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A1-22-X, code name "Auspex01"



NAME: A1-22-X , Auspex-class cyber-nekrotic tactical unit
NICKNAME: Vhen it introduces it-self, it wil often say "you may refer to me as Auspex, or Auspex-zero-one"
FACTION: Un-known, extenzive memory damage

RANK: Un-known

SPECIES: None, A1-22-X is a cyberneticly re-animated and enhanced korpse of a human female, run by AI-modifyed cyber-nekrotic brain

AGE: Un-known, prezumably dateing all the way back to Rakata Infinite Empire, since they wer the only ones vho perfekted the cyber-nekrotic re-animation tech.

SEX: None

HEIGHT: 1.74m

WEIGHT: 1250 kg (the mostly-gutted korpse it-self is only 30kg, but the advanced armor plating, internal sistems, weapons and cybernetics, plus a fusion reactor powering it, acounts for the rest.

EYES: Cybernetic implant array, multiple vizion modes.

HAIR: Black, stimulated grown

SKIN: Pale, even tho internal sistems atempt to keep the iluzion of it being alive, by applying some pigment.

FORCE SENSITIVE: Dead to the Force.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :


Auspex01 is very, very hard to destroy. It has survived mostly intact, count-less milenia, since the heigt of the Infinite Empire. The outer plating is mostly ultra-dense, molecularly-hardened durasteel/phrik alloy, highly rezistant to most types of weapons, inkluding lightsabers. The head is a weak-spot, but it is protekted by its own shield generator, powered direktly from the reaktor. The shield wil be penetrated vith repeated fire, but it is kuite power-ful. The armor plating it-self is near-inpenetrable, exept to shaped charges or very heavy blaster canons, so the head is stil the weakest spot. The unit, in adition to prefering the use of hi-powered sniper blasters, is ekuipped vith several internal weapons: retraktable vibro-blades in the wrists, a flame-projektor on the belly, and a EMP disruptor field emiter, vhich can generate a 25 meter wide EMP pulse, disabling anithing elektronic in that radius. The unit's eyes can also be konfigured to fire elektrical blasts. Not as power-ful as blasters, but stil capable of injuring or killing un-armored organic targets, or disabling droids vith multiple shots.

Auspex01 is also very accurate, vith its weapons, especialy the sniper rifles. The cybernetic eye-implants give the unit superior vizion, inkluding IR, EM, Xray, and 20X magnifikation modes. It can akuire a target, aim and fire, all in under 2 seconds, even vhile moving, at a moving target, up to 500 meter range. In a sniping pozition, the unit is more accurate then even the most highly trained spec-ops troops, or asassin droids.

On-board self-repair sistem. Auspex01 is capable of self-repairing any damage sustaind, thru the use of nano-droids and salvaged raw materijal from its suroundings. This takes a long time, but eventualy, the unit can fuly repair it-self, even vhen mostly destroyed.

Adaptive learning. Auspex01, since it is run by a AI, is capable of learning kuickly. Langages, new skills, new knovledge, anithing and evrything it wishes to learn.


Auspex01 is slow. There is just no other vay to put it. The heavy weigt of the unit severly limits its mobility, since the limb sistems arent powerful enogh to give it human-level speed. It can only walk, it can not run. It is esentialy a walking-tank. Hard to destroy, but easy to evade. That slownes also has other draw-backs as a rezult. Even tho the unit is ekuipped vith on-board melee weapons, it isnt very profisient in using them, since it lacks the reflexes for close-blade combat. It can use them to impale a un-prepared enemy, but not if the enemy is fighting back. The unit is capable of full-range of motion of any human, but it wil do so at less then half the speed and agility. Also, it isnt capable of crosing any light-weigt bridges, since the weigt, distributed on a very smal area of its feet, wuld kolapse the bridge. It also isnt able to use any light speeders or speeder-bikes vith a weigt-limit, since they wil just kolapse to the ground under it. Same gos for smal turbolifts and elevators.



The origin of the unit is lost to history, from the time vhen it vas disabled, in one of the final battles of the Infinite Empire. Its memory core decayd over the eons, and vhen it finaly self-repaired enogh to re-gain awarenes, the damage to its memory vas non-reverzible. The unit is aware of vhat it is, but not vhat its purpose used to be. But there is also the smal part of its now-elektronic brain, that vas retained from the woman it used to be. And sub-konciusly, the unit wants to find out vho it was, before it become A1-22-X . Did it have a name? A real name? A family? Vhat hapened to them? This dezire is never on a koncius level, but it is something the unit wil vork toward, even if not aware of it.

Ever since its re-aktivation, Auspex01 has seeked ocupations vhere its skills and ability can be most useful. Vhile the unit has no koncept of good or evil, it has a programed dis-taste for disorder and anarchy. As such, Auspex01 despizes criminals of all kinds, and wil kill them on sight, and looks down on self-serving individuals like mercenarys, bounty hunters, and Sith. It prefers the service for the greater cause, if it decides the cause is vhole-some and worthy, and is fond of strikt and struktured military existence. It wil also help individuals in need, if it decides there need is vorth-while.

In combat, Auspex01 is very droid-like. Dis-passionate, detached. It values eficiency and efektiveness. It kills vhen it has to, and vho it has to, but never uses more then striktly necesary force. It has no favorite tactics, no patterns, it wil adapt to the situation at hand as it develops.

The unit speaks in a mono-tone female alto voice, vith slight inflektions, atempting to mimic human speech, but not very sukcesfuly. It is capable of expresing emotions, but in a very limited way.


To be added later, vhen it joins a faction





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