Judah Dashiell
Salvage Empire

Name: Abadar
Region: <Core, Mid, Expansion, Outer, Unknown>
System: <System name>
Suns: <Number, name, and type of stars in the system>
Orbital Position: <Relative distance away from the star (ie, habital zone, 5th planet, far, close, etc) or if it orbits another planet>
Moons: <List natural satellites and any significant, permanent artificial ones>
System Features: <Here you may list other planets, important asteroid belts, spatial anomalies, or other features of the star system>
Coordinates: <The X,Y coordinates of the planet and its relative position in them according to the Galaxy Map>
Rotational Period: <The length of a "day" on the planet>
Orbital Period: <The number of local days of each complete orbit>
Class: <Terrestrial or gas, with planets 10 times larger than Earth being giant>
Diameter: <NOT REQUIRED: Diameter at the equator. For reference, Earth is 12,756 km in diameter>
Atmosphere: Type I
Climate: Controlled
Gravity: <Standard is, to human senses, Earth-like. Use terms such as "Twice Standard" to describe other types of gravity>
Primary Terrain:
Native Species: <Species that have always lived there>
Immigrated Species: <Immigrant species with significant populations>
Primary Languages: <Galactic Standard Basic is the movies' English, all others are can be seen on Wookieepedia>
Government: <Federal Republic would describe a government such as the United States. Other general terms can be used>
Population: <For reference, Earth's population is 7.1 billion and Coruscant's is 1 trillion. Demographics welcomed here>
Demonym: Abadarian
Major Imports: <What the planet frequently buys from other planets>
Major Exports: <What other planets frequently buy from this planet. Tourism is an option. Restricted substances require a thorough rationale and potentially some form of development thread, and multiple restricted substances likely would not be approved.>
Affiliation: Levantine Sanctum
Major Locations: <A detailed description of all of the planet's major locations (cities, popular areas, etc.), at least a paragraph per location>
Culture: <General overview of the planet, should include information about daily life, society, government, arts, sports, military, religion>
Technology: <A description of how technologically advanced the planet is relative to the galaxy>
History: <Abridged history of the planet>
Notable PCs: <Native or immigrant player-characters>
Intent: <The purpose and reason for making this planet. Goals for the planet. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!>