Aaron Nomarr
New Member

NAME: Aaron Nomarr
FACTION: Galactic Republic
RANK: Starfighter pilot
AGE: 23
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 180 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dirty blond
SKIN: Tanned slightly but still white
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths: Aaron is a great innovative pilot. He has nimble fingers and a high tolerance for gut wrenching maneuvers. He can cover his wingman well and excels in close fights. He is very friendly and unassuming.
Weaknesses: Relatively inexperienced. Doesn't like to retreat at all, sometimes makes rash in decisions, overconfident, likes drinking too much, spends too much time hitting on women instead of shooting baddies.
Aaron seems like someone who would blend into a crowd. Aside from a small scar across his cheek, he has no distinguishing features. His blond hair and brown eyes are relatively common, and his well trimmed mustache doesn't appear to be too bushy or thin. While he is on the tall side for a human, being 6'1", and he is muscular in build, he doesn't pick fights with anyone unless it is from the cockpit of a star fighter. He is almost always smiling, although it can be hard to see under the stache.
Aaron grew up on the planet of Eriadu, the son of a miner and a businesswoman. His family was middle class at best, but they still harbored Aaron's fascination with starfighters. Every chance he got, he would be checking out a book on starfighters or play acting with his friends as a starfighting pilot. Unfortunately, his father died early due to complications of working in the hazardous mines, qnd Aaron slipped into depression. Despite this, he still traained himself to be an excellent pilot due to his naturally quick reflexes. At the age of 19, he went off to train as a fighter pilot for the Galactic Republic, which he was always very patriotic about. He quickly rose to the top of his class at the training academy. Every week durinf his training, he made sure to pay homage to his father by visiting his grave. When he graduated at 22, he was sent off to fight for the Galactic Republic much to his mother's dismay. However, he was more than eager to take on the role and quickly hopped on the transport. He was placed in a B Wing squadron, a starfighter he fit perfectly with. He soon racked up kills in his B wing and in one battle he managed to defeat four enemy starfighters on his own. Shortly after this incident and after a year flying the B Wing, he was placed in the elite Wraith Squadron
whatever starfighter you have is fine but hopefully a B Winf :3