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Aafke Haran'jai



Aafke Haran'jai
Born Aafke Skydrat.

21 years old


~Race: Menan


The Death Watch



Tall and with an athletic body, Aafke makes her way through the world sporting all the benefits of mobility her biological ancestors bestowed upon her. Her body is well-muscled for that of a young woman, the result of her life alongside Haran'jai clan, accustomed to physical exertion, resistant and enduring. Her limbs are characterized for being long and stable, giving her the strength to navigate herself through almost any terrain while retaining her speed thanks to her naturally lighter composition. Aafke has a light-toned skin, very slightly tanned and adorned sparsely with small scars, the product of the unavoidable training or every-day life minor injuries.

Her hair is quite long, easily reaching her waist if let loose, slightly wavy and with the occasional lighter strand. Displaying a dark, chocolate color it contrasts with her paler skin. It is strange for her to not have it tied up either in a ponytail or some other, more elaborate braiding seeing as how it would otherwise interfere with her daily routine. Her facial features are well balanced, displaying that sharper characteristics of the Mahanaim such as well defined cheekbones and jawline that give it a peculiar, pleasant edge.

However, and as is the case of most specimens of her species, Aafke's most striking feature is her eyes. Being classified under the Menan race given the intense green coloration of her irises, she also displays the most recognizable feature of a Mahanaim: patterned eyes. The green is transversely trespassed by slightly zig-zagging lines of a dark shade of violet, giving her an alien and intense gaze.


Despite being well-muscled, the lighter bones of a Mahanaim reduce her weight.

~Distinctive features:
~Patterned Eyes
~Double canines
~Tattoo being left-ear




Disciplined, intelligent and inherently calm, Aafke grew up to become a stable, fairly simple young woman with the heart of a free beast. She is someone with codes, but her own personal definition of honor and a desire to do what she believes is best no matter what the obstacle in front of her is, even if not all agree with her beliefs. The way in which she was brought up built her into a family-oriented, protective and caring being, suspicious of anything and everything that might threaten what she has sworn to protect until her dying breath: the Mandalorian ways, her clan and her loved ones.

Aafke was gifted with a patience not so many possess. Thoughtful and rational, it is not strange to find her meditating on her decisions or even trying to anticipate herself to them. It allows her to perform tasks under a lot of pressure, she has gained confidence in herself and in what her tribe and father taught her. Given this traits, Aafke can set her mind on a goal and methodically and purposefully work for it with an incredible might, and not give up until she gets there.

She isn't the most outgoing nor outspoken person, Aafke has also rather kept to herself and to those she has close bonds with. However, once her wall of distance is perforated, she shows herself as the passionate, caring and loyal being she is. Family is everything to her, because despite being of a more introverted character she is a highly social person that will guard the well-being and safety of those around her with everything she has to offer.

And in this pursuit she has, Aafke can even get to situations in which she demonstrates little to no morality. She is not evil but would never go as far as calling herself good, she knows very well how willing she is to get her hands dirty if its for the best of her own and preferably, for the best of most. Moreover, she has developed an effective, practical way of thinking. She does not dwell in extremes but is ready to embrace either of them if required. Much like a wild animal, Aafke has learned to behave and react according to the situation, unless waiting represents an unnecessary risk.

Aafke does not do well with loneliness. She seeks the presence of her people out of instinct and never strays to far from her clan brothers and sisters. Unknown to her, this is one of the downsides of her heritage, she is a social being and like every social being, her strengths dwindle when not in company.

Diligent ~ Loyal ~ Responsible ~ Courageous ~ Protective ~ Suspicious ~ Family-oriented



[member="Volkan Haran'jai"] ~ Adoptive Father

Hodayc, "The cunning one" ~ Tamed Kad'uliik.



Marksmanship: ||| ||| ||| ||| |||

Single-handed Combat: ||| ||| ||| ||| |||

Armed Combat: ||| ||| ||| ||| |||

Mechanics: ||| ||| ||| ||| |||

Piloting: ||| ||| ||| ||| |||

Metalsmith: ||| ||| ||| ||| |||



Beskar designed pair of kukris.
Lighter vibrosword.
Wishes to craft more personalized weapons.


Despite her clan being more oriented towards close-range combat, Aafke's keen eyesight and speed make her an exceptional marksman.
Sniper rifle
Repeating blaster
Plasma Bow: utilized for hunting purposes mainly, though she would be perfectly capable of using it in combat. Has a predilection for this weapon of "archaic" mechanism.

