Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Wonderland in a Cumulus Cloud



Cloud City, Bespin
The Cumulus Club
Night Time

This wasn't Revy's thing. This was anything but her thing in fact. She hated clubs and would normally want to be as far away from them as she possible could. Though sadly you can't always get what you want especially if paying the bills was on the line. She was a bounty hunter, and mercenary after all, and that meant she had to be willing to follow the money anywhere. Which lead to this seat in the VIP section of The Cumulus Club in Bespin's Cloud City. A place that seemed to the epitome of obsession with vice. Revora could get wanting to drown one's sorrows in alcohol and narcotics but the dancing, socializing and escorts was something that seemed to be beyond her grasp of understanding as she briefly stared at small crowd gather around a stripper. She had to admit she could always feel a bit of jealousy whenever she looked at them. They could at least show themselves and become the eye candy of many, something that seemed forever impossible for her. it was hard to even remember what she looked like before this. The camps never really gave you a mirror to study yourself with.

The armored mutant was now wishing she could drink but sadly she was designated body guard as she observed Tril, the man she was to protect. Middle aged, and balding with the smile of a used speeder salesman. Revora couldn't much care for his type: the crooked man with goofy smile and enough blasters to arm a small insurgent group, and the want to do so. Yet again though that was just the way of the job. It should be simple, he needed to meet with a client to negotiate an arms deal, she needed to make sure that none of his enemies tried putting a incendiary slug through his skull. Easy. Keep an eye out for anyone suspicious, be the silent murderous type when the dealer talked with the client all easy. She had already been keeping a routine check of the crowd making note for any eyes on the VIP booth. Thankfully he had the sense to arrange the meeting in a room with relative privacy, and a few exits. All was going well, well except for the boredom.

Revy unholstered her DL-44 began to clean it with a cloth, double checking to make sure that everything on it was about as pristine as it could get for something bordering on a museum piece. It was ancient, but something that couldn't be traced to her or anyone else which made it perf-

"You know I've been trying to work some contacts with the Mandalorian Union, they got some pistol designs that could give you more stoppin-" Revora's thoughts and was interrupted by Tril as he tried yet again to try and sell her something, before she decided to shut it down.

<"I told you once and I'll say it again. Save the pitches for the people that actually want to buy. Like our client, who's late."> Revora interjected, annoyed in the delay of the one thing that would save her from spending another minute in this neon puke show.

"Now Revy, relax. It'll work out. Now quit being so on edge, your casting some bad vibes."

<"It's my job right now to be on edge.">

The exchanged ended and a silence took hold as Tril took another sip of his drink, and Revy went back her current favorite past time. Staring out the booth and waiting for this to finally end.

Ashe Grendaga

Ashe Grendaga

Bespin wasn't her favorite planet. It wasn't the worst per say, but it just wasn't her thing. A whole lotta hot air if you asked her. But she was here for business over pleasure after all, and strictly business at that. She checked her watch, making sure she wasn't running too late, after all it took a while to make sure her escape route was covered by her 'admirers'. Always had to be careful when dealing with arm merchants, never knew how many people they had on their payroll.

Unfortunately, her client was paying a heck of alot more for this hit to be done. So, like it or not, this guy was going down. Clad in a business suit, shades, complete with a tie, Ashe finally arrived for her meeting, briefcase in hand. Putting a bit of a pep in her step, Ashe tried to feel in sync with the rather annoying club music that the place had going, but she just wasn't feeling it. It reminded her too much of home. The scantly clad women, the men trying to ignore their own short lived existence; regardless, it was sad and frustrating as all hell. She'd rather be in a VIP suite with a nice glass of wine and a hot tub big enough to drown her depression. Of course, it took several additional moments to argue past the bouncer and finally make it to the VIP lounge of the club.

Arriving in the club, to no one's surprise, Ashe was rather repulsed by what she found. More scantly clad women, and even more obnoxious lighting. Who would have thought? Certainly not her. It took her a good minute to find the man she was looking for. She found him alright, a scummy looking fellow with...a cat wearing Mando armor? Lowering her shades as she approached, Ashe took a good look at what she suspected was the hired muscle, and was starting to question what all was going on here. "Hey, sorry I'm late, traffic was just the WORST let me tell you." She began her lie, setting her suitcase on the table, as she slid into the booth. "Cute muscle you got there, what's your name kitty?" She asked, turning her attention to the unknown asset in her little plan. A little bit of flirty, a couple winks to make them all relaxed, then boom, smash and go. The sweet smell of her pheromones drifted over the table, as Ashe pulled out her glasses, tucking them into her jacket pocket, as her gaze returned to the slime bag across from her. How man, he was in for a bad day. "So, how about we get down to business? Show me the goods!" Hopefully the kitty cat wouldn't be too much of a problem. Even so, she had dealt with much worse in the past.



The Mandalorian Mutant finally saw something that caught her attention. A woman, potentially sephi judging by the skin complexion walking on by. Dressed for business, perhaps a corporate looking for self defense or someone with way too many skeletons for one closet. She was approaching them and Tril began to wave her down. Good it was there client, hopefully it'll be a smooth deal and she could get paid. This person was already getting on her nerves as she heard her speak and then she had to ask about her.

Kitty. Just hearing herself be called that was driving her up a wall but she kept her composure. Just keep the idea of crushgaunts wrapping around the throat an image in her head and nothing more. She could take that on some scum bag asking for it later. Just stick to the act.

<"My name isn't important, I suggest you just stick to talking with Tr-">

"Chill pussycat, chill. Now... Ashe was it? I'm Tril and this is my personal guard Revy. Though I suspect she might not be needed this time."

