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Manufacturer: Clan Kryze
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Average
Size: Average



  • Fire Selector: Capable of firing in semi automatic, burst fire, and fully automatic modes.
  • Adjustable Scope: The scope can be adjusted depending on distance to target, ranging from 2x to 6x, giving it some flexibility in short to mid-range engagements, where it excels.

  • Powerful: One of the core design principles the A257 was built around was firepower - a necessity borne out of Clan Kryze's conflict with other Mandalorian groups. As such, it packs a great deal of kinetic energy - particularly for a blaster.
  • Accurate: Although some of the range and accuracy was lost when the conversion was made from longblaster to carbine, it remains terrifyingly efficient when put in the hands of a well-trained marksman.
  • Bone-Rattling: The recoil is fierce, and can become downright uncontrollable when used in fully automatic mode. Only the strongest can hope to keep such a beast trained on their target in these circumstances, and even semi-automatic use requires the user to take the kick into account.
  • Small Production: None of the assembly process is automated. Every single carbine is the fruit of a Mandalorian smith's labor, and production is significantly reduced as a result.


As Alor and Forgemistress both, Jenn was more than aware of the necessity to outfit Clan Kryze's auxiliaries with a weapon fit for the elite shock troops they were shaped to be. Embroiled in a bitter conflict with Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders and Sith alike, the necessity for a high-powered rifle capable of taking down such fearsome foes became apparent; with the aid of the Clan's weaponsmiths, a dozen different design propositions were made, half of whom reached the prototype stage, yet proved ineffectual. One of the Clan's bounty hunters would be the one to bring forward the idea of re-using a prior design to the smiths... with a radical approach.

Cutting down a longblaster into a carbine was a certainly bold approach to weapon design, and much arguing resulted from it - but the results spoke for themselves in the ensuing weapon trials, and the Alor signed off on its production. Mandalorian pride all but demanded that the Clan itself produce the weapon, rather than transmitting the design to a contractor for manufacturing; an objective made all the more difficult to achieve as a result of Jenn's staunch policy of devolution, refusing to let Clan Kryze industrialize too greatly and thus lose sight of the humble lifestyle of their ancestors. So it is that every single A257 is assembled by hand by the Clan's weaponsmiths, ensuring their impeccable quality... and keeping the production limited as a result.

Which, naturally, suits Jenn's needs just fine. Much like the Mandalorians leading them into battle, the Hastati are meant to be a force of elite auxiliaries, rather than a standard military force where numbers must trump quality.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A "standard-issue" blaster for Clan Kryze's Hastati.
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Clan Kryze
Model: A257
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Durasteel, duraplast, plastoid, blaster components.
Ammunition Type: Power Cells
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Carbine
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