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Approved Tech AA1 Storm Rifle

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Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord

Intent: To create a lightning rifle for Lord Mettallum's forces
Image Source: [X] found here
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A

Manufacturer: FOTM
Model: AA1 Storm Rifle
Affiliation: Closed-Market, Metal Lords
Modularity: Attachable electro blade
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel, Lightning rifle components

Classification: Lightning rifle
Size: Two handed
Length: 1.2 m
Weight: 7 kg
Ammunition Type: Inbuilt Rechargeable power pack
Ammunition Capacity: 4 seconds of shooting before requiring a cooldown of 3 seconds. Powerpack requires a full recharge after the 4th cool down
Effective Range: 75m
Rate of Fire: 4 seconds of constant shooting
Electro blade attachment
Shoots a constant stream of electricity

Effective against shields not designed to stop electrical currents
Extremely powerful at close range.

If the weapon is not looked after correctly it could malfunction and cause serious harm to the user.
Weak against non conductive armour

The AA1 Storm Rifle is the newest weapon in the lightning rifle market. With an inbuilt rechargeable powerpack the AA1 will not need you to be carrying spare disposable powerpacks everywhere just to shoot at the enemy for a couple of seconds then take forever to reload. The AA1 Storm Rifle also comes with an electro blade attachment allowing users for the weapon to go into meele combat when required. The AA1 Storm Rifle shoots a concentrated beam of electricity at a target up to 120 meters away. It normally takes 1-2 seconds of constant electricity for a target to be fatally wounded and die how ever this can change depending how close the target is the the weapon and where the beam of electricity is hitting the target.The AA1 Storm Rifle is also effective against energy shields not built for handling electrical currents.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
<p>Hello, I'll be the factory judge reviewing your submission. If you have questions, please feel free to respond to this thread once we are underway.</p>


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Got a couple of things to handle here and then we should be good to go.

Lord Mettallum said:
Ammunition Type: Inbuilt reactor
That's a bit much. I don't know of a reactor small enough to fit into that sort of thing, and at any rate, that would give you more or less unlimited ammo. Please replace with a power cell and choose a reasonable number of shots between replacements.

Lord Mettallum said:
Effective Range: 120m
Also a bit much. Please reduce. I'll let you pick the number, so long as it's more reasonable.

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