Revy's pair of red eyes had snapped over to Tril's head and if looks could be as powerful as lasers then Tril would have had a hole in his skull based Revy's stare alone. What the feth had gotten into him? Seriously what in the actual FETH. She had done this routine with the man atleast three times. Every single time beforehand Tril wouldn't have said a single word about this. Now he was saying this? And he was joining in and called her pussycat?! What had gotten into him? She was going to have a talk with him after this. Silently fuming she got up and stood behind Tril as the conversation thankfully moved over to the sale. Tril would take out his briefcase on set it on the table before swinging it towards him and unclasping it open.

"Now a pretty lady such as yourself could always use some protection and thankfully I got plenty to offer. Like this puppy. A BAR-58. Exquisitely crafted ain't it? She's got a scope as standard and despite looking hardy, is a featherweight in the hand. If I didn't have my eyes open I'd already be forgetting I was holding on to it. Despite being a military blaster, she's got the manufacturing of a competition model and is dead accurate. I hadn't gotten a single complaint from all the eclipse rebels I sold these too. Tril rattled off as he postured and twirled the weapon in his hand, before putting it back in the case.

"Though if you need more stopping power I got this. A Kusak. She's heavy but heavy is good, heavy is reliable and besides she's got enough stopping power to kill a rancor. Though if you want something a bit smaller then I got something I can special order you. Tril mouthed off as he brandish his second offering for the day before placing it down and holding his right hand up towards the ceiling. Suddenly the sound of mechanical mechanisms and electric motors whirred to life as a pistol jumped out of his sleeve.

"This is the Veshet can hide up in your blazer sleeve, and even has jammers so you can slip it past those annoying preflight inspections. Never leave the bedroom without it. It's an investment, but one that I highly recommend. Tril finished his pitches and Revy couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when he revealed his own concealed carry. That was a first. Normally he kept quiet about it. Said you always had to keep what you're armed with hidden. Now he was showing it off to a person he's never even done business with. Something was just odd. The Cathar couldn't help but keep a finger close to the grip of her DL-44. Her gut telling her something weird was happening here. Even if she didn't know what.

Ashe Grendaga

Ashe Grendaga

Eyeing the prize before her, Ashe had no interest what the man was offering her. Hell, she had a more impressive collection back at home, nothing that this sleaze bag could show her. "Aw, don't be so mad at the kitty. She's just voicing her wittle concerns. No harm no foul, kitty." She remarked, feigning interest as the man produced his collection of weapons. Ashe fiddled with her suit case turning it so it lined between herself and her mark. The Cathar was onto her, given the eyes and posture, the kitty was on edge; if only she had brought some catnip to mellow her out. Shame about that.

As the first gun was produced, Ashe shrugged with a bit of disintrest, as she frankly didn't care; but she knew the man would be taken aback by her reaction. "The BAR is an overpriced, unreliable, and frankly just...uninspired. It can't penetrate body armor, so I can't see how it would help my fledgling businesses." It was true, she would never take a BAR into a gun fight. If she wanted to tickle her opponents to death, she'd prefer just using her hands; more personal that way, not to mention quicker. The second weapon he offered was something more to her liking, but it wasn't quite what she would carry for a personal job. Heck, the Kusak was a rough rider truthfully, but it just was too much of a beast for her to handle; recoil in general was just irritating. Still, she had to play her part, though her gaze was now on the Cathar more than the arms dealer, giving a nice wink to the cat; she knew she was being watched after all. "Oh, well, it certainly is a nice gun, but it's just not a good match for a petite woman like myself."

When the third gun came out, Ashe nearly snorted at how sad this man was. She could totally get why someone wanted him dead, but like...this was just sad. Pulling magic tricks like some six year old to his clients? Yea, this guy deserved an early grave; dealt in by the Velvet Widow none the less. Still, the hardware was nice, in fact she owned this model, but no matter what he put on the table his fate was decided. "I...think I'll take them all though. You have really wow'd me with your skills good sir." She remarked, taking her suitcase and moving to open it, her finger disarming the safety on the gun concealed within. A shot rang out, a high impact blaster shot erupting from the side of the case and on target towards man's chest. Ashe grinned, jumping from the booth, the suitcase finishing it's unveiling as a small bomb was concealed within; which immediately went onto it's count down as it was fired off.

If that wasn't enough to kill the bastard of course, Ashe would turn to face him down, having to kill him with her hands would be a bit of a problem, but something she had done before. Of course, dealing with the kitty cat would be a struggle in and of itself.



Oh, now she was patronizing her. Great. Just great. Revy couldn't help but beginning absentmindedly closing and opening her hand occasionally activating her crushgaunt. She wanted to collapse her skull with nothing but pure strength alone. It made every word in their entire exchange the most aggravating thing. Especially as for whatever reason she was just fixated on her. That wink driving her up the wall. It was all 'cute', well that was one word for it. She'd enraging instead. She was now pondering about just killing them both and taking the money. Not that she'd want to risk the authorities while trying to escape. Bespin could always prove to be a pain in the ass in that regard and they had plenty of carbonite lying around. She always had nightmares about being flash frozen in her armor. Still they were about to close up and now she could forget about her and give Tril a right kicking in his massive karkhole...

The suitcase opened and a blaster shot rang out... Chit. Her eyes moved over to Tril and Revy already knew. Bastard was dead. She saw the 'client' dive out of the booth. DL-44 in hand she was ready to give chase before she gazed over to the briefcase and saw what looked to be... oh feth.

Revy dived out of the booth and felt herself get pushed by a shock wave that thudded against her. but failed to do anything more then piss her off. She got up and her eyes locked on her new target. As fire and screaming broke out across the entire club and the music still continued in an insane conglomeration of chaos the Mandalorian wasn't even remotely shaken by comparison. Target selected, no visible weapons on her, concealed highly likely. Sephi, short height, annoying voice, capabilities unknown. Make her pay.

