Aaron Beskheart
Aaron Beskheart

Species: Human, Mandalorian
Age: 38
Occupation: Pirate
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 310lbs
Sex: Male
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Chartreuse phosphorescent
Hair: Brown
Force Sensitive: Yes
Incredible Vitality: High amounts of stamina and vigor makes him capable of fighting for long periods of time and exert far beyond normal capabilities of both Human and Mandalorian.
Quick witted and decisive: Very capable during various situations including combat and situational assessment. Able to make decisions efficiently without hesitation and with good judgement
Negotiator: Very proficient at negotiations and capable of getting his way most of the time.
Back injury: When young, collecting information about a holocron he got into a brawl against an entire bar while drunk. His senses impaired due to the large consumption of alcohol, he did not realize someone was behind him and struck him at his lower back with a metal chair.
Bad temper: He has a short fuse. Does not tolerate insults and threats.
Women: He has a weakness for them.
Appearance: He is a tall man with a bulky build, a mean look and long hair often putting fear into the people. He mainly wears leather and has rough facial hair.
Biography: Aaron was a child born from drinks and party one night by a man called Animus Malgus and a mandalorian woman. Born and rejected he relied on thievery to survive and soon joined a crew of pirates which taught him how to gather information and deal in negotiations. He learned a brawler style of fighting called wres-ling which relies on brute strength and grappling techniques to immobilize the enemy, knock unconscious or kill. Quickly he became known throughout the galaxy as his reputation for stealing weapons, resources and trafficking spice and slaves. After much time dealing as a pirate, he left the crew one night in a recon fighter and started his own personal "business" from what he learned of his years in the pirate crew.
Now he roams the galaxy doing favors for anyone willing to pay the price. Made his own spice trafficking trade and gathers information for all factions.