Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Wretched Hive

Ala Quin

Vaago the Hutt's Colosseum

When she had not behaved as a dancer, Ala had been unceremoniously dumped into the rat infested sewer of a prison cell beneath what she had come to realise was a massive arena. It was OK though. She wanted to be here. This was the whole reason for being here. Sure, her flight-suit had been exchanged for a Hutt's idea of 'attractive and enticing' attire, and now even that was sullied by the much and mire of the prison, but that was the whole goal!

She had found Darik Maze. He was the information that had gone missing, the one that was key to finding out about the Clerissin Cult, which would help her figure out why so many young Jedi were falling prey to their teachings. You see, it was all connected.

So as she sat to the left of a rancid, stagnant puddle, wearing something barely more than a metal bikini, Ala was grinning from ear to ear. "Darik!"

"Look, I wish you would quit your whining, Darik, I have this all under control."

They were in the middle of the arena now. Thousands of leacherous, criminal types jeered and cheered in equal measure. They wanted to see blood. They wanted to see death. Darik said something about not feeling like it was under control. Ala didn't really hear it though. The sound of the nearby beasts, still hidden behind the metal gates, drowned out his words.

"You do have back up don't you, Ala!" He shouted.

She looked at him as her hands were being chained above her head. Her frown said it all. Of course she didn't have back up.

"We are going to die."

She quirked a brow. "We most certainly will not...not dressed like this..."

Darik cast her a glance. She shot him a glare. "Eyes to yourself buddy," she said quickly, and he complied.

The moment of levity was interrupted with the sound of creaking gates.

"This is where the fun begins..."

"We are so dead."

Tycho Arak

Tycho Arak



Outfit: Outfit
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Ala Quin

It was a sensitive mission. The kind where one doesn't walk in wearing a uniform emblazoned with a sigil unless one wants that sigil to end up hunted throughout the galaxy by people who would spare no expense to do so. Thus, for this mission, he'd broken out an old outfit, something he didn't think he was ever going to wear again. It was dusty, but he'd cleaned it, shined it, polished it back into military standard. If he was still with the warriors his leader would have been proud of just how clean and pressed it was.

He'd arrived in the company's private ship. Now, even though the ship was officially registered to Sentinel corporation, it was quite easy to fake a transponder code to say that it was just a private vessel belonging to a random businessman from a distant world. Hutts were gangsters, but they also had a nose for business. When someone came calling with a pocket full of change, they didn't typically say no.

While one of his Sentinel's played the part of the businessman, Tycho snuck away from the corvette and made his way towards the sound of cheering that were coming from a colosseum of sorts. He had a feeling about what he'd find there, but it was also the likeliest place to find his target: Vaago the Hutt. See, Vaago had a notoriously bad rap sheet within Alliance space. No, he hadn't been there himself, but connections were easily made between captured perps and the Hutt himself. Especially when the people squealed like pigs under pressure.

The Hutt liked the slave trade, and one of his traded slaves had died, leaving a widow with nothing. Tycho found it abhorrent, slavery, but also, he very much disliked Hutts.

Sneaking inside wasn't hard when you could scale the outside without being noticed. He'd picked up a trick or two from watching Valery Noble Valery Noble work, and making himself invisible was proving to be a valuable skill. The whole phasing through walls thing he hadn't quite figured out, but that was a skill for another time. For now he just needed to get inside, which he did, and none too soon as he could see a man and a woman chained to poles within the center of the fighting area. He also saw his target.

Dropping down beside the hutt, an orange lightsaber sprang forth, only barely not touching the hutt's throat. His other hand stopped the doors from opening, temporarily.

"Vaago the Hutt, I'm here to take you in, dead or alive. Release those in the arena and I let you live. The choice is yours."

Ala Quin


Something had changed. The situation had been balanced. Ala had everything sorted out, their escape planned perfectly, and then all of a sudden she felt the feeling of the place alter. Her attention went to the crowd who began pointing away from the show in the arena, and up towards Vaago’s booth. Her eyes followed their gaze ands he noted the glow of a lightsaber.


Before she could figure out what was happening, a roar and then screams from nearby grabbed her attention. The three reptilian creatures burst out of their cages, their handlers had clearly been distracted too, because now they all died with blood curdling screams.

”Time to improvise, Darik.”

“That’s not what you were doing already!?”

She shot him a glance. He quickly shut up.