<"Fine, you want to play cat and mouse you schutta then let's play">

With that Revy began to sprint, a distinctive metallic clunk could be heard behind every footsteps as it felt like the entire floor gave a little with every step. DL-44 held in hand. Though currently that was more for show, she didn't want to kill her right now. No Killing would be too clean for her. A different idea was in store for this little smart mouthed Sephi.

And thus the hunt began.

Ashe Grendaga
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Ashe Grendaga

It wasn't her best escape attempt, not by far, but she'd be damned if this was how she went out. She hit the glass hard, but the Cortosis enforced plating helped break that window with far less of a struggle. Flying through the open air, Ashe's mind saw the image she had studied just hours prior. Cloud City had all manner of pipes that kept it's structures operating, which just so happened to make for marvelous escapades for lovely killers such as herself. Ashe pulled herself into a tuck rolling with momentum before landing on her feet; several feet below where she had left from. The following 'boom' that followed ensured her that her job was done, as she high tailed it out of there, racing down the walkway as she sought the hanger bay on the far side of the establishment. It would be damn near impossible for anyone to spot her here, and by the time security realized what was happening, well, she'd be long gone.

At least, that was the plan. The loud 'clanging' that followed her after the initial steps indicated that something had gone array. A quick glance, and she found the source; kitty kitty was coming to play. A grin stretched across Ashe's face, as she continued her run, drawing a single knife from the lining of her coat. "Keep up kitty cat~" She called out, grabbing hold of a loose communication line and slicing it with her knife, before taking hold of it. Leaping off the walkway, Ashe was pushed forward, the Zeltron swinging between the gap of the walkway and club structure, seeking to gain a head start over the Cathar who was hell bent after her. Though there was a risk with this maneuver, her feet were just narrowly missing the support struts that kept the walkway in place; one slip up and she'd have a nice long tumble to the planets core.



Shattering glass, high winds, certain death if you tripped off the walkways... Just a totally normal day right? Later she could go and question her crappy life decisions but her mind was too occupied on the chase. The slime ball may have had it coming but letting the killer get away would absolutely murder her already marred reputation. She didn't need this cutesy wannabe femme fatale to ruin everything. Already the grin on her face was going to drive Revy up the wall. How could someone remain that smug. And yet again. Kitty cat. Revy was wearing a look of disdain under her helmet as she watched her cut the line and start getting away. Great she was going to pull this routine and make her work. Fine.

Revy aimed her DL-44 stopping on the walkaway and calmly observing, tracking the business clad schutta. Her trigger finger remaining primed as she held off on firing. She didn't want to risk throwing her into the gas giant. She might have a bounty after all. Instead she studied the trajectory and aimed ahead to the club structure waiting for the Sephi to land. Upon doing so she fire a small burst of aimed shots. If the annoying brat kept running then she would hold her fire and instead use the grappling in her right vambrace to latch onto another walkway above them, using that as her focal point to swing onto the club structure to give chase.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly as she swung and easily clearing the support struts, she was likely about to clear it all... Then there was an abrupt snapping of metal as the walkaway gave out and a portion of it violently snapped downward. Now she was going to end slamming into the side of the structure. The disgraced Mando quickly adjusted her feet so they hit the side of the building first. Activating the magnetic grip on her 'boots' she was able to cling to the side of structure and managed to work her way up quickly and enter the club again. Still on the hunt.

Ashe Grendaga

Ashe Grendaga

Feet striking the landing point, Ashe had felt she was home free; until several bolts smashed into her back; tearing through her suit and striking the armored skin beneath it all. Wincing, she turned to find the kitty cat was in pursuit, and was less than pleased with this development. Seeing the woman swing towards her, smacking against the side of the building, though Ashe found she had a little more time to get head way on the woman. Regardless, her skin suit couldn't take any more hits, so running was first on her mind. Running into the building, a smile nearly broke across her face as a pair of security guards came towards her; her marks from earlier, perfect.

"Madam, are you okay?" "We heard over the comms about the club, I'm so happy you're okay." "I was worried to-" Having heard enough of the two bumbling fools, it was time for the men to play their part, as Ashe pointed towards where she had come from. "There's a Mandalorian, she's crazy! She set a bomb off and shot my client! Please, don't let her hurt me!" She cried, clutching her figurative pearls, feigning distress in the process. The two officers played their part well, as they drew their blasters and moved past the woman, giving Ashe a free run home. As Revy arrived to deal with the Zeltron, she would find two security officers opening fire on her; all thanks to the accusations of her new opponent.

Ashe all the while, was all to happy that her lies were working, as she had several other guards to call upon for help. Estatic was the way to describe her as she slipped around the corner, so arragont that she actually paused to hear the ensuing exchange. She just couldn't resist it, it was too much to pass up.



This was already costing her too much time. She needed to move fast. Metal feet were now propelling her towards the building as an eyeing was religiously painted on her Hud's lifeform scanner. She had scored successful hits so there was a chance the soothsayer was injured, that would be a nice thing for luck to deliver upon her today. Though she already had a problem two signatures converging on her location, quickly revealing to be security... Well wasn't this a nice change?

<"Officers I'm a bodyguard, I'm looking for the sephi that passed by here, she's respons-"> Revy began to ask only to stop when both the guards drew blasters on her.



Revy was... surprised but would try to hopefully clear their suspicions, after all it was easier to get off of cloud city when you weren't being hunted down by the authorities.

<"Do you want to be the idiots that let the bomber get away?! She's a Sephi, purple skin, yellow eyes, in her twe-"> Revy's attempt to explain only merited her the sound of blaster pistols whirring to life after their safeties were disengaged.

