Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Wookiee in Need


Location: Kashyyyk
Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Kashyyyk was a planet Maiev always enjoyed visiting. Well, any nature-based planet with large and encompassing forests was high on that list. But there was just something about how the Wookiees lived around and even within that nature, that resonated with the witch.

And that makes two full baskets of assorted herbs.” Maiev smiled, handing the second basket over to the female Wookiee.

[“Thank you Maiev, this means a lot. Were you able to acquire enough for yourself?”] Challa replied.

Maiev nodded. “Managed to get enough to restock my supplies-” The witch’s words trailed off as a commotion caught her attention. She turned around to see a trio of male Wookiees gathering together. Each one of them were armed, and if Maiev didn’t know any better she’d guess they were intending to go on a hunt.

[“Ahh, they must be heading to help one of the outlying villages.”]

Has something happened out there?

Challa sighed. [“A number of villages got caught in the armoured warriors’ raid. One particular village has been having difficulty repairing their defences, because of attacks by local beasts.”] The Wookiee watched as the trio of warriors set off. [“It would appear the attack also destroyed the surrounding land, leading to the more territorial animals to lash out at the nearest settlement.”]

And nothing has been working?

[“Not quite yet, but I hear the New Jedi Order recently sent someone to assist.”] That particular bit of info caught Maiev’s attention.

Is that so? Hmm, I might just have to lend a hand myself.

Challa smiled, patting the witch’s shoulder. [“I’m sure they’d appreciate an extra pair of hands.”]

With that the Wookiee departed, leaving Maiev to her own thoughts. She looked in the direction the trio had gone, her mind already made up and where she was going next.

Maiev disappeared within the flash of a green portal.

TAG: Maiev Maiev

Landing on Kashyyyk was always a bit of a process. The Reaper had always been a bit of a clunky ship, and the weather of the eternal forests didn't help much.

Still, it remembered her of home. And Taam...

That wound was still fresh.

Still, she had a job to do. Arriving at the small starport, she greeted the locals in their native language. She'd taken up Shyriiwook as a way to connect with her former boyfriend's homeworld, and while that still hurt, it was useful in this...

Now she just needed to find the woman she was supposed to meet with.

Location: Kashyyyk
Outfit: Link
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Maiev moved through the air with practised ease, appearing and disappearing just beneath the canopy of trees as she teleported. It must certainly be quite the sight for anyone unfamiliar with Dathomirian magicks. And she knew it was an unnecessary use of energy, but it had been a while since Maiev could just ‘fly free’.

Coruscant had been an interesting challenge, having to navigate around the insane network of traffic that seemed to be constant, no matter the time of day.

At least here, she wouldn’t end up hearing reports of a ‘green flash seemingly phasing in and out of reality’.

The witch was able to follow the route the three warriors had taken to reach their destination. Although calling it a village did the place a disservice. Sure, it wasn’t exactly a city but it was expansive enough to have its own small starport. Which was the perfect place to find a recently arrived Jedi. If not, then to track them down.

What she hadn’t accounted for was said Jedi to step right into the place she was about to land. But with a bit of last minute magick, and a dash of Vahla nimbleness, Maiev was able to manoeuvre around the Cathar.

Sorry about that, I was not expecting someone to be standing right there.” The witch said, letting out a small chuckle. She turned around, lips parting to speak further only to freeze when she finally looked at Jonyna.

Why do I recognize her face?

Then it clicked, and Maiev doubted she could be that lucky.

You…don’t happen to be from the New Jedi Order, are you?

TAG: Maiev Maiev

A Witch.

Jonyna pondered the implication. Dathomir had always been on good terms with Cathar, despite it's complicated history with the jedi, and yet, Jonyna never seemed to have that problem. The first woman who ever trained her was a witch, and she kept that in mind when speaking to others.

"I am, yes. Council Member Jonyna Si, Sentinel of Harmony."

Did she need to announce her full titles? Probably not. Did she feel a pride in doing so? Yes she did.

"You must be the one I was supposed to meet with then?"

Location: Kashyyyk
Outfit: Link
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

The witch’s eyes flashed with recognition as Jonyna introduced herself. “That’s right, I remember now. I was on Coruscant when I heard the news.

Despite everything that had happened, Maiev knew the New Jedi Order hardly had the time to remain idle. Even with the Dark Empire repelled from the planet, there wasn’t going to be much rest. Not while their latest enemy licked their wounds, and other threats lingered elsewhere in the galaxy.

Pleased to meet you, Master Jonyna.” She offered a small smile to the Cathar. “I’m Maiev.

Her eyes lingered across the woman’s form, remembering seeing the holo of all the newly appointed Council members.

The holo did not do you justice…” Maiev muttered quietly. Only to freeze moments later upon realising.

I just said that outloud, didn’t I?

So, shall we go and find whomever is in charge here?” She said, quickly turning on her heels towards a direction, any direction really.

TAG: Maiev Maiev

Jonyna snickered, giving the witch a little twirl. "Yes, well, I try to keep in shape."

She paused, straightening out her posture and letting out a cough.
"Right, sorry, yes. I believe we should. Lead the way then? I'm not as familiar with the area as you might be."

