Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A welcome home (ask for invite)

Hapes Consortium
The Reef Fortress.

It had taken days to arrive, and coming through the cluster had been one of the more frightening moments of her life. Only the most skilled pilots came through it without the worries of the naive.

Ana was coming to Hapes to visit a friend, someone who was not ready to return to Alderaan. Why she would know where he was, the families exchanged information when his Aunt had made the offer to make a marriage of alliance, and betroth Theo to Ana. However, that had fallen through alliances changed and now instead of Ana to be Queen, Theo's mother Arianna was now Queen of Alderaan.

Ana was not sure how she felt about all of it yet. But, Theo had always been kind and there was no reason to harbor any ill will toward him. He probably was not even aware of what had transpired. The guards were escorting her to where she could meet with Theo in safety.

As a normal practice the royal family was not together. And even though Theo would probably not be the next ruler of Alderaan, he still bore the title of Prince. This meeting would be about proprieties until everything was done according to the rules.

The doors were heavy, hard and mostly unable to be broken through. However after hearing her name mentioned, rather announced, Ana entered. She saw Theo across the way.

Doing a deep curtsy, she bowed her head, "Your Royal Highness"

There was nothing normal in a Monarchy that would not let the rightful child and hire to the throne ascend to the throne when their parent could no longer rule. Really it was an insult and more then just a little embarrassing. That fact was made a little more default when Theo had realized it was to be Ana to be one day Queen. Was it not enough His Aunt tried to force him into a marriage with Ana to seal a alliance or to insult him as well as Ana even further by dissolving the engagement for all to see. Was it so surprising Theo was so put off he no longer wished to be the Senator of Alderaan? How ever he felt he did not blame Ana. He felt confused but he did not feel anger towards her.

Here she was bowing to him, Theo waved not just the servants but the guards as well. He did not say a word tell the doors closed behind the last guard. “Please stand up Ana”, Theo reached out extending his hand to help her up, “We’re alone there is no need for such ridged protacools between to friends.”

[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]
Ana lifted her head and smiled up at him, slowly she took his hand and rose up, "thank you Theo, but you know as well as I do, that the protocols must be followed" Even though Ana would never be Queen she would not allow it to change her she had let go of the bitterness of it all. At least she hoped she had.

"I have brought you all the news of home" She gave him a holodisc, "reports of changes that we had all discussed. The rescinding of conscription, and the complete restoration of the houses, parliament, the high council. So much going back to our original heritage."

She moved slowly looking around the room, "it is very true, the beauty of Hapes I have never seen such craftsmanship, perhaps you will bring some of this home." She looked at him, she knew it wasn't really her place to ask but she had to, "Are you going to come home?"

He did receive the holo chip gracefully even though he seemed rather tense to even look at it. Could Theo be reluctant to even find out more news about home? “Thank you for bringing new but I’m not really sure I want to know Ana”, Theo tuned around and walked over to the window.

Taking in the view of the ocean. Watching the waves crash on the racks he fought back what were almost tears. “To be the politician that Alderaan needed I had gave up something precious. In return I was given exile. It seems my emotions had been daring to stir something in me that should remain dormant. I do not know if I could go back or even resume my duties within the Republic.”

[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

Ana paused listening carefully to his words, she heard things in them that she had never heard him speak before. "Alderaan is always home Theo. It should be where our hearts and minds go when we need comfort" She moved closer, standing just a bit away from him. "That which you lost, can you get it back?" Ana did not know what Theo had given up, there were only a few that truly knew what he had given up.

She wanted to say the things that would help him, to show him that Alderaan was worth working for but she would not push him to do something that he struggled over. "Perhaps that which you are trying to keep dormant seeks release because it feels you are in pain" She could see it, she had been around him enough to know he was not quite himself.
She did not know the whole truth. She just did not understand but how could she.

“Ana I was once a member of the Jedi Order. There is more to that I was not just a Jedi. I was something different and something near extinct. My father was a Kashi. I would not be surprised if you not even heard the word Kashi before. The Kash were a race that nearly died out when their home planet was destroyed by a exploding sun. Every Kashi was bound to the Force that they called the Breath. To them the Breath was life, death, and the elements around them...they were just not bound to it like a Jedi or a Sith....they were connected to the elements like it was a piece of their soul. I believe as well as others that politicians should not be Force Users. I severed myself from the Force thus losing what felt like a piece of my soul. I did it for out people and our home. Yes being severed from the Force is not always permanent but my situation is”, he feel silent trying to find the right words through his emotions, “If it returns I’m not sure I will have control of my emotions. It is freighting to think about.”

[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

She knew something of force users they were unique in the galaxy, and he was right she did not know the word Kashi, but she would look for what she could find on it to know more.

Not have control of his emotions, from what she knew force users often kept their emotions in check to not allow them to rule them. She was quite fascinated though by it. Being the romantic heart that she was she could not imagine how much more unique Theo could be.

"If, and I don't know I am just speaking in general." She contemplated the words carefully, "you are regaining this ability, perhaps there are those out there that can help you so that you do not lose control." She realized in those few words that it could mean that Theo would be gone from Alderaan always, that this was perhaps the last time they would meet. She half smiled.

"Perhaps your path no longer lies on Alderaan" A sensation of loneliness touched her, "perhaps you have done what you were supposed to, and now it is time to change again" Her feet felt rooted to the floor. "Could it be that the Kashi need you more than Alderaan?" She looked over at him, his gaze still out the window. He had said elements, did he feel the waves crashing, "Shall I call for some tea?" To keep him warm she thought.
“NO”, he said a little to sharply and quickly. “Sorry I do not want servants in here right now.

