Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A working relationship

A heavy sigh escaped the woman's lips as she leaned back in her seat, one hand grasping a glass firmly in its grasp. Taking a sip of the sanguine liquid, her attention returned to the various images flicking across the screen before her, her hand lightly pressing the buttons on the desk as she went over the various personnel files. A soft smirk grew upon her lips as she stopped, one file catching her eye as she nodded. Slipping her hand to the side, her slender fingers pressed a button on her desk - the doors of her office opening soon after as the Nartaki droid stepped into the room.


"Alyessa, please contact Admiral Balthor and request that he come meet me..."

"Yes Ma'am."

The various arms of the human replica droid would pull the doors close again with a heavy thud. Amelia brought the glass in her hand to her lips, sipping from it again before she nodded and set it down. Pulling herself up from her chair, she moved towards the window, her eyes slowly moving over the city's skyline. Though she preferred her home in the Ishanna system, she understood that other responsibilities would call her away from time to time.

Bringing her arms behind her back, she clasped her hands before letting a soft sigh escape from her lips. She understood that if they were to mount a defense of the Commenor Systems Alliance then the ground side forces would need to work well with the naval forces. She was thus hoping that such a meeting with the Admiral would ensure that they could come to an agreement that would ensure the well being of the CSA and do away with any potential bravadoing between the two branches of the military.

[member="Than Balthor"]

Than crossed his arms contentedly as he spoke to a cadre of engineers on the bridge the Counterpoint. Their in-depth reports of the engines were satisfactory to the old naval officer, who nodded, and sent them on their merry way. He'd noticed a subtle shaking in the hull whenever the battlecruiser shifted into realspace a week ago, and demanded someone look into it. The problem? The hyperdrive was being overexerted.

It was to be expected with these off-the-assembly-line ships. Than wouldn't let a few kinks stop him, or his crew's success. His officers had taken notice of their Admiral's attention to detail, and seemed grateful for it, warming up to the old man. Senior Lieutenant Isoph had even given him a painting as a housewarming gift aboard the Super Carrier. Than couldn't make heads or tails of it, but he accepted anyways.

After relieving the mechanics from the bridge, the comms officer waved Than over.

"Admiral. We're picking up a message for you." She read the address, perking up. "Miss Sorenn-Syrush."

"I'm not aware of that name," the older gentleman said, pondering what the message could be. "Explain?"

"She's the Supreme Commander of the Systems Alliance Millitary," the younger woman breathed, perhaps believing it to be a mistake. "She wishes to meet with you."

Than turned his head to look at the Comms Officer, who had begun to smile. Receiving a personal message from one of the highest commanders in the Commenori military was no small thing. The Admiral nodded affirmatively standing up straight. "Send a reply. The Counterpoint can be within the system in two standard rotations. Also request the meeting to be held on the Counterpoint."

The Comms Officer messaged back. Than could see the hard lines of worry and anxiousness on her face. The Admiral walked away from the console, returning to his position at the helm.

"Prepare for hyperspace jump."

When they would finally arrive two days later, an escort would ferry Amelia, and anyone else she wished, up to the flagship.

- [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] -

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