Aaden 'Ice' Renalds

Name: Aaden 'Ice' Renalds
Faction: Shadow Empire
Species: Shi'ido
Age: 117
Sex: Male
Height: 1.9 m (6'2" for us poor Americans
Weight: 86 kg (190 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dirty Blonde, cut short and brushed forward
Skin: Slightly Tan
Force Sensitive: Yes
Class: Mercenary
Sub-Class: N/A
If you missed it, you're blind, so it doesn't matter. lol
Strong force sensitivity, though completely untrained at the moment
A excellent pilot
Booze, woman, and money. Not necessarily in that order.
Not a whole lot is known about Ice by the general public. He tends to keep much of his past and actual identity a buried secret. Information kept as an even more closely guarded secret given his new ranks and positions in the galaxy. Ice though, is your good ol' fashioned Mandolorian. Born and raised on Mandalore, always itchin' for some kind of fight.
He spent much of his earlier days as a freighter captain and smuggler. Considering he did a lot of the repairs and software upgrades himself, his occupation developed him into a fine pilot, slicer, and shot. After one particularly bad drop nearly lead to his being murdered for something he didn't even do, it ended with him in ownership of quite a bit of valuable commodities.
With this newly acquired wealth, Ice set about developing his first company, Shadow Tech Industries. This company was born on his equally quick rise to power within the Shadow Empire. Having garnered favored with the recently made Emperor after a shocking coo. He found himself as both the Shadow Hand to the Emperor as well as CEO of a small but quickly growing tech company.
He made good use of his position and power and was able to increase his influence and standing in the galactic community by pouring government funding into his business. It was amazing how lucrative government contracts could be. And how easily attainable when one was the third most powerful person in the empire.
The Shadow Empire was not to last though. As it began to fall into obscurity, he quickly used his position to start to more enterprises. A new droid company, which he dubbed SolaraTron Industies, to keep with the STI theme. And Libertalia. A huge luxury station for the super rich and powerful. In this way, he could increase, his wealth and power despite his rank in SE becoming less and less important.
Ship: Esfendia Class Carrier Corvette
Kills: 0
Bounties Collected: 1 - Jeff Solaris
Completed Threads: Quite a few
Uncompleted Threads: Too many -.-