(So, this is my first shot at a planet, please don't kill me!)
Name: Abaddon, the Devil Planet
Region: Unknown
System: Uncharted, supposedly positioned not within its original orbit.
Suns: 1 singular sun only known as Mercy. Close to the end of its life.
Orbital Position: Far away, approximately 2km away from original/projected orbit.
Moons: Remnants of a moon remain in orbit of the planet as a temporary asteroid field.
System Features: Unexplainable space/time anomalies, causes unexpected changes in environment and un-explainable jumps in evolution.
Aka; Time/Space/Evolution ect are always in flux and are unpredictable.
Coordinates: It's uncharted, and is therefore not on the map.
Rotational Period: Due to space/time anomalies, rotational period can differentiate from weeks to hours.
Orbital Period: 3-7 days.
Class: Giant, hazardous.
Diameter: No idea, massive.
Atmosphere: Due to space/time anomalies, the atmosphere mixes and differentiates between each Atmospheric type. Mostly between IV and III. However, as hazardous as the planet may become the air is majority wise breathable
Climate: The planet is masked with different extremes of hazardous weathers, the climate changes drastically and unexpectedly.
Gravity: Due to the strange orbit and space/time analogies, depending on where the planet is positioned and where on the planet said someone is. The gravity changes drastically from standard Earth gravity to a massive lack of gravity.
Primary Terrain: Volcanic Jungles, Desert Volcanic Earthquakes, Deep Acid Oceans, Ice Cold Inner Planet Caves (Molded by one of variable native species)
Native Species: As stated previously, due to the un-explainable time/space anomalies on the planet and surrounding system the rate of evolution is unexplained and unexpected, many new species and new forms of species can form overnight and can cause unexpected changes in the planet.
Immigrated Species: Due to lack of study on the planet, it is unknown if any species have immigrated to the planet, however it is well known that many have attempted to study the planet and have failed to return from said journey.
Primary Languages: The species that appear on this planet have no need of languages, its a primal and primitive land.
Government: None.
Population: Due to the unexplained changes on the planet, the population is incalculable.
Demonym: There is no known word to describe the residents of this planet.
Major Imports: None
Major Exports: None
Affiliation: None
Major Locations:
The Devil's Keep:
The massive hurricane as seen in the above image covers up a deep pit, as seen the above image. This pit hides a massive keep that is a remnant of a civilization long forgotten. A keep that somehow has withstood the hazards of the planet, an unknown ore was used to created the structure to keep and hold secretes of an ancient civilization that could change the known galaxy forever, however there is no known way of opening the door. However, two rock centurions stand over the gate at all times. Massive creatures that defend against all who desecrate their holy ground.
This is the one forever ongoing location on the planet, the rest is circumstantial and changes drastically and unexpectedly.
Culture: There is one singular stone structure within a mountain of acidic lakes and it states.
"This place, this is hell. This is where the world comes to a stop.
There is nothing more than primal rage here, anything more than
an animal won't survive here, you can't survive. Only animals exist here.
There is no place for humanity here."
Technology: The technology within the keep is the only known and lasting technology in the planet.
History: Abbadon has been and always will be an infamous rumor among the galaxies most prominent individuals. However, there has never been an actual investigation about Abaddon, as strife continues throughout the known galaxy and no time can be spent colonizing such a hazardous planet or even properly proving its existence, therefore the planet continues to go on as a poor travelers dream. If it were real, this planet would likely be considered one of the most dangerous places in the known universe. However, the planet continuous to be a myth to the world and is likely never to be found. However, the temptation to travel to this location is almost insatiable and quite literally nothing compares to the raw and untamed animistic nature of this planet. The dark and light side of the force have no particular sway on this planet, the force itself is not entirely in control of this planet, its out of control.
Throughout the years since the rumors of such a planet came to the ears of powerful men and women, many have traveled to this planet in search of glory and have never returned. This planet is a whisper, and most fear for those who entertain the thought of its existence. It is scientifically un-explainable and would likely confuse any force sensitive.