The reptilian creatures were already tiring of their recent kills and hissing upwards towards the crowd. It would not be long till the two in the middle, chained to pillars, would be seen and targetted.

Ala put her hand to one of the manacles around her wrist. The angle was awkward and unpleasant, the chain pinching her skin. Pushing through the pain, she pushed her pan against the metal and she closed her eyes.​

”Ala!” The first beast had turned towards them. Some of the crowd had sensed their doom and were watching lustfully.

She did not respond. Instead she focused on the metal.

The beast charged.


She did not respond.

The second and third beast looked to them and charged.


The manacle shattered into a thousand tiny shards of metal from an impact unseen. Her left wrist went limp and she seemed to wince in pain. There was no time to delay though. She pulled down with her right hand and the chin quickly pulled through the ring high above her head.

The first reptilian creature was close enough now to seen the viscera from their former victim between its teeth.

Ala spun, and so did the chain. It hit the beast square across the face. The impact drove it to the right and into the dirt. It was not dead, but it was not attacking…for now. She turned, and ran to Darik, jumping to grab the chain and shatter its links with another sudden pulse of Force energy that seemed to break the chains from the inside out.

“Get down!”

Darik obeyed, and the beasts pounced. Darik was sure they were dead, but they did not get eaten. Looking up, he saw Ala, arms stretched to the left and right, and a lightly shimmering blue orb of protection enveloping them as the creatures tried desperately to break through.

Tycho Arak
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Tycho Arak



Outfit: Outfit
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Ala Quin

Well, there went that being an option.

Tycho turned his attention back to the Hutt for the moment since the two in the arena seemed to have things at least somewhat under control. The woman did, at least. How the Hutt had managed to capture a Force user capable of breaking chains so easily was beyond him. Unless, of course, they'd allowed themselves to be captured. But why would they do that? He stopped speculating because that was a rabbit hole he'd never get out of and focused back on Vaago.

"Decision time, Vaago."

The hut licked its lips with its enormous tongue.

"Shoot him," Vaago said in huttese.

The guards drew their weapons, but before they could fire, Tycho ripped the weapons from their hands and threw them down into the arena. That was strategic. Might seem like just the way things had worked out, but it wasn't. He figured the two down there might be in need of a weapon when it came to dealing with the creatures that were trying to eat them.

"That was an unwise decision on your part. This isn't a game and I'm not playing. Now order everyone to leave the arena."

The Hutt's huge tail thumped the ground hard, his agitation palpable. For a moment, Tycho wondered if he was going to try and have his people attack him again. There were others in the arena that were armed, but none of them close enough to pose a threat.

"Do it," the hutt hissed again in huttese before speaking louder into the nearby microphone for all to hear. "Everyone leave. Now."

"Very good. Now slide forward to the rail so I can keep a good eye on you while I figure out how to further help the two you were so eager to watch get eaten."

Ala Quin

The beasts were tiring in their failed attempts at getting to Ala and Darik, and had turned their attention to snapping at each others neck's. Ala took the moment to drop the shield and refocus on healing her wrist. Blasters dropped down from nearby and Darik's eyes lit up. "Darik!" She whisper-yelled, but he did not heed her.

She paid no heed to the slowly emptying arena, despite the clearly inflamed emotions of the scoundrels that were being told they had to leave right as the show was getting good. Some were not leaving, but drawing their weapons. This could get dangerous...but Ala didn't notice. Instead, her eyes were watching her informant run for a blaster.

It was like slow motion.

Her head turned to see one of the reptilian creatures turn on its six legs and run for Darik. She couldn't pull him, or the weapons towards her, or push them away from her. She had to attack the beast. Ala ran. And jumped.

The chain spun about the neck of the creature and she pulled back on it. It did not relent. She pushed her hand to the back of its head, emanating calming energy, but the feral nature of the hungry beast drove it forward. Darik spun about, blaster in hand and let loose a volley of shots. Most of them hit the hide of the beast. It dropped to the ground dead.

The second jumped over its fallen compatriot and over Ala's head. She could almost touch its belly, if she had reached upward. Darik shot again, but was too late. The creature took two shots to the head, but it was not enough. It's front feet and claws pinned the man to the ground and its teeth began shredding him before Ala's horrified eyes.

"No!" She said, the tears already beginning.

Tycho Arak

Tycho Arak



Outfit: Outfit
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Ala Quin

Vaago moved forward as instructed. He didn't like it, but he did it. Tycho kept his saber at the throat of the Hutt while lifting his other hand, which now held a comlink.