Location: Kashyyyk
Outfit: Link
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Maiev glanced back as Jonyna did a little twirl, leading the witch to immediately turn around again. Not a word Maiev, not a word.

Now the question was which way to go, because Maiev sure hell didn’t know which direction was right. She almost wanted to correct the Cathar, but well she already made one impression, best not make another one immediately after.

Hmm, this way I think.” Maiev said, leading the way towards what she assumed was towards the centre of the village. And as luck would have it, as the pair were walking, they came across a couple Wookiees that were fully armoured up.

Maiev watched as they headed towards and into one of the taller trees, where at the top there seemed to be some meeting going on under one of the pavilions.

Well, that’s probably a good bet on where to go.

As they approached the tree however, a Wookiee guard stepped before them blocking the entrance.

[“Greetings, Outsiders. What business do you have here today?”]

TAG: Maiev Maiev

["Jedi Master Jonyna Si."] Jonyna greeted the warrior with a slight bow, her Shyriiwook a little bit rough in places. ["We are here to investigate claims of beasts disrupting reconstruction efforts. May we pass?"]

Location: Kashyyyk
Outfit: Link
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

And I’m Maiev, no fancy titles.” Replied the witch, with her own little bow. Though she did raise an eyebrow at Jonyna’s use of Shyriiwook. Definitely not the Cathar’s first time on Kashyyyk.

The Wookiee stared down at them with a stern expression. “Hmm, very well. You’ll want to speak with the Chief then.” He stepped aside to allow them entry. “Head up the path until you reach the second level.

With a polite ‘thank you’, Maiev followed Jonyna into the tree. Almost immediately the witch found her gaze wandering upwards. No matter how many times she had seen it, it was always impressive to see Wookiee craftsmanship in person.

Just to their left was the beginning of a pathway, made from a mix of wood and metal, that spiralled up along the length of the hollowed out tree.

As they began to ascend, Maiev glanced over at Jonyna. “So, how’s life been as the new Sentinel of Harmony?

TAG: Maiev Maiev

Jonyna...didn't bother with the path before them, instead beginning to free hand climb up the tree as they approached. This was like home to her, but she kept close to her partner as they went upwards. At this point, Jonyna was more climbing out of habit than necessity. "Busy. Been focusing on rebuilding Coruscant after the Imperial invasion, and mostly just revamping the Service Corp. It's exhaustive work, but it's what I always dreamed of doing, so it's not that bad. What about you? What's a witch like you do for a day job?"

Location: Kashyyyk
Outfit: Link
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Maiev blinked.

Of all the things the witch was expecting going into this situation, witnessing a Jedi Master suddenly start climbing the tree was not one of them. But it seemed the Cathar was a natural at it, and all Maiev could do was shake her head and chuckle.

Personally, she was fine with just taking the path.

She listened to Jonyna, nodding along to what she was saying. There was no doubt a heap of responsibilities that were thrown into the Jedi Council’s laps in the wake of the invasion.

At the mention of her own day job, Maiev let out a small laugh. “Funny you should say that, until fairly recently I did actually have a day job. I worked as a masseuse on Coruscant, and ended up running the place after the previous owner retired.” She had fond memories of the previous Madame, and all that she had taught her.

Until it got burned down anyway, though not because of the attack mind you.” Maiev let out a sigh. “An underboss of a local gang; the Crimson Jackals, got it into his head that some sensitive information leaked at the establishment. And his idea for ‘retribution’ was to set it on fire.

Fortunately, no one was in the building at the time.

It became a whole thing, and we ended up discovering the Pyke Syndicate were using the Jackals as a proxy to move spice through and around the Core Worlds.

TAG: Maiev Maiev

"...ya know, I've never been able to really dig my fangs into what's going on in the criminal underworld since I rejoined the galaxy. Worked for a Hutt once upon a time. Teemo, I think." She chuckled. "Maybe you'll have to help me there. Criminals are good to know in the right circumstances, and I've always been about having connections. Would help me figure out who's using my tech on the black market, and who's selling it..."

She had a run in with a kid recently that got a hold of one of her blaster pistols, specifically reserved for GADF troops. How that kid got it, she had no idea. But she certainly would like to know.

Location: Kashyyyk
Outfit: Link
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Hmm, well I might know a few people that could help with tracking down some stolen tech.” Maiev’s immediate thought was about a potential leak in whatever company was incharge of the production. But there were a whole lot of questions to be asked, and now wasn’t the right time.

They were here to help the Wookiees.

After a couple more minutes the pair finally made it to the top, gradually hearing more and more of a gruff Wookiee speaking. Stepping out onto the upper level, they were greeted by the sight of a group standing around a holotable.

Just over half a dozen Wookiees were surrounding it, with a particularly grey-haired one seemingly leading the conversation.

He must be the Chief.

As they approached, the Chief’s features became more noticeable. In particular, the gnarly scar that cut across his cloudy left eye. The conversation fell to a pin drop silence as the group of Wookies became aware of the Jedi and Witch.

