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Work In Progress A1

Skyler Wren


Intent: Personal Armor For Skyler Wren
Image Source: XX
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A


Manufacturer: Skyler Wren
Affiliation: Skyler Wren
Market Status: Closed Market
Model: W-2 Light Armor
Modularity: Yes
Production: Unique
Material: Songsteel I Synthmesh I Flexi-mesh I Zeyd-cloth I Synthleather I Glitterglass


Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: Light
Energy: Very High
Kinetic: Low
Lightsabers: Very High
Other: Low

  • Bio-Enhanced Goggles (Nightvision Option): The goggles, the lens made with glitterglass, have a biocomputer built into the lens. This allows Skyler to track targets, gauge distances of targets, and switch to nightvision. The goggles are retractable.
  • Wrist-Rocket Slot: There is a slot on the left wrist that allows for the attachment of a small wrist rocket.
  • Enviornmental Regulator (Helmet): The helmet, which can be separated from the armored suit. has an environmental regulator that filters oxygen itno the mask when in hostile environments, and can be utilized in all breathable air types. It filters out toxins, smokes, and other poisons. It also possesses a built-in com link.
  • Temperature Regulator: The suits built-in temp regulator is an automated system that regulates Skyler's body temperature. In hot environments it cools his body and in cold environments it keeps his body warm.
  • Jetpack: On the back of the suit is a small jetpack. Unlike those employed by his kin, the Mandalorians, this jetpack can only fly short distances. It's most effective in short bursts.
  • Whistling Bird: On each of his legs, there are the whistling birds, mini rockets capable of doing damage. the birds are voice activated from within his helmet.
  • Magnetic Connection: Through voice activation from inside the helmet, Skyler can access the magnetic feature of the armored feet to grip onto metal-based objects.
  • Utility Belts: Synthleather utility belts are wrapped around his waist and down his chest like a bandolier. The belt's pockets can be used to store various items from mini rockets to grenades to a bottle of ale.
  • Power Crystal: Encased within the armor itself is a power crystal. the purpose of the crystal is to allow the suit to be fully powered; and the crystal can be swiped out after depletion.
  • Force-Field Generator: On the underside of the left wrist is a small activation button. When depressed it activates a form fitting force field around Skyler's body. It can withstand several energy shots before depleting.


Energy Weapons: The armor is very protective against energy-based weapons, especially if the force-field generator has been activated. With or without the generator activated, the armor can withstand several hits.

Lightsaber: Because of the songsteel material, the armor can withstand several blows from lightsaber strikes.


Kinetic: Kinetic energy can do damage to the armored suit, mainly because the armor is designed to defend against energy-based attacks.

EMP / ION: With the armor so tech heavy, emp and ion attacks can affect the suit's internal systems.


Skyler personally created the armor, using designs, concepts, and tools that would serve him well in his field of operations. The entire armor is form fitted to his body, taking away the bulkiness of other armors. Underneath the armor he wears a fleximesh suit, whilst the armor doesn't encompass his entire body, only his chest and back regions, his left shoulder down to his left wrist, and from his thighs down to his feet. Green dyed zeyd-cloth is draped around the armor in certain areas (see pic).
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