That would get the ball rolling on getting them out of there, but there was still the matter of the stragglers in the arena who were drawing their weapons, and the beasts that were fighting the two below. He couldn't just leave them even if their plight was not his own. At the same time, he had an obligation to make sure that the hutt made it back to Republic space alive so he could serve penance for his crimes. That would be hard to do with several people hanging around.

Dropping the comlink into a pocket, he lifted his hand towards the two in the arena below. Unfortunately, he might be too late, as one of them, the male, was being mauled. With a few symbols made through his fingers, he requested that the force make tendrils arise and grasp the beast, lifting it from the air. Might save the man, he didn't know. It was hard to tell just how badly wounded he was from his vantage point in the hutt's viewing booth. Either way, it kept him from getting mauled further.

The beast would be tossed from the arena entirely, directed to land among the small crowd of those who decided they weren't just going to leave even with the hutt telling them to do so. That should either eliminate them, or keep them distracted for the moment at least. There was one left alive, and given the state of the male, he figured the woman below would want to tend to him rather than fight, so he grasped it with more tendrils, and also tossed it into a group of angry spectators.

"Hopefully that will buy us the time we need," he said, hoping the transport would make it in time for them to save the injured man below.

"Why do you care about them?" the hutt asked in huttese. "They're just dreck."

"They're people, Vaago. They deserve better than to be used as pawns for your entertainment."

For its part, a RAL had left the corvette and was screaming across the roof tops towards their location. It would arrive shortly, but they still had a few minutes before it did.

Ala Quin

That which happened next brought Ala's attention not to the beasts, those being tossed into the crowd, but the source of the power that did. She cast her eyes up to the booth on which Vaago now stood on the edge. The individual up there with the Hutt seemed to have taken control.

"Just great...turf war."

She ran over to Darik, who was not doing well. There was a gash across his gut. She could see more of his insides than she cared to. His face was bloodied scratched, his eye had been torn apart by one of the creatures claws. There was no healing him from this. His life was a faint spark on the verge of being snuffed from existence.

She leant over the man. "I am sorry...we would have got out...both of us...but...I cannot control...everything."

Darik did not move but to mouth a few words. She leaned over his mouth to try and catch the last words of a dying man. "Cartrak four...Sangrin..."

It meant nothing to her. But she repeated the words. He did half a nod, and he was gone. Ala clutched his shoulder grimly. It was not supposed to go this way.

She stood, the lash silk skirt she wore billowing in the breeze. Her eyes scanned the arena. No one was coming for her. She looked back to Darik's dead body.

She would not leave him here. He deserved a proper burial. Within moments, she had bound two spears together and rolled his body onto the makeshift stretcher. With Darik's body in tow, she turned away from Vaago, and his foe, and she marched with purpose to the far side of the arena and a hopeful escape out the other side of the beast's cage.

Tycho Arak

Tycho Arak



Outfit: Outfit
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Ala Quin

While he'd cleared the way for her, it was clear that he wasn't in time to save the man. He could feel the life force drift from him, which caused Tycho to sigh. That wasn't what he'd wanted. The hutt laughed when he noticed the man had died, but the orange blade at his throat moved so close it grazed his skin, quickly turning the laugh to a cry of pain. This wasn't the time or place for laughter and the hutt needed to be made aware of that fact.

The high pitched whine of super fast engines approached and the RAL entered the arena, lowering down to their level before opening the ramp to reveal several armed men and women wearing pristine white uniforms. They had their weapons trained on the hutt, so Tycho deactivated his saber.

"Board the shuttle, Vaago," he said, before turning his attention to the people inside. "I have one more matter to attend to. Keep the RAL on standby while I do so. We might have more joining us."

With that, he winked out of existence. A simple request to the Force and he was transported from the spot where he was, to another he could see, near where the woman was taking the man on a makeshift stretcher. She seemed hell bent on going that way, but he was certain that if given the opportunity, she might return with him. It would be much safer for her if she did considering the outside of the colloseum was likely crawling with criminals angry about losing out on their show.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to help keep him alive," was the first thing he said when he appeared near her. "I tried to get Vaago to free you both before the beasts were released, but I was too slow. I'm taking him back to the Alliance to face trial for his crimes. Why don't you come with? It'll be safer than trying to walk out of here."

Even though she was dressed like a dancer slave, he kept his attention focused on her eyes. He detested hutts, especially their proclivity for making women wear such outfits.