"We see through your lies Mando!"

"You think you could do all of that and then pin it in on her. We ain't dumb."

"Kark yeah! There is no way in the Nether we're gonna let you kill her too."

Revy's red eyes blinked and seemed to flicker through her visor as she processed it, taking a second to hit home. They were simps. Did this psychopath sleep with half of the Cloud City security force just to have this kind of sway on morons like these? And they were morons, it pained her to see how incorrectly they were holding their blasters, and they didn't seem to catch on the fact they have given contradictory instructions to her. Though she then did notice the lingering life form picked up by her scanner nearby, and had a hunch. She just needed get rid of idiots.

<"Ok fine, you got me. Clearly you're much smarter then I thought."> She said her body seeming to relax as she slowly raised her hands her blaster still in hand. <"I'll put my hands up..."> She said with an affirming nod.

<"...And my blaster down"> As she said that she let go of her blaster as it dropped to the ground and discharged upon landing. The blaster bolt hitting one of the guards in the ankle, before the second one could react Revy had kicked her blaster sending it flying in the air and impacting his neck disorienting him. Revy would then charge. Trying to get his bearings again the guard wouldn't see the hand that now clocked him in the face.

His partner would try to fight through the pain and was still standing somehow, though his discomfort was obvious. He tried to raise a blaster pistol only for the disgraced mando to quickly swing around and catch his wrist. Activating her crushgaunt the security officer would cry out in pain as he felt his wrist get crushed under the iron grip, before dropping to the ground a whimpering mess. Having dispatched the two Revy would pcik her blaster again and begin walking forwards.

<"Why do they always make me have to work?"> Revy says out loud to herself as tries to pick up on Ashe's trail.

Ashe Grendaga

Ashe Grendaga

Ashe couldn't help herself but sneak a peek as that curious Mando came jogging into her trap. To her surprise, the guards were more taken by her pheromones than usual, but hey she wasn't about to complain. Well, up until kitty cat called her a Sephi. If only, she'd pay top credit to look like that washed up singer Sakadi. Of course, that would just lead to a whole mother-load of issues.

Initially, the Zeltron was concerned that the fun would be over so soon. The kitty was giving herself up, blaster down, paws behind her back, it seemed like the chase was up. Was her prey really that weak? Where was her sense of adventure? "Aw, kitty, you got some fight in you don't you?" Ashe muttered to herself, a tad saddened to see the Mandalorian being so willing to surrender themselves.

Thankfully that wasn't the case. The kitty had claws after all, as Ashe made it rather clear what she was up to. As Revy began to beat down Ashe's decoys, the assassin just couldn't keep her mouth shut; after all, how would Revy know to keep chasing her? "Nicely done kitty cat, assaulting an arresting officer is worth five years on some worlds~" Ashe shouted out, giving a quick wave so that Revy would have no chance of missing her. Once the chase was reestablished, Ashe was off, the assassin booking it down the halls as the civilians fled from the ensuring chaos that followed the club bombing.

As Ashe was closing in on the hanger bay however, something she hadn't planned for occurred. Loud sirens began to blair, as she found the door ahead of her begin to slide shut, it's blast door being deployed as security was taking something seriously. One of the officers was in the midst of dropping the door as Ashe came onto the scene, watching as the man waved in a small group of civilians. "Hey, wait, wait!" She called out, watching in confusion as the man flashed her a grin, watching as the Zeltron tried in vain to beat the door that was slamming close. Ashe did what she could, running for all that she was worth, only to nearly slam headfirst into the blast door that dropped down neatly before her. She had some time to turn and face down the kitty cat now, but there was something off about this whole thing, something that Ashe couldn't put her finger on.

Standing unarmed, hardly armored, and certainly without a care, she awaited Revy to catch up with her. It seemed the Cathar had caught her prey, though Ashe was more concerned about who had made the call to lock Cloud City down. "Well look who finally showed up. Nice of you to join me kitty, I rented out the hallway just for the two of us." She jested, pacing from side to side as she tried to think of where to go from here. The windows were certainly an option, but it seemed unlikely that kitty cat would give her that opening again.

Regardless, she wasn't going to let a Mando bring her in. No, she'd take death over being put on the action slab again. Of course, the kitty would have to subdue her first for that to happen.



"Nicely done kitty cat, assaulting an arresting officer is worth five years on some worlds~" Revy's red eyes lock down to the source of the voice, the tone as assaulting as her audacity. The sephi was taunting her and well Revy was eager to bite. <"I'll happily make you serve 40 for the murder then."> Revy shoots back sprinting through the halls and beginning chase again.

Inside though was chaos as a cloud of people were frantically trying to escape in the aftermath. Revora would have to use the prior blaster burns she had put in Ashe's clothing as a visual aid for keeping track of the assassin. Though to say she worked her around the crowds would be incorrect so much as she barreled through them. There was really no way for an armored monstrosity such as herself to do so elegantly... She would likely need to get the feth out of here for a while once she had her catch. Though that would require catching the damned skug first.

She was tracking her down to the approach to the Hangar bay, already figuring she would try to escape via ship and was already hoping she wouldn't have a rodeo ride in her future as a result. Though she then noticed the sound of the sirens blaring up throughout the area, things were about to go chit quick and the last thing she needed to deal with was the chance the responders were more 'friends' of her target. She picked up her sprint fulling expecting to have to make a mad dash for the hangar only to see her dear, cute little runner trapped thanks to a closed security door. Maybe Hod'Haran figured it would be especially funny to throw her this break.

