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A visit to the purse worlds

Cato Neimoidia
The Oldest Purse World
The woman stood silently on the veranda, her golden hues slipping over the bridge city and its sweeping view of the surrounding landscape. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she stood there, lucky enough that the balcony above offered just enough shade to keep her from the sun. Still there were a few times where she had to hold her hand over her eyes to avoid the glare, a soft hiss escaping her lips every now and then when a slight burn would develop.
It was a downside of her kind, not being able to truly enjoy a day out, though she didn't mind working late nights. With a soft smirk upon her lips she stepped back into her room, her flowing silk robe covering her just as best as it could. As it trailed upon the floor behind her, she lift up her glass, taking a sip of the sanguine liquid before letting out another sigh.
While this was meant to be a vacation of sorts, it was also to be a working one, as most of her trips had become as of late. For now though she had a purpose for being on the oldest purse world, and with her company continuing to grow; she felt it time to begin to slip a finger into the various other pies in the galaxy (as the saying goes). A soft smirk grew upon her lips as she looked at at the plans lain out on the table before her, a small holographic image rotating slowly of the building that had been planned.
A Credit Union, or to some, another bank among the many that rest upon Cato Neimoidia. The difference being that this one would be the sole property of Sorenn-Syrush Industries, and the woman herself had plans for it in the future. For now there was a few things that needed to be done, like getting ready for her meetings...
| [member="Natalie LaForte"] | [member="Lady Kay"] |
Despite their romantic connection, where business was concerned, Natalie was a completely different person; perhaps today she would see that.

Natalie herself was well versed in Cato Neimodia, rising to prominence after taking over what remained of the then defunct Trade Federation, now reintroducing it back in and her other company which she directly owned, the Intergalactic Monetary fund.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] had talked about potentially opening some sort of financial institute, she wasn't really listening due to staring into her eyes most of the time when they did speak. From what she could remember, it was to be a bank or if not, something similar to that and she was more than happy to help her significant other climb up the metaphoric corporate ladder, and just like a ladder there could be somebody on this planet looking to kick it over at the next step, so having somebody so intelligent in the field to help her was a wise decision.

Oh and the family discount was 100%, otherwise Natalie would have tried to sell her out of her house and home.

Natalie entered and saw the holographic display.

"For the next 30 minutes I'm emotionless -- no physical contact please, we are professionals after all." Smirking softly at Amelia.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay arrived to Cato Neimodia on the Free Lady. It wasn't far from Commenor, so she didn't need to bring much with her. Just a guard or two, plus her pilot. Travelling was soon going to be a feat that she'd have to refrain from, once her pregnancy got further along. So she took advantage of it while she could.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] had another proposal for her. Did the woman ever sleep? She was always working on a handful of projects at once. When one was finished, another was there to take it's place with never a moment's pause. Such hard workers were very hard to find.

After exiting her ship, she was guided to the meeting room, putying on a smile as she saw that [member="Natalie LaForte"] was also in attendance. Kay wasn't so sure of what to think of the woman. When the Senate was there, she was pretty sure that the woman wanted to oust her from a position of power. More than likely to take over for herself. But that remained to be seen. There was no chance of that happening now. At least not for a very long time.

"Afternoon ladies. I hope that I haven't kept you waiting long." Kay's pace was a bit slower than normal, her baby bump starting to hinder her movements. Or at least if felt that way. Just a few more months to go.
In the moment before her future wife had arrived to the large room, she had slipped away into the private bedroom that was adjoined to the large open room. A soft smirk crossing her lips for a moment as the light silhouetted her form against the frosted doors, her silk robe shrugged off as she leaned forward, getting herself ready for the meeting. When she heard Natalie's voice her smirk grew into a devilish grin.
"I'll try to keep that in mind my dear and not just take you in front of the Queen..."
A few moments later the woman slowly pulled the doors open, stepping back into the meeting room once more, though rather than the armor she normally wore - which she still preferred at times to other clothing - her form was graced by a gown of unique design. With a smirk upon her lips, she moved towards Natalie, her golden hues falling upon her as she moved pass her.
"I believe you've now seen me out of my armor..."
Amelia smirked to herself as she moved towards the cabinet, pulling it open as she reached for the tea set just as her other guest arrived. Turning to face her, she offered a warm smile and motioned towards the seat nearest to the woman.
"Please sit your Highness... If I remember correctly your drink of choice is tea..."
[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"]
"Well I know it can be hard to resist such a fair lady as myself, but do hold back." Looking down to her nails, hearing her voice coming from the bedroom.

With the understanding that Amelia would have been wearing that unappealing lump of metal, she had brought a small suitcase with her concealed within it a suit, believing her to not have the same sense of style as Natalie. She walked over to the door and knocked on it, trying to get her attention.

"In knowing that you usually wear that silly suit of armor, I brought you some clothing to change into before she gets here, I can keep her dis-.." pausing as the door opened, wondering exactly what she was doing, but as soon as her eyes fell upon her partner she gasped like a schoolgirl."Oh [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] you finally decided to take my advice. If we weren't on a momentary break I would actually hug you right now." Smirking to the woman and then moving to back to the table.