Ala Quin

The Force spoke to her just before he appeared, otherwise she would have jumped out of her skin in fright. She did raise an eyebrow though. That was a power she was unfamiliar with, one that she would be sure to look up and research later. How useful it could be!

Her jaw clenched in determination as she kept walking. If he was going to talk to her, he would have to keep up. She would bury Davik.

"One of those Shadow types, no doubt," she said, casting him a glance. She seemed annoyed, but not angry. It was hard to imagine anything that could make her actually angry, though this did come close.

He was taller than her, and his face hidden behind a mask. Shadows so often were like that. Even without the mask, he probably kept facades up. Did he even know himself?

"I am glad Vaago is getting what he deserves, but my business here was purely to save this man's life...and as you can see...he is very much not alive," her nostrils flared, and she pushed forward with a surprising increase in determination.

She reached the gate. He was right. She was being stubborn. But also...she did not know this guy.

"Look. Whoever you are. I do not need you. I will be fine on my own. If there was anything at all that you could offer me...something I do not have...right would be your absence," she said, tone clipped and snippy. She winced, instantly. And ducked her head.

She felt bad for being so rude. But ultimately, she just wanted to be let to her own devices.

"I will be fine. I am not as helpless as this outfit might convey."

Tycho Arak

Tycho Arak



Outfit: Outfit
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Ala Quin

For the most part he said nothing while she spouted off about how she didn't want him there, didn't need him, and that the man she was there for was dead. She didn't know him from Adam and he couldn't blame her for not immediately jumping at the chance to flee with him, but he also thought her stubborn reaction was going to end up getting her killed, and he didn't particularly like that. Vaago won if she died, did he not?

"If I thought you incapable or helpless I wouldn't have asked you to come with me."

As he said that, he left it to her to interpret what he meant. What he did, though, was reach a hand up to remove his mask, revealing that he was a Kage, though he could pass for a few other species as well. With Vaago captured, he didn't need to hide his identity anymore. In addition, the RAL had landed in the center of the arena, with a few of his people waiting, fully armed, for them to return to it, provided they were going to. She had reached the gate by this point, and seemed quite determined not to have anything to do with him.

He was concerned, however, and felt compelled to try and stop her from going out.

"You can go out there and die, but I doubt your friend would want that. Vaago does, however. That's why he put you both in the arena."

He didn't move from where he was standing, at least, not yet. It would be wrong of him to force someone as skilled as her to come with him, and he knew she was skilled because of what he'd seen, and felt, her do earlier. But she was being emotional at the moment, and she wanted to bury her friend. He understood that, to an extent, but he also firmly believed he wouldn't want her getting killed to do it.

"Come with us and we'll take you somewhere you can bury him safely. Then we'll take you back to Alliance space, or wherever you wish to go along the way. You can strengthen our case against the hutt."


Ala Quin

He watched him, and listened, and even scrunched her nose up in the way she so often did. The guy was as pale as the landscape outside her old Jedi Temple. Was he Arkanian?

She heard him out, and then looked between him and the gate a few times. She wasn't going to be telling him her thought process. She was confident she would not die if she went out that gate. But she was not confident that she could get the body safely to a place of burial. But she was nothing, if not determined.

Ala glanced back at the man and shrugged before setting her chin defiantly into the air and pressing forward towards the gate. Each step forward though was like a dagger in her pride.




Her shoulders slumped and her head dipped.


She turned, did not make eye contact and marched past him while pulling the stretcher, and the still very dead Darik. She didn't say a thing, but instead pushed forward towards the waiting vessel.

Tycho Arak

Tycho Arak



Outfit: Outfit
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Ala Quin

She was incredibly stubborn. He'd known some stubborn people, but she took the cake. So stubborn was she that she was on the verge of getting herself killed. It didn't matter how skilled she was, nobody was going out there, not dressed as she was, and surviving. They knew who she was by her appearance, and they would do harm to her. He knew this to be true. But he wasn't going to force her to make the wise decision. Some people couldn't be saved from themselves.

Fortunately, she came to her senses, her entire body affecting a defeatist posture as she turned around and then moved past him towards the waiting RAL. He followed her, waiting until she was inside before boarding himself. Vaago was stuffed towards the front, away from them, but fully blocking access to the ships cockpit.

"Take us back to the ship!" he called out, making sure the pilot could hear.