She slows down and raises her blaster towards Ashe. Each step forward was deliberate as she crept up to Ashe. Stopping ten meters away. Plenty of room for her to act should the Zeltron try anything. "Well look who finally showed up. Nice of you to join me kitty, I rented out the hallway just for the two of us." She hears Ashe retort and in response Revy gives out a heavily modulated chuckle.

<"Even when trapped you still keep that act up? You're cute."> She posits as she stands her ground, her blaster trained around Ashe's midsection. Revy could for once feel a bit satisfaction from this. Most hunts were cold lifeless affairs, but this one had a chance to be memorable. First though she had to give her a chance.

<"Considering you killed my employer, I'll need to go back to bounty hunting again. Assassin's usually always have a price on their heads..."> Revy said leaving little to the imagination of what she was implying. <"I could give the warm or cold line but I prefer this instead...">

<"You try to run, I'll kill you and take whatever I can get from that.">

<"You turn yourself in to me, then you atleast get a chance to break out of whatever hole in the ground that wants you.">

Ashe Grendaga

Ashe Grendaga

She was cornered, yes, but not trapped. There was a difference after all, and in all of Ashe's experiences this was certainly not a trap. Though it was at risk of turning into one. Something the kitty cat said sparked her memory, something about having a price on her head. She certainly had that, Ashe couldn't deny it. She had certainly earned a reputation for ruining many a family dinner, and with that came a price tag with her pretty face printed on it. As the Cathar began to lament the consequences of her actions, Ashe merely shrugged her shoulders, snickering though she had a blaster pistol leveled at her chest.

Cute? The prey thought she was cute? She hadn't seen anything yet. "Oh kitty, I'm not trapped. I'm just about to spend quality time with my favorite cat." She jested, her right arm coming to pat her shoulder, as Ashe could feel the concealed knife still tucked away in her tunic. It was going to be a tough shot to make, certainly with her target this tense, but she had a plan. "And hey, I could hire you to protect me. Though, given the track record, doesn't look like it'd be quality work, so maybe I should pass." Okay, low blow, but she still felt proud of her retort. Of course, the act faltered entirely when the Cathar issued the final threat. The amused grin she had worn up til now faded, her posture becoming more tense as the kitty had turned into a Nexu. Well, Ashe was used to playing rough, and if that was how the kitty wanted to be, then so be it. She had an act for that after all; the lady with a death wish. "The man who is willing to buy me off you is probably going to want to dissect you Mandalorian. Of course, given how hard headed you are, you think you're immune to that sort of thing." She shrugged her shoulders, taking one step towards the blaster wielder. "Tell you what, I'll let you kill me here and now, and you can fight with the sick bastards who want to slice and dice me up. How's that?" She questioned, her hands being thrown up as she kept to her script. She took her breaths, feigning irritation, before turning her back to the woman. All the time she needed to secure her combat knife and go for the-

A loud BOOM struck the side of the structure, lifting Ashe off her feet, and sending her flying against the wall. Her head was spinning, her clothing was...well ruined, and the smell of smoke was filling her nostrils. She awoke to a crumbling roof looming before her, the ground felt as if it was trembling, and there was a strange 'hum' on the air that only became louder as the seconds ticked on.

"Ashe Grendaga, you've got quite a reputation! Unfortunately won't do you no good here!" A strangers voice blared over a comm system, as she rolled onto her stomach, her body aching all the while. What she saw looming before her filled the Zeltron with a sense of dread. A large portion of the wall was missing, exposing the pair to the frigid outside air of Bespin. Looming near the new entry, was a gunship, loaded up with a heck of alot of fire power, it's sights set on Ashe at the moment. She struggled to her feet, her business suit was destroyed, revealing her combat suit underneath. She had no armament on her to tackle a gunship, and she had a rather grumpy Mandalorian looking to kill her as well. Now this, was a trap. "Ah hell..." She muttered, wobbling a bit as she managed to stand straight. "And hell, we got a Mandalorian too. Make out like kings with the bounty we score today!" The voice declared, as the two repeating blasters it was equipped with began to twirl, indicating it was about to fire. Ashe leapt forward, rolling into cover behind a chuck of plating that had fallen loose, as the blaster shots began to level the hall that the pair were contained within. Hopefully kitty cat would be willing to compromise here and now, as the Zeltron shot the woman a look, trying to plea of a truce until this nerf herder was dealt with.



Of course she didn't think she was trapped. They always never thought they were trapped. Always trying to weasel their way out of anything. It was so defeating to see that spirit day in and day out. Again and again. Time and time again she could think of all those types that had to meet the end of a blaster while still thinking that... What was the point? Was she even like that once? It was hard to tell... All she could remember was the times she had a tag adorned on her, and an imperial yelling at her in Sith.

She could feel her mind return to the status quo. Another target, another day and the same thing likely to happen. First they try their normal act and then they hear the ultimatum. Then they grow erratic or act like it at least. The options whittling down and the one that keeps their lives is never an option to them. Ashe's reactions seemed typical, though that odd pat had sent her on edge. She probably had something hidden on her, Mandalorians were the same, always having surprises and never completely unarmed. Targets like her always needed to be treated like blasters, even when you're sure it's not ready to fire you should treat it like it will at any moment. The dig at her job just bounced off her like a blaster bolt to beskar now.

Still underneath the stillness there was a simple mental glimmer at the mention of dissection. She had no idea. Revy knew and she knew very well what that was like. There was always a chance for a Sith to reclaim her, there was always the memory, it never left and it was just a cold reminder that she would never be whole again. She'd always be a mind locked away in it's beskar cage, unable to ever reach out. So once Ashe proposed letting Revy kill her there was only one simple retort.

