Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Aana Xyston

Aana Xyston

Character images go here.

NAME: Aana Xyston

FACTION: Galactic Alliance

RANK: Sergeant in Pathfinder Regiment


AGE: 35

SEX: female

HEIGHT: 5' 9' (brown eyes and a sundress....iykyk)

WEIGHT: 110 lbs

EYES: gray

HAIR: Hair who?

SKIN: Green


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Can easily improvise a plan in the middle of a battle
Excellent accuracy

Long griever: when someone close dies, Aana isn't at top performance for months.
Doesn't trust easily

Aana wears different things depending on what she's doing. If it's a night combat mission, she wears a helmet with holes at the back for her lekku, and night vision goggles. She also wears a standard Pathfinder chestplate and kneepads, with light armor covering her entire body. Day combat is the same as night, just without the night vision.
If attending a party, she favors a white dress with small splotches of blue.

She has a scar by her left eye, a reminder of a dangerous mission into Sith territory when one apprentice got in a good slash past Aana's vibroblade.

Aana was born on Ryloth. Her father had gone off to fight in the Second Great Hyperspace war when she was young. He didn't make it back. After that, Aana decided to follow in his footsteps to hopefully make him proud. Unlike others who took a job for their parents, Aana actually enjoyed being a pathfinder.

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