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Approved NPC A2-N1

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  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: To give Maria my scientist character, a personal sidekick for her travels when others aren’t present. Along with that, provide mechanical help.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]​Image Credit[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Role[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Sidekick and Mechanical Help[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Links[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: [Currently] N/A[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Age[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 1 Year Old[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Model[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Prowler 1000 Exploration Droid [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Appearance[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: [Same as Picture on link] Black and Red paint job over entire body, Maria’s signature on the back in the case the droid is lost.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Name[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: A2-N1[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Loyalties[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Loyal strictly to Maria Savillia [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Notable Equipment[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Multiple camera types installed - Thermal / Infrared[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] / Etc[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Skills[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Splicing Equipment | Navigation skills | Reconnaissance Skills | Mechanical Skills[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Personality[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: A2-N1 Has a somewhat childish however over protective personality. When interacting with anyone who isn’t Maria, he is quite playful and messes around, however when anyone is hostile to Maria he becomes overly protective.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Weapon of Choice[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Shock Probe[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Combat Function[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: A2 is no tank or damage, and works similar to the same droid in the battlefront series - more of a support role.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Reconnaissance - A2 Is a fantastic Probe / reconnaissance droid and works perfectly in his role as a scout.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Upgraded Navigational Charts - Maria has made sure to upload a large chart of locations into A2, giving him access to a large number of paths and routes Maria uses on her usual travels.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Crafty - A2 Has on his own, developed a creativity that normal droids of his type lack, giving him a small edge.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]EMP - Being a droid and having no resistances, A2 is incredibly weak to any Ion or EMP based devices.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Weak Shell - A2 Has a somewhat weaker hull and with that, any good shot to him could take him down for the count.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Prone to Anger - Being programmed with a personality, A2 is prone to violent outbursts if Maria is put into danger.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]As Maria finished her masters in Robotics at the Royal University on Naboo, she made her way to creating a droid companion for herself. This droid is A2, a somewhat spunky and childish modified Prowler 1000 Exploration droid. While researching droids, she came across the old Prowler Series and researched on it. Originally she was simply planning on using some sort of Astromech however after some research time, and some.. Fascination with that specific droid, she got to work on building her own model of the droid - therefore A2 was created along with another droid (a protocol droid) D4. Now A2 serves as Maria’s main sidekick and her greatest companion when exploring dangerous however exciting new sites.[/SIZE]
[member="Maria Savilia"]

Well if it ain't my favorite aspect of the Star Wars Universe: the droids!

It is a very nice if simple droid companion, and you don't need more than that. However,

Maria Savilia said:
Could you change this to the equivalent Model name in plain text? That would be "Prowler 1000 exploration droid"

Once you have done this, I can go ahead and approve your submission! :D
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