<"I was more than just dissected, and I know you aren't giving yourself up.">

Revy says as she goes to pull the trigger only for the clouds to throw themselves in disarray. The sudden jolt and explosion causing to her to lose her footing as she dropped to the ground and began sliding backwards only for her crushgaunt to slam into to the ground and create a divet in the floor to grab on to. The entire platform now shaking like cloud city was having a earthquake and now the mutant was having her worst fear of falling to the core play out to her mind. Then she saw the whirring approach of a gunship, along with its comms blazing to life.

Bounty hunters. Fething bounty hunters, and worse sounded like they were beskar hunters at that too. Seeing the rotary cannons spool to life the Mandalorian began to sprint for one of the few portions of the wall that were still standing for cover, though the Mando wouldn't be fast enough as a few bolts slammed into her chest and sent her spinning her cover as she fell the ground. She took a few heavy weathered breaths feeling like the wind was completely knocked out of her and her rib cage had felt like it was trying to rattle itself apart. Placing her back against the wall she tries to regather herself.

<"You wouldn't even be able to pry this beskar from my cold dead hands."> Revy calls out to the gunship as it continues to laydown it's fire. Blaster bolts now scarring the back wall into a charred black color in all the places it didn't punch holes in. Several of the supports now beginning to cry their death throes and during it all she sees Ashe, giving her a look, a plea... and a part of Revy's soul finally starts to give.

<"Looks like my offer is as blown to hell as Tril and this hallway." * sigh * "Ok, We're in a hallway that's blown to hell, we got a gunship full of assholes that both want us dead, and if they don't kill us then the cloud city authorities will..."> There was a pause in Revy's words as she was now prepping to say what was only unthinkable until a fething gunship showed up. <"I'd rather live. So if we somehow survive and get off world then I'll look the other way. Mandalorian's honor and all.">

With that said and as if on cue the sound of metal groaning tore through the soundscape along with a snapping sound as a part of the hallway gave in and sent the section pivoting downwards...

Ashe Grendaga

Ashe Grendaga

Well, at least they were on the same page. That was something at least. She had a Mandalorian on her side, but given she was roughly unarmed, well it seemed like a bad start thinking of a plan of attack. Ashe was about to reply to the Cathar when all hell broke loose, as the metal supporte finally snapped; sending the pair on a plummet into the core of Bespin. Or at least they would have, if not for their greedy attackers.

The platform of which the pair had been standing on came to a sudden lurching stop, as Ashe and Revora could only look up in confusion as a light blue beam emanated from the gunship. A miniature tractor beam was locked onto what remained of the hallway, though it was far too much weight for the ship to hold on its own. The engines of the ship whined at the strain, though it managed to keep the pair from hurtling into the core of the gas giant. Ropes were flung down to the pair, though they would quickly learn it wasn't for them. Several armed guards slid down the ropes, blaster rifles at the ready, as it seemed that they were intent on collecting their prize before leaving the planet. Which Cloud City slowly fading away up above, it seemed like the two women were on the clock. Drawing her knife, Ashe gave a quick wave to Revy before going to work. They'd never know what hit them. Peeking out of her cover, Ashe found her first target, and moved to react. Taking hold of the knife, she flings it, striking the man in the unarmored armpit of his attire. With the wound made, Ashe runs towards him, blaster fire coming her way as the men's friends attempted to support him. Being struck in the shoulder, Ashe grits her teeth, lunging for the man, and tackling him to the ground. The blaster fire halted, as the Zeltron retrieved the knife, stabbing at the man, while fishing for the blaster rifle with her free arm. As Ashe was in the midst of this struggle, Revy would have her opening to do what damage she sought to do.



Her stomach tumbled as the free fall began and Revora could feel herself be flung into the air. she grips on to the edge of the wall she was using for cover and holds on for dear life. The clouds of the giant now taking up all of her surroundings as the floating city fades away. All the Mandalorian could do was wait for the moment it would all come crushing down, A fleeting hope as the sweet thumping pain of having gravity come back to her and slam her back into the floor of the falling hallway. Gathering herself Revy looks up and sees the gunship trying to pull the wreckage with it's tracking beam. Typical, and much needed right now. They just couldn't turn down that payment. Well their loss and her gain.

Seeing the ropes come down and hearing the struggling whine of the gunship it was clear time wasn't on their side. Steeling herself she sees Ashe's wave and delivers a classic Mandalorian nod. The mercs descending down were immediately having their attention taken up by Ashe as she moved in for the kill, blaster fire going in her direction before the Mandalorian acted.

Quickly darting up two quick blasts from her blaster erupt and careen into the first guard she sees striking both the chest and head. She switches to another target and delivers a blast that is successfully taken by the guard's armor though he has the wind knocked out of him. Several of the guards that landed now turn their blaster rifles away from Ashe and now towards Revy sending a hail of bolts as she charges to them. Each one slowing or causing the Mandalorian to stutter but all fail to stop her as she now gets within melee range.

She grabs the rifle of one and pushes it straight up towards the sky and then delivers a gut shot with her pistol before throwing them down to the ground. As she does this she turns to face another guard and shoots them quickly in the leg, causing them to drop to the ground. A quick kick sends them hurtling off the hallway and down to be delivered to the planets core. Revy turns to check on Ashe when she feels her world be set on fire as a red hot spike of pain is shot into her side courtesy of an electro-bayonet. The Mandalorian gasps out in pain as the bayonet doles out a steady shock and other guards turn to try and subdue Revy with even more blaster fire...