The two Sentinel guards were dressed in matching outfits, their weapons at the ready and their eyes focused on the hutt that was busy staring them all down. Unfortunately, they didn't have binders big enough for the slug, but they could throw him in a holding cell when they were back at the corvette, which was now airborne and awaiting their arrival.

He didn't say anything else as they flew, waiting for their landing in the small hangar before stepping out to allow her and her charge out. The guards would handle Vaago.

"I am sorry for your friends death," he said, now that she'd had a moment to cool down. "I tried to get you both freed before the beasts were released. Apologies for my failure."

He motioned for her to follow him into the ship.

"Where would you like us to take you?"

Ala Quin

Within moments of entering the ship, and settling the stretcher down, Ala was on her knees, feet tucked under her. She was gently brushing Darik's hair with her fingers, and whispering words of parting. She looked up at the Arkanian man. "Oh...he was not a friend," she said calmly, tears welling up in her eyes. She looked back down at the man, and brushed away some grime from his forehead. "I barely knew him..."

She cleared her throat and rubbed her nose with the back of her hand. Her chest rose with a long drawn out breath, and then she stood again. It didn't help a heap, the Arkanian man was still significantly taller than her.

"You were not know that I was there. No one knew of my mission. You had your orders, and you did you best to care for Darik and I despite putting yourself at risk," she said, voice soft but surprisingly professional, "you do not need to apologise to me. And I am sorry for my unnecessary...stubbornness."

She extended a hand.

"Ala Quin. Just so you know what to write in your report. And, if you could, I would like to be brought back down to the planet surface when we finish unloading our passengers," she said, directing her fingers towards Vaago and Darik, "I have a ship on the planet that I do not want to leave behind...and...a change of clothes."

Tycho Arak

Tycho Arak



Outfit: Outfit
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Ala Quin

"Those we barely know can be more a friend than some we've known for years."

The way she treated the fallen man was more than just a mere acquaintance, even if that was all they were. With some people it only took a quick meeting to make a real impression upon you. That was how he'd felt when he met Anneliese. The first time he'd met her, he knew that he would do anything to help and protect her.

She stood, barely up to the top of his chest. Her stature didn't mean much to him, though. She was clearly a very capable person and he had zero doubt that she would have made a mess of the people waiting outside of the colosseum before they'd killed her. He was still glad she hadn't done it.

"I take responsibility for my failures, regardless."

The extended hand was taken and shaken, his hands rough from field work, but his grip both strong and gentle at the same time.

"I am Tycho Arak. Apologies for the outfit, but my intention was to keep most on the world from knowing the name of my organization so they couldn't retaliate. I wore my old Kage Warrior outfit to throw them off as well."

He held up the mask to indicate what he meant.

"We can return you to your ship, if that's what you wish. I do wish to ask, though, why you allowed yourself to get caught to rescue him if he wasn't a friend? That's a lot of trouble to go through, even for a Jedi."

The last bit was probing, but subtly so. He still had questions about her, even though he could certainly tell she was of the light.

Ala Quin

She went deep red. He wasn't Arkanian? Even as she looked at the helmet, Ala could not prevent a hand from coming to her face and fingers covering her mouth. "Oh the are Kage?" The question was rhetorical, though her tone did not convey it. She was not too familiar with the Kage, and it was clear from her assumptions.

She cleared her throat again, and refocused from her own internal embarrassment. "Thank you for your assistance, Tycho," she said, genuine smile carving through her unease.

"Oh?" Ala glanced about, "Oh, Darik...right...yes. He was a contact that had fed me intel for an investigation I am conducting. We had communicated a half dozen times over text based holonet messages...he said he was in trouble with Vaago and needed extraction. I promised to assist."

It was a simple, and forthright answer, and the truth. There was no reason to mince words around allies. They were...allies, right?

Tycho Arak

Tycho Arak



Outfit: Outfit
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Ala Quin

She may not have known it, but her reaction to him was actually quite refreshing. More often than not he got gawked at by random people because of the fact that he was a Kage. They were widely regarded as beautiful, after all. For her to not even recognize that he was one, was something he had rarely ever experienced. It was nice to be seen as something other than a pretty face.

"Yes, I'm Kage," he said, offering a small smile. "Haven't been to Quarzite in years, though. More Coruscanti than Kage, now. And you're welcome, even if it didn't go to plan."

