Mind-broken Cyborg
So this is a new character I plan on developing slowly into a Sith. Originally I was working on stuff with [member="Darth Hauntruss"] but it seems he's off on one of his unexplained hiatus', so I'm throwing the door open to some other Sith Master (if y'all are willing).
I have a thread I started here where Bass is searching the ruined planet of Dromund Kaas for a rumored Sith Sorceror/Alchemist.
If that piques anyone's interested (assuming you are a) a Master b) have some knowledge of Sorcery/Alchemy/otherunusualstuff please let me know.
Consider this also an open offer to RP with just about anyone. I'd love to get some ultrachrome or Beskar for Bass' robotic parts.
I have a thread I started here where Bass is searching the ruined planet of Dromund Kaas for a rumored Sith Sorceror/Alchemist.
If that piques anyone's interested (assuming you are a) a Master b) have some knowledge of Sorcery/Alchemy/otherunusualstuff please let me know.
Consider this also an open offer to RP with just about anyone. I'd love to get some ultrachrome or Beskar for Bass' robotic parts.