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Abbigail Knight


NAME: Abbigail Knight
FACTION: The Seven Swords
RANK: Apprentice Force User, The Fifth Sword
SPECIES: Miraluka
AGE: 19
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'2''
WEIGHT: 102 lbs.
EYES: No eyes, Miraluka have none.
HAIR: Straight, black hair. Longer on the left side, but mostly short.
SKIN: Pale White.
LANGUAGES: "All" (See Force Power: Comprehend Languages), Miralukese, Basic, Gamorrean, Huttese



+Heavily Force Sensitive: As a Miraluka, Abbigail is extremely sensitive to the force, many aspects of it coming to her almost naturally. As such, she can learn new force abilities quicker than most, and her power with the force is great.

+Extremely High Midi-chlorian Count: This goes along the same lines as above, however Abbigail in particular goes above and beyond Miraluka standards, regarding the force. Though she knows little of it's secrets and power now, she has incredible potential. Because of this, and her race's sensitivity to the force, she learns new powers extremely quickly, and is a shockingly good student in the field.

+Luck/Reflexes: Whatever you would like to call it, this is the trait that almost all force sensitives possess. It can manifest as incredible luck, great strategic positioning, clever use of the environment, or simple reflexes due to 'seeing' things before they happen.

+Miraluka Eyes: Abbigail possesses the 'eyes' that all Miraluka do. She has no physical eyes, only empty eye sockets (with surgically-attached eyelids, so she doesn't need the mask that identifies her as a Miraluka). On that note, however, she does possess the innate capability of 'Force Sight', which allows her to see all around her with the force. This vision in almost every way functions as normal vision, other than the fact that she cannot be blinded via conventional means, she can "see" all of her surroundings at once, and the world appears to have no color, generally, things only appear to have various shades of gray, depending on what their original colors originally were (meaning she can tell the difference between black and white, but other colors might as well be gray). When observing an organic, she can tell by their 'color' or radiant aura what alignment they are. That is, to say, whether they are good, evil, or simply neutral. Doors and walls and non-organic objects in general appear translucent to someone using force sight, and as such Abbigail can see through objects, with minor distortion as the object only appears to be translucent, not transparent. Thanks to this trait, Miraluka have their sight and reflexes heavily strengthened.

+Highly Intelligent: In the strictest sense of the term, Abbigail is very Intelligent. She can be ditzy, and not particularly smart at times, but she has very high capacity to acquire knowledge, and apply it properly, making her a very easy person to teach; as long as you remain as straight-forward as possible. Due to how quickly she learns and is capable of applying new knowledge, Abbigail can be considered as 'Novice' in any skill she learns to use, the moment she learns it. Skills listed as 'beginner' in level are skills that Abbigail doesn't fully realize she is capable of using at the moment, and are of an extremely rudimentary level of power.

+Natural: Abbigail's high capacity to learn combined with her heightened force sensitivity and awareness of her surroundings translates into a natural talent for fighting. Due to her awareness of her surroundings, she can usually use them to her advantage quite well, whether in combat or while running away from someone. As long as she keeps a level head, that is.

+/-Masochism: To a notably minor degree, but still mentionable, Abbigail is a masochist. When it comes to Abbigail in particular, this means that she does feel pain, but doesn't have the same aversion to it that most species do; in fact, she can actually enjoy it to a degree. This makes her difficult to torture or control using pain, but mind games and the like will still have an effect on her. This does mean that she will not respond properly to pain though, which can lead to her being a bit reckless at times.

-Hot-headed: Though she is not stupid, Abbigail is also not disciplined enough to resist many of her instincts. Because of this, she frequently gets herself in trouble, and tends to commit actions that would be considered in-line with the "Dark Side" of the force. She is, however, in the end, a good person, and would normally consider herself part of the "Light Side".

-Inexperienced: Abbigail has very little experience with fighting, flying, or anything of the sort. She is quite capable in various domestic skills, some force powers, and has minor skill in the echani fighting style, but otherwise she has to rely on her natural ability for the most part in a physical confrontation, and she doesn't have the hardened skin and bones of an experienced fighter/adventurer.

-Volatile: Due to her intense knack for the force, Abbigail can sometimes lose control over it. She is so highly powerful in those powers that she can make use of, that they can sometimes manifest as more violent than they were originally intended, such as attempting to lift an X-wing with the force and accidentally chucking it through the air.

-Naive: Abbigail has much trust in those around her; too much, at times. She has trouble believing that people can be malicious just for the sake of it, or that some people are just in it for themselves. She will often fall for simple tricks and lies, so even though her mind is strong she would likely be tricked even by a jedi mind trick, if it were worded properly. (E.G.; "These are not the droids you're looking for." "Oh, really? Okay then! Have a nice day!")

-Curious: Abbigail can scare quite easily, and can even be quite shy, but her curiosity is still a noticeable force in her personality. Be in for good of for worse, Abbigail can't help but want to explore and go on adventures, or try to follow people around, sheerly due to her own curiosity.