Not his, nor hers. He had hoped it would just be one of those regular colosseum things where random challengers fought each other for sport. In hindsight, he probably should have expected it to be more than that given Vaago was involved. It made sense that a slaver would use slaves as a means of bloody entertainment. That did bring up some questions, though, especially with what she further added to the equation by way of explanation of what she was there for.

If the two of them had been conversing, and she was getting intel from him, then she was investigating something. Probably not Vaago himself, or she'd likely have brought him in in order to protect her informant. Now he was professionally curious.

"If the slug was your target you'd have gone after him to protect Darik. Before I pry further, I should tell you that I run Sentinel Corporation, a private investigation and security firm based on Coruscant. We often take cases that happen within Alliance space but the perpetrator is outside of it. That's why I ended up here. Vaago is a slaver and needed to be stopped. But that being said, if he wasn't your target, can I ask who, or what, you're after? Maybe I can help."


Ala Quin

She started leaning with back to wall. Ala crossed her arms over her chest, more out of a desire to provide some degree of modesty than any other reason. Her head tilted, almost like her elven ears needed a different angle from which to hear more clearly.

It was entirely unsurprising that he was interested in her investigation. She would be, if their roles were reversed. That did not give him the inside scoop though. Ala just grinned.

"Your time is too important for my little private inquiry," she said, it may have been a polite way of saying "no".

"So where does some corporate bigwig come by Force powers like that?"
She said, as her eyebrows quirked in suspicion.

Tycho Arak

Tycho Arak



Outfit: Outfit
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Ala Quin

"Not exactly true. We specialize in smaller cases, especially ones local governments don't want to handle. I could be of use to you."

Vaago was off the transport by that point, so he went back to the cockpit briefly and spoke with the pilot. If they were going to get her back to her ship, then they'd have to turn around, and he didn't want the RAL flying back without refueling in case someone down below wanted to take a crack at them. The pilot nodded and started that process while he returned to her.

"I'm not a corporate bigwig. We aren't structured that way. I lead the efforts, but we're more like a bunch of independent contractors working out of the same office. We have the same goals, same ideals, but we take on cases at an individual level. It's not about making money, it's about helping others."

He sat down across from her and tucked his mask inside of his jacket since he didn't need it for the moment.

"As for how I came by my abilities, I left the Warriors when I was still a teenager, and ended up coming across a group of anthropologists that were studying ancient Sith history and artifacts. I joined them for a while, learned a lot about the ways of the Sith, learned a lot of abilities through them. Eventually I drifted away and ended up meeting a Jedi. He taught me a lot as well, which was how I learned I could use abilities normally only a Sith would, but through the light. Years of nomadic lifestyle later I ended up on Coruscant."

Ala Quin

Ala simply nodded in reply to the information about his past. It all made sense, more than feasible. But there was still a nagging question as to his loyalties. She had trusted the wrong people before, and been burned. Though, she had to admit. He was kind of cute.

"Honestly, I prefer to keep my mission under wraps," Ala said with an apologetic smile. She didn't mean any offence or hurt.

She looked out the window of the RAL to see what was taking so long to get going.

"Refeulling. That is probably smart...good thinking." She turned about again, the sash hanging from the bottom portion of her attire swishing about in a big arc. She clearly would have made a good dancer, and she had prided herself in playing the part well for a time.

"Look...heres the deal...Tycho...I will check up on you and your crew when I get back to what I consider safety...if you check may hear from me, OK?" She said, again with an apologetic smile.

Tycho Arak

Tycho Arak



Outfit: Outfit
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tags: Ala Quin

"Can't be too careful. We probably would have been fine, but I prefer to go in fully fueled after what we just did."

Going in and taking down one of the biggest hutt gangsters in the galaxy wasn't going to sit well with the Cartel. They probably already had a hit out on the masked guy that had done it, and plenty of people had seen the RAL down there picking Vaago and them up. It would not surprise him if some Uglies or something else decided they wanted to tangle when they took her and her charge back down to her ship so they could go their separate ways. He preferred to get there and back in one piece.

And while she was completely cryptic about what her mission was, that only served to make him more curious. He wasn't going to pry if she didn't want to say. He'd already offered his services to her and that was all he could do under the circumstances.

"That's fair," he said when she mentioned looking into him. "I'd recommend talking to Valery Noble about me. We've worked together before."

Several times, actually. She was probably his best friend outside of his daughter.

The RAL shook as it lifted off, but he didn't move. No need to.

"Might be a bumpy ride depending on how organized they are down there. I apologize in advance."

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