"What a pleasure to see you again, [member="Lady Kay"]."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay looked to [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] and gave her a small smile. "Tea would be lovely, thank you." This was perhaps the first time that she had ever seen Amelia dressed in something other than armour. Perhaps this meeting was to be more casual than she had thought. That'd be nice.

Her attention was then brought to [member="Natalie LaForte"] . Her words were unusual in tone, letting her believe that they had more than one meaning behind them. But then alterior motives seemed to be behind every meeting that Kay's had with the woman, so there was very little trust there.

Kay had to just sweep that under the rug though. Everything had it's time and place. She just had to choose correctly. "Good to see you both. I trust that you've been well?"
For a moment her focus was on only the singular task before her, and though she hadn't made tea much, she was still set upon the goal of providing something adequate to the Queen of Commenor. A few movements saw her slipping the various cups and kettles around before they came to rest gently upon a tray. Lifting up the sliver platter, she turned towards the table, setting it down before [member="Lady Kay"].
"I do hope it is acceptable... though there does not appear to be much in the way of options and availability."
Looking towards the woman that was her better half in many ways, she offered a small smile before returning to the cabinet. Her hands slowly slipped around two long stem glasses, setting both upon the table before turning away. Golden hues fell upon the crystal decanter settled in the ice bucket, slowly gripping the item as she freed it from the ice. Pulling the stopper from the top, she began to pour the sanguine liquid into the two glasses.
"Just as well as ever your Highness... and you and yours?"
Amelia made a minor gesture towards the woman's swollen stomach, though otherwise didn't attempt to call much attention towards her condition.
[member="Natalie LaForte"]
Natalie would pull one of the seats out before going to sit down and beginning to tap her fingers. "Alls well in house Arenais I assume? Though I hear your son has been a bit of a handful recently, and the situation at Kwenn space station... and another terrorist attack? Other than that I assume you've been keeping well, though if you ever need someone to speak to make sure to contact your former senator." Placing emphasis on the word former especially, and then laughing to herself and continuing.

"But I don't hold grudges, anyway, I've been doing quite well since the Senate was dissolved, and I believe I have something to discuss with you after this meeting that I believe I require your authorization for, that could also coincide with this meeting we're currently having, but sorry I'm stealing the show at the moment."

"I suppose we should get right to the crux of this meeting and why it was called" Turning to [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] and waiting for her to take over.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay took her tea with thanks. She had a sip, nodding as [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] let her know that she was well. A hand subconsciously went to her stomach as her own well being was asked about. She was about to answer when [member="Natalie LaForte"] spoke up. As usual, her statements were full of digs at her. There were quite a few times she she had figured that the woman wanted to take her out of power, and there was nothing to indicate otherwise.

She clenched her jaw as Natalie spoke of needing her authorization for something that would be discussed later. So that was the motive for her for today, was it? Grudges, alterior motives, they were all a part of how Natalie played the game. Kay just chose to do things differently.

"I am doing well, considering the stressful situations that arise. Through the advise of my husband and closest staff, I have stepped back on some of my duties and will step back even further once I am closer to my due date. But there are plenty to help run things while I am away."

Kay sipped her tea, hoping now that this meeting wouldn't be a long one. She was getting uncomfortable.
"Yes, on to the business at had and to the reason as to why I've requested we three meet."

Amelia offered a soft smile as she took a sip from her glass before setting it down. The image of the building flickering still, slowly rotating from the holoprojector set up on the table. The woman turned towards it, though didn't take her seat as she motioned to the image. A soft smile upon her lips as she looked to her two guest before offering a silent nod.

"What you see here is the planned headquarters of Sorenn-Syrush Banking, a financial establishment to be fully controlled by Sorenn-Syrush Industries."

Her fingers gently pulled her seat out as she slipped down into it, grasping her glass and taking a silent sip before lightly setting it down. Her attention shifted towards Kay, a woman that she at least considered a friend in many ways - then her attention shifted - those golden hues falling upon Natalie, a woman that it was planned they would marry sometime in the future. Crossing one leg over the other and resting her hands upon her knees, she continued.

"I requested you two here to aid in the establishment of the company by placing some capital behind the endeavor. This would also mean that the three women in this room would be equal partners in this endeavor."

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"]
"Well, if I'm putting money behind this then could we not come up with a more... equal naming scheme? If we control equal parts of the company, we should have an equal say in how exactly it runs? And that should start from the ground up; so my suggestion is as follows: Commenor Privatized Banking Institution, has a bit more of a ring to it and gives the illusion of it being run for good rather than financial gains."

As much as Natalie supported Amelia, business didn't come pre-installed in her personality and doing business with the ones you loved often meant conflict.

"Or perhaps the Inter-Planetary banking clan, really I'm not good with coming up with names, but surely we can come up with something? I know it sounds like I'm being picky but it needs to be memorable, and at the very least, something that can be abbreviated easily. SSB... never mind, let's just move on."

