Silence was of the essence for the ronin’s mission. He didn’t want his targets to know he’s onto them.
That meant more than one. He had his first target, Talran, but that wasn’t the ultimate name on his list.
Where Drane T’keen was going, cloaked as shadow and ghost, he was after something deeper than him.
Talran would spill his secrets, and would meet his end, but he was a stepping stone at best amid his death.
So Drane moved, so true to stealth, and just as well, for beyond the stairwell were guards galore.
He hid his latest victim’s body in an empty room, moved onward, saber burn on another, no gore.
Then something hit him. It was not a fist. It was not the kiss of a blaster bolt. Rather, a presence.
The removal of one, for that matter. Her departure. Wherever she was, Darth Keres was absent.
The alarms went off, sirens blaring, an “ah-ooh-gah” otherwise reserved for klaxons of starships.
The building’s security systems are most impressive—except that Drane had shut off surveillance.
Had the cameras been corrected that very instant? Or had Howl Runner simply missed something?
Whatever the answer, the intruder is certain to wonder.
Felt one moment, gone the next, Darth Keres.
The Sith Knight heard the thud of boots on metal. No Darth Vader, this invader, but still made of steel.
Dressed in no less black from pants to countenance, the Thyrsian listened into the wind in the distance.
There was no outside air, yet the Force offered its own ear amid its vision. The Sith’s eyes were peeled.
At the end of the corridor, a figure emerged, thundering across the floor, blaster aimed with precision.
He shouted out that the intruder's on him. He even repeated for his team and the building’s benefit.
Yet, in that very same instant, Drane reacted, quick as the wind. He intended for silence. He insisted.
He would have it. He shoved that wind forward toward the rat pack’s leader so that he fell backward.
Crashing sideways into his team within the hallway like a narrow alley. Cue misplaced bolts of blasters.
Then the corridor was absorbed in darkness.
Perfect... Drane grinned. That darkness was his ally.
He was not merely adopted in it. He was born in it.
For it. As the bolts came, Drane dodged aside.
He flew into another room to his right. Doors lined either side. Maybe his enemies have flashlights.
Good for them. He had his mind. He had his jacket. And he was a force to be reckoned with.
The Knight licked his lips at the room’s corner, peering around the corridor.
Keres had earlier mentioned of him. Whether or not she had something to do with this.
For him, this was a mission. For her it was just a test. He needs her. She didn’t need him.
Drane T’keen had a few neat tricks up his sleeve. No light in the night. He didn’t need it.
“Heyo, henchmen of Talran!” He called out.
The blasters stopped.
“Arms up! Come out!”
“All right,” Drane replied.
“I surrender.” He lied.
With flashlights or not, they will yet see no guy.
There was a cloak and there was also Force Cloak.
Drane capitalized on that power as he approached.
Silent, hidden, invisible, creeping, distant, no, close.
“Where is he?” “I don’t see him.” “Where did he go?”
Right here, amigo. A red light dips in amid the darkness.
Up close and personal, only a few feet away from them.
That lightsaber’s blade slashed and stabbed with death.
They forget that these violent delights have violent ends.
When Drane was finished, he'd sheathed his sword.
A pile of bodies were left within the lonely corridor.
He would not give his position away with his blade.
As he made his way for Talran. To silence his name.
Adeline Noctua