Ashe Grendaga

Ashe Grendaga

Having finished off her foe, Ashe grabbed for the blaster, only to find the situation had changed. The group had shifted towards Revy, one guard having run her through, another guard looking to pepper her with blaster fire. Ashe had her own problems however, as one of the hunters had her at point blank range, his body posed to fire. She needed to move, and fast. Taking her knife, Ashe tossed it towards the man, and he played right into the mind game. Side stepping to avoid the strike, he loosed several shots into the air, as Ashe rushed him, bringing the rifle to bare as she ran him through with the baton. Pull the weapon out, she let him sink to the floor, as he succumbed to his wounds, meanwhile she had a cat to save.

Shifting her priorities, Ashe opened fire on the back of one of the guards, the fire smashing into his back and garnering attention in the process. Ashe switched to burst and prepared to fire, only to see her target was opening up on her. Leaping to the side, the Zeltron rolled across the ruined tile, before feeling the ground fall from underneath her. The hall way was breaking apart it seemed, as the tractor beam couldn't support the entire platform.

Panicking, Ashe lashed out, the cuff of her armor deploying a grapple line as she snagged a corner of the hall, though her newly acquired blaster tumbled out of her hand in the process. The winds began to strike at her now, battering the assassin as she hung on for dear life, her focus trying to figure out where to go from here. The gunship was still in play, and her Mando 'friend' was in trouble, so dying here and now wouldn't help anything. Reaching for the line, she began to pull, forcing herself up the line, even though she was being tossed back and forth by the forces of the planet. Dangling a mere 5 meters from the platform, she could already feel the planet beginning to pressurize her body, providing a bit of a motivation for her in the process.

As if to make matters worse, the man she had tried to kill just moments ago was now visible, standing over the ledge with his rifle trained on her. Though still several meters away from safety, Ashe knew she couldn't dodge a shot with these conditions, as she was left to ponder how she could possibly escape this situation.



Her mind began to strain as her vision turned into a blurry fuzz. Mind panicking as she feel to her knees as her eyes flashed from the falling platform to a dark room and back again repeatedly. The blaster bolts knocking the air out of her and leaving her in a lightheaded daze. Her mind crying out for relief only for the electricity to be eschewed as the commotion focused back again on Ashe.

The man who had been stunning her having now turned away to try and deal with Ashe giving her a desperately needed reprieve. The Cathar pounces as she tackles him to the ground, grabbing at his rifle and ripping it out of his hands before she throws it to the side. Her hands grip the sides of the guard's head along with the whirring sound of crushgaunts activating. With one motion there was a succinct snap as his neck was broken.

Her attention snaps over to see that a part of the floor had now collapsed and she sees the guard looking over his rifle primed his finger slowly closing on the trigger. The Mandalorian quickly leaps for her pistol and takes a snap shot as the lone sound of a blaster shot snaps through the winds of Bespin. The man twitches before fallen over the edge and plummets down to the core. Revy races over to the side as she can feel herself get heavier and heavier with parts of her armor now feeling like it was about to press it's way to her organs. She looks over and sees the Zeltron and offers a hand to help pull her up.

<"That quality enough protection for you?"> The Cathar sarcastically asks as she helps Ashe back onto the platform. <"And now to get us off this Ha'rangir forsaken planet... hang on"> Revy exclaims as she looks up to the gunship and gets an idea. A crazy one, but there wasn't anytime to think of anything else as she sees the that the doors of the gunship hadn't been shut yet. She holsters her pistol and extends her right arm towards the gunship aiming for one of the doors a rope was dangling from. <"hold on to me and don't let go"> The Mandalorian says as she wraps her left arm around Ashe not giving much thought to it as she fires her grappling hook.

Revy watched for the few seconds as the line had it's flight, her breath held as she saw it make purchase and ensnare itself with something in the interior of the ship. The grappling hook's motor activates and sends to two hurtling towards the exposed entry point of the gunship...

Ashe Grendaga

Ashe Grendaga

Hanging from the wire, the line starting to cut into her fingers as she gazed up at the rifle leveled a towards her. As she watched in horror, the man seemed to be closing in her, before realizing he was actually falling at her. Shifting as much as she could, she was relieved to see the man sail clear of her, with her next surprise being the Mando pulling her up to safety. Relief flooded her mind, as Ashe took in a deep breath; though the build up of pressure around her body was telling her that the pair were on the clock. Finding some actual ground beneath her feet now, Ashe took a moment to catch her breath, giving a sly grin to her savior. Frankly, she was astonished that the Cathar had saved her. Given how their earlier attempts to communicate had gone, she had thoroughly expected the woman to cut her cord. "Kitten, I'll take that protection any time or day of the week." She replied to the Mando's inquiry, before adding a genuine token of thanks. "Flirtations aside, I appreciate the save."

Seeing the gunship looming above the pair, it seemed rather evident what needed to be done; if only one of them had a jetpack. The Cathar advised that the Zeltron hold on to her, something that Ashe could only reply to with an expression of confusion. To her surprise, she felt a hand wrap around her, her Mando companion firing off a grapple line towards the ship, and a rushing sensation as the pair were lifted off the ground. As one would expect, Ashe's first instinct was to grab hold of that Mando, snickering as the two were exceptionally close now. "Place your hands any lower Kitty and I'd be getting the wrong idea." She teased, knowing it would certainly catch the woman's attention, but what Ashe was more focused on was the gunship they were approaching. "Let me handle this next part."

Tensing for the key moment, the Zeltron leapt to the open door of the ship, neatly landing on her feet, and seeing the baffled expression of the pilots behind the controls.

"Y-You can't be in here!" The loud mouthed hunter from before remarked, drawing a blaster as he turned to fire, only to find that Ashe had closed the distance on him. Grabbing the wrist, she threw her palm into his throat, then began to squeeze. With this came the liberation of his blaster, as it slipped from his grasp. Releasing the wrist, Ashe snatched it before it hit the ground, and moved to eliminate the hunter to be. It was now when the co-pilot panicked, turning towards her and trying to stab her with a vibro knife. Unfortunately for him, Ashe saw it coming. Kicking upwards with her leg, she struck him across the face, sending him smashing against the cockpit and across the controls, sending the ship into a spin; but not before the blaster finished off the head honcho.