Beskar'gam: Dark green and red in design, adorned with bones and furs as is customary on her clan.

Personal Belongings
Necklace made out of beads, broken fang pieces and feathers. Made an exact same copy, but larger, for her companion Hodayc.



Life was not off to a good start with Aafke. She was originally born into the Shydrat on the planet Mahan, the strongest tribe of the Mahanaim. However, tension had been building among the tribes; some were not happy with the decision of the religious leaders to set the Shydrat above the others and war with this discontent neighbors seemed more and more unavoidable every passing day.

But Aafke's parents were in no place to confront a situation like this. Her mother had become sick before bringing her into the world, and her parent was a warrior. He would be called away to battle and leave a newborn child and a sickened mother behind. Fueled by the wish to protect is family, her fathered gathered some valuables and with the help of his brother left Mahan, to seek refuge and help on other, more modernized planets.

For some time everything seemed to be working well. His wife did not improve but she did not worsen either. His daughter was growing stronger and sprier with every month that went by. And soon those months had turned into years. They had been difficult years. They weren't accustomed to the way of living, the pace the rest of the Galaxy had. As was bound to happen, his wife perished one night during her sleep. The broken heart in his chest almost to heavy to bear the loss if not for the child he had to care for. Aafke, a little girl, almost six years old.

She does not remember the rest very clearly. The turmoil her childhood self had went through erased by the years. All she remembers was that one day her father was also gone...and that she was alone in a world she didn't understand, damned to a life of suffering.

Until a young man, a Ragithian by the name Volkan Haran'jai picked her up and took her to his clan, where he gave her a new family and reason, adopting her as his daughter. She was greeted into the Haran'jai with open arms and grew up alongside Volkan, bonding close to him as he was the one figure she trusted the most during the first years. She was raised to become a Mandalorian and everything that word entailed, to respect the Resol'nare and love her people.

In the recent times, the Haran'jai pledged allegiance to Ra Viszla's cause and joined the Death Watch, to avenge the destruction of Manda'yaim.

Strengths & Weaknesses

~ "I can hear you, vod": Being a Mahanaim comes with its perks. Aafke has extremely developed senses, the ones her species uses to survive in a world that is otherwise too inhospitable for them. Her sense of hearing in particular is extremely acute and can pick up vibrations not only while being far, far away, but also in many different frequencies.
~ "And I know you are there": The second most important perk is being a living sonar. Aafke can make use of echolocation, she produces a sound that is out of the range of hearing of most species and then registers the fluctuations in the wavelengths of it. She could be blinded and still be able to make her way through places effectively, as long as she has her hearing.
~ The Mandalorian way: Being raised Mandalorian means being a survivalist. Aafke can take care of herself as well as of others and will gladly do it if she has to.
~ The places she'll go: Her body is designed for tricky environments and this grants her the ability of an immense mobility. She is lighter, faster and slightly stronger than most other species (comparing with someone with similar physical characteristics) and can manage climbing, swimming, running and jumping like a pro.
~ Ambidextrous: She was born with equal predilection to either of her halves. Left, right, both at the same time.

~ Silence, please: The strongest ability and the most disastrous weakness, her eardrums might be worthy of envy but they are also easy to harm. Sudden, strong screeching noises or sonic waves provoke in her a pain akin to having two bullets pierce through your skull, one on either side. It confuses her, sets her off balance and could render her partially deaf for some time, even forever if the damage is irreversible.
~ Strong muscles, weak bones: Her body is made for strength and stamina, not to take too many blows. Her bones are weaker than most, the downside to them being lighter. It takes less to break them than it would take to break a human's.
~ Smells too good: Sight and smell don't fall to far away from her hearing and this can also be a problem. Her sensitive nose is highly receptive of pheromones. They will get her faster and hit stronger than others.
~ Can't toughen up: Pain is hell for a Mahanaim. They might face it every single day and be willing to take it, that doesn't mean it gets easier. They have very developed pain receptors, which means they are in for an awful treat every time they gut hurt.
~ Personal space: For reasons she cannot even explain herself, she utterly hates being in any way touched by anyone who doesn't have her utmost trust. Even approaching her while being a stranger will send her alert on high-drive. She's gotten herself in tricky, even dangerous situations because of this. For example, refusing to get medical attention simply because being approached by an unknown doctor triggers the fight or flight in her.

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