Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Witch! Oh My! ( open for all who want to learn)

How did she get roped into teaching she thought as she waited in a garden in the temple, her famliar leather armor, making her stick out like a sore thumb. She was a Witch of Dathomir and held fast to her people's clothing and teachings. Though Flynn did convince her to wear other things from time to time. Elayne giggled at the thought of him and his smile, holding out his favorite dress. She always ended up giving in. He was able to get to her. She was going to teach some ways of her people today. Hopefully that would go a long way to pay for putting up with her. She felt an outcast here, not quite like anyone else here. The jedi were strange folk . She never quite got why they all left their other home. She liked the republic. She always had something to explore with them.
Coming into the place as she was more of curious then anything about this one that she had heard about. Teaching was something of strange, but something that had peek her interests nothing more. Coming into the room having still her AKK dog scale armor on. As just gotten back from being deep with in the forest for a few days on hunt with her Akk dog that kept at the temple. Even so she still had that way about her as she came him, smiling at [member="Elayne Hawk"]

Hi, there one calls me Maya... with a wink to her as she let herself put down her weapons of choice for this hunt.
Elayne smiled at the woman, she was like her, she just knew it. " Hi I am Elayne" She could tell the woman before her was much closer to nature than most, like her. Her armor more primitive like hers. It was interesting indeed to have this one in her class. " I am glad you came, I was wondering if perhaps no one was interested." Elayne eyed her over and then just sat there waiting for others. " Where are you from Maya?" She asked trying to pass the time. After all she would like to know her students a bit. She needed to get a handle on what she should teach them.
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
With the words spoken from this one hit her heart she came over and kissed her cheek. Put that wondering away I'm sure other will be along, Master Elayne. Smiling at her warming as went to look at this one in front of her. Only relax to make her more a easy with herself. I came from the jungle of Karuun Kal, from a tribe that stay close to nature.