[“Hmm, what is this? I can only assume you have a purpose for interrupting?”] The Chief’s voice was gruff, arguably a little hostile if you weren’t able to perceive the truth of how tired the aged Wookiee was.

I’m Maiev, a wandering Witch.” She began, dipping into a polite bow. “And this is Jedi Master Jonyna Si.

[“Is that so?”] He replied, his gaze fixing upon the Cathar critically. [“Of the New Jedi Order, I presume?”]

TAG: Maiev Maiev

["Jedi Master Jonyna Si, Sentinel of Harmony of the New Jedi Order Council, at your service."] Jonyna gave the chief a small curtsy, before smiling as she spoke his native tongue. ["I was here when the mandalorians attempted to raid your planet a few months ago. We wish to help track down the beasts that have been plaguing your villages attempts at reconstruction."]

Location: Kashyyyk
Outfit: Link
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Jonyna’s answer set the assembled group of Wookiees into a rumble of roars and growls, of varying depths. Despite Maiev’s knowledge of Shyriiwook, all she could hear were effectively whispers and murmurings.

[“We could do with keeping some of the warriors that’ll set out today. A number of them are still healing from their previous fights with the beasts.”]

[“That may be so, but they still have fire in their bellies, they want to fight.”]

[“We do have a Jedi; a Master at that, and a witch. They could be enough to at least keep the beasts occupied at one of the dens, while we focus our efforts on the reconstruction.]

[“Enough.”] The Chief finally spoke up, silencing his compatriots. He stroked his beard for a few moments before turning his attention to Jonyna and Maiev. [“Firstly, welcome back to Kashyyyk, Master Jedi. As you know, we are currently split between two focuses, keeping the beasts at bay and repairing our defences. So far we’ve been unable to fully succeed with the latter, as we don’t have enough warriors to evenly spread out to all the beast dens.”]

[“If you are willing to help track down one of those dens, then we’ll gratefully accept.”]

TAG: Maiev Maiev

["Of course, we'd be happy to, sir. All we might need are some accurate directions in where we can find the dens, and perhaps a proper description of the beasts. Lots of animals out in the jungle, we wouldn't want to be hunting the wrong creature."]

Upsetting an ecosystem like this, especially after an outside attack, would be a delicate situation.


Location: Kashyyyk
Outfit: Link
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


The Wookiee Chief gave a firm nod, before gesturing the two to approach. Before them, projected above the holotable was a sliced up section of the local area. To the west was what appeared to be the eastern wall of the settlement, where the focus of their repairs were. And to the north-east, east and south-east were individual markers, denoting the approximate den locations.

[“We have a total of five to six dens that might’ve been hit by the Mandalorian’s raid. Our warriors can handle the north-east and eastern ones, but we’d like you both to cover the south-eastern one.”]

[“Or two, we’re unsure if it’s separate dens or just one large one.”]

What’s located there?” Maiev asked.

[“Kinraths, they have often preferred the caves that are located there. And typically they keep to themselves. We suspect some serious cave-ins have forced them to venture out.”]

[“You should be warned however,”] began the Chieftain. [“Towards the south-east is a known entrance point down into the Shadowlands.”]

Maiev spared a glance towards Jonyna, that didn’t exactly sound good. “So…we should expect some potential issues?

[“If there are any, it’ll be solely aerial creatures. The pathway is steep, so it would be an immense feat for any land-based beast to ascend it.”]

One of the other Wookies let out an amused rumble. [“It’ll probably just be Mykals, annoying things are everywhere.”]

[“We can offer you a couple Kybucks to shorten the journey, unless you would prefer to travel on foot?”] Inquired the Chief.

Maiev looked to Jonyna for an answer, as the witch was more than content with her more magical means of travel.


TAG: Maiev Maiev

["If it's anything to you, I grew up on Cathar. I prefer to treesurf my way over."] Jonyna chuckled, as she looked over the holo-table, considering their options. She wasn't worried about creatures, more what the procedure was. ["Would you prefer them subdued or disposed of? I don't exactly have a lot of less than lethal options."]

While she called herself the Sentinel of Harmony, she was a warrior at heart. A rebel birthed in conflict. She didn't carry around a lot of ways to subdue.


Location: Kashyyyk
Outfit: Link
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Aye, and as much as I appreciate the offer, I prefer my own means of travelling.” She knew Kybucks could be pretty fast, but Maiev knew how quickly she could shorten the distance with her magick.

[“Fair enough. In terms of the Kinrath…at this point we know the option to subdue isn’t entirely possible now. Do what you both feel is necessary.”]

They wouldn’t ultimately know until they got there, but Maiev had a feeling the Wookie Chief was speaking true. It was highly likely the Kinrath were going to be aggressive, out of both defence of their hive, and irritation of said hive being partially destroyed.

Worry not, we’ll see it done. Just focus on getting your wall repaired.” Maiev stepped away from the holotable, opting to look out across the settlement below. From this height they could easily see the eastern wall, the glaring gap that was mid-repair. With a small grin on her face, Maiev turned her head to look at Jonyna.

Shall we see who’s the fastest? A cat, or a witch?


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