-Indecisive: Though she is a clever girl, Abbigail can be very indecisive, especially under pressure. Many times she will crumble on the battlefield and lose control of herself, either clamming up and running away or simply attacking like crazy, simply because she couldn't think of what to do. Given time to think ahead of time, she can be quite brilliant, but force her to make a snap decision and 6/10 times she will be left in a stupor.

Abbigail is very short for her race, standing only five feet and two inches high, where the average for her people is five foot nine, to five foot ten. She is a light girl, weighing only 102 lbs., and because of this she is quite skinny, with a wire-thin frame. Her waist is tiny, with comparatively large hips and bust. She has no eyes, as all Miraluka, however unlike most of her kind she has chosen not to hide her face with a mask or a shawl of some sort, rather to have eyelids surgically attached so that she could just keep her eyes closed (the idea was so that no one would know, upon seeing her, that she was a Miraluka). She has silken black hair, worn shorter on one side than the other, the longer side coming down to her bust. She wears a joyful expression at most times, usually just "happy to be alive", in her words, and she has a small, soft, "heart-shaped" face. Abbigail has a slender neck, long arms and fingers, and even longer legs, all of which are smooth and milky in complexion.

Abbigail tends to prefer wearing light clothes, with contrasting color schemes (usually black and white, as she usually only sees in shades of gray and can, as such, only see those colors). Her standard outfit is a ruffled, white silk blouse with a thin black hooded robe over it. The robe is also made of silk, and is very soft to the touch with long sleeves, making it a very comfortable (and fluttery) garb. For bottoms, she seems to prefer wearing skirts over anything else, so in her normal outfit she wears a long, black skirt made of the same material as her robe, though the bottom hem of the skirt is slightly weighted to prevent it from flipping up in the wind. Finally, she likes to wear soft, fuzzy white socks, though that's all that ever remains consistent about her footwear. From day to day, she switches between wearing foot wraps, to sandals, to sneakers, or even high-heels.

Abbigail was born into slavery, on a planet where her population had been subdued long ago. She worked hard for the first years of her life, and even saw her parents, and many other close loved ones and friends die. The experience gave her a deep thirst for freedom, and an even deeper appreciation for the life of all things. She escaped the mines that she had been forced to work (the Gammorian slavers used the Miraluka's ability to see through solid objects to locate the richest veins) at the age of 7, when she managed to get free of one of her shackles by stealing the key off of a particularly sleepy and careless guard. She made her way up to the surface slowly and quietly over the course of three days, the length of which was mostly spent hiding from search parties. Once she was sure they were done looking for her, as they seemed to have assumed she was already long gone, she ran for the hills, coming across the ship of a small-time smuggler named "Barnick" and hiding away on it in several of the secret compartments, dancing between main hiding places when she saw Barnick getting too close. She ate the man's food stashes, slowly driving him to the point of thinking he had gone crazy, before disembarking after an unfortunate turn events when she had fallen asleep and finally been found by the shockingly amused, but still quite angry smuggler. He gave her some credits out of the kindness of his heart, which she had suspected he would do due to his blueish aura, but he still forced her off of his ship on Coruscant, where she lived povertously until the age of 19. During those years, she discovered that she was actually more force sensitive than even most of her race, having an insanely high midi-chlorian count. On top of that, after turning 13 she found various ancient echani texts, outlining combat techniques and the like. She never became quite proficient at the Echani combat style, but she managed to learn the basics. Since then, Abbigail has left Coruscant and is currently out, exploring the galaxy.



Force Skills/Abilities
Ranking - Beginner, Novice, Adept, Expert, Master
Force Body - Novice*
Force Speed - Novice*
Force Stealth - Beginner*
Force Sense - Beginner*
Precognition - Beginner*
Empathy - Beginner*
Farsight - Novice
Force Sight - Master (Racial)
Telepathy - Beginner*
Force Weapon - Novice

[Note: Skills marked with an asterisk (*) are powers that Abbigail has gained use of through her natural connection to the force, and are abilities that she doesn't fully realize she is capable of. Training is required with these skills for her to be able to use them intentionally or reliably.]

Telepathy Abilities:
Comprehend Languages - Using telepathy to comprehend, and speak, almost any alien language.

General Skills
Ranking - Beginner, Novice, Adept, Expert, Master

Cooking - Novice
Echani Hand to Hand - Novice
Climbing - Novice
Echani Lore/Traditions - Novice
Staff/Stick Combat - Novice
Stealth - Novice
Free Running - Novice
First Aid - Novice
Massage Therapy - Novice
Galactic Lore - Novice

@[member="Thurion Heavenshield"], @[member="Shawn Jenson"]

Thank you both very much! I've been working on the idea for a while now, but I was worried that it was poorly put together. I tried to tie everything together, but I just wasn't sure if I did a good job.

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