[member="Elayne Hawk"]
Elayne smiled and refrained from giving a playful lick. " I am from the plains of Dathomir, from a people that is close to nature as well. " Perhaps if you wish you can do things like this one day. She chanted something and suddenly it was as if elayne was speaking Maya's native language. Given she had one, hopefully this spell wasn't wasted in such a matter. " I use the force differently than most, I am sure some are scared of it. I am glad you came though, is there anything in paticular you wish to learn? "
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
This was an interesting class, Bellalika had won in the one auction the nightsisters holocron for Atrisia but sadly the invasion had happened before she got to turn it over... That and no one wanted to take delivery from her as she studied it. Learning how to use the secret blood trail and the basics of Dathomiri magics. When Kit Solo had kicked her off the Imperial tower she had been reborn and upgraded but her possession had been sent to her sister. Now she was here to learn from a witch and was greatly enjoying it all. "Still have room mistress witch?"
feeling the presence of the one who recruited him and showed him the most kindness he has ever seen, Kycoros Oberon steps out of the shadows, sticking close to [member="Maya Whitelight"] he looks at the other 2 women with obvious shyness in his violet cat like eyes. "M-May I j-join?" he stammers, trying to make an effort to be polite.
[member="Elayne Hawk"]
" Of course! " She said with a smile. " I would love to have you here, please take a seat I am Elayne Hawk, of the Singing Mountain Clan. " Elayne was glad another had joined her class. "So tell me a bit about your self then would you?" This was off to a good start, two students. That would make this alot more fun she thought. She hoped her friends were doing well but then again this was a nice change of pace considering how she had barely escaped courscaunt.
[member="Kycoros Oberon"] [member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Bellalika"]
"I-I am K-kycoros Oberon, Drakian of Dantooine..." he looks nervous and slightly scared still, "I-i was recruited by lady Whitelight...m-my past is s-still somewhat hazy to me t-though"
[member="Elayne Hawk"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Bellalika looked at Elayne, Maya and the new one who joined while the young knight and compared to many she had seen she was young smirked. "I am Bellalika sister of Je'daii from the jedi order and former Atrisian knight." With a look at them she patted her arms and readied herself, stretching a bit to enjoy the time. The popping of her joints and flexing of her limbs was quite an enjoyable sight. "Well there is much we can do."
the drakian looks around at the woman, he still very nervous. "i-it is nice to meet you..." he bows respectfully to the women he doesn't know
[member="Elayne Hawk"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Elayne Hawk"] Looking at her with wide eyes, as she said something in Korunnal, I'm pleased and having spoken my tribe people tongue for a bit now. Now her eyes was upon [member="Kycoros Oberon"] the one that she had picked up on Dantooine, giving him a brighter warm smile. Even coming and kissing his cheek as a greeting. I'm glad for you to join us Kycoros, I hope everyone is treating you well. [member="Bellalika"] Then smiling at the new comer, Welcome, Bellalika this group you speak of I know nothing about, we should talk after this training..
"well Lady Whitelight, you know after the kindness you have shown me I could not refuse your are one of the first to show me such kindness and have yet to abandon me like....." he stops shaking his head not wanting to continue his chain of thought
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Elayne Hawk"]
Putting an hand upon his shoulder, before he could say a word, Please keep those thoughts from you, you are with us now will not abandon you, the pass is gone can never be again, look to the present, and the future of this its is bright for you. Letting herself take a seat upon the floor for their lesson to begin, wondering what kind of lesson they would be learning today. [member="Kycoros Oberon"]
he sits next to [member="Maya Whitelight"] he seems to trust her quite a bit, "I have yet to thank you for taking me away from dantooine.... if I stayed there I know I would have fallen further then I thank you lady Whitelight I am forever in your debt"
She looked around and smiled. " Welcome everyone! Now when you hear the phrase Dathomir Magic what do you think?" She said with a smile. She was going to teach them to defend themselves against it Perhaps if they proved sucessful she might teach them a spell, but that was hard on a person not use to it. " Now the key thing to note here is when using Dathomir spells you are using the force different then you normally do. Now the hardest part about it is that the spells are all in Pacean. I am going to teach you a favorite spell of mine but first What are your talents, I need to know more about you all. Come on, don't be shy let me know what your strengths are."
[member="Kycoros Oberon"] [member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Bellalika"]
[member="Elayne Hawk"] [member="Kycoros Oberon"] [member="Maya Whitelight"]

Bellaika listened to the others and then Maya wanted to talk afterwards while she crossed her arms somewhat. When she heard Dathomiri magics she thought of those nightsisters and their energy bows. Of raising the dead to defend and well enslaving all the men while she spoke with a smile about her talent. "I am good at bending light and not getting lost."
First smiling at [member="Kycoros Oberon"] nodding her head towards him. As the smile upon her face showed a lot. After which her focus was back on the teacher of today lesson over Dathomir spells. Letting the once known as [member="Bellalika"] speak first, know that Kycoros wouldn't speak to before her. Taking a sweet time to speak, only to find out that she had a lot to say for will for someone that looked like her. Not knowing what the others would think after told them, about her. I'm becoming a Healer, but also use the arts in animal friendship, also plant surged to help with growing of my plants and herbs, different elements that make up nature itself. That's about it, oh like to go on long walks and hunt for the temple from time to time.... I must say boy we are getting a lot more mouths to feed just gives me pride to see this order of the Sliver jedi growing.

[member="Elayne Hawk"]
"...I know very little of what I can do...I can sense threats to my life and I have been told I am very gifted in the art of swordplay, especially with a double bladed weapon" he says quietly, "other then that I don't know..." he says looking down
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Elayne Hawk"]
"Now I have a test for you all." She said as she held a small rodent in her hand. He had been hiding on her person until she had coaxed him out. " This spell is called the Spell of Communication in basic. Now you might struggle over the words but please try. Ut dicamus, quod peto. Please say it 5 times. If it works then you have the gift. If it doesn't then you don't. I don't expect it to work for all of you so if it doesn't don't worry but if it does you should be able to communicate with my friend here." Elayne smiled and waited for them to do as she instructed. She was also ready to see what would happen.
[member="Kycoros Oberon"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

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