Notable PCs: None
Intent: To create an interesting and dynamic apocalyptic location in which entirely any form of beast or hazard can be faced. It serves as a sandbox for all kinds of adventures and holds a secret anyone would want, but the planet remains so dangerous that a war over this planet would set the galaxy on fire. It's a temptation that some may fall too and could be used time and time again for people to test themselves against any manner of enemy they wish to face.

Name: Abaddon, the Devil Planet
Region: Unknown
System: Uncharted, supposedly positioned not within its original orbit.
Suns: 1 singular sun only known as Mercy. Close to the end of its life.
Orbital Position: Far away, approximately 2km away from original/projected orbit.
Moons: Remnants of a moon remain in orbit of the planet as a temporary asteroid field.
System Features: Unexplainable space/time anomalies, causes unexpected changes in environment and un-explainable jumps in evolution.
Aka; Time/Space/Evolution ect are always in flux and are unpredictable.
Coordinates: It's uncharted, and is therefore not on the map.
Rotational Period: Due to space/time anomalies, rotational period can differentiate from weeks to hours.
Orbital Period: 3-7 days.
Class: Giant, hazardous.
Diameter: No idea, massive.
Atmosphere: Due to space/time anomalies, the atmosphere mixes and differentiates between each Atmospheric type. Mostly between IV and III. However, as hazardous as the planet may become the air is majority wise breathable
Climate: The planet is masked with different extremes of hazardous weathers, the climate changes drastically and unexpectedly.
Gravity: Due to the strange orbit and space/time analogies, depending on where the planet is positioned and where on the planet said someone is. The gravity changes drastically from standard Earth gravity to a massive lack of gravity.
Primary Terrain: Volcanic Jungles, Desert Volcanic Earthquakes, Deep Acid Oceans, Ice Cold Inner Planet Caves (Molded by one of variable native species)
Native Species: As stated previously, due to the un-explainable time/space anomalies on the planet and surrounding system the rate of evolution is unexplained and unexpected, many new species and new forms of species can form overnight and can cause unexpected changes in the planet.
Immigrated Species: Due to lack of study on the planet, it is unknown if any species have immigrated to the planet, however it is well known that many have attempted to study the planet and have failed to return from said journey.
Primary Languages: The species that appear on this planet have no need of languages, its a primal and primitive land.
Government: None.
Population: Due to the unexplained changes on the planet, the population is incalculable.
Demonym: There is no known word to describe the residents of this planet.
Major Imports: None
Major Exports: None
Affiliation: None
Major Locations:
The Devil's Keep:

Culture: There is one singular stone structure within a mountain of acidic lakes and it states.
"This place, this is hell. This is where the world comes to a stop.
There is nothing more than primal rage here, anything more than
an animal won't survive here, you can't survive. Only animals exist here.
There is no place for humanity here."
Technology: The technology within the keep is the only known and lasting technology in the planet.
History: Abbadon has been and always will be an infamous rumor among the galaxies most prominent individuals. However, there has never been an actual investigation about Abaddon, as strife continues throughout the known galaxy and no time can be spent colonizing such a hazardous planet or even properly proving its existence, therefore the planet continues to go on as a poor travelers dream. If it were real, this planet would likely be considered one of the most dangerous places in the known universe. However, the planet continuous to be a myth to the world and is likely never to be found. However, the temptation to travel to this location is almost insatiable and quite literally nothing compares to the raw and untamed animistic nature of this planet. The dark and light side of the force have no particular sway on this planet, the force itself is not entirely in control of this planet, its out of control.
Throughout the years since the rumors of such a planet came to the ears of powerful men and women, many have traveled to this planet in search of glory and have never returned. This planet is a whisper, and most fear for those who entertain the thought of its existence. It is scientifically un-explainable and would likely confuse any force sensitive.
Notable PCs: None
Intent: To create an interesting and dynamic apocalyptic location in which entirely any form of beast or hazard can be faced. It serves as a sandbox for all kinds of adventures and holds a secret anyone would want, but the planet remains so dangerous that a war over this planet would set the galaxy on fire. It's a temptation that some may fall too and could be used time and time again for people to test themselves against any manner of enemy they wish to face.