Ashe reacted quickly, reaching out and throwing the unconscious man off the controls, as she took control, slowly the descent of the ship in the process and stabilizing it for the time being. Throwing the pair onto the floor, Ashe took to the helm, looking back to see if her Mando friend survived the ordeal.



They were soaring through the cloudy air and Revy's mind was focused on getting to the gunship, her mind trying to plot the next move whether, to clear out any unwanted passengers or head straight for the pilot's compartment, the gas and violent winds throwing her sensors for a loop. This wasn't looking good... "Place your hands any lower Kitty and I'd be getting the wrong idea."

What? Her mind flustered for a second as she couldn't handle that right here, right now, where at any moment they could plummet to their deaths and become crush elemental matter was when she would hear this? She could feel herself get frustrated but could only give a defeated sigh in return. <"Is now really the time for this?"> She grunts but instead of getting an answer from Ashe the assassin would merrily make a comment and leap from her to the gunship, as Revy's entry would be far more messy. The weight and strain on the line would cause her to hit against the frame of the door and force Revy to pull herself up and into the ship.

By the time she could get herself up on her feet Ashe had already at work dealing with the two pilots, Revy could only watch with Ashe not really needing any help, it would have been nice if it weren't for the fact that she hadn't kicked the fething pilot. Watching turned into trying to hold on for dear life, as she grew dizzy from the spin and had centrifugal force yeet her against the walls of the ship as the sound of metal on metal screeching could be heard inside the ship as Revy skid against the floor. She would have to grab hold to one of the mounts for the seats as she waited for the world to stop spinning. Thankfully Ashe's flying didn't kill them as they steady out and Revy could get herself back up.

<"If there's a next time I'm leading the hijacking."> Revy grunts as she walks towards the cockpit bracing her arm against the walls of the gunship to keep herself upright as the world kept spinning for few moments. She would make her way to the copilot's seat and take sit down. She takes a few deep breaths as reorients herself to their new situation, seeing that their were completely immersed in the could layer of the giant. Looking up didn't do much to tell her where cloud city was though still they had a much needed moment of quiet, even if it felt like her chest was about to cave in. Her eyes scan through the cockpit instruments and weapons controls trying to give herself an idea for the state of the ship.

<"Everything looks fine atleast. The cloud should give us some cover to hide in for now. Though unless I'm missing something I don't think this hunk of crap has a hyperdrive."> Revy says as she racks her mind her mind trying to think of an idea before she turns to Ashe and as she does her mind couldn't help but fixate on her skin for a moment. Maybe she was just jealous as her mind hated her own metallic skin or maybe the purple complexion was just eye catching, either way a little thought nugget couldn't help but intrude and it made the Mando chuckle a little internally.

<"You wouldn't happen to have gotten here with your own ship? Because if so we can at least make a run for the hangar, and try to do a switch over, would need to be quick though, we'd likely get every air patrol on us..."> Revy explains before stopping.

<"You got any ideas to add on to that... grapefruit?">

Ashe Grendaga

Ashe Grendaga

With the ship under her control, Ashe begins to bring the ship out of the core, watching as what was left of the hallway tumble into the sea of clouds. Flipping off the tractor beam, Ashe began to think of the next move, after of course disposing of the bodies blocking up her space. "Well love, next time move faster and there might be more left for you." She remarked, correcting the course back to Cloud City.

She noticed several hailing attempts flashed across the comm system. That wasn't a good sign. These idiots probably ignored the tower, and given the fact that severe property damage had been done, the pair were probably going to have to deal with the authorities; which meant her assassination plot was going to get revealed. Yea, she wasn't going to deal with that. Of course, the Mando caught on to this fact, something that didn't help with the mounting stress that she was working under. To top it off, no, this ship had no hyper-drive, but Ashe had never planned on abandoning her ship anyways.

"Hold on kitty, thinking here." She muttered, pulling up the navigation system as she was looking at the limitations of the ships auto pilot. She found what she was looking for though, as a smile broke across her lips. Yes, that might just work. Turning to face her Mando co-pilot, Ashe gave a wink at the question of having her own ship; though her glee deflated as she heard the new name she was given. Grapefruit? For the first time, a genuine scowl formed, as Ashe looked away, her mind trying to make sense of this new name. The Mando was calling her fat wasn't she? Yea, that had to be it. Well, whatever, she'd deal with that later.

Typing in coordinates for the upper orbit of Bespin, Ashe put up a countdown, as the pair had several minutes before that location was reached. As the drop ship continued to shoot up, the form of Bespin was seen, as well as several sky cars moving to intercept them. Yea, this was going great. Altering the course, Ashe would have the ship pass right over the hanger bay and continue on it's course. "Yea, I set this ship to go into orbit, meanwhile we leap off the side and rappel to the roof of the hanger. Be a hard landing, but by the time security realizes what I've done, we'll be taking off." Standing up, Ashe moved past the Cathar, moving to secure the line around herself, as she was not looking forward to the drop that was to come. "I have my own ship, and you're allowed to come with, so get the hell over here. We only have forty five seconds before we miss out window." She remarked coldly, throwing the blaster she had seized moments ago to the floor. Yea, Revy had found the button to push for her, and frankly, Ashe was just done with this whole day.

As the drop-ship continued it's climb, the sky-cars began to fire towards the ship, given the hails went ignored. Regardless, Ashe was going to make the jump with out without Revy.


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