Theo mentioned to his right where the wet bar was full of different drinks, “Please if you’re parched have anything you desire there.”

Theo then walked over there himself and picked up a crystal decanter of caramel liquid and began to poor himself a drink. “I not sure the Order will be all that welcoming if they here I’m losing control of my emotions. Some in the order will understand that not only would I be able to feel the waves crashing on a rock but the waves feel my emotions. If I’m not in control like a Kashi of Light should be they may feel a duty to end my life.”

[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

She was not sure what to react to first his sharpness with her, or that he mentioned that some could feel a duty to end his life, that was monsterous unthinkable. "I had thought that something warm would help soothe you" She spoke in a caring tone. What he needed now was understanding, someone to talk to. She needed to know what he needed.

"Well then Theo, we must work on your keeping control of your emotions. I wish to help in whatever way I can." It was not out of a sense of duty to Alderaan she offered this, she offered as his friend.

"Tell me how to help." She spoke bravely, and concerned. It was important to her that Theo be alright.
Really he was not ignoring her when he down the whole glass of whiskey then proceeded to refill it. He did hear every word she said and he felt a little bit guilty from exposing her to all of this. ‘Thank you it does feel good to finely be able to admit it to someone what I have been going through. I feel guilty by getting you involved and exposing my harsh realty to you like this but I do appreciate. Maybe what I did need right know was a friend.”

[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

She nodded, "Theo it is a interesting position we who are of noble birth often find ourselves. Our duty to family is taught to us our whole lives, if anyone should be able to have a measure of understanding even if not completely would be a member of another family." She laughed slightly, "I don't know how much we've all given up all because we believe we are doing the right thing, at the right moment."

She didn't think he was ignoring her thoughts but she did not know if she could express herself well enough to make her thoughts clear. "You and I our lives are only partially our own. My mother she is a woman of power, and she at times actively seeks it. That craving drives her to do the most unheard of things." She shrugged her shoulders, "if you want to regain your gift back, I hope you do. I would want for you to" She tilted her head and thought for a moment, "be everything that you can."

Life is so short, and often lived within a bowl rather than realizing that there is so much more. If Theo had that chance she would want it for him, providing it did not get him killed and that it was what he wanted for himself.
As his chest rose and fell. With each breath his heart beat felt in rhythm with the crashing of the waves on the rocks below. It felt overwhelming, it raw power beating life into. “Why can’t I have it all”, it slipped out. The power made him feel so free. His tone sounded more then empowered but such malice wept from each syllable.

He felt it was a warning sign and he felt so guilty from being tempted, “I should say no such things. It begin so easily with such words and emotions. This so not right!

[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

Ana did not realize what could happen. She could hear in his words a hint of desire for more. Did he want it all? Could he?

"Theo you know you could but is there a price to pay for it?" Did he not say what he gave up a gift. The breath. Did he have enough control for it all. The risk though. She felt as though the air in the room was changing. It was frightening and empowering at the same time.
Theo sat down in a nearby chair and rubbed his forehead in frustration, “No it would be to high of a price without control. Power without wisdom is not truly power but ones downfall.” He just did not simply know what to do. His emotions were clouding his judgment and he knew it.

[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

How could she help. She fluffed out her skirt and kneeled before him not to be a servant but to where she looked up directly into his eyes. "Stop and breathe Theo. Clear your mind think about today." She waited to see if he would calm, "tell me about your day"

She wanted to free him from the thoughts clouding his mind and think on something simple. Easy.
Looking up he stared into the deaths of her hazel eyes. Peering into their deaths he did stop taking slower breaths he did start to relax and little to much. That is until she asked how was his day or something to that effect.

He gentle ran a finger down her check to her chin, “My day has been spent in anxiety, fear, and anger. I can’t help but feel something bad coming and I’m stuck here out of duty!”

[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

"Its for safety you know that" she was soft spoken to keep the mood serene. There were rumours but she would not burden him. She breathed deep and kept her emotions in check which became difficult with the gentle touch of his finger to her skin. "You could always sneak home in disguise to see what is happening" she tried to look innocent like she would never.

"There is a high council meeting soon perhaps then." She wanted him to come home they could ride together. And work on several programs for the people.
Looking into her eyes it felt the distance was close between them. It was not a sincerity of affection but one of conviction that moved. “After all how safe is it to hide those who are willing to fight”, he leaned back in his char releasing her chin. She was attractive but his emotions that drove him in the moment was his perception of duty. “It was never me to hide like this when Alderaan needs me I think what you suggest would be the right corse. We will need to fool the guards or they will be honor bound to come and feel obligated to tell my mother. Then out plans would befouled before they had begun.”

[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

Good his mind was on something else. " you need to be invisible to the eye Theo. Dress down be a merchant" Ana moved slightly, "I will vouch for you and get you through security"

How hard could it be. And if his mother found out. She'd take the punishment for her idea. "When do you want to go?" If he intended on being at the meeting they'd have to go soon.
“No that will not work”, Theo reached in his pocket pulled out a clear plastiod calling card with a logo and writing on it, “This is a calling card for a hotel on a space station within less a days travel here in the Hapes Cluster. The Cords is on the card. If I go missing on the day you’re here it will raise to much suspicion upon you and I will not have it. You will just have to have faith that I will be there to met you in the lounge tomorrow eve galactic standard time. Will you be there Ana?”

[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]

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