Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Aalzorin
RANK: Apprentice
SPECIES: Togruta
AGE: 22
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 11"
WEIGHT: 135 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: (Lekku and Montrals) White with blue stripes.
SKIN: Orange




-Primitive Weapon Training: Having been raised without access to blasters or other modern weaponry, Aalzorin can use spears, bows, and other obsolete weaponry in both familiar and modern situations.

-Dexterity: Having hunted game for food all her life, Aalzorin can run and dodge with complete awareness of her surroundings.

-Survival: Aalzorin has the capability to survive in the wilderness with no outside assistance, and little to no pre-existing supplies.


-Environmental Ineptitude: Aalzorin spent twenty-two years on a jungle world. In other environments, she is unused to the pollen of other flora and is most often found being short of breath or coughing.

-Physical Ability: Aalzorin has little to no muscle, and can't stand up to more powerful opponents in direct combat. Therefore, she uses dexterity to overwhelm her opponents.

-Spelling: As trivial as it may seem, Aalzorin grew up with no formal education, and so lacks an affinity for spelling and phonics. While she speaks quite properly, a written message from her would be unintelligible to most anyone.


A being of orange skin, Aalzorin appears as most other Togruta do. Her three lekku are white and striped with blue, and her face has two white ovals around her eyes. She wears cloth garments mostly in pieces around her body secured by metal bands, giving her an obvious tribal appearance. Around her montrals and other places on her form she dons jewelry made mostly out of thin metal chains and feathers. Four feathers fan out from behind her head, secured by the headband she wears along her montrals.


Born to a pair of Force-sensitive parents within a lost tribe of Togruta shamans settled on Mantessa, Aalzorin received training from the shamans of her order. Her parents noticed her rebellious and antisocial tendencies uncharacteristic of Togruta at an early age, but when they finally confronted the Shaman High Council about it, the Council ruled that the child was fine, and no harm could come from the rebellious attitude which was sure to pass.

Several months later, when Aalzorin was thirteen, her parents decided that they could not tolerate her obstinacy any longer and abandoned her to the care of the High Council. The High Council continued to train her, not noticing her dark tendencies as she was undergoing her learning. The greatest concern was an event in which she lashed out in anger at her instructor, knocking the elder Togruta to the floor. The Council reprimanded her, sentencing her to three hours of guard duty on the perimeter of the camp, but little was done to correct the behavior.

Aalzorin's rebellion came to a head when the Togruta endured her final trial to attain the rank of apprentice, and begin her tenure as the student of the Huntmaster, a Shaman Councilor who oversaw the community hunting operations. Her task was to slay a rare beast and bring it to the village walls. Unfortunately, at the same time, two other Togruta were competing on a different trial. Aalzorin had the beast in sight, but both of the Togruta who were competing mistook her for their rival at the same time, and tackled Aalzorin to the ground. The beast was frightened away, and the now twenty-two-year-old shaman was furious.

In a blind rage, she slew both of the rivaling Togruta with her hunting glaive. As she calmed she took note of what she had done, but found herself remorseless. She brought the corpses of the neophytes to the village and hurled them to the feet of the guards. She proclaimed, 'These two interfered with my hunt. Take heed.'

The High Council unanimously agreed to banish her, sending her to the far side of Mantessa, where she stowed away on a freighter bound for the Core.






[member="Jinxer Ticon"]
This is Aal's first appearance ever and I've little on her demeanor... But she'd be in kill mode mostly. She might give you a few words. :p

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