Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A War Path

The Hound


A Sith world, engulfed in the Dark Side of the Force. He could see it now from the viewport of the small civilian freighter as it pulled in to the planet. The constant, low hum of his lightsaber filled the room as he held it to the throat of the pilot, his once blue eyes now a deep orange, staring at the Rodian's head. He could feel the fear of him and his small family that also rode aboard the ship. His father had been uncooperative and now lay slumped in the co-pilot's chair, the hole in his chest and the chair still smoldering.

The rest of the trip went without a hitch. They landed, Turin payed them the sum he had promised and left the terrified family to find his prey. He could sense someone powerful. They might know the answers he sought..

[member="Darth Mierin"]


[member="Turin Val Kur"]

Mierin sat upon a small chair in one of the manors of the Royls of Byss. Her eyes faced forward, looking directly at the man dressed in fine livery before her. Her face appeared entirely impassive, golden glowing eyes staring into the mans face before her.

The noble shook with terror as he watched her, in her Yuuzhan Vong Crab Armor and with the Hydra Staff clinging to her shoulder Mierin probably made a terrifying sight, not to mention the golden glow of her eyes and the lightsaber that she had placed upon the table in an effort to intimidate the man. It all seemed to be working.

“Lady Mierin, you have our full support.”

The Man finally managed to stumble the words out of his mouth, and Mierin smiled.

“Excellent.” She said rapping her fingers against the table.

The Hound

Blaster fire erupted behind the doors. Men shouted and the doors blew open as one of the guards was thrust forward with the Force. Bare feet slapped against the cool surface of the floor.

"Sith," the man clad in bandages spat. "You will tell me where your Eye is hiding."

A madman had entered the manor of Royals, his murderous intent filled the room. Tortured for months his lust for vengeance against the Sith and his unquenchable curiosity had led him here. One less Sith and one step closer to finding Isolda.


Mierin looked up at the bandaged man for a moment, her golden eyes drifted towards his own and for a second she obscured them with a blink.

“Eye?” She mused slightly with a smile. “Why, they are both right here.”

She pointed to both of her eyes individually, and then gave him a wide smug smile. She had no idea who he was, but clearly he was referring to the Dark Lord Eye Darth Isolda. At the moment Mierin had no idea where she was exactly, though Coruscant was her guess. It was not a piece of information she would be divulging to this...creature however.

The Hound

His eyes narrowed at the woman that sat before him. She was smug, an annoyance...He knew that this Sith knew of what he spoke, but how he would get it out of her...His mind drifted to darker thoughts, all of which took too long, despite how he would love to apply what he learned at the Sith prison on the very people who decided it was a good way to treat prisoners.

But Turin had no time for games. Reaching out in the Force he imagined a hand gripping the Sith's wrist and yanked. It was always ironic to Turin that the thing he was once terrible at now had become his strongest weapon. Telekinesis was unforgiving and brutal in the wrong hands.
[member="Darth Mierin"]


[member="Turin Val Kur"]
Yes, telekinesis was really an awful thing. Though it was decidedly less effective against those that knew its use well. As soon as she felt the grip on her wrist Mierin twisted herself, she pulled with the force on herself, breaking the yank on her arm and dispelling it in an instant. Her tight smile turned into a scowl, and in an instant she stood from her chair.

A hiss erupted from her shoulder, and two of the heads of the Hydra Staff that attached itself to the length of her spine and rested on her shoulder raised themselves. They hissed loudly, and then spat.

Each of the head spewed poison from their vile mouths, directly straight at Turin's face.

The Hound

Surprised by the strange creature, Turin was only able to push himself to the left, his un-kept long hair catching a bit of the acidic poison, burning strands. Sucking his teeth behind his long dried bacta bandages he used the Force to thrust him forward, his bare feet slapping against the ceramic tile of the floor, anouncing his attack like a blow horn. Reaching out with the Force, he attempted to grip the heads of the beast. He wouldn't let them shoot that acid again, whatever that was.

His silver blade hummed and wummed as he brought the blade up to attack and leaped into the air for an aerial strike.
[member="Darth Mierin"]

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