...he's actually pretty tame, provided he hasn't gotten into the sugar kool-aid.
Been writing on-line since 1994, and started this character in 2003. He's been an on-again, off-again thing as Star Wars sites popped up and died. Chaos is "fourth times the charm" for me. I had been hanging out in the Republic, but I figured it was time that I branch out more rather than mire myself in the 'same ol' Star Wars' if that makes any sense.
This character is intended to be one part Eli from Let The Right One In, one part Qui-Gon Jinn, and one part Indiana Jones. I'm sure there's some more tropes I could shoe-horn in there if I tried hard enough. Anyway, Jedi Archaeologist is the short, short version.
I see there's a dominion going on and I'm reading up on all the backstory development that went into that (amazing stuff there, guys). I'll be popping him in once I'm comfortable with the material you all developed for that.
But, that's me. Happy to be here. Looking forward to writing with you all.
Been writing on-line since 1994, and started this character in 2003. He's been an on-again, off-again thing as Star Wars sites popped up and died. Chaos is "fourth times the charm" for me. I had been hanging out in the Republic, but I figured it was time that I branch out more rather than mire myself in the 'same ol' Star Wars' if that makes any sense.
This character is intended to be one part Eli from Let The Right One In, one part Qui-Gon Jinn, and one part Indiana Jones. I'm sure there's some more tropes I could shoe-horn in there if I tried hard enough. Anyway, Jedi Archaeologist is the short, short version.
I see there's a dominion going on and I'm reading up on all the backstory development that went into that (amazing stuff there, guys). I'll be popping him in once I'm comfortable with the material you all developed for that.
But, that's me. Happy to be here. Looking forward to writing with you all.