"Well, that brings me onto a suggestion that I had anyway. I'm looking to construct a pseudo-commercial center, mall type of thing on Cato Neimodia and the afformentioned SSB would be a perfect addition to the financial hub, but I would need your blessing, Kay."

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] I [member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay's eyes were drawn down to the holo-image of the building. A bank? She was asked here to help fund a bank? It wasn't exactly what she had expected. The financial institutions on Commenor itself were credit unions; there to help the community and local businesses who were the shareholders, as opposed to other people that just wanted to line their own pockets. Being an equal partner would give her some say in it, she supposed.

[member="Natalie LaForte"] spoke up next, causing Kay to raise a brow slightly as she mentioned that the bank would only give the illusion of doing good, as opposed to just a way to make money. That wasn't the way that she liked to work, nor was it the way that she wanted to.

"There's no need to have Commenor in the name. My Minister of Finance will have to look into any contract drawn up for it."

Natalie's next request was an odd one. It confused her into why her blessing would be needed to construct a mall of all things. Each planet was able to conduct their own business, just as long as it wasn't anything illegal. Was there something else at play here? Hopefully she was just being paranoid. "Why eould you need my blessing? You're not going to be naming it after me, are you? I'd really hope not. I'm not so vain..." She had another sip of her tea, thinking the prospect of things being named after her, such as buildings. No one shouldreally do that until she was dead. And death wasn't coming to visit her for a long time. Or so she hoped.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
Amelia remained quiet for the most part, listening to the two women before she took a moment to find her own words. She had called it a bank, though it was meant for more than just lining pockets. Her vision for it was to ensure that Commenor and its Alliance would be well funded and have a financial backer during those times when it was most needed. Slowly bringing her glass to her lips, she took a soft sip, closing her eyes as she did - still thinking - and ensuring that what she said next would be to the benefit of the endeavor.

"I understand the hesitation to back such an endeavor, nor do I desire it to merely have the illusion of doing good, as it is meant to ensure the financial and economical stability of Commenor and its Alliance."

Her eyes opened, golden hues settling upon the two women as she offered a small smile. The glass lightly set down upon the table with a soft clink, her fingers slipping away as she listened to the proposal of an economical center. It was an interesting proposal, though for the sake of the endeavor, she felt it would be better served as a self standing building.

"In the interest of ensuring that the endeavor itself can stand alone, I feel it would be best to provide it with its own free standing structure away from any such commercial hub to provide it with an air of trustworthy. I would like - for lack of a better name at this moment - Sorenn-Syrush Banking to provide for its community on a greater scale."

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"]
"To be frank, I was going to do it regardless of your opinion on it, though I supposed that you wanted to be informed of what is happening on a local level in your Alliance, [member="Lady Kay"]."

Natalie then placed her gaze upon Amelia.

"Well if that's all you're asking for then I suppose I can pledge financial aid to you for the mean time so long as I get an equal share in the business and equal profit turnover when there is some. Running a bank is risky business though, you need money to get the ball rolling, have an already established consumer base to ensure the money keeps rolling, I was suggesting for you to base it in this new commercial hub so that could be just so. Though if you want I suppose I could speak to one of my contacts in planning permittee, that's a play on words of planning permit and commitee, do laugh, on getting you set up somewhere front and center."

Natalie crossed her arms after, sniggering at her own joke despite it actually being extremely bad.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] [member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded to [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] , glad that the bank was going to do more than just pretend to do good. And she would readily help something that would help add to the economy. Jobs would be created, employing those that would want to go into the financial sector. It could be a good thing.

She sipped her tea, looking to [member="Natalie LaForte"] as she spoke up about the mall and whatever local development that was planned on Cato Neimodia. "On the contrary, every world runs on their own. As long as they don't break the law, those worlds can do what they'd like without needing me to oversee it." Surely she knew that, didn't she? Or was this just another of her games?

Kay quietly observed the two. There was something going on between them that she couldn't quite grasp. But then she could be looking into things too much too. Whatever it was, she hoped that the meeting wouldn't be too much longer. "I can get Minister [member="Darben Skirae"] to look into your proposal as well Amelia, and see what he says."
Amelia slowly stood from her seat, her golden hues falling upon Natalie for a moment as she took the time to find her words. Motioning with a hand slightly, her attention would return to the Queen, offering a soft smile as she bowed her head slightly. She understood that the time constraint would be rough on the woman, and she didn't feel a need to hold her here any longer as their main reason for the meeting was in at least her mind concluded.

"Speaking with the planning commission won't be needed... I do not want favoritism being played..."

With her attention still upon the Queen of Commenor, she smiled again, holding her hand out to offer her help up out of the chair. The doors opening slowly as Amelia smiled at the guards and motioned with her hand.

"Its a pleasure, and thank you Kay for agreeing to this meeting. I would have no problem speaking with Darben after he's had time to look over the proposed project. For now I believe we may call this meeting adjourned."

Amelia would walk with Kay towards the door, though rather than just escorting her out of the suite, she looked back to Natalie and smiled.

"I'll see you out Kay."

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"]

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