," said Natasi genially as she walked up to him, offering a handshake. "I can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you at last. I believe you've spoken with my PPS, [member="Sioux Chambers"], extensively while planning our stop?" She gestured for Sioux to come forward. Sioux was carrying a small wooden chest, within which were gifts for the Commissioner -- a collection of items made on Dosuun from produce or other materials found there: wine, bourbon, sausage and cheese, a tie clip, and customized stationary made from the very best of Dosuun's trees, topped with a hand-written letter from the Grand Moff herself thanking [member="Nathaniel Barrett"] for his hard work in scheduling Natasi's visit. "A little taste of the capital," said Natasi. "And a token of thanks for organizing this."


Well-Known Member
As they'd been preparing for the Grand Moff's arrival, all the eyes gathered in the main square had been diverted skyward as the sound of the First Order Fleet rumbled in the skies above. The sight was awe inspiring, the large hulls coming together as ship after ship appeared seemingly from nothing. The rumble grew and the crowds gasped as a high pitched scream of the TIE fighters cut through the low roar. Almost as if on queue the crowd went wild as the fighters came into view, the red smoke creating lines in the air, shouts and whoops let loose and flags waved. Nathaniel himself couldn't keep from smiling. The First Order certainly knew how to show off, and show off they did as the fighters not only streaked across the sky but flew up higher, looping and spinning creating an impressive pattern of smoke and contrails. He'd have to be sure to meet those pilots someday.

It was a tedious wait as the TIE's streaked off and the ships above parted just enough to allow sunlight to glisten on the rooftops of New Advora. The time had given the Commissioner just enough of a lull to begin second guessing his preparations. Security was tight, accommodations had been triple checked, and on top of that the native population had required little to no coaxing as far as adoring the Grand Moff. As far as they were concerned she had been the sole reason they'd flourished so well, due to the First Order's insurmountable contributions to the quality of life in New Advora. Nervously Nathaniel had looked back up to the Capitol Building and then back to his watch. The Governor of Riflor had yet to make an appearance.. not that it was unusual but he worried. This was the Grand Moff, not just a delegation from a nearby city or planet and yet he was nowhere to be found. He swallowed slowly. Well, it would be on him then.

No sooner had he turned back to face the avenue of approach than he saw that the Grand Moff had arrived. From where he stood perched the sea of people seemed to freeze in place as she stepped towards the base of the steps of the Capitol Building. For a moment they stood in silence and then the applause and shouts erupted all at once, the roar overpowering even for a crowd of that size. The Commissioner had been caught up in the moment, a smile on his face and only as the Grand Moff began ascending the stairs to the Capitol Rotunda did he inwardly curse at himself.


He should have placed himself at the base of the stairs, offering an arm as was polite. Alas, the moment had passed and now before him stood Grand Moff Natasi Fortan, the stunning figurehead of the First Order in all her regalia. Collecting himself as the woman approached he greeted her offer with his own handshake, a firm but merciful grip. Nodding he returned the woman's greeting.

"Grand Moff, the pleasure is mine, I assure you."

Stepping to the side and gesturing towards the crowds gathered below them he affirmed what she had said.

"Indeed, Miss Chambers and myself conversed at length regarding your visit and I am pleased you deemed the trip worth making. As you can see, the people here practically deify you and the First Order for the contributions to the improvement of New Advora."

The people below continued to cheer, cameras flashing and flags waving enthusiastically. Turning to face Sioux he nodded respectfully, listening to what the Grand Moff was saying. It had been a while since he'd truly spent time on Dosuun, the Capitol Planet of the First Order. The last time had been a military appreciation ball. Bowing at the waist with hands extended he gracefully accepted the small wooden chest.

"Your Excellency."

Nathaniel lifted the chest high, showing it to the crowd, first one side and then the other before holding it low again. Nodding towards the Grand Moff he turned to hand the chest off to one of his aides. The aide stepped forward and then backwards, the chest held firmly before him. In his place, a new aide stepped forward. In his hands, a small basket. Easily visible it's contents consisted of several items, primarily of cultural value to the native people. A bottle of Riflorian Red, a rich red wine, a small but ornate red amber necklace, the amber itself taken from deep within the jungle around the planet's equator, and other small tokens reflecting the culture and appreciation of the native populace.

"The people of Riflor and myself in turn have a gift for our most esteemed guest."

Briefly he took the basket, lifting it not quite as high as the chest and extended it towards the Grand Moff. He was careful to hold it so that either of the two women could accept the gift without seeming awkward. He had worked with Sioux to schedule a tour of the appropriate facilities, striking those from the list that would hold little value or to be frank, bore the Grand Moff, or at least the most boring. Now with the formalities out of the way, he nervously looked up to the entrance once more. Still no sign of the Governor. Keeping his voice somewhat low, he spoke towards the two.

"I apologize for our Governor, he seems to have taken ill, but I hope that I may be of suffice in his absence if you have any questions or matters that arise."

He smiled apologetically. Truthfully it irked him at the Governor's lack of committal. If he couldn't be bothered to attend a visit by the Grand Moff... He hoped that in turn it didn't sour Natasi's visit to Riflor. He would do his best to make sure that didn't happen.

[member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Sioux Chambers"]
skin, bone, and arrogance
"My dear Commissioner, you are too kind. I hope you will allow me a chance to thank the people of Riflor directly for their overwhelming generosity." Natasi was herself a stickler for jewelry, and so she was eager to get her hands on the beautiful pendant. She had little chance to wear jewelry in her standard day-to-day, but did enjoy it when she was 'out'. She would wear it publicly, mention it to a reporter who asked, give the people of Riflor a little love. An aide stepped forward to take the basket and Natasi smiled politely at [member="Nathaniel Barrett"].

Natasi tried to suppress an eye-roll at the mention of the Governor. She had little use for the man, who seemed to be absent more often than not. His office was difficult to reach, and the work that came out of it was sloppy, perhaps because of his apparent disdain for the Advosze.

"Ill, you say," Natasi said in a tone that indicated her skepticism. "How unfortunate. We'll just have to find a way to struggle on without him, don't you think?"


Well-Known Member
Nate nodded his head in humility. It was not often someone with as much gravitas as the Grand Moff herself showed up on Riflor and he knew the people of Riflor themselves would be thrilled to hear the Grand Moff address them. They'd been wary at first of the First Order, the native mentality clashing with the imperialist ideals. After the First Order had been able to show the Advosec the advantages of technology and given them a taste of Imperial life, they'd happily been staunch supporters of the government.

With a nervous look over his shoulder he forced a smile. She had put words to exactly what he was thinking. Truthfully, the Governor was mostly useless and refused to leave his home. It was a well known fact among his staffers that he'd been put in charge of Riflor because of his incompetence. Unfortunately that also meant that now Nate had to deal with his incompetence. Most of the time it was manageable but the Governor had done a poor job with the people of Riflor, his outspoken disdain for the Advosec population caused more than one flare up of tensions which Nate had been quick to put out.

"Oh I think we'll manage just fine your excellency." He smiled. "I know we have the itinerary but was there a particular thing you'd like to get to first?"

The itinerary had been flexible, the options left open. [member="Sioux Chambers"] had suggested it remain that way, just in case the Grand Moff had decided that looking at a geothermal power plant didn't strike her fancy first thing upon her arrival. There were many other locations that were prepared in case she were to want to visit them in addition to the Governor's Mansion. If the Moff was so inclined, Nate hoped for all of their sakes the Governor was actually ill. No telling what would happen if the Grand Moff were to discover he was simply avoiding the responsibility of her visit.

[member="Natasi Fortan"]

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